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Tourists Killed Near Death Bridge


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Investigators have discovered traces and blood and flesh in the back of the police sergeant's car, but senior officers have said that more evidence is needed before they can issue an arrest warrant.

how much more evidence do you need !!!

based on what i have read about this i can only feel disgust at the operational stupidity of the thai police force , and feel sad for the family of the two victims whose apparent naivety and inexperience drew them into a situation that went horribly wrong.

as i have said before the thai police and the thai politician, and come to think of it just about every other thai as well, can do no wrong, they are always right,and even if one pulls out a gun and shoots you in front of a crowd of witnesses it doesnt mean he is a murderer.

the police will do everything possible to protect their man.

despite what people say about how safe this country is, it has one of the highest murder by firearm rates in the world, and a combination of alcohol , weapons ,and late night drinks with locals eyeing up a young falang girl and her boyfriend unfortunately led to the double murder of a couple of travellers who probably behaved in much the same way as they would have back home in suburban britain.

if you are not familiar with the social mores of thai males of a certain background ,be very careful who you befriend and be very careful who you drink with here.

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Unfortunately thaksin seems to take his attitude to law enforcement straight out of a 2000AD comic; the Police don't uphold the law, they are the law - unto themselves. I think the judicial assasination of suspected drug dealers has alas perpetuated a climate where the police act with impunity. It will not change from within so it's down to the likes of us to keep this high profile as the UK foreign office :o will try to bury it as quick as possible.

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Unfortunately thaksin seems to take his attitude to law enforcement straight out of a 2000AD comic; the Police don't uphold the law, they are the law - unto themselves. I think the judicial assasination of suspected drug dealers has alas perpetuated a climate where the police act with impunity. It will not change from within so it's down to the likes of us to keep this high profile as the UK foreign office :o will try to bury it as quick as possible.

Wise words indeed Steely,

What amazes me is how very quickly some people forget or dismiss outright that this IS still a third world country with all the ills that go with it. The fact that we witness the presense of first world conveniencies provided by the major corporates present in Thailand does not automatically suggest a first world democracy ( not that that can be proven success model either). Sadly the presence of the above only serves the corporates themselves and the few locals who benefit from them here, - namely the ruling families. If this country really wanted to be considered as first world, benefitting from all the securities that all the people could share it would surely start with implementing a system that offered status quo. This sadly is far from happening and as a result the likes of the normal average individual will continue to suffer from the injusticies that exist here and throughout the developing world, regardless of their nationality, colour or creed.

To suggest a collective policing by the individuals who it affects is outstanding, if this could catch on to become a global movement, perhaps this could be the catalyst needed to really change the world in favour of the masses rather than the elite few.

Until then the institutions which are supposed to be in place to represent us abroad ( the embassies) will continue only to focus on those business interests ( and the people who run them) that creat corporate profits and thus civil coffers.

.....and while that is building momentum perhaps we should concentrate less on always carrying our passport with us and concentrate more on carrying a gun ourselves as we are our only first line of defense.

It is after all a persons right to defend themselves if the encumbent power fail to do so.

This LOS image has long since gone from Thailand if it really existed at all. If Thailand cannot protect its tourist industry and moreso the people who are...then we must do it ourselves or find somewhere safer to go. Leaving the locals to scrap amongst themselves for what crumbs remain.

If this incident is allowed to ' dissappear' like so many others... we are only to blame.

Change will only come when the pockets of these 'elites' are threatened. Toppling governments and economies is not that difficult these days with the advent of the net. The sooner this is shown as feasible the sooner the power eliments will start doing their job.

The people in power are still there to represent the people. It's about time we demanded they do.


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"Indecent Proposal. It's not so unbelievable that the two kids were low on funds. "

***** I am not saying that they were not low on funds. I am saying that there

is no proof of it. Tell me, if you have a sister, would you believe that she would sleep with an older unattracitve Thai cop for a few pounds? NO way. I reckon that Ascott's brother and sister would think the same of her, because it is the truth.

