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Pattaya Street Violence


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This may be a useless exercise but I thought it might be of benefit for members to post on a dedicated thread anything they witness in the way of beatings, trouble or other unpleasantness they encounter on the streets of Pattaya, as a service and a warning to others.

Even though the local press is often full of crime, many of us witness things, sometimes quite serious things, which often go unreported and uncommented on. So why not use this thread to raise it with members in the future?

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That might be a very empty thread. In the two years I been here Iv seen 3 cases of violence. Two were some British guys beating up on Russian guys and one was between a Thai taxi driver and a big drunken Norwegian.

If you wanted to write a thread about the violence in my home town Copenhagen, then it would be quite busy. Taking a stroll down the walking street of Copenhagen around 2AM on a Saturday night will reveal more cases of violence than you will see here in a month.

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I saw a gang related very violent beating of a young man by four other young man on the soi on soi south of Soi 17 South Pattaya. Not that late at night. There were many witnesses and everybody including me was too afraid to do anything except of course someone called for medical help.

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I'd have to agree with DonTron, In all honesty my hometown makes this place

look like captain kangeroo's kiddie playhouse. Maybe that's why I get upset

when I see the senseless violence and people being so inconsiderate. And that

would be all kinds of people, visiting foreigners and the locals also.

In a little over a year I've also personally witnessed 3 incidents where locals

blindsided a visitor, striking with some form of weapon at the back of the head.

which is why I now don't let Thais walk behind me and when they enter my

personal space I know where they are at all times. And they're aware I know. :o

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as i dont go out as regularly as i use to then wont be as much for me to report,i think it all depends on your lifestyle as to how much trouble/violence you see or get in :o .......if you go out everynight late to the busiest areas as i did then i could report something everynight ......99 percent was farang-farang problem or thai lady to thai lady problem due to amount of booze/ice ingested.also when i had a bar in soi 8 years ago i would see/have trouble on a nightly basis again due to people changing after intoxification.if you goto the late night discos and jp bar then im sure much to report........maybe would be easier to have this thread for thai-thai or thai-farang problems outside of bars/ discos as any bar/disco in any country has its problems with fighting.

i personally have been involved in many violent situations while here but as i said i used to go out everynight to discos/bars.heres just a few;

i have been bottled by a thai lady while trying to prevent a friends thai girlfriend being beaten up by a group of thai ladies.

i have been severely beaten up in a bar after being sucker punched by a thai guy while i played pool then kicked unconscious by him and 2 brave english guys.........i woke up in a ladies room(no not the toilet!) the next day and dont even know how long i was unconscious for(didnt even take me to hospital :D ).i still have balance problems since the attack.this was a totally unprovoked attack but i will tell you why i was attacked by the thai guy as may help you in the future.............i was very generous to this thai guy on a daily basis(he is sort of street beggar but thinks he can bodyguard you by attaching himself to you),he used to hang about around me everytime i was out....i didnt want him to and ignored him generally although would feel sorry for him and buy him a drink or two and give some food money(even paid for him to get laid once in a while)his brother is a good thai boxer and a friend of mine so didnt mind helping him a bit......anyway he started to get greedier and greedier and started asking for money to pay for his room etc.well enough is enough,this had gone on for months already and i decided to cut all ties and told him so ,i would not be giving him anymore money as hes not my responsibility and could maybe find some sort of job.anyway when other farangs fed him drinks and he was high on yabba he would try to start a fight with me and we nearly did a few times.....we had been out of the bar on several occasions in which he backed down so i didnt hit him......but obviously this time he decided not to say anything and sucker punched me while i played pool.....2 english guys high on drugs/booze then decided they were brave(im english too) and kicked me for several minutes while i was on the floor......could have killed me but was saved that by some of the regular ladies at the bar(no other guys there as staff/customers mostly gone).anyway i have got the thai guy and 1 of the english guys back at a later date(cant remember what other english guy looks like and anyway they were holidaymakers).

moral of this story ....dont give poor thai guys money as can backfire!!!!!

i have been involved in many other incidents here but this was due to agressive drunks startin trouble first.

in my opinion pattaya can be fairly safe place if you stick to certain rules.....dont get involved with drunken thais,dont go to late night discos/bars....by late night i mean after 2 am when all the real a holes are really drunk.

i have seen many thai thai incidents and told not to get involved no matter what by the boss(my thai mrs) as thais dont take to kindly to farangs getting involved and can turn on you even if your just trying to help.......dont do it.

