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Slingbox, Any One Useing In Thailand


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Any other slingbox users please chime in and report your success or lack therof in slinging during the day in Thailand.

Koh Samui, 3.30 PM on Maxnet, 650-670 kbps

Using Relakks it's around 500 kbps

Edited by marcus
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well I am still getting 700 to 800 download with my 1 mb connection with ji-net....you must get a true line, then do NOT get DSL from true, call ji-net ask if you can use with that number.....tthe bad thing is most of the time true will only allow you to use true....I was stuck with that for severl years tell I moved to a new address and now can get ji-net.... NO matter what plan you get with true you will have issues....As I stated before my Vonage VOIP was NOT even useable with true just before switching to Ji-net....I think any real good download speeds in Thailand are still a few years away since the CAT controls everything here....I did here that people useing CAT internet hynet I think it is called where happy and getting advertised speeds on international links.

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You mean it might be possible to watch hockey night in Canada from my computer here in Thailand? I am interested!!

I've been watching HNIC and other NHL broadcasts for ages here in Thailand. It's done by using bit torrents and accessing couple of websites, one of them being a dedicated tracker. As the games have to be captured, decoded and then uploaded, it means watching them a day after the fact, but that's never bothered me. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll be happy to help.

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I think any real good download speeds in Thailand are still a few years away since the CAT controls everything here....I did here that people useing CAT internet hynet I think it is called where happy and getting advertised speeds on international links.

I won't quibble with genobkk about the fact that CAT controls the gateway but here in Pattaya I have heard nothing but horror stories about CAT's internet service Hynet. The same complaints that you can read about for EVERY ISP in this forum. Unfortunately what is good for one is not necessarily good for the other here in Thailand.

What I would ask genobkk is why JI-net would be able to provide better speeds than other ISP's if they have to use the customers phone line (copper) and CAT's gateway ? I am a big fan of Ji-net since they were my ISP back in the dial up days. And have heard good things about their broadband offerings but am confused on how they do it.


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is anyone useing slingbox to watch TV from thier home country??? if so what are the speeds that you get and the ISP that you are using.....if you do not know about slingbox it is a device that you hook up to your internet and cable back home, you control your cable box or DVR just like you are at home....it is a bit costly as you need cable TV and a good internet connection back home and here.....

it would be great to hear if anyone else is doing this.....thanks

I use it I love it!

True the quality depends on your connection but it is a wonderful thing for me to watch and or listen to all the American sports., I hooked it up to a TIVO so if i do have Internet problems ( which of course I do) the recorded program is just waiting for me to access it when i do have InterNET.


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  • 2 months later...
is anyone useing slingbox to watch TV from thier home country??? if so what are the speeds that you get and the ISP that you are using.....if you do not know about slingbox it is a device that you hook up to your internet and cable back home, you control your cable box or DVR just like you are at home....it is a bit costly as you need cable TV and a good internet connection back home and here.....

it would be great to hear if anyone else is doing this.....thanks

I have been testing slinging from Windsor Canada. I have a Slingbox Pro hooked up on a reasonably fast network (2M up and down) at home near Detroit Michigan. I am leaving for Thailand next week and need to decide whether to keep the Pro or return for refund because from what I read in this forum, getting a reliable "slingable" connection in Lopburi may be problematic at best. The network here in Canada is of rather low quality (about 600Kbps - probably about the same as in Thailand) and the fastest streaming is about 400Kbps which is fine. Even 200K would be OK in Thailand because, surprisingly enough, in Canada 200K still produces a viewable end result. A recorder solves the slow stream problem anyway. BUT, I have been having many SlingPlayer freeze-ups in Canada and I about ready to pitch everything because I worry freeze-ups may be a problem in Thailand too. No freeze-ups in Detroit so it evidently is a network related problem.

As far as the SlingBox overall product itself, it is fantastic when everything is working right.

Anybody in Thailand have SlingPlayer freeze-up problems? Anybody hooked up successfully from Lopburi?


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  • 7 months later...
You do need a host human that doesn't mind resetting the slingbox or host router from time to time. For awhile, I needed this really often. Lately, much more stable. I have no idea why.

