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I’m Definitely Falling Apart.!


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I hope that Sheryl will help out here but I think the correct term for an exam of the bowel and large intestines is an endoscopy and this is not in the least painful and only a mild relaxant is used. If you Google endoscopy you will find lots of reassuring detail about how painlessly the procedure is performed.

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I hope that Sheryl will help out here but I think the correct term for an exam of the bowel and large intestines is an endoscopy and this is not in the least painful and only a mild relaxant is used. If you Google endoscopy you will find lots of reassuring detail about how painlessly the procedure is performed.

:D ...not with me I tell you.....I roared :D because of the pain even with a sedation ! But as I said before I have a 'rare' extremely low pain level. It has to do with the sensitivity of the nerves.

A friend of mine, a dentist gave me 5 injections once, telling me that it would put out an elephant; it didn't with me.....the pain was almost unbearable and my clothes were soaking wet...

The crazy thing is that the pain doesn't scare me off and once it's done it's over and out...but 'during' the treatment it's.... :o


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So I'm booked in at the crack of dawn on Monday to have a Gastroscopy ( a camera down my throat) and colonoscopy ( a camera up my bum).

i believe the correct medical terminology for this combined procedure is "the spitroast".

you will be sedated and so wont have any pain or discomfort.

:D ..I don't know about a Gastroscopy but the last Colonoscopy I had, last week, I was sedated but the pain was......... :D:o ..unbelievable..

I have to say though that I have an extremely rare low pain level and I'm not happy with that ! :D


You're such a comfort LP :D

The Doc wanted to do everything tomorrow or Saturday, but I opted for Monday, as I need time to get used to the idea of all the cameras wiggling around in my intestines.

I have a had a couple of angiograms ( a camera inserted into an artery and travelling around my heart). They kept me awake for those, but no pain at all.

Then I've had several cameras stuck my penis to de-coke and clear bladder blockages - not very pleasant - after the last one I was passing blood for weeks.

So you see, I'm definitely falling apart :D

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I hope that Sheryl will help out here but I think the correct term for an exam of the bowel and large intestines is an endoscopy and this is not in the least painful and only a mild relaxant is used. If you Google endoscopy you will find lots of reassuring detail about how painlessly the procedure is performed.

:D ...not with me I tell you.....I roared :D because of the pain even with a sedation ! But as I said before I have a 'rare' extremely low pain level. It has to do with the sensitivity of the nerves.

A friend of mine, a dentist gave me 5 injections once, telling me that it would put out an elephant; it didn't with me.....the pain was almost unbearable and my clothes were soaking wet...

The crazy thing is that the pain doesn't scare me off and once it's done it's over and out...but 'during' the treatment it's.... :o


I understand LaoPo that the pain threshold varies enormously from person to person and that at each end of the spectrum there are extreme cases. I have a good friend, a nurse coincidently, who never requires any form of pain medication for dental surgery because he can, as he describes it, put his mind in a different place. I don't profess to understand that but I do believe it. You it seems are at the other end of the spectrum and you have my sympathies - might be worth some research to see if and how you can get yourself from where you are now in respect of pain tolerance to where my friend is currently. But for most people, the vast majority who are in the middle of the spectrum, standard sedation works just fine, even for me and I am a cry baby at best. The development of pain reducing drugs has come far in recent years hence the OP should not consider this aspect to be a negative in any shape or form.

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So I'm booked in at the crack of dawn on Monday to have a Gastroscopy ( a camera down my throat) and colonoscopy ( a camera up my bum).

i believe the correct medical terminology for this combined procedure is "the spitroast".

you will be sedated and so wont have any pain or discomfort.

:D ..I don't know about a Gastroscopy but the last Colonoscopy I had, last week, I was sedated but the pain was......... :D:o ..unbelievable..

I have to say though that I have an extremely rare low pain level and I'm not happy with that ! :D


You're such a comfort LP :D

The Doc wanted to do everything tomorrow or Saturday, but I opted for Monday, as I need time to get used to the idea of all the cameras wiggling around in my intestines.

I have a had a couple of angiograms ( a camera inserted into an artery and travelling around my heart). They kept me awake for those, but no pain at all.

Then I've had several cameras stuck my penis to de-coke and clear bladder blockages - not very pleasant - after the last one I was passing blood for weeks.

So you see, I'm definitely falling apart :D

What's a de-coke mate? I go in for the usual procedures for a person of my age but I've never seen this one advertised because I may give it a shot - can you expand on this procedure, (no puns intended).

