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Pattaya Street Violence


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Like others in all my years in Thailand (over 20!) I may be able to list 3 or 4 incidents? :bah::D

Now if you were to ask to list traffic accidents, I couldn't even start to remember them all, what does that tell you? :D:D:D

tells us your not a drinker but you like to drive around abit :o

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I've spent a long tome in pattaya and have never seen a local attack a foreigner unprovoked. Every situation of violence I've seen (I"ve seen a lot) has some how been provoked been provoked by the foreigner. If you're chill, thais are chill. If your stir them up, then you've got a problem.
THAIMAN i wish you had been there the night i was attacked by a sword wielding nutter off soi buckow (soi 21) becuase in his opinion my car got too close to his car. i was pulled out of my car and threatened to be run through with a sword whilst all the time he was screaming 'you scared falang? you scared? i f**king kill you!' i managed to break away, with a minor slash wound to my forearm and manged to put a parked car between him and me. after swinging his sword around a lot and trying to skewer me over the roof of the car, he threatented me that he will get me another time, he finally ran off and drove away. this was 8-30 pm, on a saturday night, there were maybe 50 witnesses and i had not had a drink for a week. i got his car number, called the police from my mobile, with the help of a thai hairdresser from a nearby shop who spoke to them. They came to the scene, i gave them the number which was now written on my bloody forearm in a pen i snatched from a phone table outside a shop and told me to go to the police station at soi 9 who initially tried to say i was at fault, maybe i was drunk, i told them i had not had a drink in a week and i offered a piss/blood test and i insisted they look at my car outside as they accused me of maybe causing an accident so then it would have been me that made him angry. after defending off many attempts by them to turn this into my problem, i told them this guy was still out there why didn't they put an alert over the radio for him? they said had to wait for boss to say so. i said wheres the boss? they said out! i said on a saturday night? can you not call him? they said he not have mobile, i said well check the assailants car number on the computer, they said it was down for the weekend in Chonburi and they could not access it until monday. i said you are joking and taking the piss, i sensed they knew more than they were letting on. my friend who had joined me by then witnesed all this and thought it best left. he said it was clear nothing was going to happen and something was amiss. i took his advise and left. i did however make some enquiries on the monday with some friends in the know and hey guess what? he was an off duty, out on the piss cop from Siracha. the most scary part of this whole deal was just before i seized the opportunity to break away from him, he looked inside the car to see if anyone else was in there hidden behind the dark tint. i knew then this was a professional of some kind. this guy knew what he was doing, had i not broke away at the point who knows what might have happened? i now have pepper spray velcro'd to the air vent near the door frame so at least i can grab something defensive on the way out if it happens again. i also make sure i lock my car doors now when out and about. has it changed me? yes, a great deal and also my opinions of Thais in general. i take great care when i am out now, i am looking for situations to avoid. it has in many ways spoilt things for me and my family. in my opinion he is a bullying, cowardly scum bag who without his sword to support his miniscule manhood, would have had the battering he thoroughly deserved and then no doubt so would i, when the rest of the cowardly scum in the area joined in to defend one of there own.then what of the aftermath of a sword wielding cop on an unharmed, non agressive, non intoxicated farang in a road rage incident in a quiet backwater of Pattaya? what would the headlines have read then? how would tat have been justified, what lies would have been told to cover it up? anyway i have said my piece, its all true so fire away flamers and doubters, i am ready for you!

no doubt and no flaming from me :D .........i wish it wasnt true.he knew he could do <deleted> he wanted to do as your a farang and hes a cop...and drunk at that.maybe you was lucky he didnt have his service revolver and only had his back up sword handy.........some people here would say you must have done something to provoke him.....but i say wait til it happens to them,then they will change..........everywhere is great when it happens to others :o

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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

you need to get out more, i seriously doubt you are qualified to comment on the likes of downtown Pattaya after choosing to live is sleepy little Pong district, the most exciting thing happening there is a round of bingo at Khun Johns.

Well I touched down in the fair patters in 1985. Been involved in punch-ups with the Frog legion, Korean Army ( tough, take my word on that one) and just about all shades in between. One day thought what the..............and headed for Pong. I love Pong. Sorry, you have been where ?

