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Crackdown On Smoking At Pubs, Enteratinment Venues


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There is no reason smokers will be at all uncomfortable affter the new laws take effect in two weeks. Nicotine is easily injected and injectable nicotine poses no second=hand ill effects. Intramuscular injections can ease a smoker through an entire meal before withdrawal symptoms kick in. When uncomfortable the ex-smoker can mainline into a vein for immediate relief. There is no reason that smokers should have to suffer.

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There is no reason smokers will be at all uncomfortable affter the new laws take effect in two weeks. Nicotine is easily injected and injectable nicotine poses no second=hand ill effects. Intramuscular injections can ease a smoker through an entire meal before withdrawal symptoms kick in. When uncomfortable the ex-smoker can mainline into a vein for immediate relief. There is no reason that smokers should have to suffer.

A majority of the addiction is mental, not physical.

Ask anyone that bites their nails and you'll see.

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As for the ban being positive for the health of every non smoker, I would have to no. there is a very small percentage of people (far less than 1%) who have for lack of a better word super immune systems.

An estimated 13 million Americans, 5.1 percent of the population, have asthma. View source here.

Multiply that by the rest of the worlds' population and cigarette smoke has the potential to cause problems (possibly death) on a large scale.

Second hand cigarette smoke can trigger severe asthma attacks.

For all remaining non-smokers who are not asthmatic and whose health may not be directly adversely affected by second hand smoke, the vast majority of them will regard a room full of second hand smoke as utterly disgusting....especially when they are eating a meal.

With smokers now in the minority of the population, it's time to bite the bullet, stop making excuses and quit the habit.

If 5.1% are asthmatic, and roughly 30% smokers, then that puts asthmatics firmly in the minority, so it is they who should be avoiding places frequented by smokers.

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There is no reason smokers will be at all uncomfortable affter the new laws take effect in two weeks. Nicotine is easily injected and injectable nicotine poses no second=hand ill effects. Intramuscular injections can ease a smoker through an entire meal before withdrawal symptoms kick in. When uncomfortable the ex-smoker can mainline into a vein for immediate relief. There is no reason that smokers should have to suffer.

A majority of the addiction is mental, not physical.

Ask anyone that bites their nails and you'll see.

Back in the States, they now sell nail extensions available in Vietnamese nail salons that when bitten release a nicotine burst. There is a more expensive thumbnail extension that when bitten releases a slow and longer acting nicotine surge that lasts a full eight hours.

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There is no reason smokers will be at all uncomfortable affter the new laws take effect in two weeks. Nicotine is easily injected and injectable nicotine poses no second=hand ill effects. Intramuscular injections can ease a smoker through an entire meal before withdrawal symptoms kick in. When uncomfortable the ex-smoker can mainline into a vein for immediate relief. There is no reason that smokers should have to suffer.

A majority of the addiction is mental, not physical.

Ask anyone that bites their nails and you'll see.

Back in the States, they now sell nail extensions available in Vietnamese nail salons that when bitten release a nicotine burst. There is a more expensive thumbnail extension that when bitten releases a slow and longer acting nicotine surge that lasts a full eight hours.

Wow, wonder when they will be available here. The last time I tried to give up I turned into the most evil b*tch from h*ll imaginable, to the point, where my, now ex-husband, went out and got me a pack of cigs. and begged me to smoke, all of them! :D :D He didn't seem to mind the nail biting bit atall. :o

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There is no reason smokers will be at all uncomfortable affter the new laws take effect in two weeks. Nicotine is easily injected and injectable nicotine poses no second=hand ill effects. Intramuscular injections can ease a smoker through an entire meal before withdrawal symptoms kick in. When uncomfortable the ex-smoker can mainline into a vein for immediate relief. There is no reason that smokers should have to suffer.

A majority of the addiction is mental, not physical.

Ask anyone that bites their nails and you'll see.

Back in the States, they now sell nail extensions available in Vietnamese nail salons that when bitten release a nicotine burst. There is a more expensive thumbnail extension that when bitten releases a slow and longer acting nicotine surge that lasts a full eight hours.

Wow, wonder when they will be available here. The last time I tried to give up I turned into the most evil b*tch from h*ll imaginable, to the point, where my, now ex-husband, went out and got me a pack of cigs. and begged me to smoke, all of them! :D :D He didn't seem to mind the nail biting bit atall. :o

Just mental addiction I assure you.

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I have just spent a very painful hour reading all of this thread.

I think we should rename it the JohnK thread as he seems to know more than anyone else on this planet.

Give up JK, we smoke, we like it, and we don't give a <deleted> about preachers like you. In fact I have smoked more reading through all this tripe than normal, and I have opened my windows so you will get some of it eventually!! :D

This will never be enforced, and everyone here knows it. I only hope that we can have a beer together sometime, and when you are downwind you can explain all your bs to me personally :o

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and also will be able NOT to smell our clothes' stink after returning home from those pubs and bars ! :o

it really nastily lingers for a long time !

and beer, whiskey & sweat don't smell ?

