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Global Warming Do You Care?


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I care very much, even if it's not true.

If we lived according to the parameters that would "theoretically" reduce global warming

It would be much more respectful to the earth and truly considerate of future generations.

Honestly to say you don't give a s_it is just plain ignorant.

Unless you're a republican... :o

You care very much even if its not true - your certainly not ignorant. What else do you care about that may be untrue. Just a caring sort of person i suppose - do as you are expected, saves on having a point of view of your own. Wouldnt want to question anything - that would be ignorant. (George Orwell wrote about you - i'm sure)

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As with most things I think people will deal with the symptoms and ignore the cause. In my opinion things will get much, much worse before anything is done and by then it will most likely be too late. Historically people are not proactive and many people refuse to believe in the science as can be seen by many of the posts herein.

".........any scientist without political funding (not bought) will show clear evidence that global warming is not man made....."

Pretty much my take on it as well.

Mankind doesn't help...but to think we have the ability to change the climate seems a bit pompous

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There's no point in caring. I care about the life my kid will or will not have, that's all. As is illustrated so aptly in this thread, the human race is not worth caring about, they're too greedy and stupid. Give up the greed and luxury? No way's. Ever. Ignore the problem. Confuse the issue. Whatever.

It's too late anyways. Global warming will not happen in a straight line, it feeds upon itself. The UN report is overly conservative, else it would never have been accepted by so many nations.

Love ya all. Have a good trip :o

Edited by OlRedEyes
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I care very much, even if it's not true.

If we lived according to the parameters that would "theoretically" reduce global warming

It would be much more respectful to the earth and truly considerate of future generations.

Honestly to say you don't give a s_it is just plain ignorant.

Unless you're a republican... :o

You care very much even if its not true - your certainly not ignorant. What else do you care about that may be untrue. Just a caring sort of person i suppose - do as you are expected, saves on having a point of view of your own. Wouldnt want to question anything - that would be ignorant. (George Orwell wrote about you - i'm sure)


I care about spiritual life and the possibility of attaining Buddha, however I know it's all faith and there's really no proof it can happen but I won't stop trying... :D

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<br />I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)<br /><br />In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint". <br /><br />We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith. <br /><br />Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.<br /><br />I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care. <br /><br />Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No I dont care for the attitude its "our fault" and many governments blatant acceptance of it including the BBC ramming it down our throats with no other points of view allowed. Yes its warming, whether its due to us or any other cyclical event or co2 no one is sure. Its also a great tax raiser.

I do believe we should not abuse the environment. Carbon footprint drivel. And dont get me started on hybrid cars when it would be far better to use your car for 50 years and just replace parts rather than manufacture new wiht all the pollution it produces.

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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.

Your post is so nonsensical and contradictory, that I can now understand why subsequent posts have mostly been in the same dull vein.

What do you mean "......we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac............"? Had him doing what? Or did you perhaps pull a practical joke on him? Or perhaps you and your mates "had" him, as in rogered him? Or perhaps you were so incensed with his purported wealth, that you just couldn't remember what it was that bothered you in the first place about Zac and climae change?

It seems to me you have far more of a problem with people with more intelligence and wealth than yourself, suggest you should actually be concerned about what in the words of the UK government's chief scientist is "the most serious problem to face mankind". I hardly think that some of the world's most eminent scientists or the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change can be called "the liberal media".

And for the record, yes I do care about global warming, (along with many other serious environmental issues of mankind's making), and adjust my lifestyle accordingly.

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Adapt and evolve or become extinct is the history of this planet. What percentage of global warming is due to natural versus man made actions will probably be a subject of great debate for many years in the future. Regardless of the answer, IMHO we are probably past the point of no return in what now appears to be an increasing global warming phenomenon and the greatest challenge for future generations will probably be find ways to adapt and survive on this ever changing planet if we do not want to go the way of the dinosaurs.

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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.

Your post is so nonsensical and contradictory, that I can now understand why subsequent posts have mostly been in the same dull vein.