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So I'm booked in at the crack of dawn on Monday to have a Gastroscopy ( a camera down my throat) and colonoscopy ( a camera up my bum).

i believe the correct medical terminology for this combined procedure is "the spitroast".

you will be sedated and so wont have any pain or discomfort.

:D ..I don't know about a Gastroscopy but the last Colonoscopy I had, last week, I was sedated but the pain was......... :D:o ..unbelievable..

I have to say though that I have an extremely rare low pain level and I'm not happy with that ! :D


You're such a comfort LP :D

The Doc wanted to do everything tomorrow or Saturday, but I opted for Monday, as I need time to get used to the idea of all the cameras wiggling around in my intestines.

I have a had a couple of angiograms ( a camera inserted into an artery and travelling around my heart). They kept me awake for those, but no pain at all.

Then I've had several cameras stuck my penis to de-coke and clear bladder blockages - not very pleasant - after the last one I was passing blood for weeks.

So you see, I'm definitely falling apart :D

What's a de-coke mate? I go in for the usual procedures for a person of my age but I've never seen this one advertised because I may give it a shot - can you expand on this procedure, (no puns intended).

It's called a urethroscopy, using a urethroscope. I've had 3 through the years and they ain't very pleasant - involve catheters post op and all that jazz. Suggest you Google to get more info, and if you're concerned you need to see a good urologist. I can recommend one at Bumrungrad.

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Re the pain/discomfort factor, individual factors aside (and let's face it, almost no-body is relaxed with a camera up their lower end!) it really depends on the type and amount of sedation used. It is perfectly possible to knock you out to the point that no matter how low your pain threshold, you won't feel a thing. But it costs more, requires the services of an anesthesiologist as well as the doc wielding thje scope and also means you'll need a few hours to recover enough to walk out of there on your own steam.

Generally speaking, government hospitals give the minimum by way of sedation and top end places the max and other places fall somewhere in between. At Bumrungrad you can expect to be sufficiently zonked not to feel what they are doing to your lower and upper ends. One of the perks of going to the most expensive hospitals...so don't worry, Mobi, but do plan to stay somewhere nearby and be pretty out of it for the rest of the day. :o

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Re the pain/discomfort factor, individual factors aside (and let's face it, almost no-body is relaxed with a camera up their lower end!) it really depends on the type and amount of sedation used. It is perfectly possible to knock you out to the point that no matter how low your pain threshold, you won't feel a thing. But it costs more, requires the services of an anesthesiologist as well as the doc wielding thje scope and also means you'll need a few hours to recover enough to walk out of there on your own steam. Generally speaking, government hospitals give the minimum by way of sedation and top end places the max and other places fall somewhere in between. At Bumrungrad you can expect to be sufficiently zonked not to feel what they are doing to your lower and upper ends. One of the perks of going to the most expensive hospitals...so don't worry, Mobi, but do plan to stay somewhere nearby and be pretty out of it for the rest of the day. :D

Other way round for me. I've had two colonoscopies here in Thailand. One in Siriraj Gov. hosp. where they put me under....great, didn't feel a thing. Second one in Thonburi Private hosp. where I was awake during the procedure....definitely not pleasant!!

Incidentally, I was diagnosed with rectal cancer and ended up having the surgery to remove the cancer at Siriraj. Couldn't fault them. My radiologist and my surgeon both had spent time in London hospitals. Unfortunately I have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of my life. I had the op. just over two years ago and my 3 monthly check-ups have shown that I'm currently clear of cancer....it just shows that cancer can be beaten and to me every day is a bonus. :o

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I had a 'spitroast' and was given midozolam and pethidine. I remember sitting there asking them when they were going to start. They told me it was 40 minutes later and they'd finished. Didn't feel a thing and it only took about 30 minutes to get myself together again. The worst part was the pre-procedure laxative. Two days of hovering :o

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Stop saying you are falling apart. Buy the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne for some good tips on staying together.

I'm only joking :o

I don't really think I'm falling apart - just bits of me not working too well :D

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I'm only joking :D

I don't really think I'm falling apart - just bits of me not working too well :D

Well, the most important parts that provide clear thought and a sense of humour are working just fine. :D If it's worth anything, people with this kind of attitude generally respond well to treatment when required. And then there are people like me that risk being intentionally euthanized on the table as we make bad jokes about doctor technique. Last time the doc did the prostate exam on me, I asked him to not make like he was searching for buried treasure and that if he had found anything of value I wanted it back. He retaliated by asking if I was feeling discomfort as he stuck his finger in, let out a sinister laugh and then slapped me on the bum when he was done :o .

