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Tourists Killed Near Death Bridge


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By the way, many murders are committed by these actions 90 percent of the time as follows:   Love Triangles, An Argument between someone, Jealousy and the need to keep witnesses from going against you in court or Interferences from others.  In fact over 50 percent of such is actually caused because a woman is involved in some way or another either directly or indirectly.

When your totally splashed it is pretty hard to keep a weapon straight let alone take it out of your pants or item itself.

So this fella is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And what is the percentage when a man is involved -- 95 to 100%?

You ###### jerk.

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Me thinks the government/police are trying, "to close the barn door after the cows have already left."

The border with Burma, as well as Malaysia, is so porous as to make any "crackdown" or "stepped up security" to prevent anyone from crossing over, ridiculous. :o

Couldn't agree more. And should we feel comforted by the fact that more than 100 police are looking for this guy -- Thai police? Rhetorical question.

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Warm but not quite. How's about that favourite old lucrative pastime that wealthy merchants use against late-paying customers and impoverished farmers, when they want to boost the bulging coffers. Think "Jaws".

As you said, it's just a pastime - because yes you're right, our business(es) is a bit of this and that... a typical local merchant family. And I wouldn't call it loan sharking, it's secured money lending. Giving people (whom banks would never give a chance)... a helping hand. We give them more attention, charge them higher interest that is congruent with their higher risk. We clearly outline that they will have to surrender their collateral upon default (and often for better pieces of property... we'll negotiate it as a purchase, not an outright surrender... you won't see any bank do that). We don't have to seek customers out, they seek us out. And we're a lot more clear cut in our terms than Aeon, Easy Buy, or even Citibank or JP MorganChase (who want you to spend and not worry about it... well we want you to worry about it).

But yes, agreed... off topic. If you wish to give me the attention I crave, go and start a thread. I have all the free time in the world to play with you guys.


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Not at all surprised that it hasn't come up as a topic of interest - discussion of such awkward subject matter is rarely initiated by Thais. The reaction I get is of mild disinterest combined with the predictable 'I think they start something first' follow up. Then it's back to papaya bok bok, which obviously is of far greater importance.

Well I think it should have gotten some mention as foreigners don't get murdered here that often. Current front page Thai Rath stuff usually gets some mention at the dinner table. IMO, at best this case would have likely discussed along the same lines as this board has, but with more blame being put on the victims combined with the usual dose of police bashing (yes, plenty of locals do).


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Hey everyone, can you please take a minute out of your board surfing to send a short message to Tony Blair, The Queen of England, the British Chamber of Commerce, The British Embassy, or any other group that you know of which might be worth contacting. Their addresses are listed a few pages back. If there is a group that you know of which might be better than those I have listed, please add them here as others can email or actually write a real snail-mail letter to them as well.

Just for a minute, think that these two were your relatives. Please make any effort that you can. The letter or message need be only a few sentences. Copy and paste a picture from this site of the two Brits and of the policeslime into your written letter. If you do not know how, please ask, and I or many of the other board members will be happy to provide instructions.

If he gets away with it, then future policemen will think that they can kill foreigners and get away with it. We cannot change the way the system here works in regards to the Thai citizenry, but we can make police realize that if they kill a foreigner that the financial damage that is done to the tourism industry and loss of profts to the people who run this country will be great enough for them to seek rervenge on said policeman.

Thank you, their families appreciate all of your efforts

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....... How is anyone ever going to recognise this cop, with 100,000 baht slapped across his face? .........

The "100,000 baht" sign only appears over his face near the very end of the announcement. You get a good look at him for about 15 seconds.

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This morning I heard police a general being interviewed on the Thai English news service. He said that he expected to capture the alledged miscreant today or tomorrow. I must confess he did not sound very convincing. Rather like a character from a childrens' pantomine, who assures one with all his heart that he will do something. Yet in his own heart he knows he lacks the means to do so.

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This morning I heard police a general being interviewed on the Thai English news service. He said that he expected to capture the alledged miscreant today or tomorrow. I must confess he did not sound very convincing. Rather like a character from a childrens' pantomine, who assures one with all his heart that he will do something. Yet in his own heart he knows he lacks the means to do so.

Reminds me of the time Pol. Capt Chalerm said he'd reveal in parliament where the bodies of the disappeared from Black May were hidden - "tomorrow". That was in 1992 and everyone is still waiting for the tomorrow that never comes.

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According to the evening news, Somchai got a million baht (from his wife), passport, and is now in Burma. Guess that's the last we'll see of him unfortunately..... Justice denied once again. 

And have they arrested his wife for aiding and abetting a criminal? Fat chance!

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I also think more Westerners should start singling out Thais and start giving them a taste of their own medicine in Western countries. Thais rejoice when they hear that a Farang has been killed in Thailand, and the murderer (s) is treated like a local hero. I think it's about time Westerners started doing the same.

stupid prick.

how many thais have you heard rejoicing and would you put yourself forward to go to the uk and shoot the first thai you saw on the streets of london

stupid prick!!