What do you mean "......we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac............"? Had him doing what? Or did you perhaps pull a practical joke on him? Or perhaps you and your mates "had" him, as in rogered him? Or perhaps you were so incensed with his purported wealth, that you just couldn't remember what it was that bothered you in the first place about Zac and climae change?

It seems to me you have far more of a problem with people with more intelligence and wealth than yourself, suggest you should actually be concerned about what in the words of the UK government's chief scientist is "the most serious problem to face mankind". I hardly think that some of the world's most eminent scientists or the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change can be called "the liberal media".

And for the record, yes I do care about global warming, (along with many other serious environmental issues of mankind's making), and adjust my lifestyle accordingly.



Slam dunk!

Like I said if we respected natural resources more and stopped raping Mother Nature, really guys how can that be a bad thing? :o

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<br />
I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)<br /><br />In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint". <br /><br />We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith. <br /><br />Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.<br /><br />I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care. <br /><br />Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.
<br /><br />Your post is so nonsensical and contradictory, that I can now understand why subsequent posts have mostly been in the same dull vein.<br /><br />What do you mean "......we have recently <b>had</b> Lord Goldsmiths son Zac............"? Had him doing what? Or did you perhaps pull a practical joke on him? Or perhaps you and your mates "had" him, as in rogered him? Or perhaps you were so incensed with his purported wealth, that you just couldn't remember what it was that bothered you in the first place about Zac and climae change?<br /><br />It seems to me you have far more of a problem with people with more intelligence and wealth than yourself, suggest you should actually be concerned about what in the words of the UK government's chief scientist is "the most serious problem to face mankind". I hardly think that some of the world's most eminent scientists or the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change can be called "the liberal media".<br /><br />And for the record, yes I do care about global warming, (along with many other serious environmental issues of mankind's making), and adjust my lifestyle accordingly.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Its not the most serious problem there are far more many pressing matters on a human level, we cant even stop bickering over who owns what piece of land in whoever's gods name, talkabout dumb. If we dont all survive I for one would think this planet would be a much much better place.

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Its not the most serious problem there are far more many pressing matters on a human level, we cant even stop bickering over who owns what piece of land in whoever's gods name, talkabout dumb. If we dont all survive I for one would think this planet would be a much much better place.


Hummmm. "Process of Natural Selection"

Veri EEnteresting... :o

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What do you mean "......we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac............"? Had him doing what? Or did you perhaps pull a practical joke on him? Or perhaps you and your mates "had" him, as in rogered him? Or perhaps you were so incensed with his purported wealth, that you just couldn't remember what it was that bothered you in the first place about Zac and climae change?

What bothered me was some little rich boy telling the rest of society to reduce CO2 emissions and not be mean when as i pointed out at the begenning of the post the rich are inevitably going to use more C02, you should keep up with UK politics a bit more then you would know.

It seems to me you have far more of a problem with people with more intelligence and wealth than yourself.

I have plenty of cash and getting richer all the time, I must have some intelligence to succeed in an exceptionally competitive business.

suggest you should actually be concerned about what in the words of the UK government's chief scientist is "the most serious problem to face mankind".

Its in the governemts interest so they can tax us more, weve the most expensive petrol in the EU and it doesnt stop people driving.

And for the record, yes I do care about global warming, (along with many other serious environmental issues of mankind's making), and adjust my lifestyle accordingly.

So long as it doesnt stop you flying round the globe.

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Global warming is not man made - the ice caps on mars are receding - and a number of planets further away from the sun than us are also warming. Why do so many people just swallow any sh*te which is fed to them. Oh yeah, cos Al Gore said so!

Any how global warming is a good thing: no need for sheep skin coats and wooly mittens.

PS. It is truly amazing and disturbing how so many - so called intelligent - people speak in media soundbites that they adopt as fact without question!

Edited by pointofview
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John Coleman, one-time noted meteorologist from Chicago, turned co-founder of "The Weather Channel" calls the global warming propaganda the greatest scam in history:


Anyone who submits to the propaganda has clearly been drinking too much of the koolaid.

