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Wire-free Air-tube Earpiece For Mobile Phones


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I have been using these since 2005 to save cooking my brain with cellphone radiation. As far as I know only Malaysia produces these, and I know of no exports. Although the device appears crude, it fits all phones and the microphones pick up sound fine at arm's length. Available from independent mobile phone outlets in Malaysia. Mine are from Alor Star, which is the nearest place via overland.

The weak point is the plastic clips which can deform plastically (i.e. are unrepairable) after a year or two. The black-clip model has better reinforcement on the hinge and should last longer but they shortened the air tube slightly.

http://products.mercola.com/blue-tube-headset/ do a version which plugs in to the earpiece socket of the phone but the air tube is not as long, and thus not as effective, as my one pictured.

Anyone seen these for sale in Thailand?


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I have to warn you against using these. You will definitely avoid frying your brain, but these things here make it easy to keep your phone in your pocket when talking.

Hence you'll fry your balls. No good.

Or you keep your phone in the hand and arm outstretched like a scarecrow. No frying danger. But the extremely harmful radiation from the dangerous cell phone acts as a lightning rod and will cause a "bolt from the blue" to hit you. No good.

Oh, and before i forget - using air tubes is of no effect as long as you are logged into a cell phone network. Those towers, you know. They fry you faster than any cell phone can.

So my final recommendation: Set up base in a very small boat some 500 miles offshore so you are definitely protected from dangerous radiations. Of course you've got no phone there, but hey, no harmful frying rays either :o

For these potentially life saving tips please wire the amount of $500 to my swiss bank account, PM me for details.

Best regards.....


(aren't those "radiation-is-oh-so-dangerous" blokes funny??)

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You two are incredibly ignorant about wireless radiation. It's your funeral ! I prefer to minimise risky behaviour in all endeavours.

Thailand is particularly bad for locating high-powered cell masts in areas of high population density. I will not stay in a hotel within 200 metres of one.




Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Unless you live in some unbelievably remote location, the odds are high that you’re being bombarded with information-carrying radio waves that can wreak havoc on your body.

These radio waves have increased dramatically and exponentially over the last few years -- especially from cell phones, but also from WiFi, WiMax, BlueTooth, and other wireless devices. For most people, the damage from this 24-7 exposure will take years or even decades to surface since there is a lag time of five to 20 years for the health effects to become clinically apparent.

For those unfortunate people in London who were living directly below a major cell phone mast, the damage became apparent sometime between the mast’s construction in 1994 and the beginning of the resident’s campaign to have the mast removed in 2002.

You may not realize that you are likely living closer to a cell phone tower than you think. Cell “sites” can look like antennas or huge towers, but they can also be quite camouflaged. They exist on many schools, churches, firehouses, cemeteries and even in national parks. If you’re wondering why a school or park would want a cell site on their grounds, it’s because the cell phone companies pay to have them there, with fees that can range upwards of $2,000 a month.

While there are already more than 175,000 cell towers in the United States, this number is expected to increase by 48 percent to 260,000 by 2010, according to CTIA (the International Association for the Wireless Telecommunications Industry).

If you want to know just how close you are to a cell phone tower or antenna, simply type your location into AntennaSearch.com. It will tell you all of the towers (existing and future) and antennas that are within eight miles of your address

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Trevor, you got that information from the same site that SELLS those geeky looking devices.

Did you expect them to say that their product doesn't make sense at all?

But wait there's more!

Have you ever heard of headsets that connect to the phone?

Edited by sensei
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You two are incredibly ignorant about wireless radiation. It's your funeral ! I prefer to minimise risky behaviour in all endeavours.

Have you ever had an X-ray, how about dental x-rays? Walked outside? Sat in front of a PC? If yes then you have been exposed to far more radiation than using a mobile phone. It is ironic that you are using a mobile phone given all the inherent dangers to yourself, and others; using new technology to your benefit while slapping on some hokey audio solution from the 1950's. I'm sure the audio quality is just fantastic! Why even use a mobile phone?

Dr. Joseph Marcola sounds like a real weiner? At least Ron Popeil hawks some useful gadgets.

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Have you ever heard of headsets that connect to the phone?

Exactly! What's the advantage of using some airtube gizmo over non-wireless headsets? If you're worried about the field caused by headphone voltages you'd better start building a faraday cage home today.

