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Pattaya People--mystery Xmas Dinner Ad


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This morning, just after my first naked swim of the day, I'm reading my Pattaya People, the issue with the Father Ray scandal on the front page.... anyway, on page 9, there is a "Christmas Eve/Day" restaurant menu ad, in English, French, and I think also in Dutch languages... 850 baht:

Mousse from Norwegian salmon with white asparagus (I have a feeling they'll use the cheap local Thai farm-raised salmon), Seafood cream soup "Jacqueline", whatever the heck that is, then the main dish of Kalkoen borst met cranberry saus, groetenkrans en aardappel nootjes, then a desert of Ice cake "dame Blanche", (which they didn't translate into French for some reason)...

But here's the problem: there's no address, no name, no dates, no phone number, no NOTHING... only the menu, for 850 baht. What kind of advertising is this? Does anyone have any idea where this could be?

Maybe it's not even in Pattaya...

(still lisetning to this awful Celine Dion album "taking chances"... I took a chance, and I lost... by buying this album).

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This morning, just after my first naked swim of the day, I'm reading my Pattaya People, the issue with the Father Ray scandal on the front page.... anyway, on page 9, there is a "Christmas Eve/Day" restaurant menu ad, in English, French, and I think also in Dutch languages... 850 baht:

Mousse from Norwegian salmon with white asparagus (I have a feeling they'll use the cheap local Thai farm-raised salmon), Seafood cream soup "Jacqueline", whatever the heck that is, then the main dish of Kalkoen borst met cranberry saus, groetenkrans en aardappel nootjes, then a desert of Ice cake "dame Blanche", (which they didn't translate into French for some reason)...

But here's the problem: there's no address, no name, no dates, no phone number, no NOTHING... only the menu, for 850 baht. What kind of advertising is this? Does anyone have any idea where this could be?

Maybe it's not even in Pattaya...

(still lisetning to this awful Celine Dion album "taking chances"... I took a chance, and I lost... by buying this album).

Don't take a chance then. :o

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I'm not sure of exactly which one, Weho; but, based upon the menu, I'd say that it has to be one of those fancy places on Soi Six. Just walk along there until you smell some fish, and that will be the place!

Smell fish? That could be any outdoor beer bar with hookers... there are so many there, I think the fish smell from the beer bars will overpower any salmon smells from any Christmas eve/day meals...

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In my Pattaya People it is written :

Christmas Eve/Day

Patrick's Belgian Restaurant

and also :

For Reservation Call Patrick(and the telephone number)

for most of us Patrick's Belgian Restaurant is a well known place in Pattaya and this for many many years

Check his website

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In my Pattaya People it is written :

Christmas Eve/Day

Patrick's Belgian Restaurant

and also :

For Reservation Call Patrick(and the telephone number)

for most of us Patrick's Belgian Restaurant is a well known place in Pattaya and this for many many years

Check his website

Weho maybe has one of those rare " misprints". You know like the stamps? The ones that have stuff upside down and are worth MILLIONS ( to the zealots that collect stamps )

This rare edition of the " Pattaya People" may be worth the same one day................like, say the year 2199?

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I can't imagine I have a rare misprint... are you sure you ad is the current issue #112, on page 9, with the Father Ray scandal on the cover? There's nothing about any Patrick's Belgian, or anything else in the ad... if this IS a rare mis-print, I want to get it up on eBay at once... but I will tell you in advance, I will keep a high reserve price.

And in my edition, the incomplete ad is printed upside-down... do you think that will add to the value?

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I can't imagine I have a rare misprint... are you sure you ad is the current issue #112, on page 9, with the Father Ray scandal on the cover? There's nothing about any Patrick's Belgian, or anything else in the ad... if this IS a rare mis-print, I want to get it up on eBay at once... but I will tell you in advance, I will keep a high reserve price.

And in my edition, the incomplete ad is printed upside-down... do you think that will add to the value?

Its certain to. Please PM me first when you decide to auction this rare piece of journalistic history.

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I want this to be a fair auction... no person PM for anyone... I appreciate your wanting to bid, but you'll just have to check the eBay listing, like everyone else... and if I get any more solicitations for special treatment requests, I'll probably just end up donating it to the Museum for the Printed Word, in Bangkok. I'll donate it for free, but I would like a plaque that it was "Donated by Weho" in a prominent place.