i just stick up for myself and am not into violence and try to calm down/avoid volatile situations when possible but this is a town that is daily like a busy fri night in a large town in uk where there is also a lot of stupid agressive drunks making trouble out of nothing.

thats why i think this thread would be better if only related to the more unusual incidents although you may see something and not know the whole story so then you may see it differently to what it is.

thais can turn violent over a few baht if you have cheated them or they think you have cheated them ie baht bus drivers.....bar security etc and to be honest i think most of the farangs that get beaten up by thai people is usually well deserved .....as i said most(not all :D )

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Might be far easier to check PCN or Patters Today. :o

maveric.....he did say incidents not in local media as they just get the tip of the iceberg....they aint got enough room to print everything reported to police let alone the majority and some serious incidents that never get reported. :D

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I'd have to agree with DonTron, In all honesty my hometown makes this place

look like captain kangeroo's kiddie playhouse. Maybe that's why I get upset

when I see the senseless violence and people being so inconsiderate. And that

would be all kinds of people, visiting foreigners and the locals also.

In a little over a year I've also personally witnessed 3 incidents where locals

blindsided a visitor, striking with some form of weapon at the back of the head.

which is why I now don't let Thais walk behind me and when they enter my

personal space I know where they are at all times. And they're aware I know. :D

your hometown sounds a bit dodge ......as in a year here you seen 3 foreigners get smacked round the head with a weapon for no reason at all......your hometown must be lovely....not :D .it must be nice and relaxing being away from this town and only having to walk around worrying about which thai might smack u :o

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That might be a very empty thread. In the two years I been here Iv seen 3 cases of violence. Two were some British guys beating up on Russian guys and one was between a Thai taxi driver and a big drunken Norwegian.

If you wanted to write a thread about the violence in my home town Copenhagen, then it would be quite busy. Taking a stroll down the walking street of Copenhagen around 2AM on a Saturday night will reveal more cases of violence than you will see here in a month.

you dont get out much here then :o . do u live in bkk as we are talkin about pattaya,i would agree bangkok doesnt have the no where near the same amount of drunken idiots causing trouble as pattaya does.if you dont think theres much violence here then check out the hospitals and see how many bleeding farangs they have had in each night...i think you will be surprised....and they dont all go to the hospital unless in a real bad way :D .sorry but i have seen more than your 3 cases of violence in 2 years in just one long night here....probably have to stay out later than 2am though and go a few discos :D

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It's all safe and fair unless you tend to get obscene, aggressive or big mouthed when you get drunk (especially vs. Thai men). Or maybe you like to walk through dark Soi's at 4 am wanting to present your gold chains and rolex watch?

Well, after all, I did not see much street violence, especially not against farangs. I can not speak for Thai venues because I usually not go there.

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I think most people here are referring to the main roads which are safe in most cities and countries. On several occasions when asking a Thai person for directions for somewhere away from the main roads I've received the answer "not safe". Pattaya is not just Walking Street and Second Road. There are some dark corners all over the place where you don't want to walk.

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Blame the booze...some people can't handle it, others take advantage of it.

If you're an aggressive drunk, stop drinking before you lose control of your common sense, or better still, don't consume alcohol.

If you carry something that another person might want, don't become so inebriated that you can't protect your valuable belongings....and a few baht might be 'valuable' to another person.

A good witness to any incident will observe only and not become involved. Involve yourself in any life threatening situation and you put your own life on the line.

That same good witness will inform the appropriate authorities if required.

Learn to walk away from any situation that looks like it may soon get out of hand.

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Blame the booze...some people can't handle it, others take advantage of it.

If you're an aggressive drunk, stop drinking before you lose control of your common sense, or better still, don't consume alcohol.

If you carry something that another person might want, don't become so inebriated that you can't protect your valuable belongings....and a few baht might be 'valuable' to another person.

A good witness to any incident will observe only and not become involved. Involve yourself in any life threatening situation and you put your own life on the line.

That same good witness will inform the appropriate authorities if required.

Learn to walk away from any situation that looks like it may soon get out of hand.

Yes indeed !!

He who walks away gets to live another day and never forgetting the old family motto " If in doubt..........piss off out "

On a serious note, in my humble opinion over 80 % of the wronged party in a punch up, "chose" in some form to become the wronged party. That choice may be staying in the company of aggressive drunks, or as the MM says, getting involved in some other parties war . Choose not to be a victim and life is always a little easier.