I was taught how to use the figure of speech, known as the "analogy", correctly in primary school. Here are some suggested corrections for you.

1 - When you sit down at a pub does the guy next to you pour his beer, whiskey and sweat all over you ? Because thats what smokers do with their smoke.

2 - Should I urinate(the waste product of my drinking) on you after drinking my beer ? Because thats what smokers do with their 2nd hand smoke(the waste product of their smoking).

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and also will be able NOT to smell our clothes' stink after returning home from those pubs and bars ! :D

it really nastily lingers for a long time !

and beer, whiskey & sweat don't smell ?

I was taught how to use the figure of speech, known as the "analogy", correctly in primary school. Here are some suggested corrections for you.

1 - When you sit down at a pub does the guy next to you pour his beer, whiskey and sweat all over you ? Because thats what smokers do with their smoke.

2 - Should I urinate(the waste product of my drinking) on you after drinking my beer ? Because thats what smokers do with their 2nd hand smoke(the waste product of their smoking).

Then I would suggest a return to primary school.

Analogy my arse, not even close.

Next please. :o

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we smoke, we like it, and we don't give a <deleted> about preachers like you. In fact I have smoked more reading through all this tripe than normal, and I have opened my windows so you will get some of it eventually!! :D

This will never be enforced, and everyone here knows it. I only hope that we can have a beer together sometime, and when you are downwind you can explain all your bs to me personally :o

This is the typical selfish, irresponsible smokers attitude. I'm all right, Jack...to hel_l with you non-smokers...to hel_l with the law.

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and also will be able NOT to smell our clothes' stink after returning home from those pubs and bars ! :D

it really nastily lingers for a long time !

and beer, whiskey & sweat don't smell ?

I was taught how to use the figure of speech, known as the "analogy", correctly in primary school. Here are some suggested corrections for you.

1 - When you sit down at a pub does the guy next to you pour his beer, whiskey and sweat all over you ? Because thats what smokers do with their smoke.

2 - Should I urinate(the waste product of my drinking) on you after drinking my beer ? Because thats what smokers do with their 2nd hand smoke(the waste product of their smoking).

Then I would suggest a return to primary school.

Analogy my arse, not even close.

Next please. :o

Actually, by definition, it is a perfect use of analogy.


A Smoker smokes , by-product of this action is second hand smoke.

A Drinker drinks , by-product of this action is urine.

Drinkers are usually polite enough to deposit their waste in a urinal.

Smokers however don't care that their waste is deposited all over the other patrons in the establishment.

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Actually I am generally quite considerate towards non smokers, however when they jump on their pedantic high horse, then I tend to try to annoy them as much as possible.

I am sure you have many habits to which I object, but fortunately for you I am far less pedantic than yourself and will not bring those up in a public forum.

Yes I am all right Jack, and to hel_l with all you arrogant tambourine bashers,who have nothing better to do with your lives than complain about everyone and everything.

I bet you are all the same during Sonkran.......excuse me sonny but there is no need to inflict your good fun on evreyon........'SPLASH'

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Actually I am generally quite considerate towards non smokers, however when they jump on their pedantic high horse, then I tend to try to annoy them as much as possible.

I am sure you have many habits to which I object, but fortunately for you I am far less pedantic than yourself and will not bring those up in a public forum.

Yes I am all right Jack, and to hel_l with all you arrogant tambourine bashers,who have nothing better to do with your lives than complain about everyone and everything.

I bet you are all the same during Sonkran.......excuse me sonny but there is no need to inflict your good fun on evreyon........'SPLASH'

So Sweetchariot, when are you going to weigh in with your opinion. So far nicotine has been doing all the talking for you and doing a very good job at making you look like an arrogant ass.

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Actually I am generally quite considerate towards non smokers, however when they jump on their pedantic high horse, then I tend to try to annoy them as much as possible.

I am sure you have many habits to which I object, but fortunately for you I am far less pedantic than yourself and will not bring those up in a public forum.

Yes I am all right Jack, and to hel_l with all you arrogant tambourine bashers,who have nothing better to do with your lives than complain about everyone and everything.

I bet you are all the same during Sonkran.......excuse me sonny but there is no need to inflict your good fun on evreyon........'SPLASH'

So Sweetchariot, when are you going to weigh in with your opinion. So far nicotine has been doing all the talking for you and doing a very good job at making you look like an arrogant ass.

An arrogant ass?? I have not posted more than 3 times (OK now 4) on this thread, I would say that someone posting upwards of 20 times is the arrogant ass, as you are soooooo brainwashed you can't accept that somebody else may have a valid opinion.