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Mobi, I lost patience reading this topic so if what I say has already being said, apologies. I am allergic to crustacea, but at the time of me suffering I did not know. However I was on holiday a few years back, and along with the guys I came with (plus ladies) we went to a seafood restauarnt. We had crab and king prawns. A few days later my problems started, and got worsee as time went on. Puking and s*itting, until all that was coming out was water. I lost about 3.5 kg in around 10 days. The day I was due to fly home I was a wreck, the girl I was with got me to a clinic, then rounded my friends up. I was on a drip feed less than 10 hours from flying home. Along with one of my mates she went back to my hotel and packed my stuff, even telling him about my emergency cash stash. She made him count it and said you ask Stephen what is there. What a diamond she was, and an Isaan girl to boot. I made the flight, but I have never felt so sick in my life.

The bleeding? May be nothing more than a cracked fissure, although finding that out wasn't exactly pleasant either.

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Mobi, I lost patience reading this topic so if what I say has already being said, apologies. I am allergic to crustacea, but at the time of me suffering I did not know. However I was on holiday a few years back, and along with the guys I came with (plus ladies) we went to a seafood restauarnt. We had crab and king prawns. A few days later my problems started, and got worsee as time went on. Puking and s*itting, until all that was coming out was water. I lost about 3.5 kg in around 10 days. The day I was due to fly home I was a wreck, the girl I was with got me to a clinic, then rounded my friends up. I was on a drip feed less than 10 hours from flying home. Along with one of my mates she went back to my hotel and packed my stuff, even telling him about my emergency cash stash. She made him count it and said you ask Stephen what is there. What a diamond she was, and an Isaan girl to boot. I made the flight, but I have never felt so sick in my life.

The bleeding? May be nothing more than a cracked fissure, although finding that out wasn't exactly pleasant either.

I learned a lot today...again ! :D ..believe it or not but this morning I was telling my wife that I'm still learning, day-in-day-out...I was right.... :o


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Stop saying you are falling apart. Buy the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne for some good tips on staying together.

I'm only joking :o

I don't really think I'm falling apart - just bits of me not working too well :D

Happens to us all, Mobi. All the warranties run out once you pass 40.

Look at it this way...growing old isn't fun, but it beats the alternative.

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Since Mobi's situation and topic draws such a large crowd (so to speak) I think some of you might want to read this because our 'stool' is most important to all of us:



1 1/2 week ago I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy myself and they removed a few polyps in my large intestine/colon; the results were good (not negative) but they discovered a lot more polyps in the far end of the (ascending) colon and I need a few further endoscopy's... :o The first one is May 20th and will be 'done' by a Stomic-Colon-Liver Specialist. The last one was undertaken by a surgeon.


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well I had the "spit roast" at 7.30 Am This morning. The worst part was staying up most of the night and drinking 2.5 liters of foul tasting liquid to clear out my gut. I was still passing liquid right up to the time I was put to sleep!

The next thing I knew it was 10 am no pain and no discomfort, and it was all over.

I have the reports, pictures and DVD which one day I'll show to my Grandkids.

There's much I don't understand but briefly the colonoscopy showed mild colitis, and internal hemorrhoid and a flat polyp, which has been removed, and a mild lymphoid hyperplasia, on which a biopsy has been done and was negative.

The Gastrocospy showed GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.) with hiatus hernia, and also moderate erosive antral gastritis in the stomach. A biospsy was done and is being checked for Helicobacter pylori ( what ever that is!!) The result of the biopsy wan't be in until the end of the week, and I will see the specialist on Friday to discuss the results, and treatment. There's much more in the two reports that I won't bother you with.

In the meantime I will do my sleep test tomorrow, and see some further specialists for my heart and prostate.

I Googled "GERD", and read that it can sometimes causes sleep problems (apnia) - so maybe it is all connected.

This whole thing is getting too technical for my tired old brain, and I really have no idea how serious all this is, and whether it can be fixed. Hopefully the doctor will speak in words on one syllable on Friday.

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Good Luck Mobi, hope everything turns out ok. Sure some Probiotics would help, they may not be a cure, but our bad diets tend to use up all the good bacteria, helps to give it a boost occasionally. Stay positive!


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well I had the "spit roast" at 7.30 Am This morning. The worst part was staying up most of the night and drinking 2.5 liters of foul tasting liquid to clear out my gut. I was still passing liquid right up to the time I was put to sleep!