Edited to be polite.

no need to be polite, i am not used to it especially from people like yourself. i am not going to get into a pissing contest with you over who's had the most fights or with whom, i personally do not feel the need to boast about it. in my opinion fighting is the domain of those who quickly run out of intelligent dialogue to defend themselves or their beliefs and feel the need to inflict their opinion on others with violence.

i do like Pong myself, in fact i am preparing a bid on the big empty house on the hill, you know the one?

near the waterworks? if you look to your left when you are having your mince pie and tatties at Khun johns, you can see its roof on the highest point overlooking the lake. i thought i might move over into gods waiting room for a quieter life.

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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

just to post script this one for your accuracy, i did this grubby little alley that i was referring to in my last post a big disservice. it is in fact known as Moo 10 and is accessable by vehicles, its a government maintained thoroughfare to Third road, it is the home to list just a few, the Casino club, the Windmill a Go Go, Diamond a Go Go and a number of eating places including a long established and highly regarded Swiss restaurant. it is adjacent to The Diamond Hotel and is used by many farangs as a shortcut through to Walking Street after being dropped on Third road.

Soi Diamond is one of the longest established entertainment areas in Pattaya, the carousel bars (rotating) have been there over 20 years. so it surprises me that having been here since 1985, no doubt had a number of fights there, you did not recognise my tongue in cheek description of this very well known area of Pattaya. its not really a grubby little alley, so apologies Moo 10 off Soi Diamond.

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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

just to post script this one for your accuracy, i did this grubby little alley that i was referring to in my last post a big disservice. it is in fact known as Moo 10 and is accessable by vehicles, its a government maintained thoroughfare to Third road, it is the home to list just a few, the Casino club, the Windmill a Go Go, Diamond a Go Go and a number of eating places including a long established and highly regarded Swiss restaurant. it is adjacent to The Diamond Hotel and is used by many farangs as a shortcut through to Walking Street after being dropped on Third road.

Soi Diamond is one of the longest established entertainment areas in Pattaya, the carousel bars (rotating) have been there over 20 years. so it surprises me that having been here since 1985, no doubt had a number of fights there, you did not recognise my tongue in cheek description of this very well known area of Pattaya. its not really a grubby little alley, so apologies Moo 10 off Soi Diamond.

Sorry but Soi Diamond is nowhere near 3rd road, and I was under the impression that Moo 10 was a sub-district that covered half of Pattaya (could be wrong on this one, but definitely not wrong on first point). I can post a map if you're lost.

Edited by sweetchariot
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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

just to post script this one for your accuracy, i did this grubby little alley that i was referring to in my last post a big disservice. it is in fact known as Moo 10 and is accessable by vehicles, its a government maintained thoroughfare to Third road, it is the home to list just a few, the Casino club, the Windmill a Go Go, Diamond a Go Go and a number of eating places including a long established and highly regarded Swiss restaurant. it is adjacent to The Diamond Hotel and is used by many farangs as a shortcut through to Walking Street after being dropped on Third road.

Soi Diamond is one of the longest established entertainment areas in Pattaya, the carousel bars (rotating) have been there over 20 years. so it surprises me that having been here since 1985, no doubt had a number of fights there, you did not recognise my tongue in cheek description of this very well known area of Pattaya. its not really a grubby little alley, so apologies Moo 10 off Soi Diamond.

Sorry but Soi Diamond is nowhere near 3rd road, and I was under the impression that Moo 10 was a sub-district that covered half of Pattaya (could be wrong on this one, but definitely not wrong on first point). I can post a map if you're lost.

runs between walking st and rd 2,.
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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

you need to get out more, i seriously doubt you are qualified to comment on the likes of downtown Pattaya after choosing to live is sleepy little Pong district, the most exciting thing happening there is a round of bingo at Khun Johns.

Well I touched down in the fair patters in 1985. Been involved in punch-ups with the Frog legion, Korean Army ( tough, take my word on that one) and just about all shades in between. One day thought what the..............and headed for Pong. I love Pong. Sorry, you have been where ?

Edited to be polite.

no need to be polite, i am not used to it especially from people like yourself. i am not going to get into a pissing contest with you over who's had the most fights or with whom, i personally do not feel the need to boast about it. in my opinion fighting is the domain of those who quickly run out of intelligent dialogue to defend themselves or their beliefs and feel the need to inflict their opinion on others with violence.

i do like Pong myself, in fact i am preparing a bid on the big empty house on the hill, you know the one?

near the waterworks? if you look to your left when you are having your mince pie and tatties at Khun johns, you can see its roof on the highest point overlooking the lake. i thought i might move over into gods waiting room for a quieter life.

Good for you, I am sure you will enjoy it.