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What do the mean streets of Pattaya have in common with sleepy and beautiful Northern town of Pai and laid back Kanchanaburi? Answer - NOTHING when it comes to the actions of those towns' boozed-up coppers putting bullets through tourists in disporportionate drunken street murders. Anyone remember the British couple murdered - shot then run over - by a BIB (the first "B" standing for "Boozed" in this instance), a couple of years ago? And then the reports of the murder in Pai by another "B"IB at the weekend, executing a Canadian tourist and shooting his girlfriend in some disproportionately drunken face saving mission.

We may have a higher level of brutal street violence than these two (and most other) Thai centres, but we can be thankful that we at least seem to have a more professional police structure in place in Pattaya, and we have yet to experience a grave incident like this.

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I've spent a long tome in pattaya and have never seen a local attack a foreigner unprovoked. Every situation of violence I've seen (I"ve seen a lot) has some how been provoked been provoked by the foreigner. If you're chill, thais are chill. If your stir them up, then you've got a problem.

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If you want to see violence go to the <deleted> bar soi Metro was in lloydies bar next door over the xmas week and saw 4 fights including a guy attacking another with a sword, all farangs. Glad to be back safe in Liverpool. Happy New Year.

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Like others in all my years in Thailand (over 20!) I may be able to list 3 or 4 incidents? :D:o

Now if you were to ask to list traffic accidents, I couldn't even start to remember them all, what does that tell you? :D:D:D

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we can be thankful that we at least seem to have a more professional police structure in place in Pattaya

Well, there's something you don't hear everyday. :o

, and we have yet to experience a grave incident like this.

Wasn't there a cop in Pattaya who shot somone during Songkran for throwing water on him? Couple years ago?

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Pattaya is a violent place and it doesn't take much to get into a brawl if you are not careful and even if you are careful you can still be unlucky.

I have spent a lot of time in Pattaya and have seen many incidents and it doesn't take much sometimes and often it is over literally nothing.

But where you have cultural differences exacerbated by drugs and drink misunderstandings can quickly boil over into violence.

Let's not forget that many farang tourists have no idea of the concept of face that can turn your smiling Thai into a smiling assassin over what the farnag may consider absolutely nothing which for the Thai is a major face issue.

Ask the local Thais how safe Pattaya is and they will tell you to be very careful because they know how much violence there is going on in the place.

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I've spent a long tome in pattaya and have never seen a local attack a foreigner unprovoked. Every situation of violence I've seen (I"ve seen a lot) has some how been provoked been provoked by the foreigner. If you're chill, thais are chill. If your stir them up, then you've got a problem.
THAIMAN i wish you had been there the night i was attacked by a sword wielding nutter off soi buckow (soi 21) becuase in his opinion my car got too close to his car. i was pulled out of my car and threatened to be run through with a sword whilst all the time he was screaming 'you scared falang? you scared? i f**king kill you!' i managed to break away, with a minor slash wound to my forearm and manged to put a parked car between him and me. after swinging his sword around a lot and trying to skewer me over the roof of the car, he threatented me that he will get me another time, he finally ran off and drove away. this was 8-30 pm, on a saturday night, there were maybe 50 witnesses and i had not had a drink for a week. i got his car number, called the police from my mobile, with the help of a thai hairdresser from a nearby shop who spoke to them. They came to the scene, i gave them the number which was now written on my bloody forearm in a pen i snatched from a phone table outside a shop and told me to go to the police station at soi 9 who initially tried to say i was at fault, maybe i was drunk, i told them i had not had a drink in a week and i offered a piss/blood test and i insisted they look at my car outside as they accused me of maybe causing an accident so then it would have been me that made him angry. after defending off many attempts by them to turn this into my problem, i told them this guy was still out there why didn't they put an alert over the radio for him? they said had to wait for boss to say so. i said wheres the boss? they said out! i said on a saturday night? can you not call him? they said he not have mobile, i said well check the assailants car number on the computer, they said it was down for the weekend in Chonburi and they could not access it until monday. i said you are joking and taking the piss, i sensed they knew more than they were letting on. my friend who had joined me by then witnesed all this and thought it best left. he said it was clear nothing was going to happen and something was amiss. i took his advise and left. i did however make some enquiries on the monday with some friends in the know and hey guess what? he was an off duty, out on the piss cop from Siracha. the most scary part of this whole deal was just before i seized the opportunity to break away from him, he looked inside the car to see if anyone else was in there hidden behind the dark tint. i knew then this was a professional of some kind. this guy knew what he was doing, had i not broke away at the point who knows what might have happened? i now have pepper spray velcro'd to the air vent near the door frame so at least i can grab something defensive on the way out if it happens again. i also make sure i lock my car doors now when out and about. has it changed me? yes, a great deal and also my opinions of Thais in general. i take great care when i am out now, i am looking for situations to avoid. it has in many ways spoilt things for me and my family. in my opinion he is a bullying, cowardly scum bag who without his sword to support his miniscule manhood, would have had the battering he thoroughly deserved and then no doubt so would i, when the rest of the cowardly scum in the area joined in to defend one of there own.then what of the aftermath of a sword wielding cop on an unharmed, non agressive, non intoxicated farang in a road rage incident in a quiet backwater of Pattaya? what would the headlines have read then? how would tat have been justified, what lies would have been told to cover it up? anyway i have said my piece, its all true so fire away flamers and doubters, i am ready for you!
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I haven't found Thais to be so keen to rush out and support another Thai against a farang in a fight unless the farang is clearly in the wrong or the Thai in question is a friend of theirs. If you had already beat the guy and then just kept stomping him, someone might step in.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I haven't found Thais to be so keen to rush out and support another Thai against a farang in a fight unless the farang is clearly in the wrong or the Thai in question is a friend of theirs. If you had already beat the guy and then just kept stomping him, someone might step in.
you are entitled to believe that but i have seen it many times especially with motorbike taxi drivers. i do not think i have ever seen a thai or anyone else discussing the merits of the farangs indiscretion with the other protaganists before steaming in and giving him a good kicking. most recently this sport was viewed personally only two weeks ago in Soi Diamond when security thugs from all four corners of the Soi overwhelmed a farang, in an up until then one on one fight with a Thai and after raining blows upon him until he could no longer stand they then collectively gave the man a good kicking whilst he was unconsious. there was no way the attackers from around the Soi could possibly have known that he was involved in an incident up the grubby, smelly little alley at the side of the Diamond Hotel that leads to Third Road that some farangs seem to find an attractive drinking area. maybe the prolifertion of ladysboys is the attraction? for the record the ''security'' guards in Soi Diamond did nothing, looked on with complete indifference and offered no help to the victim at all. before anyone asks, yes i did help albeit it was too late to really do any substantial except to stop an elderly Thai man hitting the prone, unconsious and bleeding man with a bar stool. don't read too much into that, it was not hard to stop him, he was old and by then the attack was over and most of the cowards had run away back to their respective holes.
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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