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I really doubt that this man will do very well in Burma, if he has actually gone there. That is a convenient story, but I do not believe that it is factual. Has anyone ever been to Burma near that region of the country? There is not a lot to do, even keeping away from "the police" would become tiring there. If he is there, he will return soon.

I am sure that the Thai and Burmese authorities have an extradition agreement. The Thais simply need to utilize it. I would hope that the Thais would utilize it in order to improve the image of being toleratnt to tourists who bring so much foreign currency to the country.

The above note which mentions harming Thais in the writer's own country should be altered, not exactly in behavior, but in direction. Going after the wife is one way. If she did withdraw one million baht, and as they are married the money is 1/2 his as is the rest of the money in the account. Maybe I am a little too Californian here (sue happy), but if the kids parents can sue for damages on a wrongful death, and actually access the money, it would be one ###### of a scare for her. She would sell her husband out in a matter of minutes if she thought that she would lose any money from his actions.

Again, I might be behaving a little too Californian here. Another option that might actually be legal and applicable is for the parents to sue the Thai government directed at the Thai Embassy in England. They may have received a visa from the Embassy, but that is not necessary for the lawsuit. The two people were killed by a national government official. The police department is a national, not a local department. Policemen are on duty 24 hours each day. He used his police department approved weapon, whether he purchased it himself or not. The national government bears some responsibility for this. The Embassy is the representative of the national government in England, and possibly where the visas were issued.

Lets hope that he is caught soon.

Again, please send a letter or an email to the Embassy , Tony Blair, the Queen of England, the British Chamber of Commerce, Thai Hoteliers Association, etc. The email addresses are listed on an earlier page.

Don't let it die.

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Justice denied? Not necessarily. Let's get someone to go round to the murdering Thai b****rd cop's parent's house and kill them. Then kill his 'wife', girlfriends and any little b*****d children he has running around. That'll piss him off. And that would be Thai style.

I also think more Westerners should start singling out Thais and start giving them a taste of their own medicine in Western countries. Thais rejoice when they hear that a Farang has been killed in Thailand, and the murderer (s) is treated like a local hero. I think it's about time Westerners started doing the same.

oh yeah, and one barbaric racist action deserves another. Please take us back to the stone age with clubs and bludgeons why don't you.

Killing innocent people is NEVER the answer. I thought we were discussing the sad lack of Rule of Law here. There are ways to punish his wife for aiding and abetting under civilized laws other than killing her and her children. Geeez.

In terms of Burma, this sounds like a big, fat lie to me. Thaksin is the number one ally and Business associate of Burma, both personally and as a representative of the government. He can easily get this guy sent back from Burma if he wants.

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In terms of Burma, this sounds like a big, fat lie to me.  Thaksin is the number one ally and Business associate of Burma, both personally and as a representative of the government.  He can easily get this guy sent back from Burma if he wants.

Hmmm - know what you're thinking and meaning, but if you check carefully, you'll find China are Burma's number one ally (and investor), and Gen Chaovalit & his wife are their number one business associates in Thailand.

Apart from Shin Corp renting them Satellite access and telecoms relay services, I think you'll find that family have little (visible) business connection with Burma - whereas the "good" General, besides leading Thailand into the 1997 Economic Crisis, is also notoriously alleged to own an entire Burmese island, and his wife to have numerous interests over the border including casinos.

I'd hope that the honourable General has a word in Rangoon to get the Pol Sgt Major back if that is truly where he has gone.

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[email protected]

this is the email of the Daily Telegraph

I just sent them a letter with photos in black and white from my printer

If anyone has a list of email addresses for British newspapers, please list them.

I also wrote the Queen. Everyone, please try whatever you can come up with.

The Thai Hotel Association or anything

All of the addresses are available on the site.

Please spend a few minutes to help this family.

Thank you

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This involved a love triangle. This cop just met them 5 days earlier, and him and the girl connected somehow with their own fireworks. Anyway my guess was the one who got killed, stepped in and told the man to piss off and leave his woman alone. So this enraged the copper who was on lovey dovey cloud nine thinking he found his true love and proceeded to kill this guy.

In doing so, now he becomes so hot to trot with 10 police divisions looking for him by orders of Toxin, and recently just called some relatives to negotiate his surrender.

Heck, why negotiate his surrender, he sucks. Hopefully once he is taken into custody he should be treated like any other suspect and leave the court to decide if he should be out on bail or not. In America, committing murder 9 times out of 10 the suspect is denied bail and the suspect waits for his day in court for his or her trial verdict.

If I was him, committing suicide would be the best thing to do and in doing so he can at least keep his name and keep his family from losing face totally, and save everybody a big headache. Getting cremated is no big deal here and is widely practiced.

By the way, many murders are committed by these actions 90 percent of the time as follows: Love Triangles, An Argument between someone, Jealousy and the need to keep witnesses from going against you in court or Interferences from others. In fact over 50 percent of such is actually caused because a woman is involved in some way or another either directly or indirectly.

When your totally splashed it is pretty hard to keep a weapon straight let alone take it out of your pants or item itself.