Not meant to be a pissing contest, just a reply to your dismissive post. Certainly not in any way proud of my somewhat unfortunate past, just mentioned it as you seem to think anyone out in the sticks is a gereatric with no idea about downtown problems. Where you are quite incorrect is your " people like yourself " rant, as you have no idea about myself and thankfully now I know where you are moving to.........you never will.

Edited by suiging
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I've spent a long tome in pattaya and have never seen a local attack a foreigner unprovoked. Every situation of violence I've seen (I"ve seen a lot) has some how been provoked been provoked by the foreigner. If you're chill, thais are chill. If your stir them up, then you've got a problem.
THAIMAN i wish you had been there the night i was attacked by a sword wielding nutter off soi buckow (soi 21) becuase in his opinion my car got too close to his car. i was pulled out of my car and threatened to be run through with a sword whilst all the time he was screaming 'you scared falang? you scared? i f**king kill you!' i managed to break away, with a minor slash wound to my forearm and manged to put a parked car between him and me. after swinging his sword around a lot and trying to skewer me over the roof of the car, he threatented me that he will get me another time, he finally ran off and drove away. this was 8-30 pm, on a saturday night, there were maybe 50 witnesses and i had not had a drink for a week. i got his car number, called the police from my mobile, with the help of a thai hairdresser from a nearby shop who spoke to them. They came to the scene, i gave them the number which was now written on my bloody forearm in a pen i snatched from a phone table outside a shop and told me to go to the police station at soi 9 who initially tried to say i was at fault, maybe i was drunk, i told them i had not had a drink in a week and i offered a piss/blood test and i insisted they look at my car outside as they accused me of maybe causing an accident so then it would have been me that made him angry. after defending off many attempts by them to turn this into my problem, i told them this guy was still out there why didn't they put an alert over the radio for him? they said had to wait for boss to say so. i said wheres the boss? they said out! i said on a saturday night? can you not call him? they said he not have mobile, i said well check the assailants car number on the computer, they said it was down for the weekend in Chonburi and they could not access it until monday. i said you are joking and taking the piss, i sensed they knew more than they were letting on. my friend who had joined me by then witnesed all this and thought it best left. he said it was clear nothing was going to happen and something was amiss. i took his advise and left. i did however make some enquiries on the monday with some friends in the know and hey guess what? he was an off duty, out on the piss cop from Siracha. the most scary part of this whole deal was just before i seized the opportunity to break away from him, he looked inside the car to see if anyone else was in there hidden behind the dark tint. i knew then this was a professional of some kind. this guy knew what he was doing, had i not broke away at the point who knows what might have happened? i now have pepper spray velcro'd to the air vent near the door frame so at least i can grab something defensive on the way out if it happens again. i also make sure i lock my car doors now when out and about. has it changed me? yes, a great deal and also my opinions of Thais in general. i take great care when i am out now, i am looking for situations to avoid. it has in many ways spoilt things for me and my family. in my opinion he is a bullying, cowardly scum bag who without his sword to support his miniscule manhood, would have had the battering he thoroughly deserved and then no doubt so would i, when the rest of the cowardly scum in the area joined in to defend one of there own.then what of the aftermath of a sword wielding cop on an unharmed, non agressive, non intoxicated farang in a road rage incident in a quiet backwater of Pattaya? what would the headlines have read then? how would tat have been justified, what lies would have been told to cover it up? anyway i have said my piece, its all true so fire away flamers and doubters, i am ready for you!

Timekeeper, may I make a suggestion. You've taken a lot of time out to write a reply so if you want people to read it, use paragraphs.

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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

just to post script this one for your accuracy, i did this grubby little alley that i was referring to in my last post a big disservice. it is in fact known as Moo 10 and is accessable by vehicles, its a government maintained thoroughfare to Third road, it is the home to list just a few, the Casino club, the Windmill a Go Go, Diamond a Go Go and a number of eating places including a long established and highly regarded Swiss restaurant. it is adjacent to The Diamond Hotel and is used by many farangs as a shortcut through to Walking Street after being dropped on Third road.

Soi Diamond is one of the longest established entertainment areas in Pattaya, the carousel bars (rotating) have been there over 20 years. so it surprises me that having been here since 1985, no doubt had a number of fights there, you did not recognise my tongue in cheek description of this very well known area of Pattaya. its not really a grubby little alley, so apologies Moo 10 off Soi Diamond.