***** Has anyone here ever heard of young attractive English women becoming

prostitutes while on vacation in this country simply to prolong their stay here? In the 16 years that I have been following Thailand, I am not familar with it, and especially not when the young woman is with her boyfriend.

***** I am really curious as to the next story that the police, Kanchanaburians, local media, etc., come up with. Maybe once the Brits' parents show that the two young folks has a couple fo thousand pounds available on their ATM cards then this speculation that they were broke will be put to rest, and maybe the same will happen to all of the other irrational speculation that the Thai police are fabricating.

Please drop the Embassy a line to find out what they are doing to investigate the murder of two of its subjects. A call, an email, a letter. Anything or everything will help. ######, why not write all ways two or three times. A single sentence email is all it takes. I will get started today. If we harass the embassy enough, then they will do something about trying to make the Thai police to do the right thing. The police do not care about the Brits' deaths, but they do care about face, and the head cop does not want to lose face in front of a group of Brit embassy officials.

mailto:[email protected]

British Embassy

1031 Wireless Road

Lumpini, Pathumwan

Bangkok 10330

+66 (0) 2 305 8333 Main Embassy line

All other Sections are open to the public at the following times:

Monday – Thursday: 0800 – 1200 and 1245 – 1630

Friday: 0800 - 1300

In the case of an emergency that cannot wait until normal Embassy opening hours, please contact the Duty Officer by telephoning 01 854 7362. From outside Thailand the number is +66 01 854 7362.

Since you are on the computer, send a message to the BBC, CNN, etc. as well.

It only takes a minute for a couple of sentences. Something as simple as "Thai Police still have not caught one of their own," from a hundred of us is allthat it would take to get these news agencies interestd again.

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All this speculation about whether or not they had money, whether or not she was sleeping with him, whether or not they fought is all incidental to the fact that a policeman killed an unarmed man, drove down and shot in cold blood an unarmed woman.

There is no justification for such behavior, no excuse. Short of him fearing for his life (not likely since she was laying in the road when he shot her 3 times) there is absolutely no evidence that would be able to justify his actions.

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Please drop the Embassy a line to find out what they are doing to investigate the murder of two of its subjects. A call, an email, a letter. Anything or everything will help. ######, why not write all ways two or three times. A single sentence email is all it takes. I will get started today. If we harass the embassy enough, then they will do something about trying to make the Thai police to do the right thing. The police do not care about the Brits' deaths, but they do care about face, and the head cop does not want to lose face in front of a group of Brit embassy officials.

Since you are on the computer, send a message to the BBC, CNN, etc. as well.

It only takes a minute for a couple of sentences. Something as simple as "Thai Police still have not caught one of their own," from a hundred of us is allthat it would take to get these news agencies interestd again.

While my sympathies are with the families concerned..........I think you/ll find that........todays news is tommorows fish and chip paper wrappings. Give it another a couple of weeks and it will all be forgotten about except by the families....

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However, if enough of these stories accumulate, they DO lead to things like warnings from embassies and entries in guidebooks- which do have real world effects in terms of killing the tourist trade and reducing foreign investment. If the government were serious about wanting both these things in a responsible manner (which everyone knows it is not) it would have about half that police department in an internal investigation lockdown and give the death penalty to those responsible.

^^^dksharron, it's no use. Heng wouldn't be able to admit Thai police are especially corrupt and incompetent, and appears satisfied that they are- even to the detriment, possibly, of the safety of those that he cares about. Better to assume the backpackers were caught prostituting themselves in a deal gone bad. :o:D:D


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While  my  sympathies  are  with  the  families  concerned..........I  think  you/ll  find  that........todays  news  is  tommorows  fish  and  chip  paper  wrappings. Give  it  another  a  couple  of  weeks  and  it  will  all  be  forgotten  about  except  by  the  families....