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What do you mean "......we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac............"? Had him doing what? Or did you perhaps pull a practical joke on him? Or perhaps you and your mates "had" him, as in rogered him? Or perhaps you were so incensed with his purported wealth, that you just couldn't remember what it was that bothered you in the first place about Zac and climae change?

What bothered me was some little rich boy telling the rest of society to reduce CO2 emissions and not be mean when as i pointed out at the begenning of the post the rich are inevitably going to use more C02, you should keep up with UK politics a bit more then you would know.

It seems to me you have far more of a problem with people with more intelligence and wealth than yourself.

I have plenty of cash and getting richer all the time, I must have some intelligence to succeed in an exceptionally competitive business.

suggest you should actually be concerned about what in the words of the UK government's chief scientist is "the most serious problem to face mankind".

Its in the governemts interest so they can tax us more, weve the most expensive petrol in the EU and it doesnt stop people driving.

And for the record, yes I do care about global warming, (along with many other serious environmental issues of mankind's making), and adjust my lifestyle accordingly.

So long as it doesnt stop you flying round the globe.

Oh good, it's nice to know I'm dealing with an intellectual. Makes life so much easier to communicate with someone not only bright as a button, but "getting richer all the time". At this rate you could be up there with your nemesis Zac Goldsmith and editing The Ecologist in a few year's time. :D

But before, you ge too carried away with your IQ, perhaps you would be so good as to finish off your original sentence in your original post about what you collectively "had" Zac Goldsmith over???? Maybe you caught him out in a game of rounders or poker?

Anyway, as you so rightly point out "the rich are going to inevitably use more CO2", (presumably than the poorer nations/households/indivduals?), then I would imagine that this is exactly the point that the BBC and no doubt, Zac Goldsmith, were trying to get across, which to you may seem "bloody obvious", but to the majority of the world's population and governments is still a very hard concept to grasp. And once conceptually grasped, it's even harder to make the decision to do something about this "inconvenient truth" (evidenced by myriad pointers from the Bush adminstration all the way down the food chain to this thread). Thus for the majority of punters, it's still far easier to blame the sun, natural phenomenon, ephemeral "others", or perhaps the rich for the sorry state of affairs than look a bit closer to home. Because the truth always hurts.

And as for the notion that the UK fuel price doesn't "stop people from driving" only goes to show that the tax is still too low and fuel should have higher taxes added to it, so people would think twice before jumping into their Landrovers or Chevrolet Jeeps every time they wanted to nip down Tescos for their fuel hungry food fix.

But at least I'm glad to see that the term "Carbon Footprint" has reached the vocabulary of the mentally-challenged (but filthy rich), even if they haven't a clue what it's implications are. :D

One last question: How do you know that Zac Goldsmith is worth 100's of millions of quid? Any evidence you can provide? Or just your armchair prejudice? :o

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Its not the most serious problem there are far more many pressing matters on a human level, we cant even stop bickering over who owns what piece of land in whoever's gods name, talkabout dumb. If we dont all survive I for one would think this planet would be a much much better place.


Hummmm. "Process of Natural Selection"

Veri EEnteresting... :o

I VERY concerned..............................about that ticking nuclear bomb that some zealot has planted in a local garden plot that will alter the world climate in a heartbeat. My dad says that if you see the BIG flash, just plant your head between your knees and kiss your arse goodbye! Of course he's 92 and doesn't give a rip about anything except that the keg doesn't go dry at the local pub! :D

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perhaps you would be so good as to finish off your original sentence in your original post about what you collectively "had" Zac Goldsmith over???? Maybe you caught him out in a game of rounders or poker?

We had young Zac on TV with Dave Cameron dictating to us naughty proles about our need to reduce CO2 emissions.

And as for the notion that the UK fuel price doesn't "stop people from driving" only goes to show that the tax is still too low and fuel should have higher taxes added to it, so people would think twice before jumping into their Landrovers or Chevrolet Jeeps every time they wanted to nip down Tescos for their fuel hungry food fix.

But if Mr brown doubled the price of fuel, Mr Cameron would say i am going to make it cheaper and more people would wave blue ribbons in the air, proles dont like taxes or have governments telling them what to do you know.