you need to get out more, i seriously doubt you are qualified to comment on the likes of downtown Pattaya after choosing to live is sleepy little Pong district, the most exciting thing happening there is a round of bingo at Khun Johns.
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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

I for one would definatly rather walk home alone from a night out in pattaya than a night out in either Torquay or Plymouth ( 2 big towns near my uk birthplace ).,If you want to see violence, walk down union st at 2.30 or around the harbourside in torquay, beleive me thailand is MUCH better/safer,... :o Edited by mikethevigoman
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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

you need to get out more, i seriously doubt you are qualified to comment on the likes of downtown Pattaya after choosing to live is sleepy little Pong district, the most exciting thing happening there is a round of bingo at Khun Johns.

Well I touched down in the fair patters in 1985. Been involved in punch-ups with the Frog legion, Korean Army ( tough, take my word on that one) and just about all shades in between. One day thought what the..............and headed for Pong. I love Pong. Sorry, you have been where ?

Edited to be polite.

Edited by suiging
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Tatoodrob: Takes two parties to have an incident. Sounds like the violence rate in Pattaya would be greatly reduced if you moved to another place.

actually it would be the opposite as ive stopped more fights in the past than i can remember and also ive let things go when other people in same situation would certainly strike out.i had a bar in soi 8 where i stopped fights every night,i could of been a jerk and just let the drunk <deleted> knock <deleted> out of each other for no other reason apart from there drunk......i suppose it was my fault they were fighting too :o yes it takes two or more people to make an incident but when a person is very drunk and intent on starting a fight for no reason it doesnt make it easy........pattaya is full of people who cant handle there drink ,and this is the problem,not me.i hope one night some big aggressive drunk starts pushing you and touching your wife/girlfriend .....goodluck,coz if it was in my bar i would have sorted it out for you in a calm way but hey you know it all so.....goodluck....you will need it.

are u in the real world .........or u probobly only go to your local everynight(or teetotal)......or your wife doesnt get hit on by drunk farangs thinking every lady is fair game,

i like to go out late at night as thats my choice ....i like to goto discos....thats my choice.....you get drunks who want to fight....thats not my choice..thats life....il send them round to yours as i must be causing trouble.....you can talk to them,suits me. :D

Edited by tattoodrob
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