I am trying to circumvent that problem by putting my router on a simple timer. I slung from Nov to Feb last year with pretty good results on TT&T Maxnet 2MB but she died in the middle of March so I was slingless .

This year I am only a few days into slinging and my results have been outstanding. No stuttering, freeze ups or discernible problems. I am even able to set the audio to stereo and do get the stereo effect in my headphones. I am now on TT&T's 3MB service for the same 1,900 THB I paid for 2MB last year.

Broadband speed test show me anywhere from 2500 kps to 1000 kps but averaging 1500. Unfortunately for statistical purposes I have not even looked to see what my Slingbox AV is slinging at.

I attempted using X-10 electrical control modules with a phone controller for reset purposes. Unfortunately increasing the line voltage to operate the modules knocked out the cable modem so that was not a viable solution. Hopefully the daily router reset will keep the router working. Never needed a Slinbox reset so only time will tell if I should have also put the Slingbox on a timer.

We will see how the next 6 months of slinging works out.

I have been testing slinging from Windsor Canada. I have a Slingbox Pro hooked up on a reasonably fast network (2M up and down) at home near Detroit Michigan. I am leaving for Thailand next week and need to decide whether to keep the Pro or return for refund because from what I read in this forum, getting a reliable "slingable" connection in Lopburi may be problematic at best. The network here in Canada is of rather low quality (about 600Kbps - probably about the same as in Thailand) and the fastest streaming is about 400Kbps which is fine. Even 200K would be OK in Thailand because, surprisingly enough, in Canada 200K still produces a viewable end result. A recorder solves the slow stream problem anyway. BUT, I have been having many SlingPlayer freeze-ups in Canada and I about ready to pitch everything because I worry freeze-ups may be a problem in Thailand too. No freeze-ups in Detroit so it evidently is a network related problem.

As far as the SlingBox overall product itself, it is fantastic when everything is working right.

Anybody in Thailand have SlingPlayer freeze-up problems? Anybody hooked up successfully from Lopburi?


I would keep it and bring it, if only because you will kick yourself if you get here and have a good internet connection. I personally don't know about Lopburi but I am amazed that the internet infrastructure has improved so much over the last 2 or 3 years. You don't say whether or not you sling in Canada live or via a DVR / TiVo but it has been my experience that I get a noticeably better results streaming a DVR, versus streaming a live broadcast.

It appears to me that the Slingbox player has an easier time streaming if it has a constant speed as it's source. But as most things here in Thailand YMMV.


Edited by Langsuan Man
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I am a happy Slingbox user. There have been technical issues and I am lucky enough to have a techy nerd hosting my box in the US so we have solved all problems. My main concern is being booted off his US internet connection for excessive bandwidth use. It is also connected to a DVR and a DVD player with Netflix account. Yes, I am spoiled!

Which Thai internet package do you have and how is the Slingbox download ? I'm thinking Maxnet is really not the best choice for me :o

TOT goldcyber. The streaming is mostly only good late at night and sometimes afternoons. Thats the downside.

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  • 5 months later...

I was just wondering what the current state of play is with slingbox?

I am going back home for a couple of weeks later this year and was thinking of setting one up on my mums spare sky tv box, she has pretty decent connection at home 8Mb and doesn't use it for much more than the occasional email etc. so its not likely to bother her at all eerrrrmm not so sure how good she would be with a technical problem!!!

I have 1Mb Cable internet with true its very stable but I'm not sure would be quick enough, however they have told me that it is going up to 5Mb in a week or so :) and I'm hoping that would be more than sufficient for slingbox??!!

Does anyone have any recent experience of using Slingbox over here in Thailand? I am looking to use it on my full HD TV which is the display for my PC is this going to look really crap on a bit screen?

and well this would seem extreemly optimistic but you never know!.......is anyone streaming sky hd or any other HD tv from around the world?

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I was just wondering what the current state of play is with slingbox?