The next thing I knew it was 10 am no pain and no discomfort, and it was all over.

I have the reports, pictures and DVD which one day I'll show to my Grandkids.

There's much I don't understand but briefly the colonoscopy showed mild colitis, and internal hemorrhoid and a flat polyp, which has been removed, and a mild lymphoid hyperplasia, on which a biopsy has been done and was negative.

The Gastrocospy showed GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.) with hiatus hernia, and also moderate erosive antral gastritis in the stomach. A biospsy was done and is being checked for Helicobacter pylori ( what ever that is!!) The result of the biopsy wan't be in until the end of the week, and I will see the specialist on Friday to discuss the results, and treatment. There's much more in the two reports that I won't bother you with.

In the meantime I will do my sleep test tomorrow, and see some further specialists for my heart and prostate.

I Googled "GERD", and read that it can sometimes causes sleep problems (apnia) - so maybe it is all connected.

This whole thing is getting too technical for my tired old brain, and I really have no idea how serious all this is, and whether it can be fixed. Hopefully the doctor will speak in words on one syllable on Friday.

You have not got a tired old brain and all of your complaints can be fixed.

It is always useful to take a family member or a friend with you when speaking with a doctor - at the very least take a pen and notebook and do not be shy about asking what might seem to you like stupid questions. Make a list of questions. Don't worry that you are taking up the doctors' time - you are paying for it and, actually, good doctors appreciate patients who show high interest.

BTW, Dr. Kaseansom, is now at Samitivej, Srinikorn and I will follow him there.


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You have not got a tired old brain and all of your complaints can be fixed.

It is always useful to take a family member or a friend with you when speaking with a doctor - at the very least take a pen and notebook and do not be shy about asking what might seem to you like stupid questions. Make a list of questions. Don't worry that you are taking up the doctors' time - you are paying for it and, actually, good doctors appreciate patients who show high interest.

BTW, Dr. Kaseansom, is now at Samitivej, Srinikorn and I will follow him there.


Thanks Tammi.

Yes. my doc is very nice, and spends as much time as I wish answering my questions. Actually I have noticed that she spends much longer with her patients than any other doc, and always runs very late, for that reason. When I spoke to her yesterday, I was still a bit woozy from the sedation, so I will have my questions all properly planned for Friday.

This morning, my first bowel movement since the procedure was nigh on perfect. The stools were smallish, but perfectly formed :D

I thought I was cured!!

Then, ten minutes later the diarrhea returned, and I am back to normal. :D

I tried to book Dr. Kaseansom, but was told he was no longer there. I can't really change hospitals, as all my other Docs are at Bumrungrad, and of course they share my medical records and blood test results etc.

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The Mobi mediacl sago continues....

I was right after all – I’m definitely falling apart!! :o

On Tuesday I checked into Bumrungrad for my Sleep apnea assessment. They had a camera following my every move and dozens of wires were placed all over my head and body.

I was given a mild sedative and I slept about 12.30 am. I was woken by the technician a 3 a.m. and she told me I had stopped breathing for over 40 seconds on 3 separate occasions. She then put the breathing mask on me and I slept until 7 a.m. with no further incidents. In my follow up with the Doc, she told me that my sleeping and snoring were very bad and the oxygen levels to my brain, heart and other organs were dangerously low, and may well have contributed to many of my other health problems. Somebody will come and see me next week to fit me for a CPAP mask. She says I will have to wear it for the rest of my life, and it is much more effective than surgery.

Then on Wednesday I saw my diabetes specialist. She wasn’t too happy about my blood test results, and said many factors had deteriorated since my last visit. She has changed some of my medication, and urged me to resume my exercise schedule, which I have not done for about 6 months.

Then on Thursday I saw my cardiologist, and she too was concerned at some of my blood test results. When I told her that I was suffering from shortness of breath, she ordered an immediate stress test and informed me that one of my arteries was now badly blocked and I needed an angiogram and at least one stent. This cannot be done for 3 weeks because I was injected with something at the time of my virtual colonoscopy at Phya Thai which is bad for my kidneys, and they want the kidneys to be fully recovered before they do the stent procedure.