It will if we just sit on our <deleted> and whinge impotently. Causing a fuss for the pollies is a good way of ensuring the thing is taken seriously. People are prone to give up after a week or so if the officials put up a blank wall, but keep on hammering away and even that thing starts cracking.

Two of ours were murdered. Maybe more will still follow if we cause a stink, but if we do nothing then more will definitely follow. A combined attack on both our pollies and the Thai tourist trade would be effective if it's sustained. The press is very good at dong this and has infinitely better resources to run the campaign.

Since you are on the computer, send a message to the BBC, CNN, etc. as well. It only takes a minute for a couple of sentences.
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"Indecent Proposal. It's not so unbelievable that the two kids were low on funds. "

***** I am not saying that they were not low on funds. I am saying that there

is no proof of it....ould think the same of her, because it is the truth.

*****Maybe once the Brits' parents show that the two young folks has a couple fo thousand pounds available on their ATM cards then this speculation that they were broke will be put to rest, and maybe the same will happen to all of the other irrational speculation that the Thai police are fabricating.

I wasn't concluding that they were low on funds. I was merely stating it is not beyond the realm of possibility. And you certainly don't know the girl or guy either, dude.

It would be good if the parents could assist with the investigation. Surely they would have flown over by now?


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^^^dksharron, it's no use. Heng wouldn't be able to admit Thai police are especially corrupt and incompetent, and appears satisfied that they are- even to the detriment, possibly, of the safety of those that he cares about. Better to assume the backpackers were caught prostituting themselves in a deal gone bad. :o:D:D


Many are especially corrupt. I think don't think I've said anything to the contrary. Not sure where you keep coming up with these. I am satisfied with the status quo, you're right on that one though. I wasn't assuming the kids were hooking at all, I just said that it was another possibility (when other "detectives" on the board were ruling out possibilities from the basis of having read some newspaper articles).


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So much mis-information.

I agree with some before me, i have my doubts the truth will ever out.

Thaksin is right on one thing, it IS BIG NEWS in the UK.

The Times (Saturday edition) carried a story about the Thai Police Sgt's underworld connections implying he himself was a mafia operative.

The went on to say that the areas Mr Big, Huk Soo, was hiding Somchai.

I guess we will never know.

Whatever the facts, its sad and regretfull for all concerned that these 2 people had to die in such violent circumstances.

One Q? Why do some on the forum feel the need to take sides on something such as this? Its beyond me. It really is. We are not discussing the (de) merits of Bar Girls here :o

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What amazes me is how very quickly some people forget or dismiss outright that this IS still a third world country with all the ills that go with it. The fact that we witness the presense of first world conveniencies provided by the major corporates present in Thailand does not automatically suggest a first world democracy ( not that that can be proven success model either). Sadly the presence of the above only serves the corporates themselves and the few locals who benefit from them here, - namely the ruling families. If this country really wanted to be considered as first world, benefitting from all the securities that all the people could share it would surely start with implementing a system that offered status quo. This sadly is far from happening and as a result the likes of the normal average individual will continue to suffer from the injusticies that exist here and throughout the developing world, regardless of their nationality, colour or creed.

To suggest a collective policing by the individuals who it affects is outstanding, if this could catch on to become a global movement, perhaps this could be the catalyst needed to really change the world in favour of the masses rather than the elite few.

Until then the institutions which are supposed to be in place to represent us abroad ( the embassies) will continue only to focus on those business interests ( and the people who run them) that creat corporate profits and thus civil coffers.

.....and while that is building momentum perhaps we should concentrate less on always carrying our passport with us and concentrate more on carrying a gun ourselves as we are our only first line of defense.

It is after all a persons right to defend themselves if the encumbent power fail to do so.

This LOS image has long since gone from Thailand if it really existed at all. If Thailand cannot protect its tourist industry and moreso the people who are...then we must do it ourselves or find somewhere safer to go. Leaving the locals to scrap amongst themselves for what crumbs remain.