Sorry but Soi Diamond is nowhere near 3rd road, and I was under the impression that Moo 10 was a sub-district that covered half of Pattaya (could be wrong on this one, but definitely not wrong on first point). I can post a map if you're lost.

you are right of course, i meant 2nd road and walking street. my apologies for the slip.
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OK, now I'm thinking of starting a thread for posters who have witnessed shocking violence in exchanges on this board!

What is it with Thais and swords? The sword story reminded me of a year ago when I was in Soi Rungland in the middle of the day. A Thai guy ran out of a shop quickly followed by a very angry Thai man waving a giant samurai sword over his head, screaming like a buffalo, and slashing at the air just behind the guy in front's head as he ran away. It was clearly an attempt to kill (decapitate) and not to maim, and he got very close indeed. They disappeared down a sidestreet, so I don't know what happened, but I often wonder!

I decided getting back in my car and driving off was the most sensible thing in the circumstances.

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OK, now I'm thinking of starting a thread for posters who have witnessed shocking violence in exchanges on this board!

What is it with Thais and swords? The sword story reminded me of a year ago when I was in Soi Rungland in the middle of the day. A Thai guy ran out of a shop quickly followed by a very angry Thai man waving a giant samurai sword over his head, screaming like a buffalo, and slashing at the air just behind the guy in front's head as he ran away. It was clearly an attempt to kill (decapitate) and not to maim, and he got very close indeed. They disappeared down a sidestreet, so I don't know what happened, but I often wonder!

I decided getting back in my car and driving off was the most sensible thing in the circumstances.

Happens in the uk, a guy went loopy on the motorway near Hull with a samurai sword, i think the police shot and killed him, ! :o
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Oh for F-sake grow up.

Spend your time in sordid little alleys anywhere in the world in the heart of the " Industry " and what do you expect ?

Why perpetuate such tales when time spent in any back alley anywhere in the world will end up with the same misery.

Down town Patters attracts some of the worst examples of any colour or creed. This is not a reflection on the life you can lead in this great city. Go live in Manchester and spend your time in the alleys of Moss side. Live in Paris in the Arab quarter and make it clear you are a racist. However, choose to enjoy what this town has to offer without lowering yourself into the gutter and you will be surprised what it can offer.

you need to get out more, i seriously doubt you are qualified to comment on the likes of downtown Pattaya after choosing to live is sleepy little Pong district, the most exciting thing happening there is a round of bingo at Khun Johns.

Well I touched down in the fair patters in 1985. Been involved in punch-ups with the Frog legion, Korean Army ( tough, take my word on that one) and just about all shades in between. One day thought what the..............and headed for Pong. I love Pong. Sorry, you have been where ?

Edited to be polite.

no need to be polite, i am not used to it especially from people like yourself. i am not going to get into a pissing contest with you over who's had the most fights or with whom, i personally do not feel the need to boast about it. in my opinion fighting is the domain of those who quickly run out of intelligent dialogue to defend themselves or their beliefs and feel the need to inflict their opinion on others with violence.

i do like Pong myself, in fact i am preparing a bid on the big empty house on the hill, you know the one?

near the waterworks? if you look to your left when you are having your mince pie and tatties at Khun johns, you can see its roof on the highest point overlooking the lake. i thought i might move over into gods waiting room for a quieter life.

Good for you, I am sure you will enjoy it.

Not meant to be a pissing contest, just a reply to your dismissive post. Certainly not in any way proud of my somewhat unfortunate past, just mentioned it as you seem to think anyone out in the sticks is a gereatric with no idea about downtown problems. Where you are quite incorrect is your " people like yourself " rant, as you have no idea about myself and thankfully now I know where you are moving to.........you never will.

hardly a 'rant' you are very sensitive if you think it was.

after reading your previous contributions to the forum i know enough about you to know that you spend a lot of time golfing, you may or not be serving police officer in HK, should be employed by Pattaya City hall as a tourist marketing officer, that you know a lot about music and composing three word stories.

i do know the area of Pong well, i have a house within 1 kilometre of the lake, its a house i rent out, i may well do the same thing with the big hill house. i do not know if could stand the jolly hockey sticks, expat know alls, rose tinted glasses, holier than though ''we live by the lake'' banter in Montys, Fishermans, John's etc.

thankfully i only have to endure it when i drive holiday renters to the lake and show them whats available for their edification.

i have no doubt seen you already pontificating to the audience, carefully avoided you and took your own families motto advise (as previously posted) 'if in doubt.....get the <deleted> out

