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"the Expat Rose Colored Glasses Brigade"


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For those of you who aren't 100% happy in Thailand, what is it exactly that causes you discomfort?

If I ever met anyone anywhere in the world who is 100% happy I'd be very suspicious and ask probing questions about the substances they ingest. :o

Are you, as you infer, 100% happy in Thailand?

All places have warts, even Utopia must have a sewage disposal system. That we sometimes complain about the warts shows we care about the place. Some folks complain more than others, that's their perogative and if you don't like what you are reading don't read it. Some folks like to post deliberately inflammatory views just to start a p1ssing contest, that is their perogative amd if you don't like the way the thread is going just bow out.

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For those of you who aren't 100% happy in Thailand, what is it exactly that causes you discomfort?

If I ever met anyone anywhere in the world who is 100% happy I'd be very suspicious and ask probing questions about the substances they ingest. :o

Are you, as you infer, 100% happy in Thailand?

All places have warts, even Utopia must have a sewage disposal system. That we sometimes complain about the warts shows we care about the place. Some folks complain more than others, that's their perogative and if you don't like what you are reading don't read it. Some folks like to post deliberately inflammatory views just to start a p1ssing contest, that is their perogative amd if you don't like the way the thread is going just bow out.

So what are the things about Thailand that you don't like?

In my honest opinion, if you guys were to list the things you dislike about Thailand, it is more likely that your complaints are with yourself and your own short comings than they are with the country itself.

And like I said before, why bother complaining regardless?

Edited by TonyLeung
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So what are the things about Thailand that you don't like?

That's really not what this thread was supposed to be about :D .

Alas, poor Yorick ... :o

So this thread was just a place complain about all those people who are happier than you with their lifes? Haha

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20 minutes reading this thread.

What have I learnt?


In my book everyone is different.. some people:

Love it here

Like it here

Don't mind it here

Put up with it here

Are stuck here

Hate it here

Want to leave here.

and all for differing reasons

Since when have things changed?

I am sure that ex-pats in every country in the world fall into all of these catagories

There is always something to be learnt if you want to.

Did you mean "categories"?

there is always a smart ass that picks up on a typo...funny I never had you classed as that sort of person mate.

Just shows how pinikity (did I spell that right?) some people can be. :D

I feel sorry for you :D

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20 minutes reading this thread.

What have I learnt?


In my book everyone is different.. some people:

Love it here

Like it here

Don't mind it here

Put up with it here

Are stuck here

Hate it here

Want to leave here.

and all for differing reasons

Since when have things changed?

I am sure that ex-pats in every country in the world fall into all of these catagories

There is always something to be learnt if you want to.

Did you mean "categories"?

there is always a smart ass that picks up on a typo...funny I never had you classed as that sort of person mate.

Just shows how pinikity (did I spell that right?) some people can be. :D

I feel sorry for you :D

I agree how sad is that or BITCHY! to pick up on a typing error.

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I mentioned something that occured in my life in an attempt to demonstrate the value of remaining positive no matter where we are.

Did you feel positive about actually being in the gutter? Or did your positivity enable you to extricate yourself from an intolerable situation and put that part of your life behind you?

Yes I did feel positive about this.

It is very liberating realising that I could handle something that others live in fear of.

When I hit the gutter I realised that this was as bad as it gets and the only way is to stay down or go up.

It allowed me to see that I had become a bit of a scumbag.

There was no denying it.

There are plenty of people out there who are scumbags but don't see it; some even appear succesful.

I feel no shame about things in my life but instead feel proud.

I learnt valuable lessons.

That's all I can say on the subject really.

I don't want further accusations of looking for sympathy or playing the martyr.

There will always be people looking for the hateful and spiteful in every post.

I have never seen myself as a victim as I have been fully responsible for everything that occured in mt life.

I was fully deserving of all the good and the bad.

Luckily for me the good has far outweighed the bad :o

The old shaggy dog story...i think it was pointless to mention your hard luck story, the people i look up to are the ones who don't get themselves in that position in the first place, did'nt get my hanky out.