I am going back home for a couple of weeks later this year and was thinking of setting one up on my mums spare sky tv box, she has pretty decent connection at home 8Mb and doesn't use it for much more than the occasional email etc. so its not likely to bother her at all eerrrrmm not so sure how good she would be with a technical problem!!!

I have 1Mb Cable internet with true its very stable but I'm not sure would be quick enough, however they have told me that it is going up to 5Mb in a week or so :) and I'm hoping that would be more than sufficient for slingbox??!!

Does anyone have any recent experience of using Slingbox over here in Thailand? I am looking to use it on my full HD TV which is the display for my PC is this going to look really crap on a bit screen?

and well this would seem extreemly optimistic but you never know!.......is anyone streaming sky hd or any other HD tv from around the world?

It works, the only question is how good will the video quality be. If you can get an international connection with at least 200 kps, then you can expect the feed to be reliable but to have quality about on par with You Tube. If you can get 800 kpbs, it will be decent quality but not as good as standard definition television.

You don't need 5 Mbps cable for Slingbox unless the location where you've installed your Slingbox can support upload speeds that are about that fast.

Just my opinion - generally torrents are the way to go if you just want to watch current TV shows; and if you're watching sports it might be better to subscribe to a service that streams them.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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  • 1 year later...

I am also a slingbox user. I started a thread at because I was having so much trouble with bandwidth speeds and my slingbox picture.

As I wrote, I have had to set the sling watch software down to 320x240 to keep the picture and audio from freezing. It now works, and we have been watching it more - but it is low quality.

The problem is *NOT* with slingbox. The problem is with Thailand's INTERNATIONAL gateway and bandwidth constriction.

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Yes Chaihot, from my experience as well, it is the International bandwidth issue that limits the quality of Slingbox-delivered video...at least, under the current technology environment.

Part of it also, though, may be the compression ratios involved. As I reported in the other thread on watching US/UK TV online, I ended up getting a much better quality and smoother video from one provider who was using Flash-based video, compared to Slingbox video on a different plan from the same provider.

And of course, my own Internet service with True (8 mb) was constant thruought... So I'm guessing, Flash uses a higher compression ratio, meaning it can deliver a better quality stream with less pixelating than Slingbox does.

The same is true with my other Flash delivered video content such as NFL and NBA games via subscription. All of those video streams play fine here at my home in BKK with no pixelating... unlike the content I was getting from Slingbox providers.

But, I must say, it's still been great to be able to watch 64 channel and 180 channel cable TV systems from the U.S. the past few days, using a couple of Slingbox service provider trials... Hadn't seen anything like that in the 3 years since I left the U.S.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys

I'm sorry but I've only just got home and up early tomorrow for golf so haven't read any respoinsdes on this thread (but will tomporrow().

I set up a slingbox at my daughters house recently in the UK. Picture quality on my PC is OK but no more than OK. However I aalso bought a Slingcatcher from yhe UK and when download speeds are good enough the video & Audio quality is not HD quality but is exceptionally good. I deliberately did not use HD as it would require even greater band width. Using the Slingcatcher direct to my TV gives far better pixture than PC reception. To get consistent viewing quality you need download speed between 700 & 800 Kkbs which you can usually get at 2 or 3 in the morning. If it drops below 500 to 600 Kbps then the break up of video & audio becomes un-acceptable. Like everyone else on this thread, I would love advice about an ISP which can provide sufficient download speeds on a regular basis (If there is such a thing in Thailand). I will be back on this thread tomorrow evening to pick up any advice and as I have some experience to give any, if I can.

BTW as anyone else tried using Slingcatcher to receive in Thailand?

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You do need a host human that doesn't mind resetting the slingbox or host router from time to time. For awhile, I needed this really often. Lately, much more stable. I have no idea why.

Only been using it in Thailand for a week ot 2 but never had to have a reset in the UK. I record stuff straight to the Sky box in the UK but can only watch the recordings at 2 or 3 in the morning.

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I will switch to KSC 2 MB package in Dec, will post my feedback here on seaming ..Has anyone bought slingCagher yet?

Yes, I have a Slingcatcher which gives great picture quality on my 42" TV but seems to need faster download speeds than watching on PC

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