If this incident is allowed to ' dissappear' like so many others... we are only to blame.

Change will only come when the pockets of these 'elites' are threatened. Toppling governments and economies is not that difficult these days with the advent of the net. The sooner this is shown as feasible the sooner the power eliments will start doing their job.

The people in power are still there to represent the people. It's about time we demanded they do.


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The term elites always makes it seem like there are so few people "ruling" the country. Although a few hundred families control the SET, I'd say that a hundred thousand+ families (representing millions) control the LOS's small to medium size businesses. Hardly a pre-French or Russian revolution type stranglehold.


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***** Has anyone here ever heard of young attractive English women becoming

prostitutes while on vacation in this country simply to prolong their stay here?

They head off to Japan to earn some yen instead, if you think not, you have obviously never been to Roppongi and Ginza in Tokyo, it is full of western Backpacker girls that have decided to fund the rest of their 'Enlightenment in Asia' trip by working as 'Hostesses'.

One girl i knew earned 12000USD in a few weeks, took off her make up, went back to Thailand, put her Fishermans pants back on and carried on taking drugs on Koh Phang Ngan then pissed off to Goa to carry on her Asian tour.

Years ago i knew a girl from Finland that was working in Pattaya.

But you are right, most English girls do not charge money. They are well known for being easy and totally free.

Ask the Spanish waiters.

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How does "local elites" sit with you, then? After all, central rule of law from the government is not much more of a fact on the ground here than it is in the Philippines or Laos. It could be easily claimed that in a given area outside Bangkok, most of the local power (the kind that matters) is truly held by a fairly small group of people. Oh, and before you respond with your ritual "but that's just the way it is in all countries," which is RELATIVELY true, in an absolute sense there's no comparison between the corruptibility/power/invulnerability of an average modern U.S. country sheriff and a local Thai chief of police- the latter one scores the worst on all counts. Maybe 50 years ago it was closer- but not these days [and yes, the problems are magnified in the big cities of BOTH countries].


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I think we are all agreed that Thailand is a dangerous place and one would be naive to think otherwise.I've only been here since April myself and in that time i have a Thai friend in Krabi who's friend was murdered by the Thai mafia or whatever u like to call it, it's how he described it.At one of the recent Full Moon parties and friend and i saw a guy with a gun to his head, needless to say we made a sharp exit and didn't exactly mention this to anyone (didn't even remmber it till next day).I've been in a bar with a couple of Falangs like myself and sitting chatting with Thai men when another guy from a crowd we had been talking to ealier got pissed off and all ###### broke loose, tables went flying, blood on the walls, thankfully no guns!Spent a good while hiding behind a couch, Thai people are generally quite calm, but jesus if u piss them off they flip.I am by no means making a comment on what the two deceased Britons did, it is none of my business and looks like was a case of being in wrong place at wrong time.However just to be aware that Thailand can be very dangerous.Drink is a big problem, i've had a Thai boyfriend and he was never violent but very emotional when drunk as are many guys i know and u never know where that can lead.

I suppose think is to trust your gut instinct.Never be disrespectful or push your luck like you might at home.It's a totally different society and culture.You just have to be aware of where you are.In saying that i love Thailand and feel extremely safe here most of the time, but it's like anywhere drink and flared tempers go hand in hand and worse here so it appears do guns.

Not sure why my post cam e out as Ned. who the ###### is Ned?Anyway it's not Ned, it's Watdot, an Irish girl living in Thailand.

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*****  Has anyone here ever heard of young attractive English women becoming

prostitutes while on vacation in this country simply to prolong their stay here?

They head off to Japan to earn some yen instead, if you think not, you have obviously never been to Roppongi and Ginza in Tokyo, it is full of western Backpacker girls that have decided to fund the rest of their 'Enlightenment in Asia' trip by working as 'Hostesses'.