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This has syndrome has been mentioned from time to time here on TV.

How prevalent is it today?

It is widespread! While living in Thailand overall may be great, it cannot be denied that some of what happens here is weird, strange or sometimes just wrong.

What annoys me is that some people simply see the country as perfect. It isn't. Everywhere has its problems... Just pointing out what problem does not mean that overall you don't like living here. But some people don't see it that way. Any negative comment about Thailand they see as a negative comment about them. Taking things so personally is a sign of serious insecurity.

Yes, spoken like someone who knows a thing or two. It is amazing farangs buying into this "thailand is perfect" rubbish and how quickly they slag off on anyone who does not buy into their illusion.

Your relationship with Thailand .... whatever it is .... sex, "love", food, climate culture .... will end whan your money ends.


Wow talk about "Transcendental Truth."

Jimmy you are a bottom line kind of guy.

Sorry, no place for that here... :o

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Shoot Neeranam, Someone who has very likely read more of Mr K than I.

He (K) stopped me dead in my tracks way back (in fact I thought 'hey, this is gunna be easy-peasy') when he said something like 'if you can't handle the revelation of this (truth) then you should "just cop out, loser" - or words to that effect...I don't translate too well.

I'm still trying - I think I am anyway - to find that particular text...maybe I'm ready for it...but not sure about that.

Shoot fletch - does that mean that as a sm*rt*ss bell-ringer I have to examine my motives?

Alas, now that I think about it, I fear you are right.

I can only say that I like dogs 'et al', and wouldn't use ('torture') them that way, even for big bucks. Like the archetypically egregious Dr Taub, who use ('tortured') monkeys in the name of science all those infamous years ago. I really think he did it in the name of Dr Taub.

Ah, science, that delightful playground for those who easily compartmentalise feelings from cold intellect, those who 'enjoy' their children, spouse and pets, but don't possess the ability to love them, somewhat after the fashion, I like to imagine, of Dr Mengele. Sadly such creature do, and will always, exist. Oh dear, I digress. Apologies folks. Where are my RC glasses? I'll get out your way. :o

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With me it depends on what's going on, if everything is well then I see things through rose colored glasses. If I get stopped by the boys in brown in order to get a donation, or a vendor tries to overcharge me, the glasses come off and I bash. I know its not good to have these types of emotional swings, but I put it off to being human. As for money, I have never experienced a surplus, I can always use more, weird isn't it.

My glasses are on when I get stopped for speeding by the BIB on the long trip up to khon Kaen. 2 mins time I am on my way minus 3-500bht :D ....It would cost me over 4000bht and 3 points back in the Uk...(12 points is an instant ban from driving and massive increase in car insurrance)

I'm glad for you in having found a cheap way of breaking the law, and feel smug about it. I'm also glad to read that it only extends to traffic laws ( hopefully ), and that your not a killer, or child molester escaping justice by also paying bribes. The rampant corruption is something rose colored glasses can't hide. It affects the country in every aspect. It is one of the biggest, if not the biggest problem that Thailand is facing. I'm sure more people fueling this system are needed. You have found the right place to be.

Mellow out old boy. It was just a light hearted comment concerning driving. The roads up there are nearly empty and 140km/hour hardly puts me in the child molester bracket.

As far as corruption being Thailand’s biggest problem. What do you base your opinion on? Do you know anything at all about Asia. At the moment I work in India, which has far more corruption and also has the 2nd fastest growing economy on the planet. I have also worked in Vietnam, which has basic corruption levels (speeding tickets/bribes) about on a par with Thailand and much higher levels when dealing with government officials (couldn’t even get our machinery off the docks without handing over a brown envelope)…the fastest growing economy in S.E Asia… The cops were pretty straight in Hong Kong but the big money corruption was rife (again a booming economy)

Chill out mate and enjoy the place for what it is. It isn’t the UK/USA/Europe thank god and that’s why I live here. Not because I am on the run for being a kiddie fiddler :o

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20 minutes reading this thread.

What have I learnt?