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I've spent a long tome in pattaya and have never seen a local attack a foreigner unprovoked. Every situation of violence I've seen (I"ve seen a lot) has some how been provoked been provoked by the foreigner. If you're chill, thais are chill. If your stir them up, then you've got a problem.
THAIMAN i wish you had been there the night i was attacked by a sword wielding nutter off soi buckow (soi 21) becuase in his opinion my car got too close to his car. i was pulled out of my car and threatened to be run through with a sword whilst all the time he was screaming 'you scared falang? you scared? i f**king kill you!' i managed to break away, with a minor slash wound to my forearm and manged to put a parked car between him and me. after swinging his sword around a lot and trying to skewer me over the roof of the car, he threatented me that he will get me another time, he finally ran off and drove away. this was 8-30 pm, on a saturday night, there were maybe 50 witnesses and i had not had a drink for a week. i got his car number, called the police from my mobile, with the help of a thai hairdresser from a nearby shop who spoke to them. They came to the scene, i gave them the number which was now written on my bloody forearm in a pen i snatched from a phone table outside a shop and told me to go to the police station at soi 9 who initially tried to say i was at fault, maybe i was drunk, i told them i had not had a drink in a week and i offered a piss/blood test and i insisted they look at my car outside as they accused me of maybe causing an accident so then it would have been me that made him angry. after defending off many attempts by them to turn this into my problem, i told them this guy was still out there why didn't they put an alert over the radio for him? they said had to wait for boss to say so. i said wheres the boss? they said out! i said on a saturday night? can you not call him? they said he not have mobile, i said well check the assailants car number on the computer, they said it was down for the weekend in Chonburi and they could not access it until monday. i said you are joking and taking the piss, i sensed they knew more than they were letting on. my friend who had joined me by then witnesed all this and thought it best left. he said it was clear nothing was going to happen and something was amiss. i took his advise and left. i did however make some enquiries on the monday with some friends in the know and hey guess what? he was an off duty, out on the piss cop from Siracha. the most scary part of this whole deal was just before i seized the opportunity to break away from him, he looked inside the car to see if anyone else was in there hidden behind the dark tint. i knew then this was a professional of some kind. this guy knew what he was doing, had i not broke away at the point who knows what might have happened? i now have pepper spray velcro'd to the air vent near the door frame so at least i can grab something defensive on the way out if it happens again. i also make sure i lock my car doors now when out and about. has it changed me? yes, a great deal and also my opinions of Thais in general. i take great care when i am out now, i am looking for situations to avoid. it has in many ways spoilt things for me and my family. in my opinion he is a bullying, cowardly scum bag who without his sword to support his miniscule manhood, would have had the battering he thoroughly deserved and then no doubt so would i, when the rest of the cowardly scum in the area joined in to defend one of there own.then what of the aftermath of a sword wielding cop on an unharmed, non agressive, non intoxicated farang in a road rage incident in a quiet backwater of Pattaya? what would the headlines have read then? how would tat have been justified, what lies would have been told to cover it up? anyway i have said my piece, its all true so fire away flamers and doubters, i am ready for you!

Timekeeper, may I make a suggestion. You've taken a lot of time out to write a reply so if you want people to read it, use paragraphs.

sorry its the first time i have told this story since it happened 6 months ago, i got so angry and worked up about, i forgot to set the grammar, apologies if it made it hard to follow. it wasn't intended
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a couple weeks ago i was riding on my bike and saw a drunk thai kicking the shit out of a mid age lady who i assume was the bar owner and must have asked him to leave for being so drunk or something like that, tried smashing a beer bottle on her head and was throwing shit at her well her helpless friend (also a mid age female) tried to stop him. Happened right on jomtien beach road or whatever the streets called. I kept my distance and had my hand on the throttle incase the thai didn't like me watching.

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I had some guy try to stick the head on me in the Atlantic bar one night, I was chatting to the very lovely Lee and the guy got jealous. :o

Yeah I know, what a prick.. nothing much came of it, a bit of a scuffle and he got booted out, I went in the next night and got extra attention and free drinks.

A happy ending. :D

One night though about a year ago, I was coming into town down Pattaya Klang in a baht bus and we stopped at the lights on the junction with 3rd Road.

A Volvo S40 came slowly around the corner to the right, followed by a Mercedes ML500 totally screwing it, tyres screeching and beeping his horn, he overtook the Volvo, cut across the front of it and screeched to a halt.

