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Sexually Transimtted Diseases


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Don't worry folks, I'll leave the subject after this, but after my topic on Condoms, I thought I would follow-up with a few facts to wet your appetite. (These are just a few facts; there are many more). Most of the information came from the World Health Organisation. Anyway, enjoy your weekend folks, and don't forget to

'bag-up'. If you know anyone who tries to persuade the girls to go without a condom, loudly or secretly expose them!


Thailand Statistics (data at end 2001)

Estimated total population : 63,584,000

Estimated number of adults and children currently living with HIV/AIDS : 670,000

Adults (15 - 49) : 650,000

Women (15 - 49) : 220,000

Children (0 - 15) : 21,000

Estimated number of AIDS deaths in 2001 : 55,000

Whilst the risk of HIV infection from oral sex is very low, this is not the case for other sexually transmissible infections. People need to be aware that unprotected oral sex can lead to infection with: Herpes, Genital warts, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B.


Approximately two-thirds of Hepatitis B (HBV) are transmitted sexually, HBV is linked to chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Hepatitis B is 100 times more infectious than HIV.

HERPES It is estimated that as many as one in four people have genital herpes, yet at least 80 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it

At least 15 percent of all women are infertile because of tubal damage caused by pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), the result of an untreated STD, especially Chlamydia.


TRICHOMONAS OR "TRICH" Trichomonas is a nasty germ spread by sex. Women: It can cause an inflamed, sore and itchy vagina, sometimes with an unusual discharge. Occasionally it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – a serious infection in women. If a woman who is pregnant has "trich", her baby may be born early or weigh less than normal. Men: often don't have any symptoms but they may experience burning sensation on urination; Irritation and redness of the head of the penis; General tiredness and lethargy. Even if you don't have any symptoms you can still pass on "trich" to your partner if you are infected.

CHANCROID. Chancroid is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria Haemophilus Ducreyi. Chancroid causes ulcers, usually of the genitals, and swollen, painful lymph glands, or inguinal buboes, in the groin area. Left untreated, chancroid may facilitate the transmission of HIV. Chancroid is very common in Africa and parts of Asia especially Thailand and Cambodia.


LGV is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection involving the lymph glands in the genital area. It is caused by a specific strain of chlamydia. The incidence is highest among sexually active people living in tropical or subtropical climates. The first symptoms may be a small, painless pimple or lesion occurring on the penis or vagina. It is often unnoticed. The infection then spreads to the lymph nodes in the groin area and from there to the surrounding tissue. Complications may include inflamed and swollen lymph glands.

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the tradegy is that much of the aids epidemic sweeping this land was & continues to be caused by farang sex tourists & so-called sex-pats :o

Not sure if this is correct.

Most prostitutes in Thailand cater to Thais; only the minority serves foreigners.

Most foreigners do use condoms while most thais don't; at least not until recently.

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the tradegy is that much of the aids epidemic sweeping this land was & continues to be caused by farang sex tourists & so-called sex-pats  :o

Not sure if this is correct.

Most prostitutes in Thailand cater to Thais; only the minority serves foreigners.

Most foreigners do use condoms while most thais don't; at least not until recently.

I've read the same thing prostitutes cater to thai men more than farang men percentage wise anyway. My wife's friend he is thai and he goes to one at least twice a week.

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so are we to excuse the foreigners who come here in their droves in search of perverted sex with men, women, cats & even children... no........

just because the thai government turns a blind eye.... we should not condone the contribution farangs have made to the current state of sorry affairs...

in the not too distant past when the transnational military exercise 'Cope Tiger 2002' brought 1,100 foreign troops to thailand – including many american soldiers – the thai government's interior ministry enacted special legislation to help the soldiers enjoy thailand's sex industry. the 2 a.m. closing time for most bars was extended, and sex workers and others involved in the industry were warned against raising prices...

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so are we to excuse the foreigners who come here in their droves in search of perverted sex with men, women, cats & even children... no........

Lead by example and leave LOS if you can't deal with it.

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great list :o

just forgot HEP C ...

not often transmitted with sexual relation, but still on the black list ...

might be not as bad as Hep B in the sense that the B one can be deadly real fast in some rare case .. but the C one is for life if you are lucky enough not to get a serious and uncurable one, no medecine able to ease it yet, except chinese medecine that works fine for those who have a "light" one.

keep being carefull


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Vagin, you seem to be in the know...for our information (and safety) please elaborate...that is...we all know crabs can be contracted even though we wear a rubber, what about these other STD's?

Do you have any further advice?

This is an important topic so the better we are all armed the better we will fair.

How often should we go for a check up (even though we use protection)?

What should we have checked up?

What should we look out for in our own physical well being? (ie How do we feel?)


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I believe nearly all of the viral/bacterial STDs need either mucous membrane-contact and/or blood contact to be transmitted, except for CHLAMIDIA, which can be transmitted [through genital area sweat] and carried with the carrier none the wiser (and is especially insidious for women, whom it can sterilize). Happily, chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics. HERPES may also be a bit easier to catch, though I'm fuzzy on the details, and of course it's incurable.

Hep C is relatively easy to catch (even with very little exposure to infected blood- unlike HIV, which is much harder to catch) and means death in 10-20 years or so, IF you have treatment.

Play safe out there.


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Just over 1% of the population has it, meaning you're 99 times more likely to be OK than not. This, of course, assumes you're not in an area where sex is the big thing. It does mean that away from the sex areas the percentage of people with HIV will be much lower than 1%. What's that part of the country where, if I read it correctly, infection rates are 17%, i.e. 1 in 6 :o of the population has it?

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Tukyleith, the only thing you can do is have yourself regularly checked, at least every six months, preferably every three; at worst, once a year. Most good hospitals - like the Pattaya International, and Bumrungrad in Bangkok - will do full checks including blood tests and gentital swabs, all reasonably priced. They are discreet, and it doesn't take long. Most STDs, if detected, can be cleared up very quickly with medication. It is important to have checks, because many STDs lie dormant, and even minor ones, if undetected, can cause damage. The damage can be as simple as general lethergy, reduced libido, aches and pains etc. though we tend only to be aware of the visible, obvious symptoms - sores, discharge etc. Damage can also be severe and accumalative over a period of time. Sorry to be a killjoy, but some bacterial STDs can even be passed by hand to genital contact; hence, most sexually active people, who change partners frequently, are often surprised to find they have at least one minor STD. As I said, if detected most can be cleared up quickly. For example, sorry to be crude, but if you have been intimately fiddling wth your girlfriend and then touch yourself, perhaps by putting a condom on, it is possible contract an STD. Its as easy as that. Be especially careful if you enjoy performing oral sex. Just get checked and cleared up every now and then. Vagin.

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OK, qualifier, I am in a monogamous marriage but am interested in this as I was rather "enthusiastic" before I was married (still am, but that is between the wife and me :o ).

What percentage of us would you guess have an STD that we do not know about? ie we have not had any physical symptoms so we have not been to the doc to check us out?

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