In my book everyone is different.. some people:

Love it here

Like it here

Don't mind it here

Put up with it here

Are stuck here

Hate it here

Want to leave here.

and all for differing reasons

Since when have things changed?

I am sure that ex-pats in every country in the world fall into all of these catagories

There is always something to be learnt if you want to.

Did you mean "categories"?

there is always a smart ass that picks up on a typo...funny I never had you classed as that sort of person mate.

Just shows how pinikity (did I spell that right?) some people can be. :D

I feel sorry for you :D

I agree how sad is that or BITCHY! to pick up on a typing error.

I can't believe people are that serious. Now have 6 glasses of beer and come back to respond to my post. Hope you won't get that angry by then.

Do you really think I care so much about spellings? :D

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:o markwhite, Sir,

Our own universe?

Implying that you, MW, feel no connection to anyone/thing outside yourself? External suffering doesn't register with you? "I'm alright Jack" sort of thing? Is that all there is for you, your own universe?

This is of course a legitimate point of view, and assume with due respect that you've examined the matter sufficiently to actually have acquired your own point of view.

I wouldn't consider, even for a moment, that you are merely quoting someone, from a song lyric perhaps, as I am not an inherently unkind person.

However, it seems I've heard the phrase 'my (her/his) own universe' or 'my (his/her) own private universe', or whatever it was you said, elsewhere.

Perhaps I'm mistaken - a not entirely uncommon phenomonen - perhaps this is indeed an original thought of yours.

Either way, I feel compelled to tell you that I am deeply envious of you. No irony, I'm serious.

I have always craved, nay, envied, self-absorption, self-aggrandisement, unbridled, unconstrained (by conscience) personal ambition, separation from the other (i.e. from the suffering of the 'other').

I see my failure to attain this evolved status - this 'new man' staus - as a flaw.

Why the h_ll can't it be all about me, I ask. I am at a loss. I've clearly failed. I shall to forfeit riches. I hang my head in shame.

Thanks MW, I needed a that.

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It seems that you are mellow about the total misinterpretation of your Thai/'bribe' - UK/equivalent setup. Good one.

You gave me a good laugh. One of the reasons why people like LOS, so unreasonable yet so reasonable, so acceptable, so manageable.

I just don't know why some refuse to either read a post, or are unable to get the drift. Sense of humour thing I guess. No offence to the poster who saw fit to bother responding with anegative. I'm just gently amused.

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Do you observe any of the afore mentioned symptoms in your self?

It is good that you got yourself cleaned up. Really...

Pepe, you are an arsehol_e!


Where I grew up we always said "It takes one to know one" or "Whatever name you call me bounces off me and double sticks on you"

It was actually a serious inquiry.

Stop calling names and flinging insults per forum rules.

Oh that's right if it's done to me it's always done with impunity. So go ahead and tell me how you really feel.

Don't worry, "teacher won't hit you with a ruler."... :o

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I'm just thankful that participation in these [...] threads is not compulsory. :o

Eleven pages of garbage. The best post was the third one, suggesting the thread be closed.


You know what they say about opinions don't you?

For the record Thailand is one of my favorite all time places... :D

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I'm just thankful that participation in these [...] threads is not compulsory. :o

Eleven pages of garbage. The best post was the third one, suggesting the thread be closed.


You know what they say about opinions don't you?

Then I will give you my opinion.

This thread has some merit because it is asking a reasonable question - ie do we expats living here look at Thailand with our eyes and mind open or do we try to live to our perceptions.

My perception of this thread however is that it is degenerating into name calling and personal abuse. You all know the rules and I suggest most sincerely that you all abide by them as of this post.

I have deleted a few offending posts already and will close the thread if it does not impove.

Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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Some years ago I knew a psycholgy-trained person who was quite brilliant in her/his day-to-day practice, but severely limited beyond the point at which her training took him/her.

(You're trying to guess the gender aren't you). This person's lack of self-insight was quite remarkable. Not to say awe-inspiring.

Relevant and gently put observations went right over this person's head.