The door flies open and this guy, farang, around 40 years old maybe 16 stone, big guy anyway goes stomping toward the Volvo shouting and waving his arms at the driver, another farang who is at least 60, bald and liver spotted.

The Volvo driver winds his window down and has a look of total incomprehension on his face, the big guy is bawling and gesticulating and the old boy just sits shaking his head as if to say 'I don't understand why you are so angry' the big guy gets more worked up and the old boy is just taking it.

Then the big guy draws a punch and threatingly makes to let it go and land it on him... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAHHH!!!

The old boy just loses it big time, starts shouting at the big guy and starts opening the door to get out.. the big guy SHITS! he tries to force the door shut and keep the old boy in the car, the old boy kicks and shoves and before you know it he's out of the car and on his feet.

The old boy sticks his dukes up and says right come on then, he was so frail looking maybe 8-9 stone, liver spots and all, it just seemed ridiculous.

So the big guy is there palms open shrugging his shoulders when WHAM! the old boy jabs him straight left to the mouth and then BANG! right over the top into the side of his head, the big guys legs crumple and he falls in on the old boy grabbing him, trying to stop any more punches, the old boy is having none of it.

Quick as you like he tuns the guy and backs him up against the hood of his car and starts working the big guy over, holy funkin crap it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

The lights changed and we were away... I wish I'd had a video camera it was brilliant.

The big tough guy in his blacked out Merc gets road rage with a pensioner and gets filled in... have some justice you meathead!.

Who can say what the old boy had done in his life but he sure had some moves on him. :D

Edited by Robski
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I had some guy try to stick the head on me in the Atlantic bar one night, I was chatting to the very lovely Lee and the guy got jealous. :o

Yeah I know, what a prick.. nothing much came of it, a bit of a scuffle and he got booted out, I went in the next night and got extra attention and free drinks.

A happy ending. :bah:

One night though about a year ago, I was coming into town down Pattaya Klang in a baht bus and we stopped at the lights on the junction with 3rd Road.

A Volvo S40 came slowly around the corner to the right, followed by a Mercedes ML500 totally screwing it, tyres screeching and beeping his horn, he overtook the Volvo, cut across the front of it and screeched to a halt.

The door flies open and this guy, farang, around 40 years old maybe 16 stone, big guy anyway goes stomping toward the Volvo shouting and waving his arms at the driver, another farang who is at least 60, bald and liver spotted.

The Volvo driver winds his window down and has a look of total incomprehension on his face, the big guy is bawling and gesticulating and the old boy just sits shaking his head as if to say 'I don't understand why you are so angry' the big guy gets more worked up and the old boy is just taking it.

Then the big guy draws a punch and threatingly makes to let it go and land it on him... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAHHH!!!

The old boy just loses it big time, starts shouting at the big guy and starts opening the door to get out.. the big guy SHITS! he tries to force the door shut and keep the old boy in the car, the old boy kicks and shoves and before you know it he's out of the car and on his feet.

The old boy sticks his dukes up and says right come on then, he was so frail looking maybe 8-9 stone, liver spots and all, it just seemed ridiculous.

So the big guy is there palms open shrugging his shoulders when WHAM! the old boy jabs him straight left to the mouth and then BANG! right over the top into the side of his head, the big guys legs crumple and he falls in on the old boy grabbing him, trying to stop any more punches, the old boy is having none of it.

Quick as you like he tuns the guy and backs him up against the hood of his car and starts working the big guy over, holy funkin crap it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

The lights changed and we were away... I wish I'd had a video camera it was brilliant.

The big tough guy in his blacked out Merc gets road rage with a pensioner and gets filled in... have some justice you meathead!.

Who can say what the old boy had done in his life but he sure had some moves on him. :D

yeh some guys do get worked up about the girls here,real strange,i think its when they take too much grog on board and maybe think coz they have gone with a girl before that she is then not allowed to go(or talk) with others.get a life i say.i have a worse story than yours about jealous guys but hey i better save it as some here wouldnt believe it....too many people come here who are definitely screwed up...too much of that ice stuff me thinks.

i like the story of the big guy getting done over,the old boy must have been more than8/9 stone though comeon thats light for a farang......im guessing but the old boy must have done a bit of boxing in his time to come up with the old one two on the big guy......hes probabaly the bully type that normally gets his way by shouting and lookin intimidating so others back down and he feels great.what a pratt he must have looked this time,i bet the thai onlookers loved it too.

lucky the big guy didnt do the same to a drunk off duty thai cop....could have ended up brown bread :D:D:D:bah:

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In the last several years the vibe in Pattaya has definitely changes and it doesn't feel as it used to. I also see more scuffles and pre-fight shouting and that thing the girls do where they hold a bottle over their head while shuffling forwards and backwards and shouting.

