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To tip or not (after service charge has been added


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Hello, all. By the way, this is my first post here in this forum.

I would like to know what y'all think about tipping at a restaurant where the service charge has already been added to your bill. I feel that most staff still expect the customer to leave a tip on top of all that. I personally feel that one should NOT be expected to leave a tip when service charge has been added, even though I have to say there have been a few times I still left some tip on top of bill + service charge.

I also wonder usually how much of the service charge amount is given to the staff and how much is kept by the management. Maybe if staff is given nothing (or very little) from that service charge thing, then I sympathise with the staff who rightfully expect some tip from the customer. In this case, I would say 'Shame to the managament'.

I guess in such cases, the best practice would be (if you are satisfied with the service of course) to leave SOME tip but not as much as you normally leave when there is no service charge being added.

Regards to all.


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JemJem, one has everyright to tip or not. The tips collected are usually divided among the staff and in some resturants I was told the management has a share in it.

If you feel the waiter has served you well and you feel like tipping, you can always put the tip in his hands and say it's for him.

I used to do it, but don't know whether he keeps it for himself or share it....



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A collegue of mine (a Scot) ate at an Indian restaurant in London with friends. Apparently, the service was a terrible standard and, finding that a service charge was included in the bill, deducted 10% prior to settling it. All the staff and the manager explained that he couldn't do that but he stood his ground and eventually left leaving the staff scowling.
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Legally speaking, you are under no obligation to pay a service charge in the UK. If it is itemised as service charge, and you think the service stinks, then deduct it.

My wife would never lets me leave a tip if there is a service charge. If the service stinks she will not let me leave one - if I do she picks it up and gives it back to me in the taxi. If the service is good (and no S/C is made) she usually takes the notes and leaves the coins unless she thinks they are trying it on (bring a change plate full of 10Baht coins instead of notes). If its all notes, she will get some coins from her purse. At a snazy restaurant small notes are acceptable - I get a 'look' if a go to leave a 100! She has given 100s as tips away herself before, but only if she thinks they deserve it (and restaurant worker never seem to - "they are paid for the service, if they have bad service they should not have the job" she says).

She gave a 100 each to the two who delivered a giant Fridge/Freezer to her relations on the 5the (top) floor of a flat that had no lift and outside stairs - it was about 100 degrees in the shade too (one was a little old guy, the other was a tiny middle aged woman! the man carried it up on his back while she steered, you could not see any of him from under the unit!!!)

She also gave a 100 to this samlor pedle bike guy in Chiang Rai who pedled us up and down hills in the blistering May sun for over an hour as we (wifey and me) and 3 suitcases precariously perched on our laps and balanced on the cross-bar were transported from full hotel to full hotel - some dentist convention apparantly! This guy stood about 5 foot, weighed about 6 stone and was aged about 150 years!

Oh yeah, you really have to earn your tips. :o

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She also gave a 100 to this samlor pedle bike guy in Chiang Rai who pedled us up and down hills in the blistering May sun for over an hour as we (wifey and me) and 3 suitcases precariously perched on our laps and balanced on the cross-bar were transported from full hotel to full hotel - some dentist convention apparantly! This guy stood about 5 foot, weighed about 6 stone and was aged about 150 years!

Oh yeah, you really have to earn your tips. :D

poor guy! aren't there any motorized taxis in Chiang Rai? :o

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Hi all

If the servce charge has been added I'll tip depending on the service and the establishment. If the staff have been friendly and helpful I'll always leave a tip. Also, don't know why but always feel I need to leave a tip after dining in an expensive restuarant. I know that it's probably silly, esp after spending a fortune on the meal, but feel tight if I don't. This feeling is sometimes reinforced from the staff that give you funny looks when you haven't left a tip.


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poor guy! aren't there any motorized taxis in Chiang Rai?  

We got off the VIP bus and there were 3 dozen pedle samlors, no taxis - suppose they exist there, but none to be seen. Thought it would be a quick pedle to the nearest hotel - I was told they are always practically empty up there - a convension put pay to this, and the little ol' guy was determined! The fare was a mere 50 baht after all that time and effort; he was amazed by the tip and wai-ed up to his forehead and kept thanking us. Sooooo embarrasing, to m,e it was £1.20 a can of coke or a small coffee in London! ???

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