Then today I saw my stomach specialist. We had a long talk about the state of my stomach and intestines, but most of it went over my head. My small intestine is very inflamed and I have colitis, GERD and moderate erosive antral gastritis, amongst other things!! Anyway all this is causing my diarrhoea, but it is still unknown what has caused the problem in the first place The biopsies were all negative, but she said she still suspects I have an infection or bacteria, but it cannot be identified. So she has given me a mass of medication to try to solve the problem, including two type of antibiotics (one is flagyl), anti inflammatory, and goodness knows what else, and I will see her in 3 weeks (after my heart procedure) to report progress. She also said I was now very prone to cancer of the stomach, and I need to do a colonoscopy and gastroscopy at least once a year.

So if all that isn’t falling apart, I don’t know what is. :D

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:o ...don't know what to say Mobi.

Isn't it possible that all the specialists have a meeting together to discuss your situation also because of the many different medications you get now ?

Wish you well !


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dear Mobi,

re the GI problems, did you specifically ask about Tropical Sprue?

And does she know you already took a course of flagyl?

Also did she discuss the possibility of heliobacter infection wioth you (would explain the stom,ach inflammation and is treatable but requires a combination of 3 drugs)?

Lastly better check with your cardiologist before taking the anti-infklammatory as they may l want you off it for a certain period before the angiogram and stent placement, to avoid increased risk of bleeding.

As for the diabetes and heart..at least you found out all this in time. Thank goodness you went in when you did, and let this be a lesson to all others out there who are getting up in years and haven't had a recent physical...

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Many thanks to all of you who have given me advice and wished me luck. It really is much appreciated, and has been very useful and, to a degree, comforting.

To follow up on a few points raised.

I don't know if I did have pseudomembranous colitis. It was a self diagnosis I made when reading the side effects of the anti biotic I was given by the hospital that I was admitted to when I had my accident. When I finally went to see a doctor, he didn't think that I had it, and prescribed me some new antibiotics. They didn't work so he gave me another lot - which also haven't worked. Hence my visit to Phyathai hospital.

I looked at several sites on the symptoms of colon cancer, and only the Mayo clinic mention diarrhoea as a symptom. Constipation is a far more common symptom, but it seems it would depend on where the tumour(s) are located. Here's a snip from the Mayo site:

Signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:

  • A change in your bowel habits, including diarrhoea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool for more than a couple of weeks
  • Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool
  • Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain
  • Abdominal pain with a bowel movement
  • A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss

I score on points 1, 3, 4, and 6. I have lost 1 kilo since 30th March, so I may score on point 7. There is no bleeding that I can detect.

I admit to beinga bit mystified as all the threads in the Pattaya forum reported that Phyathai is a good hospital., I'm now being told to go elsewhere and find a good doctor. The only reason I went to Phyathai was on the recommendations from the folk on Thai Visa. I found the doctor there knowledgeable and competent. He is one if the first I have consulted (outside of Bumrungrad) to make a note of all my current medications and conditions - most of them couldn't care a less.(Including the hospital I was admitted to last month) He spoke good English, and explained that my symptoms did indicate cancer of the colon, but he couldn't be sure until I had the colonoscopy.

I am not panicking at this juncture. I will have the colonoscopy at Phyathai and see what transpires. As some posters have said, it would seem to be good idea to have one anyway. Then depending on the results, and my gut feeling (no pun intended :D ), I will decide whether to continue there or to go to Bumrungrad.

Maybe I can have my colon repaired and my snoring problem dealt with all at the same time, at a reduced rate :o

Ah I get it now Mobi.....thats why i get a kick up thebutt by the wife when i snore...maybe i can get my colon fixed and stop snoring too .....good luck mate whatever

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dear Mobi,

re the GI problems, did you specifically ask about Tropical Sprue?

And does she know you already took a course of flagyl?

Also did she discuss the possibility of heliobacter infection wioth you (would explain the stom,ach inflammation and is treatable but requires a combination of 3 drugs)?

Lastly better check with your cardiologist before taking the anti-infklammatory as they may l want you off it for a certain period before the angiogram and stent placement, to avoid increased risk of bleeding.

As for the diabetes and heart..at least you found out all this in time. Thank goodness you went in when you did, and let this be a lesson to all others out there who are getting up in years and haven't had a recent physical...

I didn't ask about tropical Sprue or heliobacter infection because I assume she is the expert in all these matters.

She told me that 80 % of cases like mine are due to some kind of infection and the remaining 20% are a mystery to medical science. :o

I think I told her at the start that I had taken flagyl, but I didn't know she had prescribed it again until I picked up my meds. Last time I took a 5 day course, but she has given me a two week course.