Here's some interesting thoughts on Dr. Mercola.

:o faraday cage :D


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That guy's one of those like in a small town in Germany (true story)...... when the mobile network installed an antenna in the church tower, this was kept a secret because of people like HIM, however that secret leaked and suddenly, everyone and their kids felt headaches and the like..... they ordered (and paid for!) some "specialist" coming in and making measurements of the field strengths all around the very church etc, it was found that the radiation level was "dangerous" and then demanded that the antenna was removed - only THEN was found out that ......


The whole town was red-faced and it went thru the newspapers all over the country.

And a similar one happened to myself after i moved into a new place..... first thing i did was to install my CB Radio antenna (a 5.50 meters tall aluminium rod on the roof). And the next morning there was a knock on the door - neighbours. I should, please, immediately remove my antenna because it would cause interference on their TV. I asked "oh really, is that so?" Upon them verifying it i invited them in - showing my antenna, there was an antenna, yes, BUT NO CABLE ATTACHED TO IT AND THE STATION STILL IN THE BOX FROM MOVING!!

Ever from that day on i blasted around the airwaves with the highly illegal power of 250 watts (4 watts allowed) and never had a complaint about any interferences :o

But then some people, after reading about the oh-so-dangerous-phone-radiation, immediately get sick when near a phone...... it's like some others immediately feeling symptoms as soon as they read about some new disease. Such people are then successfully cured, using what's known as "placebo". Very interesting subject.

Trevor, i hope you don't own a microwave? If you do, try to dig out some news about them from like 30 years ago where everyone touted the "fact" that microwaved food would cause all sorts of cancer or even earthquakes....... have we all died since? Sure all those people back then must have been right?? After all it's the very same people that first came up with the news on cell phone radiation.....

And for your fear of cell phone radiation, wrapping your head tightly in tin foil, connecting a 16 sqmm wire to it and that wire connected to a steel plate under each of your feet for grounding should save you from radiation. To enhance the effect drive a 10 meter copper rod into wet soil and connect the wire to it. It sure immobilizes you but the protection is 100%.

Oh and when you are using a computer, pleaser use an LCD screen. Because a CRT emits x-rays - surely enough to fry you quickly. Same goes for regular TV's. Only LCD screens are considered safe. Oh, and flourescent light in your room is a big no-no also - generates harmful UV rays. By the way the sun does that too so better stay inside. dam_n, nature and the whole population of this planet is out to fry you........

Those tips were for free by the way, but i'm still waiting on the 500 Dollars from the first batch.

Best regards.....


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You two are incredibly ignorant about wireless radiation. It's your funeral ! I prefer to minimise risky behaviour in all endeavours.

Thailand is particularly bad for locating high-powered cell masts in areas of high population density. I will not stay in a hotel within 200 metres of one.




Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Unless you live in some unbelievably remote location, the odds are high that you’re being bombarded with information-carrying radio waves that can wreak havoc on your body.

These radio waves have increased dramatically and exponentially over the last few years -- especially from cell phones, but also from WiFi, WiMax, BlueTooth, and other wireless devices. For most people, the damage from this 24-7 exposure will take years or even decades to surface since there is a lag time of five to 20 years for the health effects to become clinically apparent.

For those unfortunate people in London who were living directly below a major cell phone mast, the damage became apparent sometime between the mast’s construction in 1994 and the beginning of the resident’s campaign to have the mast removed in 2002.

You may not realize that you are likely living closer to a cell phone tower than you think. Cell “sites” can look like antennas or huge towers, but they can also be quite camouflaged. They exist on many schools, churches, firehouses, cemeteries and even in national parks. If you’re wondering why a school or park would want a cell site on their grounds, it’s because the cell phone companies pay to have them there, with fees that can range upwards of $2,000 a month.

While there are already more than 175,000 cell towers in the United States, this number is expected to increase by 48 percent to 260,000 by 2010, according to CTIA (the International Association for the Wireless Telecommunications Industry).

If you want to know just how close you are to a cell phone tower or antenna, simply type your location into AntennaSearch.com. It will tell you all of the towers (existing and future) and antennas that are within eight miles of your address

Where can you apply to get a cell site on your private grounds?

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You would think that someone would notice if there was cancer actually being caused by mobile phones. In SEA there are more than 10 times the number of mobile phones in use as opposed to land lines. If there was any reality to the claim of mobile phones causing brain tumors SEA would have millions of cases. It's like the nonsense about being too close to power lines. Pure B.S.


