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Is This A Scam?


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One of my friends was over for song kran, and he met a girl here ( surprise surprise). :D

He is comming back in october to see this girl.

He told me that the girl wanted to take him to a studio, to take some pictures in various costumes. The price for this is suposed to be 4000 baht. ( which I think is very expensive) but what got my bells ringing was when he told me that she said it would take one month before the pics are finished. Thinking with the science of today it cant take a fff-ing month to make some pictures....

has anyone heard of similar stories or do you guys think it is a scam??????

any help would be appreciated very much..............

cheers :o

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My wife, daughter and I went to one of these studios and had a pile of photos taken in various costumes. It took us about 8 hours all up for the photoshoot to finish. We then received our finished product about 3 weeks later in beautiful wooden bound albums and big poster print and so on.

Total cost was somewhere in the 30,000 baht range.

Remembering we got the whole bells and whistles, the initial price was like 12,000 baht for the package we chose but the wife made a lot of changes that added up.

It doesn't sound like a scam on the face of it Lloyd. Tell your mate to watch out for the "extras" as they are what really caused the final cost to skyrocket.

My deal might sound like a lot of money, but the end product was fantastic and worth every cent/satang.

Good luck!

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Total cost was somewhere in the 30,000 baht range.

Remembering we got the whole bells and whistles, the initial price was like 12,000 baht for the package we chose but the wife made a lot of changes that added up.

can you tell me what was included in the initial package.

And maybe some examples of the changes you mention???

30000 baht for how many pics if I may ask..

thanks again...........

cheers :o

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I also did one of these photo sessions. It took a few hours, involved traditional Thai costumes of our choice and hair and make-up. The big picture alone was 5,000 baht. Even additional negs were 500 baht each. It took a few weeks to get the pics. The results are beautiful and I thknk it was money well spent.

Gotta agree with tukyleith on this one.


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Just further to that, my wife's friend came with us and ended up signing herself and her Japanese boyfriend up for a package worth about 5-6k baht, their package had a lot less content and fewer costume changes, no frames on big poster prints and no beautifully bound albums, but it was a simple photoshoot in wedding attire, which I think was her way of trying to make sure he becomes more than a boyfriend "look we even have wedding photos" kind of thing.

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Just further to that, my wife's friend came with us and ended up signing herself and her Japanese boyfriend up for a package worth about 5-6k baht, their package had a lot less content and fewer costume changes, no frames on big poster prints and no beautifully bound albums, but it was a simple photoshoot in wedding attire, which I think was her way of trying to make sure he becomes more than a boyfriend "look we even have wedding photos" kind of thing.

Ok I guess I will have to believe you on this one..

its exactly the wedding thing she had been talking to my friend about :o

I guess I can just tell him to go and have a look and check it out.

and of course as my wife would say: up to you...

but thanks alot all of you

cheers :D

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Total cost was somewhere in the 30,000 baht range.

Remembering we got the whole bells and whistles, the initial price was like 12,000 baht for the package we chose but the wife made a lot of changes that added up.

can you tell me what was included in the initial package.

And maybe some examples of the changes you mention???

30000 baht for how many pics if I may ask..

thanks again...........

cheers :o

I can't remember the break down in costs Lloyd or even what the package included to be honest this was more my wifes territory than mine :D , but they had packages like McDonalds meal deals, then you added to the one that suited your needs best.

I would imagine different studios have different packages.

The big picture alone was 5,000 baht. Even additional negs were 500 baht each. It took a few weeks to get the pics.

expect this kind of thing,

I found there was a couple of thousand baht added for each costume change, every extra poster size print, frames, album style etc.

We ended up with 3 poster size prints with frames, 2 polished wooden albums a few novelty type things like key rings and stuff and a copy of every print and negative in a generic photo album.

Good luck for your mate.

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Ok, fair enough, it is not a scam - I have seen the shops where they do them, albeit never considered going into one... but please... :o

Why 12,000 to 30,000 baht?? :D

They must make a fortune on these deals. Looking at the deal tukyleith described, I fail to see why this should exceed even 10,000, but maybe there is something I overlook?

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Ok, fair enough, it is not a scam - I have seen the shops where they do them, albeit never considered going into one... but please... :o

Why 12,000 to 30,000 baht?? :D

They must make a fortune on these deals. Looking at the deal tukyleith described, I fail to see why this should exceed even 10,000, but maybe there is something I overlook?

Well since my friend "only" have to pay 4000baht it sounds like he is getting a good deal compared to tukyleith, not forgetting about the extras though..

I still think its a big amount for a picture or two...


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Great for showing your 'wedding'photos to your parents back home as a friend of mine did, they loved it. :o Mind you he also took a photo of the VC hotel in Pattaya and told his mother it was Hanoi (no joke). :D

He's still living happily married with a kid, so the photos did no wrong. :D

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One of my ex g/fs once gave me a passport sized photo of herself taken at one of those studios located in Future Park Rangsit. At first I wondered why she gave it to me as the girl in the photo looked like Miss Thailand. I had to look twice at her and the photo before I could believe it was one and the same person. It was beautifully done.

Don't know how much it cost her or what package/options/additions she chose but I don't think it would be too much as she's only a factory worker. Probably something like a couple of 7x5s and four passport photos? I dunno.


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:o I think you're on about one of these novelty photo booth pictures. You may have seen the other ones which might be the equivalent of Olan Mills in the UK. Get dressed in traditional Thai garb and they take pro photos of you. I hate it, but women love that sort of thing.
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I will add one of the pictures taken to this thread tomorrow. I just have to get home first and then scan it in. Stay tuned...

btw I hate photos, so I insisted on a big reward from my wife for going through with it. Turns out the reward is actually having the photos, they are magnificent.