There is also the small matter of inflation that this tax hike would lead to, and all them horrible little workers would no longer have a job as the economy would go bang.

But at least I'm glad to see that the term "Carbon Footprint" has reached the vocabulary of the mentally-challenged (but filthy rich), even if they haven't a clue what it's implications are. :D

It was home counties folk such as yourself who coined this phrase. I use it as sparingly as possible.

Where have i said i believe global warming does or doesnt exist, i hinted that if it does i wont be changing my lifestyle, and IMO that the majority of folks wont either.

One last question: How do you know that Zac Goldsmith is worth 100's of millions of quid? Any evidence you can provide? Or just your armchair prejudice? :o

Because daddy is James Goldsmith who was worth 100s of millions if not billions and one day James jumped on the big big escalator up to the sky, and when he did so he left young Zacary and Jemima (Khan) a pretty penny to play with.

I have no prejudice against wealth though i am prejudice towards environmentalist hypocrites dictating to society.

Edited by howtoescape
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John Coleman, one-time noted meteorologist from Chicago, turned co-founder of "The Weather Channel" calls the global warming propaganda the greatest scam in history:


Anyone who submits to the propaganda has clearly been drinking too much of the koolaid.

I've read Coleman's paper. He does a good job of saying Global Warming is a manufactured news event but fails to provide an alternative cause for the symptoms we currently attribute to Global Warming. Sorry Jon, it's not enough to merely say it isn't real, you have to say what it is also.

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Do I care ? Yes

Do I believe the doomsayers ? Personally ? No

Do i think we can change it ? With India and China kicking in big time on the industrial level not a chance. Africa and S America will follow too.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over it as it is out of my hands, more than that for every carbon "footpint" we reduce there are probably another 100,000 increasing throughout the developing world. And your not going to stop that happening, we will adapt or perish. I rather think we will adapt.

What does concern me is it will probably be 10 x more expensive to travel by 2030...... But i'm certainly not going to restrict my visits to LOS or for the benefit of the planet now only to be told later I can't travel by air anymore because there are too many others drving cars etc in China and India ( as an example ) and theres not enough oil anymore.

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I have just been watching BBC world news and its plight against global warming, where by the reporter was in India pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that someone who has more money a car/apartment etc… uses more CO2 then someone who cant afford to buy excesses of food a car etc…. (The BBC had more reporters then any other foreign news network in the last US elections so they don't really care about global warming)

In the UK we have recently had Lord Goldsmiths son Zac, a 30 year old who has wealth in the region of 100s of millions pounds bracket, who I am presuming has several properties throughout the world, servants, flies first class etc etc……, and basically has a huge as they say "carbon footprint".

We have also recently had the hypocrite Al Gore win a Nobel Peace prize for his work on climate change yet in government CO2 emissions in the USA increased. I also would be willing to bet he enjoys the same extravagances as Zac Goldsmith.

Now as it is in the news all the time about the imminent threat of global warming, with the wealthy claiming to care yet living as if there was no tomorrow I am of the opinion that all of us in THAILAND who travel frequently, either couldn't care less about global warming or are just hypocrites.

I am interested to get the views of people who travel frequently to THAILAND on the issue of global warming to see if they really do care, and if so what do they cut down on too prove they care.

Or if it is the liberal media making there own agenda.


Do I care.....well not really.

In my 61 years I have gradually come to learn that the human race is prety much a useless bunch of fools anyhow.

When they are all dead and rotting the world will be a better place.

Pollute yourself to death, kill all your own children and grandchildren with your own waste.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Maybe the cockroaches will do better when they take over.

Hopefully the first to go will be the capitalist pigs that now run America for there own profit and greed.

(And there bend-over lackeys in the U.K.)


Bad hair ( peice ) day ? :D


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If you believe that mankind can have no impact on the environment (and therefore climate) you are just plain ignorant.

