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Firefox On Apple Mac


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A few months ago I made the switch from PC to Mac but am unable to display Thai script when using Firefox. :D

When using Safari it works fine but in Firefox any Thai Script show up as a series of question marks...?????????????

Does anybody have any ideas on how to get Thai script to display? It's got me well and truly baffled.

Thanks in advance :o

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You probably do have the latest version. Version 3.0b4 is a beta version. I just downloaded it and it definitely works with Thai fonts now. (Still think safari is better anyway!)


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You probably do have the latest version. Version 3.0b4 is a beta version. I just downloaded it and it definitely works with Thai fonts now. (Still think safari is better anyway!)


Maybe I should give Safari another go. I can't even remember why I didn't like it the first time - I think it was the fact that I like the adblock add on in firefox and haven't found a comparable one in Safari. I tried Pith Helmet as an adblocker in Safari but wasn't happy with it (and now I can't remove it).

What do you think are the benefits of Safari?

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I just deleted Pith Helmet. It was good at first but slowly got worse. I now use safariadblock [ safariadblock.sourceforge.net ] which is pretty good.

Benefits of Safari? It does everything i need it to, and it does it quickly.

To remove pith helmet delete these files....

Macintosh HD/Library/Appplication Support/SIMBL/Plugins/PithHelmet

Macintosh HD/Library/Frameworks/DuctTape.framework

<home>/Library/Application Support/PithHelmet

Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts/Pithhelmet.pkg

Macintosh HD/Library/Receipts/DuctTape.pkg

Then restart safari.


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You could also try Camino. It's based on Firefox, but looks more Mac-like. Though Firefox 3.0 could make it obsolete, looks very good to me.

I use Safari for everything except those websites that don't work with Safari. There are a few, or if you look at Thai websites, many. Having Firefox around is a good thing.

If a web site doesn't even work in Firefox (== retarded web programmers at work) then I fire up VMWare Fusion and use IE7. But I haven't encountered one of those in a while.

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Here are the fixes:

"In Leopard Apple decided to switch the default Thai font from Lucida Grande to Thonburi, making the Thai characters in the former inaccessible. This causes problems because a) the Thonburi Bold font is non-functioning for some reason and :o Thonburi's spacing is botched for mixed Thai/Latin text.

Pending Apple's fixing these issues, one idea is to replace Thonburi in System/Library/Fonts with a different Thai font. I downloaded the Garuda set described at this site and used FontForge to rename them Thonburi. After making backup copies of Apple's Thonburi, I replaced it with the renamed Garuda, and this seems to work. A copy of the renamed set can be gotten from my iDisk (the folder Garudathonburi). Feedback on whether this solution is helpful would be welcome.

Another fix would be to replace the Lucida Grande in Leopard with the same font from Tiger. I have seen reports that this does not seem to cause any problems."

See: Multilingual Mac

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I've now switched to the Firefox 3 Beta Version and can now display Thai script.

I've also intermiitently been giving Safari a go using safari adBlock (Thanks for the tips on removing Pith Helmut Nidge :o ).

I'm unsure which I prefer at this stage however I've noticed that neither Safari or Firefox 3 display Hotmail correctly. As I use hotmail as my main email this could be a deal breaker.

At this stage it seems a case of one step forward, two steps backwards.

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Hotmail sucks for me, i gave up using it a long time ago.

Is it possible for you to change to Gmail? You get loads of mailbox space, 6+Gb i think, and you can actually use that for online storage too if you email stuff to yourself.

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I do have a Gmail account which I don't use. I didn't really like the layout and functionality. I guess I have stuck with hotmail (or Windows Live as it is now called) as it was my first email account and is the address everyone knows. It has improved and now has 5gb(?) of storage and is quite functional these days (If the browser supports it :o ).

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