I think there are 3 simultaneous causes. The first is the rise in methamphetamine use by both Thais and westerners. When I first came to Thailand in the early 90s it was almost unknown, by the late 90s it was ubiquitous. One bar owner at the time told me that probably 80% of the girls working in the bars on the road he was on were using. Taksin's crackdown certainly had an effect as the price rose about 4 fold and you started seeing more chubby girls! Now its back to being ubiquitous, except the girls think that by taking "ice" they're not a yaba user!

Its not particularly the danger when they're high, but when they're strung out afterwards and maybe in withdrawal. It certainly makes losing a customer to another girl or having a farang waste your time and not take you out after dancing on his lap all night more calamitous for the girl.

The other change is the change in young Thai woman. They are much less demure now and have gone wild. When I first arrived it was still wrong for a man and woman to hold hands in public and you rarely saw it. Anyone who's been to Pattaya recently knows the girls will do anything out in public, including making out and screaming.

The third and probably most obvious change to us farangs is the arrival of large numbers of westerners from the lower socio-economic stratas of the west. You can accuse me of being a snob if you like, but there is a definite difference in the behaviour of young university graduates backpacking, middle aged professional divorcees and the young working classes. Anyone who has been in a city centre on a Friday night anywhere in the UK knows that entire swaths of the population drinks to stupefaction and then fights, and that's their traditional form of entertainment. They then bring these patterns of behaviour with them when they come to Thailand. And the more of them there are behaving the same way the more of them behave that way. When they were coming in small groups they were more aware they were somewhere very different. When they're in a street packed with loads of people just like them they revert to their western behaviour.

I'm not sure that there's any cure for the first two factors, but with any luck the coming oil crisis will minimise the impact of the third and make Thailand again unreachable to the yob element. Although hearing recently that the UK now has the highest per capita GDP of any large nation makes me think that the British yobs at the very least are going to be coming here in large numbers for the forseeable future.

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i have noticed in the last few years that there is much violence directed at foreigners from thais for little or nothing. thais can do anything they wish and nothing will come of it - and they know it.

i know of all sorts of incidents. recently i read another on stickman. my norweigan friend was hit upside the head with a bottle early pm on beach road in well lit area. i have another friend mugged while on soi bukhao. i have lots of these stories. my norweigan friend was the last straw because the cops didnt want to even help him - and it happened basically outside the police station. i have seen lots of problems with moto taxis and farang demanding more and getting animal on some poor drunk punter.

often, its not the booze!! the thais are ripping off the foreigner and the foreigner actually objects (how dare he!). foreigners can act eally badly but i have witnessed many times a foreigner getting wacked in an open bar for what appears to be no reason.

i also think that bar girls who think they got shorted (read got what they negotiated but they thought they deserved more) get taxi driivers and thugs to beat on you.

there is a HUGe yah-bah problem the authorities refuse to deal with. this makes people not only desparte thieves but very violent.

finally i will leave you with this about a year back the woman watching my bldg allowed her moto taxi bf to come in the back and upstairs to steal a laptop. teh guy in the room was woken and the moto driver took a bottle to him. he was only cut a bit but missed an artery that would have killed him. numerous calls to pattayas finest - no response.

im happy to be wrapping up thailand.

you wont beleive all the violence and problems until it happens to you ... and no one will help you not a farang and surely not a thai.

the onwer of X travel agency told me after getting off the phone with a rude agent at an airline. thais no longer have any manners, the young people go through university but learn nothing, thailand has become 'aggressive' (that word she spoke in english) AGGRESSIVE.

we all know how petty and vindictive thais can be - they will hold a grudge forever.

between all the comments chalking everything up to drunkeness and farang stupidity i would urge eveyone to take heed of teh accounts that have been posted. not exactly a short thread as predicted.

pattaya has a huge murder rate as well.