If you simply prefer to put your head in the sand, say there are worse that *could* happen, then so be it - just hope you don't have kids/grandkids/nephews or nieces who are going to have to live with the effects of planetary pollution and destruction the likes of you and your like have left on this planet for future generations to deal with long after you're gone.

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Doza Posted Today, 2007-11-12 10:23:13

If you believe that mankind can have no impact on the environment (and therefore climate) you are just plain ignorant.

If you simply prefer to put your head in the sand, say there are worse that *could* happen, then so be it - just hope you don't have kids/grandkids/nephews or nieces who are going to have to live with the effects of planetary pollution and destruction the likes of you and your like have left on this planet for future generations to deal with long after you're gone.

Your reply seems somewhat ill educated. I doubt anyone would say we have no impact on the environment. However, this post is about global warming. To state, or imply, that anthropogenic global warming is a fact, as you do, shows a lack of understanding behind the science. The idea that it has been proven is incorrect. It is an as yet unproven hypothesis that has some data showing a marginal corellation between Co2 and temperature over the past 30 years but nothing prior to that.

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John Coleman, one-time noted meteorologist from Chicago, turned co-founder of "The Weather Channel" calls the global warming propaganda the greatest scam in history:


Anyone who submits to the propaganda has clearly been drinking too much of the koolaid.

I've read Coleman's paper. He does a good job of saying Global Warming is a manufactured news event but fails to provide an alternative cause for the symptoms we currently attribute to Global Warming. Sorry Jon, it's not enough to merely say it isn't real, you have to say what it is also.

So in the absense of a provable alternative, the loudest theory should be assumed correct? That doesn't make much sense. There are many weather and climate phenonenom that can't be explained/predicted as of yet. Just because someone thinks they know the answer and I can not prove another explaination does not mean I should accept their theory as fact. What we thought we knew as fact has been proven to be wrong repeatedly over the centurys. The funny thing is that every generation is so arrogant that they assume they are immune from making the same mistakes of the past and that their guesses are more astute because they know so much more than the previous guessers. There is still a lot that we don't know about how the earth works. If we just take for granted every new theory we will just be messing around with processes we don't understand.

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Tim207 Posted Today, 2007-11-12 13:55:14

So in the absense of a provable alternative, the loudest theory should be assumed correct? That doesn't make much sense. There are many weather and climate phenonenom that can't be explained/predicted as of yet. Just because someone thinks they know the answer and I can not prove another explaination does not mean I should accept their theory as fact. What we thought we knew as fact has been proven to be wrong repeatedly over the centurys. The funny thing is that every generation is so arrogant that they assume they are immune from making the same mistakes of the past and that their guesses are more astute because they know so much more than the previous guessers. There is still a lot that we don't know about how the earth works. If we just take for granted every new theory we will just be messing around with processes we don't understand.

Well Said

chiang mai Posted Today, 2007-11-12 07:08:27

I've read Coleman's paper. He does a good job of saying Global Warming is a manufactured news event but fails to provide an alternative cause for the symptoms we currently attribute to Global Warming. Sorry Jon, it's not enough to merely say it isn't real, you have to say what it is also.

There are several alternative hypothesis, and a new theory backed by experimental data. Look up Svensmark as well as Shaviv.

There have been rebuttals but many rebuttals of the rebuttals. Most of the attacks by the AGW believers centre on personal attacks, hardly scientific!

Shaviv's webpage

Another good link from a physicist

and another

Edited by nakhonsi sean
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Your reply seems somewhat ill educated

Your English seems somewhat ill educated I'm afraid.

There is enough evidence to point to anthropological warming (the link between the rise in GHGs and temperatures). I have never stated its an absolute fact - please show me where I have. But the possible impacts of global warming are so catastrophic its prudent to take action (provided its not to the detrement of development etc etc) by reducing the build up of GHGs, principally CO2, which contribute to the worsening greenhouse effect. Even big oil says as much!

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There is a lot of money to be earned by promoting global warming by rich western countries and it is the average punter that pays in the end. It is the next financial scam . A tax minimisation (see evasion ) scheme for big business and wealthy politicians note it has become an election issue in english speaking democracies.

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