So this fella is DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now read it back and point out which bits make any sense at all, and which parts were gleaned from some informed source.


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Police ordered to catch murderer of British tourists 'dead or alive'

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday ordered the police to 'overturn the country' in the search for the killer of two British tourists murdered last week, authorizing officers to catch the police sergeant suspected of the killing even if it meant shooting him dead.

As the bodies of Vanessa Arscott and Adam Lloyd, who were murdered in Thailand's western province of Kanchanaburi last Thursday, were flown back to the United Kingdom for burial, Royal Thai Police Spokesman Pol. Maj. Gen. Pongsapat Pongcharoen said that the prime minister had ordered that Pol. Sgt. Maj. Somchai Wisetsingh be captured as soon as possible.

The police sergeant, who has evaded capture since the murder of the young couple, is thought to have shot the tourists in cold blood following a brawl at a Kanchanaburi restaurant of which he was the owner.

According to the police spokesman, the prime minister justified his order that the police sergeant be caught 'dead or alive' on the grounds that Pol. Sgt. Maj. Somchai was very obviously doing all he could to evade arrest.

Yesterday the British Consul in Thailand, acting as a representative of the parents of Miss Arscott and Mr. Lloyd, prepared for their bodies to be flown back home for funerary rites.

-- TNA 2004-09-16

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The fact that Thaksin is still nominally following this case, and it hasn't been put in the "forgotten case book" yet, suggests that diplomatic efforts by the UK govt. at seeing justice done are going on behind the scenes, which is encouraging.

However, I think it v. unlikely that the miscreant has gone to Burma, where Thais are not best popular as a nation. He'd probably not like the scene too much there at all. If the miscreant has gone abroad (which I doubt), it'd more likely be in Laos or casino-land at Poi-Pet, where the son of Chalerm went for a little holiday a year or two back, before he judged the coast was clear and arrived back, quite the little hero. Identity change and help from buddies in another province is a far more likely scenario.

Oh yes, Chaz, please refrain from posting if you are going to say such idiotic hateful things, or you'll soon find yourself banned from the Forum. :o

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I am going to go out on a limb and say that someone who the PM respects told him that the country - specifically a lot of his associates stand to lose a lot of money, in the billlions of baht, if this killer is not brought to justice and quickly. I believe that a couple of hundred thousand Brits come here each year, spending over one thousand dollars each. A couple of dred million dollars in foreign exchange would hurt this country's currency and especially those involved in teh tourist industry.

For whatever reason this man is caught, I am thankful for it.

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Ever notice how many murders and other crimes are carried out by police, expolicemen and Army personel. Once they put on a uniform do they become unmanageable or do they get a feeling of "no one can touch me". Interesting..

IMO it's rather the case that a disproportionately large number of the people who want to apply for these uniform/gun carrying jobs have some aggression/power issues in the first place. This trend is the same all over the world, only more pronounced in some countries.

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I am as upset and disgusted about this as everyone else. These guys were from my home county in the UK.

But let's not forget that the majority of Police Officers in Thailand are actually not bad guys and do get a bad rap. This is a seriously screwed up individual and I am sure the Police feel as bad about this as everyone else. It undoes so much of the good work they try to do.

I am not brown nosing here but I do feel it would be easy for this to re-fuel the bash Thai cops mentality which is so prevelant and uncalled for among foreigners (the bad ones) in Thailand.

Hope this post is not taken in the wrong way.

scratt :o

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But let's not forget that the majority of Police Officers in Thailand are actually not bad guys and do get a bad rap.

i beg to differ , whilst the majority of police will be very friendly, polite and proper when dealing with tourists , when it comes to dealing with thais, especially thais without connections or clout,the majority of police will hassle,harrass and generally bully. there doesnt seem to be any such thing as correct procedure here and the police are a law unto themselves, and so long as one can buy oneself protection and buy ones way out of trouble the police here are not to be trusted as independant servants of the people.

the police force here is in dire need of reform and professionalising i'm afraid.

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I am going to go out on a limb and say that someone who the PM respects told him that the country - specifically a lot of his associates stand to lose a lot of money, in the billlions of baht, if this killer is not brought to justice and quickly.  I believe that a couple of hundred thousand Brits come here each year, spending over one thousand dollars each.  A couple of dred million dollars in foreign exchange would hurt this country's currency and especially those involved in teh tourist industry. 

For whatever reason this man is caught, I am thankful for it.

Yes, moneywise it's super-important, and much more than you think. The current figure is not 200,000 but about 700,000 Brit tourists per year, making Britain by far the biggest Western market for Thai tourism. In money terms, probably only the Japanese beat them, since they now send over a million big-spending tourists annually.

The British press won't let this go, and Thaksin probably knows that too, which is all to the good.

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I have had no problems with police, and most have been kind to me.

But most of the Thais I know dislike the police, distrust them, look down on them, involve them in their lives as little as possible.

It's hard to have a sweet opinion of them when people who know more than I do have such a negative one.

For Thailand's sake, I hope they get the bastard soon.

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