Edited by luumak
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i have noticed in the last few years that there is much violence directed at foreigners from thais for little or nothing. thais can do anything they wish and nothing will come of it - and they know it.

i know of all sorts of incidents. recently i read another on stickman. my norweigan friend was hit upside the head with a bottle early pm on beach road in well lit area. i have another friend mugged while on soi bukhao. i have lots of these stories. my norweigan friend was the last straw because the cops didnt want to even help him - and it happened basically outside the police station. i have seen lots of problems with moto taxis and farang demanding more and getting animal on some poor drunk punter.

often, its not the booze!! the thais are ripping off the foreigner and the foreigner actually objects (how dare he!). foreigners can act eally badly but i have witnessed many times a foreigner getting wacked in an open bar for what appears to be no reason.

i also think that bar girls who think they got shorted (read got what they negotiated but they thought they deserved more) get taxi driivers and thugs to beat on you.

there is a HUGe yah-bah problem the authorities refuse to deal with. this makes people not only desparte thieves but very violent.

finally i will leave you with this about a year back the woman watching my bldg allowed her moto taxi bf to come in the back and upstairs to steal a laptop. teh guy in the room was woken and the moto driver took a bottle to him. he was only cut a bit but missed an artery that would have killed him. numerous calls to pattayas finest - no response.

im happy to be wrapping up thailand.

you wont beleive all the violence and problems until it happens to you ... and no one will help you not a farang and surely not a thai.

the onwer of X travel agency told me after getting off the phone with a rude agent at an airline. thais no longer have any manners, the young people go through university but learn nothing, thailand has become 'aggressive' (that word she spoke in english) AGGRESSIVE.

we all know how petty and vindictive thais can be - they will hold a grudge forever.

between all the comments chalking everything up to drunkeness and farang stupidity i would urge eveyone to take heed of teh accounts that have been posted. not exactly a short thread as predicted.

pattaya has a huge murder rate as well.

agree with everything you wrote but i think it has been this way for a while, the longer you live here then obviously you see more and more both in person and in the news.a lot of the guys i know that have lived here a while are pi ssed off with the place........it can be a fun place but definitely has its negatives as well.the holiday makers dont have to deal with the rip offs/bad manners/bad service etc on a daily basis so seems like heaven to them. :o

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walk down union st at 2.30

Ahhh Unionstrasse.... that takes me back....... :D . Did that, I am not sure why I am still alive :o

Lived there for 10 years, I'm still alive (just). The same in every large town anywhere in the world. If you go out with an attitude or looking for trouble, then you will find it. I must have been in Union St 100's of times, and never had a problem. I used to take my staff out there as my bank was on Drake's Circus, and still never had a problem. I've never had a problem in Thailand either. I am sure this is all down to the way one conducts themselves, either that or I am very lucky.

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walk down union st at 2.30

Ahhh Unionstrasse.... that takes me back....... :D . Did that, I am not sure why I am still alive :o

Lived there for 10 years, I'm still alive (just). The same in every large town anywhere in the world. If you go out with an attitude or looking for trouble, then you will find it. I must have been in Union St 100's of times, and never had a problem. I used to take my staff out there as my bank was on Drake's Circus, and still never had a problem. I've never had a problem in Thailand either. I am sure this is all down to the way one conducts themselves, either that or I am very lucky.

i think its the latter, any thoughts on some lottery numbers??
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At the end of the day, many Farang think they are superior to Thai people, and that arrogance can be their downfall.

I have lived in Pattaya a few years more than most, and a few years less than some, I have never witnessed an unprovoked attack upon a Farang.

Farangs get away with a lot more than Thai guys ever would in the same situation.

The Farang attitude plays a very large part in the Farang v Thai confrontational stakes.

99 times out of a 100 the Farang loses, I dunno why they bother in the 1st place.....

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At the end of the day, many Farang think they are superior to Thai people, and that arrogance can be their downfall.

I have lived in Pattaya a few years more than most, and a few years less than some, I have never witnessed an unprovoked attack upon a Farang.

Farangs get away with a lot more than Thai guys ever would in the same situation.

The Farang attitude plays a very large part in the Farang v Thai confrontational stakes.

99 times out of a 100 the Farang loses, I dunno why they bother in the 1st place.....

For once, I agree with you. :o

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At the end of the day, many Farang think they are superior to Thai people, and that arrogance can be their downfall.

I have lived in Pattaya a few years more than most, and a few years less than some, I have never witnessed an unprovoked attack upon a Farang.

Farangs get away with a lot more than Thai guys ever would in the same situation.

The Farang attitude plays a very large part in the Farang v Thai confrontational stakes.

99 times out of a 100 the Farang loses, I dunno why they bother in the 1st place.....

Words of wisdom and so true.

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