One girl i knew earned 12000USD in a few weeks, took off her make up, went back to Thailand, put her Fishermans pants back on and carried on taking drugs on Koh Phang Ngan then pissed off to Goa to carry on her Asian tour.

Years ago i knew a girl from Finland that was working in Pattaya.

But you are right, most English girls do not charge money. They are well known for being easy and totally free.

Ask the Spanish waiters.

In light of the subject at hand, your babblings are so irrevelant as to be completely pointless and inappropriate. I realize it may be extremely difficult for you, but try...just try... to think before posting.

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The term elites always makes it seem like there are so few people "ruling" the country. Although a few hundred families control the SET, I'd say that a hundred thousand+ families (representing millions) control the LOS's small to medium size businesses. Hardly a pre-French or Russian revolution type stranglehold.


Yet that still leaves some 50 million people on the outside so why do you have a difficult time with the concept of a Thai elite. Besides, it is only about a dozen families that control the agricultural exports, perhaps a dozen or two families that control the industrial sector. For example, the Shinawats control the telecommunications, the Sophonpanich family dominates Thai banking, while the Chearavanont's CP Group has huge interests from the dominant role in agribusiness to retail. Most of your "hundreds of families" that control the SET are still pretenders to the throne but form the basis of an opposition to the elite. As for the masses, wait until His Majesty ascends the heavens for the doggy doo doo to hit the fan. In the meantime, watch the slow drama of Shinawat staying in power.

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*****  Has anyone here ever heard of young attractive English women becoming

prostitutes while on vacation in this country simply to prolong their stay here?

They head off to Japan to earn some yen instead, if you think not, you have obviously never been to Roppongi and Ginza in Tokyo, it is full of western Backpacker girls that have decided to fund the rest of their 'Enlightenment in Asia' trip by working as 'Hostesses'.

Having been, I was more under the impression that they were mostly imports from the US and Canada, not really backpackers. But I only really dabbled in that scene for a night or three and I had the impression that the better places were off limits to non-Japanese Asians, much less real foreigners.


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Contrary to what you may think, Heng, in Japan non-Japanese Asians are clearly "below" white folks, in the circles that care about such things- my Asian friends there were almost all uniformly pissed at how Japanese treated them [they had my sympathy, of course- didn't egg them on and tell them to learn their place like certain Chinese Thais]. All other things being equal, of course.

A quotation from the one of the district police chiefs in Tokyo, commenting on a new spate of breaking-and-entering: "When I hear about broken locks, I think 'Chinese.'"



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How does "local elites" sit with you, then? After all, central rule of law from the government is not much more of a fact on the ground here than it is in the Philippines or Laos. It could be easily claimed that in a given area outside Bangkok, most of the local power (the kind that matters) is truly held by a fairly small group of people. Oh, and before you respond with your ritual "but that's just the way it is in all countries," which is RELATIVELY true, in an absolute sense there's no comparison between the corruptibility/power/invulnerability of an average modern U.S. country sheriff and a local Thai chief of police- the latter one scores the worst on all counts. Maybe 50 years ago it was closer- but not these days [and yes, the problems are magnified in the big cities of BOTH countries].


I've never said the differences were any more than relative. IMO the only absolute difference is that whingers here have less chance at prosperity if they spend too much of their time whinging. :o

I have no real information as to how linked organized crime and the police/judicial system are linked in the US. I doubt you do either. IMO the more efficient collusion is, especially if it is limited to a corporate level (where it's likely most damaging to society), the less visible it is.


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Contrary to what you may think, Heng, in Japan non-Japanese Asians are clearly "below" white folks, in the circles that care about such things- my Asian friends there were almost all uniformly pissed at how Japanese treated them [they had my sympathy, of course- didn't egg them on and tell them to learn their place like certain Chinese Thais]. All other things being equal, of course.

A quotation from the one of the district police chiefs in Tokyo, commenting on a new spate of breaking-and-entering: "When I hear about broken locks, I think 'Chinese.'"