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Actually I am generally quite considerate towards non smokers, however when they jump on their pedantic high horse, then I tend to try to annoy them as much as possible.

I am sure you have many habits to which I object, but fortunately for you I am far less pedantic than yourself and will not bring those up in a public forum.

Yes I am all right Jack, and to hel_l with all you arrogant tambourine bashers,who have nothing better to do with your lives than complain about everyone and everything.

I bet you are all the same during Sonkran.......excuse me sonny but there is no need to inflict your good fun on evreyon........'SPLASH'

So Sweetchariot, when are you going to weigh in with your opinion. So far nicotine has been doing all the talking for you and doing a very good job at making you look like an arrogant ass.

An arrogant ass?? I have not posted more than 3 times (OK now 4) on this thread, I would say that someone posting upwards of 20 times is the arrogant ass, as you are soooooo brainwashed you can't accept that somebody else may have a valid opinion.

So I see when a person is asked a question and an honest straightforward factual reply is offered that just may cause a smoker to actually have to look at themselves as others truly see them ..... hmm my previous post stands. This is nothing more than nicotine trying to justify smoking.

Thank you for providing the example that I have been refereeing to all along, now please nicotine, move along and let Sweetchariot have a few words, you have done enough damage to him already.

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Actually I am generally quite considerate towards non smokers, however when they jump on their pedantic high horse, then I tend to try to annoy them as much as possible.

Only 'generally' eh?

...but if they object to your second hand smoke irritating them whilst they are eating, (or just enjoying the fresh air) you "annoy them as much as possible." Do you then blow your smoke in their faces?

Let's be honest here. You are a slave to your habit. You can't give it up, no matter how hard you try. You haven't the intestinal fortitude to fight the grip that nicotine has on your system, so you impose your weaknesses upon others.

Is it too much trouble for you to walk outside and indulge in your habit where your second hand smoke won't cause irritation to others? Perhaps you are a chain smoker and/or too lazy to walk outside.

With any luck, you will be the first person the Thai police prosecute for breaking the new smoking laws. I wonder how arrogant you will then be.

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And the debate continues and yet nothing changes. Smokers just dont get it.

I do however smile at these smokers who think they are considerate to non smokers. By moving you cigarette to your opposite hand so the smoke will go "somewhere else"? By waiting till you have finsished eating? By blowing your smoke another direction? Wake up.

Here's a clue. We don't ever want to smell your smoke. We don't ever want to know that the smoke we are breathing in, you just breathed out. You think walking down the street and smoking we don't get a faceful of your waste?

Do you want me to come over and spit inside your mouth? Well, thats how we feel.

I have no problem if you stay at home, or private club and slowly commit suicide and assisted suicide. Thats your right.

But I don't want to smell your smoke. Ever.

I'm not going respond to "beer and sweat smells", "healthcare issues", "tax". It's all a smokescreen (sorry, pun not intended) to the issue of respect and common courtesy.

I'm sure even smokers cringed when they read sweetchariots post. Typical, borish, arrogant smoker.

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and also will be able NOT to smell our clothes' stink after returning home from those pubs and bars ! :D

it really nastily lingers for a long time !

and beer, whiskey & sweat don't smell ?

I was taught how to use the figure of speech, known as the "analogy", correctly in primary school. Here are some suggested corrections for you.

1 - When you sit down at a pub does the guy next to you pour his beer, whiskey and sweat all over you ? Because thats what smokers do with their smoke.

2 - Should I urinate(the waste product of my drinking) on you after drinking my beer ? Because thats what smokers do with their 2nd hand smoke(the waste product of their smoking).

Then I would suggest a return to primary school.

Analogy my arse, not even close.

Next please. :o

Actually, by definition, it is a perfect use of analogy.


A Smoker smokes , by-product of this action is second hand smoke.

A Drinker drinks , by-product of this action is urine.

Drinkers are usually polite enough to deposit their waste in a urinal.

Smokers however don't care that their waste is deposited all over the other patrons in the establishment.

It's rather dramatic, the analogy is not good in my view.

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Actually I am generally quite considerate towards non smokers, however when they jump on their pedantic high horse, then I tend to try to annoy them as much as possible.

Only 'generally' eh?

...but if they object to your second hand smoke irritating them whilst they are eating, (or just enjoying the fresh air) you "annoy them as much as possible." Do you then blow your smoke in their faces?

Let's be honest here. You are a slave to your habit. You can't give it up, no matter how hard you try. You haven't the intestinal fortitude to fight the grip that nicotine has on your system, so you impose your weaknesses upon others.

Is it too much trouble for you to walk outside and indulge in your habit where your second hand smoke won't cause irritation to others? Perhaps you are a chain smoker and/or too lazy to walk outside.