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Ok, fair enough, it is not a scam - I have seen the shops where they do them, albeit never considered going into one... but please... :o

Why 12,000 to 30,000 baht?? :D

They must make a fortune on these deals. Looking at the deal tukyleith described, I fail to see why this should exceed even 10,000, but maybe there is something I overlook?

My Sister did the same thing in Aust. it cost her a lot more than that.

I can't believe I am here discussing studio/modelling photos, i have never told anyone I did it before in my life :D

But actually when we have our next baby will do it all again, it is such a nice keepsake!

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Very nice. But just to cast a cynical tone on it. Surely she will be getting commision. This will encourage her to push the extras onto him. Its fine if he wants the photo's, but he shouldn't do it just to please her. :D

These days you can use image software to put your head onto another body. I know because my mate put his ex gf's head onto a woman getting scuttled by a German Shepherd, then mailed it to everyone. :o

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:D I think you're on about one of these novelty photo booth pictures. You may have seen the other ones which might be the equivalent of Olan Mills in the UK. Get dressed in traditional Thai garb and they take pro photos of you. I hate it, but women love that sort of thing.

No, this one was from a shop. She told me which one it was as I walk passed there most days of the week. The photo she showed me, she was dressed in a Thai traditional garb and was misty and arty-farty looking :D

Yeah, I've seen those novelty booth photo places. They have miniscule photos printed out, and then they stick them on their mobiles, purses, notebooks, etc :o

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Done the same thing with wedding photos - about a dozen, with prints about A4 size, also smaller prints, also CD-ROM.

Total package about 10k.

They can't have touched up much in our photos - my wife looks as beautiful as ever and I look like a crusty old fart. :D But everyone says 'Oh, how well you're looking' :o

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Yeah I did them too - about 6 years or so back. Went to the place in the covered bit, upstairs, in the night bazaar, Chiang Mai.

Took about an hour to get dressed - they even shaved my wife's eyebrows with a razor blade!

Make up - clothes - props. Dozens of posses. Two girls to get the Mrs dressed and made up. Two to try and find something that would fit me and to pin me down while they tried to apply make up on me. A cameraman and an assistant. The photographer spoke English and told me I was the second set of people that day - it was about 10pm at night when we left. An elderly Chinese couple just came in for a quick snap as we left. That's a lot of wages, rent and consumables to cover for the price.

One A3, 4 A4, about 8 A5 - all different pictures, plus negatives. Basic package was about 9k, top whack was lsited at just under 20k. We got the 20k package (minus the album) for 10k - no haggling, they were chatting with the Mrs - I knew not more than a few words of Thai back then - and when they found out we were married and not just 'tourist with paid company', they offered the 'Thai package'. Albums were 300Baht each and frame for A3 was about 1k I think. We didn't take them though as we were posting them to the UK.

They were ready 7 days latter - no touching - predated Photoshop and digital cameras I suppose. They didn't need it though, they were excellent. I have one taped to my monitor and am looking at it now.

I recently baught a copy photograph of my daughters taken at a friend's wedding in the UK. A single 8X10 reprint cost me £20 (1,500 Baht) plus P&P.

I think its much more of a scam in the west!

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just my 2baths here ...

the pictures like this really look great coz they retouch them by hand ...

yes, hand made!

artistic job, professional painters!

I saw that once, and their job was really precise, absolutly surprising :D

so, for once doc ... you're wrong :o

this is the old style, and they also do it in malaysia ...


ps; 4k for this is not this expensive ... considering the preparation job, the costumes and all

the rest of work.

but like it had been said watch carefully the add-ons ...

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just my 2baths here ...

the pictures like this really look great coz they retouch them by hand ...

yes, hand made!

artistic job, professional painters!

I saw that once, and their job was really precise, absolutly surprising :D

so, for once doc ... you're wrong :o

this is the old style, and they also do it in malaysia ...


ps; 4k for this is not this expensive ... considering the preparation job, the costumes and all

the rest of work.

but like it had been said watch carefully the add-ons ...

OK Francois. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But it seems the costs are excessive, but as they say, up to you :D

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Ok, fair enough, it is not a scam - I have seen the shops where they do them, albeit never considered going into one... but please...  :o

Why 12,000 to 30,000 baht?? :D

They must make a fortune on these deals. Looking at the deal tukyleith described, I fail to see why this should exceed even 10,000, but maybe there is something I overlook?

Well since my friend "only" have to pay 4000baht it sounds like he is getting a good deal compared to tukyleith, not forgetting about the extras though..

I still think its a big amount for a picture or two...


What I want to say is tell your friend to expect 2, 3 or more times the amount instead of baht 4,000. They will try to persuade your friend to buy as many photos as possible. And as in most cases I guess the photos will be nice and he might be tempted to do so.

I had my wedding photos taken in HK. The package was initially HK$1,000 = Baht 5,000. I walked out eventually HK$8,000 = Baht 40,000 lighter!

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One of my ex g/fs once gave me a passport sized photo of herself taken at one of those studios located in Future Park Rangsit. At first I wondered why she gave it to me as the girl in the photo looked like Miss Thailand. I had to look twice at her and the photo before I could believe it was one and the same person. It was beautifully done.

Don't know how much it cost her or what package/options/additions she chose but I don't think it would be too much as she's only a factory worker. Probably something like a couple of 7x5s and four passport photos? I dunno.


Yeah I have seen a little shop (not one of those booths) where they put you straight into a studio room and snap your pic with whatever background you want.....complete with proper lighting etc.......Then.......they enhance it on computer.......takes away all the zits, lumps, scars and hairy lips....haha.......so even if you have a head like a robbers dog you can still be made to look ....suuuwaayyyyyy !!!

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