Didn't really notice. I found the limitations to foreigners to be the same as in Japanese clubs here. *high five*


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The term elites always makes it seem like there are so few people "ruling" the country.   Although a few hundred families control the SET, I'd say that a hundred  thousand+ families (representing millions) control the LOS's small to medium size businesses.   Hardly a pre-French or Russian revolution type stranglehold.


Yet that still leaves some 50 million people on the outside so why do you have a difficult time with the concept of a Thai elite. Besides, it is only about a dozen families that control the agricultural exports, perhaps a dozen or two families that control the industrial sector. For example, the Shinawats control the telecommunications, the Sophonpanich family dominates Thai banking, while the Chearavanont's CP Group has huge interests from the dominant role in agribusiness to retail. Most of your "hundreds of families" that control the SET are still pretenders to the throne but form the basis of an opposition to the elite. As for the masses, wait until His Majesty ascends the heavens for the doggy doo doo to hit the fan. In the meantime, watch the slow drama of Shinawat staying in power.

That's no more worrying than the marketshares of Coke, Intel, or Microsoft.

I don't believe the 50 million are on the 'outside.' I think this may be more of a personal projection to think that the avg. citizen wants to be part of the "ruling elite." On the contrary I think they (falangs included) enjoy the trickle down that affords them a very leisurely (not as leisurely as the well to do of course) lifestyle. It's this trickle down that keeps the cost of living super low. There is enough profit to keep us happy... thus the cost of basically everything besides life's toys remain in a very pro consumer range. Most avg. Thais couldn't afford to live or at least incorporate and save their hard earned cash in St. Kitts or Antigua, yet they enjoy a similar virtual income tax free life right here at home, most taxation coming from direct consumption, over which they have total control.


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I'd be grateful if you would detail what your office has been doing to ensure the prosecution of the officer responsible for the murder of two of our people in Thailand, near the famous 'death bridge'.

Yours faithfully,

Martin Smithers

Dear Mr Smithers

Thank you for your e-mail.

The British Embassy has been in very close contact with the Thai authorities and remain to have continued contact.

We hope and trust that the perpetrator of this crime will swiftly be brought to justice.


Fiona Borisuth


British Embassy

1031 Wireless Road

Lumpini, Pathumwan

Bangkok 10330

Direct Line: +66 (0) 2305 8253

Fax: +66 (0) 2255 6051

Public Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs (8-11 am, 1-3.30 pm)

                                        Fri (8 am - 12 pm only)



FTN: 8419 2253



Visit http://www.fco.gov.uk for British foreign policy news and travel advice; and http://www.i-uk.com - the essential guide to the UK.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office holds and uses data for the purposes notified to the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection Act 1998 (which may be consulted at http://www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk ).  Such personal data may be disclosed to other UK Government Departments and public authorities.

Please note that all messages sent and received by members of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and its missions overseas may be monitored centrally.  This is done to ensure the integrity of the system.



Informative, eh? :o

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Most avg. Thais couldn't afford to live or at least incorporate and save their hard earned cash in St. Kitts or Antigua, yet

Wondering if ANYTHING that Heng has said in last 4 posts (including this one) have anything to do with the topic.

How does:

1) Prostitution in Japan

2) Corporate/organized crime in America

3) Exclusivity of Japanese clubs in Thailand

relate to the topic of British tourists murdered in Thailand. Perhaps you could move your thoughts to a new topic: Useless & Meaningless Prattlings

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This involved a love triangle. This cop just met them 5 days earlier, and him and the girl connected somehow with their own fireworks. Anyway my guess was the one who got killed, stepped in and told the man to piss off and leave his woman alone. So this enraged the copper who was on lovey dovey cloud nine thinking he found his true love and proceeded to kill this guy.

In doing so, now he becomes so hot to trot with 10 police divisions looking for him by orders of Toxin, and recently just called some relatives to negotiate his surrender.