With any luck, you will be the first person the Thai police prosecute for breaking the new smoking laws. I wonder how arrogant you will then be.

so yet another non smoker who once again acknowledges the addictive nature of smoking, but would rather consider smokers to be weak, selfish, disgusting or criminal. ?

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and also will be able NOT to smell our clothes' stink after returning home from those pubs and bars ! :D

it really nastily lingers for a long time !

and beer, whiskey & sweat don't smell ?

I was taught how to use the figure of speech, known as the "analogy", correctly in primary school. Here are some suggested corrections for you.

1 - When you sit down at a pub does the guy next to you pour his beer, whiskey and sweat all over you ? Because thats what smokers do with their smoke.

2 - Should I urinate(the waste product of my drinking) on you after drinking my beer ? Because thats what smokers do with their 2nd hand smoke(the waste product of their smoking).

Then I would suggest a return to primary school.

Analogy my arse, not even close.

Next please. :o

Actually, by definition, it is a perfect use of analogy.


A Smoker smokes , by-product of this action is second hand smoke.

A Drinker drinks , by-product of this action is urine.

Drinkers are usually polite enough to deposit their waste in a urinal.

Smokers however don't care that their waste is deposited all over the other patrons in the establishment.

It's rather dramatic, the analogy is not good in my view.

thats a rather empty rebuttal.

why ?

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so yet another non smoker who once again acknowledges the addictive nature of smoking, but would rather consider smokers to be weak, selfish, disgusting or criminal. ?

I wouldn't bother wasting your time with these "holier than thou" types, moldy. It must be hard enough for them as it is, leading such pure and clean lives. :o

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As for the ban being positive for the health of every non smoker, I would have to no. there is a very small percentage of people (far less than 1%) who have for lack of a better word super immune systems.

An estimated 13 million Americans, 5.1 percent of the population, have asthma. View source here.

Multiply that by the rest of the worlds' population and cigarette smoke has the potential to cause problems (possibly death) on a large scale.

Second hand cigarette smoke can trigger severe asthma attacks.

For all remaining non-smokers who are not asthmatic and whose health may not be directly adversely affected by second hand smoke, the vast majority of them will regard a room full of second hand smoke as utterly disgusting....especially when they are eating a meal.

With smokers now in the minority of the population, it's time to bite the bullet, stop making excuses and quit the habit.

This is not a good argument. Yes, there are a lot of asthmatics these days and people who suffer allergies too - I'm one of them. But a little reasoning tells us this is surely the cause of air pollution and this is where the solution lies. It is regrettable that somebody walks by with a cig. just at the time you are ready to launch in to a coughing fit, etc. but to claim it is the cause is quite wrong. The cause is the foul air which leads our mucous membranes to be continually swollen. I'm not sure this argument extends to pubs though, and particularly not night clubs, where cig. smoke is a direct irritant in my opinion.

Today I haven't smoked, yeterday too. It's hel_l. It's an addiction for sure.

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and also will be able NOT to smell our clothes' stink after returning home from those pubs and bars ! :D

it really nastily lingers for a long time !

and beer, whiskey & sweat don't smell ?

I was taught how to use the figure of speech, known as the "analogy", correctly in primary school. Here are some suggested corrections for you.

1 - When you sit down at a pub does the guy next to you pour his beer, whiskey and sweat all over you ? Because thats what smokers do with their smoke.

2 - Should I urinate(the waste product of my drinking) on you after drinking my beer ? Because thats what smokers do with their 2nd hand smoke(the waste product of their smoking).

Then I would suggest a return to primary school.

Analogy my arse, not even close.

Next please. :o

Actually, by definition, it is a perfect use of analogy.


A Smoker smokes , by-product of this action is second hand smoke.

A Drinker drinks , by-product of this action is urine.

Drinkers are usually polite enough to deposit their waste in a urinal.

Smokers however don't care that their waste is deposited all over the other patrons in the establishment.

It's rather dramatic, the analogy is not good in my view.

thats a rather empty rebuttal.

why ?

not at all, simply stating that it is rather dramatic. Smoke is smoke you know, most people would not compare it to bodily waste and wouldn't perceive it in these terms. I mean, don't let me stop you, try an experiment this evening by having a sprinkle in the middle of the dance floor.

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so yet another non smoker who once again acknowledges the addictive nature of smoking, but would rather consider smokers to be weak, selfish, disgusting or criminal. ?

I wouldn't bother wasting your time with these "holier than thou" types, moldy. It must be hard enough for them as it is, leading such pure and clean lives. :D

I do wonder why people get in such a tizz, it's usually that they have something to hide isn't it? probably gets in his 4x4 and drives round and round all night, or similar.


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My guess it will Selected enforce for awhile anyway. Beware all farangs will be PRIME Targets for sure. :D:D:D:o

I would tend to agree with that. I would guess places like Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza, Walking Street would be prime places to start.

Edited by John K
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