The other drugs she has prescribed are:

Salofalk 500 Mg 6 per day (anti inflammatory for bowel disease)

Ulsanic 1 Mg 4 per day (used for the treatment of Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis and reflux oesophagitis.)

Motilium-M 10Mg 3 per day (yet another drug used for stomach problems and diseases)

Cifloxin 500Mg 2 per day ( used to treat bacterial infections.)

Zentel 200Mg 2 per day ( used for the treatment of single or mixed intestinal parasites.)

I have also taken the other antibiotic - Cifloxin before over the past few weeks.

So she seems to have gone for broke with whole team of meds - the traditional Thai doctor approach :D

I did specifically ask her if all the drugs were OK to take right up to my stent placement and she replied in the affirmative. However, I will email my cardiologist to double check.

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:o ...don't know what to say Mobi.

Isn't it possible that all the specialists have a meeting together to discuss your situation also because of the many different medications you get now ?

Wish you well !


I did answer this in some detail, but somehow it disappeared in an internet crash.

Anyway the short answer is that all medical records at Bumrungrad are on computer files which can be accessed by every doctor/nurse etc at the hundreds of terminals located throughout the hospital. There are no paper files, so heaven help them if the system goes down.

It sounds perfect but it isn't, because every doctor just gets up the patient's screens that pertain to their particular area, and they rarely, if ever scroll the screens to see what else is going on, what other doctors have been consulted, and what blood tests etc, have been taken or ordered.

I have to continually remind all my doctors to check other areas of my files, for other doctor's reports, test results etc, as they just do not bother to look. Sometimes they order tests that have already been ordered by other doctors.

My "stomach specialist" even asked me to remind her to take another biopsy in 6 months in case "she forgets!!", even though she told me she had put a note on my computer file.

I think the truth is, that these doctors are very busy trying to generate income, and I suspect the computer screens are not too user friendly and it is too much hassle for them to spend time scrolling around.

Not at all satisfactory, and I considered changing hospitals, but is just not practical at this stage of the game.

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I think the truth is, that these doctors are very busy trying to generate income, and I suspect the computer screens are not too user friendly and it is too much hassle for them to spend time scrolling around.

Not at all satisfactory, and I considered changing hospitals, but is just not practical at this stage of the game.

It's the same all over the world. Doctors are too stressy, busy and have no time... :o Patients have to be careful all the time and ask, ask ask...


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:o ...don't know what to say Mobi.

Isn't it possible that all the specialists have a meeting together to discuss your situation also because of the many different medications you get now ?

Wish you well !


I did answer this in some detail, but somehow it disappeared in an internet crash.

Anyway the short answer is that all medical records at Bumrungrad are on computer files which can be accessed by every doctor/nurse etc at the hundreds of terminals located throughout the hospital. There are no paper files, so heaven help them if the system goes down.

It sounds perfect but it isn't, because every doctor just gets up the patient's screens that pertain to their particular area, and they rarely, if ever scroll the screens to see what else is going on, what other doctors have been consulted, and what blood tests etc, have been taken or ordered.

I have to continually remind all my doctors to check other areas of my files, for other doctor's reports, test results etc, as they just do not bother to look. Sometimes they order tests that have already been ordered by other doctors.

My "stomach specialist" even asked me to remind her to take another biopsy in 6 months in case "she forgets!!", even though she told me she had put a note on my computer file.

I think the truth is, that these doctors are very busy trying to generate income, and I suspect the computer screens are not too user friendly and it is too much hassle for them to spend time scrolling around.

Not at all satisfactory, and I considered changing hospitals, but is just not practical at this stage of the game.

There are paper files and x-ray films etc at Bumrungrad - I know because I have been there when the computer system was down for a short time. Also I have taken copies out of the hospital to give to another doctor at another hospital for a second opinion.

And I have found that my doctors at Bumrungrad have been interested to know why I have been to see other doctors.

I feel sure that your 6 month check up appointment will be made and the nurse will phone to remind you but sensible of the doctor to ask you to also put it on your calendar just in case ---.

If you do consider changing hospitals just ask Bumrungrad to give you your file and all xrays and scans. All you have to do is sign a form.

But I feel that you are now en route to getting all your problems sorted.

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. . . the breathing mask . . . I will have to wear it for the rest of my life

It's downright fashionable nowadays among the older crowd in the States, esp if they're fat. Should a burglar ever happen to climb into my old friends' bedrooms at night, he would find them like aliens hooked up to their machines.

And they actually like their machines. Yet at least two admit also to taking sleeping meds to help them fall asleep while hooked up.

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