Heck, why negotiate his surrender, he sucks. Hopefully once he is taken into custody he should be treated like any other suspect and leave the court to decide if he should be out on bail or not. In America, committing murder 9 times out of 10 the suspect is denied bail and the suspect waits for his day in court for his or her trial verdict.

If I was him, committing suicide would be the best thing to do and in doing so he can at least keep his name and keep his family from losing face totally, and save everybody a big headache. Getting cremated is no big deal here and is widely practiced.

By the way, many murders are committed by these actions 90 percent of the time as follows: Love Triangles, An Argument between someone, Jealousy and the need to keep witnesses from going against you in court or Interferences from others. In fact over 50 percent of such is actually caused because a woman is involved in some way or another either directly or indirectly.

When your totally splashed it is pretty hard to keep a weapon straight let alone take it out of your pants or item itself.

So this fella is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Most avg. Thais couldn't afford to live or at least incorporate and save their hard earned cash in St. Kitts or Antigua, yet

Wondering if ANYTHING that Heng has said in last 4 posts (including this one) have anything to do with the topic.

How does:

1) Prostitution in Japan

2) Corporate/organized crime in America

3) Exclusivity of Japanese clubs in Thailand

relate to the topic of British tourists murdered in Thailand. Perhaps you could move your thoughts to a new topic: Useless & Meaningless Prattlings

Along tangents started by other posters. 1) as related to the possible actions of the victim 2) as related to the Thai police and as a comparison to crime here 3) as related to the possible actions of the victim


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Along tangents started by other posters.  1) as related to the possible actions of the victim 2) as related to the Thai police and as a comparison to crime here  3) as related to the possible actions of the victim 


The Heng Flowchart:

1. Read post

2. Post about status or economic issues? No--> ignore

Yes V

3. Post reinforces elitist snobbery? Yes--> smug agreement

No V

4. Post empty sarcastic comment plus change topic to snobbery issue

Standard repertoire: 1. Teachers are poor

2. White people are low status

3. Thais (especially Chinese) are high status

4. Heng is high status

5. Heng has this, that, or t'other thing and you don't

Wait for reply. No reply--> drop topic


5. Reply in agreement? Yes--> smug agreement

No V

6. Reply is moronic? Yes--> deserved mockery of moron

No V

7. Replier compares unfavorably to the Heng economically? No--> Impossible!

Yes V

8. Shift topic to something involving standard economic putdown repertoire

Recent choices: 1. Farang lower status than Thai in Japan (wrong, but

dissembling nicely in denial)

2. Farang in trouble due to their own low status/nastiness

3. Farang would have nicer life if rich/high status like the Heng

Wait for reply. No reply--> drop topic

Yes V

9. Reply in agreement? Yes--> smug agreement

No V

10. Reply accuses Heng of inaccuracy/exaggeration? Yes--> "I never said... blah blah blah <object of accusation>," even though it is exactly what the Heng said.

No V

11. Revert to step 7.

Ad nauseum, amen.


P.S. Dare anyone to find a Heng thread that doesn't follow this pattern. I'm thinking of naming a syndrome after it.

P.P.S. Heng, the Japanese bars in Japan never had any trouble with me- not because I'm white, but because I SPEAK NIHONGO [and I've even been to the places there that have "Japanese Only" signs on them still]. If there are TRULY Japanese-managed bars here (not Thai-managed all Thai staff) I could probably get in by showing I know the routine- not that I'd want to waste the money in the process.

P.P.P.S Well, this darn editor doesn't keep extra initial spaces in posts, so my formatting became donkey doodoo. Oh well.

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yes i really believe the admins here should ban ppl like heng who take things so far off topic, this is a serious discussion about the murder of 2 young uk ppl by all reports by a thai policeman, heng we realise that u r a thai chinky american but pls try to stick to the topic in hand :o

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