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I really can't believe my eyes reading these replies to the OP. Just shows how the cellphone and wi-fi industries, and their media lackeys, have brainwashed and dumbed-down consumers into a false sense of security. The insidious ill-effects take years, even decades, to fully manifest -- just like vaccinations, which have never been proved safe (or effective) either. And both are unsurpassed cash cows ... what a coincidence!

Are y'all enjoyin' the view up thar', hicks ... ?


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You know, Trevor, that is because of the wording in the OP. "save cooking my brain with cellphone radiation" just screams out "poster has no brain to start with, please let the flames come in!"

Seriously, Trevor, if you are NOT the one trying to sell those air-tube thingies, then you are one of those who really don't think and fall for every quack and sensationalist reporter out there. And if that's the case, the only place to be safe from yourself is, as i mentioned, in a very small boat some 500 miles offshore - away from any potential radiation as well as any news about frightening new discoveries (or non-discoveries as in most cases) which you would immediately believe in.

By the way the U.F.O. that crashed at Area 51 was *actually* brought down by a cell phone prototype! They just don't tell YOU that!

By the way have you looked what other fine products that "Dr." has on his website for sale? Energy saving light bulbs - just at about 5x their supermarket price, and lots of dodgy pills of the kind usually peddled by MLM's (always the same, worth- and useless stuff, just different label on the bottle for each "company" selling them). Oh, and a set of cooking pots! But that's probably to hide your head under to protect from radiation, falling airplanes and assorted other dangers.

Now in case your brain is available, turned on, and still functioning, please take in the following facts:

- A common GSM cell phone, operating on 900 MHz, outputs MAX 2 Watts of power, pulsed.

- A similar phone, operating on GSM 1.800 MHz, actually outputs less than 1 (ONE!) Watt of power.

- A CDMA phone, operating on 800 MHz, outputs LESS THAN 0.25 Watts!

- My grandfather, in his duties as a telecommunications engineer, worked on LIVE ANTENNAS of RADIO STATIONS back in the AM time - he had HUNDREDS OF KILOWATTS of power going right thru him as his body became part of the antenna. He did it for 30-ish years without side effects.

- As being the grandson of a telecommunications engineer who also was a popular and passionate HAM (radio amateur) i naturally learned quite a bit about electromagnetic waves. In turn i do NOT fall for sensationalists who cash in on popular trends or fears.

- And take my word on it: You no more fry your brain with a cell phone than you chop off your leg with a chopstick.

Best regards.....


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"And for your fear of cell phone radiation, wrapping your head tightly in tin foil, connecting a 16 sqmm wire to it and that wire connected to a steel plate under each of your feet for grounding should save you from radiation. To enhance the effect drive a 10 meter copper rod into wet soil and connect the wire to it. It sure immobilizes you but the protection is 100%."

"By the way the U.F.O. that crashed at Area 51 was *actually* brought down by a cell phone prototype! They just don't tell YOU that!"

"And take my word on it: You no more fry your brain with a cell phone than you chop off your leg with a chopstick."

Priceless, Thanh. Priceless...

Here's another beauty...

"Anti-radiation Rectum to Skull Enema, accronym, ARSE."


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I really can't believe my eyes reading these replies to the OP. Just shows how the cellphone and wi-fi industries, and their media lackeys, have brainwashed and dumbed-down consumers into a false sense of security. The insidious ill-effects take years, even decades, to fully manifest -- just like vaccinations, which have never been proved safe (or effective) either. And both are unsurpassed cash cows ... what a coincidence!

Are y'all enjoyin' the view up thar', hicks ... ?

Based on this response alone I think it's safe to say you appear to have already cooked, perhaps half-baked, your brain and should not worry about mobile phone radiation. I realize there are a lot of crazy folk living out there on the fringe but am always amazed at how they are incapable of defending their position, and when faced with scrutiny lash out and insult others. Mobile phone radiation, moved on to vaccinations, which have saved millions of lives and are hardly a cash-cow (no drug companies want to make them and governments need to subsidize the costs), what's next? Black helicopters? UFOs? Alien abductions? Heck, I'm shocked you even use a mobile phone, you know that "they" are listening you, don't you?

BTW, have you ordered Dr. Mercolas light bulbs yet?

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