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Acvice Please Guys

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I have a 1 year Non O Multi entry visa that expires this month, I have just done the Visa run to take my stay until July 1st.

I am 50 on July 15th and intend to apply for the retirement visa then, [my wife has hers already, the old git].

What is the best way forward to make up this two week gap? Can I go to immigration in Phuket and get a three month Visa and then apply for the God's waiting room extension or do I need another 1 year Visa?

Many thanks,


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You can obtain anytime as dependent of your wife (if you are together). No need for you both to obtain retirement extensions and there is no age requirement for dependent spouse. It is section 7.19 of police order 606/2006

(3) Incase of the marriage couple,

the parties required to have both

practical and legal relationship

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Thanks Lopburi 3,

I was aware of that one but for pension reasons it would be better if my wife was the dependant that is why I need the reitrement.

Could you advise again please?

Also does the dependant have to do a visa run or do they just report to Immigration?



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The dependent needs a non immigrant O visa and spouse paperwork/spouse when they report to Immigration - I really don't believe your status in Thailand would effect your home country pension but you are in a better position to know that.

I expect you would have to depart and obtain a visa entry of some type for retirement - as it is longer than the allowed 9 days (21 days remaining) for conversion from a 30 day visa exempt entry. Be aware you can not apply until after you are over age 50 so the 16th would be first available date. A single entry non immigrant visa would be fine but even a tourist visa could be changed to non immigrant at Immigration at an extra 2,000 baht fee.

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