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Three Men Arrested For Raping Canadian Woman


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I saw the Thai movie "Macabe Case of Prom Pi Ram" by Manop Udomdej a couple of weeks ago ( I am not sure what the name is in Thai ). Pretty sad,disturbing, but very moving movie about a police case in Thailand about the gang rape and murder of a young metally disturbed Thai woman. Even though the story takes place in 1977 ina rural village, I guess the conditions for something like this to happen will always exist not just only in Thailand, but everywhere. :o:D

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Some thoughts:

1) they are bastards and they deserve Jail

2) True that English girls are considered (almost everywhere in the world) very easy to bring to bed

3) Some kind of behaviurs in Europe are considered normal, in Asia are considered as an invitation/provocation

4) when you hit another country you need to understand the local culture (even if crap like the woman/man relationship in Thai).

5) If were 2 Thai girls, no one was talking about them, since they're westerner everyone is shocked, so also we are considering people in a different way

6) Rape happens everywhere and so far the only one who went in Jail in the human history was Mike Tyson (2 weeks ago Kobe Bryant paid to be set free).

7) Being western I condemn, but before doing this I realize that in the West rape is very common

8) Smiles, hugs, kisses to a Thai are a GREEN LIGHT for him, to an European the Green Light is still very far

9) Western girl have the total control of their pussy in the west culture, in Asia they just have to dress in a certain way, or be alone @ certain time, or behave very friendly with someone, to be considered as EASY TARGET.

10) Going alone to the beach with some Thai men, late in the night, giving them room to desire, it's a MISTAKE

Having said that I hope they will burn in ###### (the Thai men who did this rape)


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"Gang rape and sexual abuse is much more of a norm here in S.E. Asia (and in other traditional societies) then it is in the West."

The person that wrote the above is not aware that statiscially a women is raped and beaten in the United states every minute. Rape is also a very common fact in Europe.

This remark reveals how us westerners in our "minds" think that we are in some way more

civilised when in fact we have recently in the 20th century have had the cruelest and the most murderous wars in the history of humanity on this planet as well as having destroyed and enslaved and raped millions of women through colonialism. I am sorry that this woman got raped, but beware of how you use this fact to justify all your hidden "cultural superiority" stupidity. I suggest you read history and be aware of what the "civilised west" has down to traditional societies throughout the world since 1492. Also I blame the west for the "hollywoodization"of violence and rape through films and T.V. and inculcating "compulsive consumerism" in what were for the most part much more serene and spiritual societies in Asia, Africa and the Americas before western barbarian hords came out of their caves conquering, raping and pillaging the rest of the world. :o

Spare me all of your righteous, politically-correct indignance. I've read the history of colonialism and in fact my ancestors were among some of the groups to be raped and pillaged. I'm from the West, and yes there is violence of women everywhere.

But the nature and context of that violence differs everywhere, as well as the cultural/religous/politcal response to violence. In the course of your reading, did you find that many of the raped and pillaged were also raping and pillaging themselves before the Europeans came? Naturally this is not an excuse, because I wouldn't dream of letting the Spaniards off so easily for what they did to my native ancestors in the West Indies. But in the course of research, you also have to consider facts that may not fit nicely with your arguments or worldview. I also don't let my politically correct views blind me to the reality of the present. Understanding the similarities and the differences is not superiority, it's reality.

Now take all of your impressive knowledge of past history, modern-day attitudes and enforcements or lackthereof, and COMPARE, because comparison is the first important step in serious research. Let me know what comes up when you get to S.E. Asia.

Good day.

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I wouldn't dream of letting the Spaniards off so easily for what they did to my native ancestors in the West Indies.

Are you Carib Indian then Kat? I thought they were completely wiped out by the Spanish in the 17th Ccentury.

Or are you Mayan Indian from the central isthmus? Unusual to find a Mayan away from their homeland.

Not being sarcastic - I spent some time out there and as "old hands" on the forum know I have an interest in history and indigenous cultures.


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No problem Gaz. Everyone thinks they killed all the Arawak Indians and Carib Indians, but if you go to Venezuela and other parts of the West Indies, you'll find that there are still Arawaks alive, albeit not so well in terms of socio-economically. There are also ancestors of Carib Indians that still have cultural gatherings in some parts of the West Indies. There were also the Taino Indians of Puerto Rico.

For the record, I am mixed-race biologically, and mixed heritage by adoption. Long story short, I am Puerto-Rican, West Indian, and Eastern European.

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