Comprehension was nil. Her/his (his/her) training produced nought but a robot, though an effective one. The bucks came in.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but training in the so-called helping professions is, more often than not, bestowed upon those who themselves need help. Such people feel an irresistible attraction to the subject, and would be astonished if this attraction were mooted, much less specifically alluded to.

They just wouldn't get it (they want to help people don't they - can't one see that! This is when the blood flows to the head).

I've met more walking wounded who want to help people than you've had fried rice.

The nitty gritty is this mate: you couldn't be more wrong about garro if you were consciously (note emphasis) trying to be a nark. You are way - that is - way off the mark. Your pop-psychology is pretty impressive, but that's all it is - pop.

Your life experience (and subsequent self-actualisation and self-knowledge) wouldn't hold a candle to garro's - it's obvious from your amazingly incompetent way off-the-mark, disguised-as-kind-observations of him.

garro has learnt the hard way, and has found peace. You, my friend, are still to find it.

Leave the man alone. Indulge yourself elsewhere.

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It was actually a serious inquiry

No it wasn't. I don't understand why you're giving Garro a hard time.


Come on now. Behind the scenes you just PMed me and apologized and said I was one of your favorite posters.

Why are you still giving me a hard time in public? :o

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Some years ago I knew a psycholgy-trained person who was quite brilliant in her/his day-to-day practice, but severely limited beyond the point at which her training took him/her.

(You're trying to guess the gender aren't you).

P--- Wrong comming out the gate I was not thinking gender.

This person's lack of self-insight was quite remarkable. Not to say awe-inspiring.

Relevant and gently put observations went right over this person's head.

Comprehension was nil. Her/his (his/her) training produced nought but a robot, though an effective one. The bucks came in.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but training in the so-called helping professions is, more often than not, bestowed upon those who themselves need help. Such people feel an irresistible attraction to the subject, and would be astonished if this attraction were mooted, much less specifically alluded to.

They just wouldn't get it (they want to help people don't they - can't one see that! This is when the blood flows to the head).

P---Speculation pure and simple.

I've met more walking wounded who want to help people than you've had fried rice.

P---Welcome to the human race.

The nitty gritty is this mate: you couldn't be more wrong about garro if you were consciously (note emphasis) trying to be a nark. You are way - that is - way off the mark. Your pop-psychology is pretty impressive, but that's all it is - pop.

P--- That is your opinion and you are welcome to it.

Your life experience (and subsequent self-actualisation and self-knowledge) wouldn't hold a candle to garro's - it's obvious from your amazingly incompetent way off-the-mark, disguised-as-kind-observations of him.

garro has learnt the hard way, and has found peace.

P--- You wouldn't know it by the insults and nasty posts that have been slung.

You, my friend, are still to find it.

P--- Correct. I work on that almost daily.

Leave the man alone.

P--- If one can't take the heat one shouldn't go in the kitchen.

Indulge yourself elsewhere.

P--- No you go elsewhere... :o


Don't take yourself so seriously.

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as one YELLOW SHIRT suggested

and what exactly does that mean?

Sorry missed this one....do you go out on Monday's? then you no what a yellow shirt is, when you see the thousands of yellow shirts, i bet you see thousands of Thais who love their King, and that's all!!! so i can bet you to where a yellow shirt on Monday's...i think others will get my drift, but it will confuse you.

Apologise for late reply...

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I'm just thankful that participation in these [...] threads is not compulsory. :o

Eleven pages of garbage. The best post was the third one, suggesting the thread be closed.


You know what they say about opinions don't you?

Then I will give you my opinion.

This thread has some merit because it is asking a reasonable question - ie do we expats living here look at Thailand with our eyes and mind open or do we try to live to our perceptions.

Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

Yes, Crow Boy, I agree. And I think I know the answer: some of us place the highest value on the positives in life, and some of us highly value trying to get to the truth of the matter, whatever it may be. These two perspectives are not so discrete for everyone, but for many people on TV they apparently are very distinct.

We come here to duke them out :D Thanks Mods!

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