It's a really good issue too... between the Father Ray scandal, to the Swedish Go Kart champion dropping dead, to the Lady Boy pickpocket, to the article about the unsupervised roller skater that broke several bones, to the four or five articles about motorcycle crashes... well, it's just a winner all around.

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I want this to be a fair auction... no person PM for anyone... I appreciate your wanting to bid, but you'll just have to check the eBay listing, like everyone else... and if I get any more solicitations for special treatment requests, I'll probably just end up donating it to the Museum for the Printed Word, in Bangkok. I'll donate it for free, but I would like a plaque that it was "Donated by Weho" in a prominent place.

It's a really good issue too... between the Father Ray scandal, to the Swedish Go Kart champion dropping dead, to the Lady Boy pickpocket, to the article about the unsupervised roller skater that broke several bones, to the four or five articles about motorcycle crashes... well, it's just a winner all around.

Doing an Ebay for this is not really an open playing field is it? Have you tried getting a Paypal account in Thailand? Have you tried getting INTERNET in Thailand?

PM,s work for me. :o

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Sorry to rain on your parade Weho, but my copy is the same. That's at least halved your potential Ebay bounty.

DON'T RAIN ON MY PARADE!!! I was having visions of receiving a plaque/presentation from the Museum for the donation... i'm quite devistated... maybe they were yanking my crank all along, and there are no misprints... we have to get to the bottom of this scandal... I believe this scandal is AT LEAST as important as the Father Ray getting run out of town scandal.

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more importantly , what's father ray been up to then , and who is this father ray ?

You can read all about Father Ray in Pattaya People, on sale now. It's a tawdry tale of infighting in the Catholic Church... it's quite fascinating really... you should invest 25 baht and read the story... the Pattaya People newspaper has earned it.

I'm listening to the song "No Time At All", sung by Irene Ryan, from the BroadWAY musical Pippin, I think from 1972... anyone know it? It's a real toe-tapper...

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Weho, was your pool boy also swimming naked with you?

Tell us what happened

No, I was all alone, just waiting for you to come by... I think he was busy with his pool scoop net somewhere else... but he's really good... he usually takes his tubes, attaches them to this built in suction vaccuum thing, and starts sucking away, (on the tiles). He's quite powerful with that hose.

One time I gave him one of those Malee 100% orange juice box drinks, I think they are about 18 baht each, and he gave me the Thai wai thing, like he was really appreciative and stuff... then he just left it there... he didn't even bother to drink it or take it. But he's a good little vaccumer.

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I can't imagine I have a rare misprint... are you sure you ad is the current issue #112, on page 9, with the Father Ray scandal on the cover? There's nothing about any Patrick's Belgian, or anything else in the ad... if this IS a rare mis-print, I want to get it up on eBay at once... but I will tell you in advance, I will keep a high reserve price.

And in my edition, the incomplete ad is printed upside-down... do you think that will add to the value?

mis information in the pattaya people newspaper ! how dare you suggest such a thing ? I personally like to keep an up to date copy of the said tabloid in my hong nahm at all times not to read i might add but to ........... please complete

weho r u still making your own croutons ?

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I can't imagine I have a rare misprint... are you sure you ad is the current issue #112, on page 9, with the Father Ray scandal on the cover? There's nothing about any Patrick's Belgian, or anything else in the ad... if this IS a rare mis-print, I want to get it up on eBay at once... but I will tell you in advance, I will keep a high reserve price.

And in my edition, the incomplete ad is printed upside-down... do you think that will add to the value?

mis information in the pattaya people newspaper ! how dare you suggest such a thing ? I personally like to keep an up to date copy of the said tabloid in my hong nahm at all times not to read i might add but to ........... please complete

weho r u still making your own croutons ?

You know, I haven't made crutons for a while, cause I've been breaking in a new maid for the last two months, and I didn't want to give her too much to learn at once... but I think today might be the day to introduce that...

and as far as completing that sentence: "... but to shall we say "inspire me" to ..." Nope, i won't go there... i don't dis that paper for your comedy purposes... that paper is the lifeblood of this city... it's what we all have in common... it documents what we all know and love... and truthfully, i certainly coudln't read a full-size newspaper while "there", and even the Pattaya People is too big to handle. I'm sort of embarassed to state what I REALLY use for reading material... no one else in the world knows... and I'll keep it my little secret... but i will say it's about the size, but not thickness, of a hotel brochure. Hope that helps.

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