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What Keeps You In Thailand?


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I stay in Thailand NOT because the climate is...

one of the shittiest climates i can think of. my reason for staying in Thailand is because i love the thai taxman who does not bother whether i exist or not :o

One of the shittiest climates you can think of. But you love the money. So tell us what do you do with this "free" money in this horrible climate. Your sarcasm and Thai apologist attitude is getting kind of boring.


Oups, Naam I did you wrong here. You are not the Thai apologist, that was meant for Maigo6. Not that I like you much, but fair is fair.

Edited by MeaMaximaCulpa
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I stay in Thailand NOT because the climate is...

one of the shittiest climates i can think of. my reason for staying in Thailand is because i love the thai taxman who does not bother whether i exist or not :D

One of the shittiest climates you can think of. But you love the money. So tell us what do you do with this "free" money in this horrible climate. Your sarcasm and Thai apologist attitude is getting kind of boring.

Oh C'mon MMC, I wanna be the main culprit, now Naam is sarcastic, boring and an apologist......

Anyone else fall into this catagory ?

C'mon MMC, I can see you're composing a thoughtful post. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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Considering Thailand is rotten to the core with corruption as well as being extremely racist, and opposed to foreign buisness - esp small scale, what keeps you here. If you hadnt put down roots i.e. wife, girlfriend, kids, property etc. then would you really stay. or would you just give it the finger and find greener pastures?

There are many places in SE Asia where the people are friendly, polite, gracious and honest.

Try Saudi for a while and then we'll talk again about your above qualifications of Thailand.



Since I turned down an assignment in Thailand to take and assingment in Saudi Arabia I have to disagree with this post - OK, its all down to personal experience, but my personal experience is Saudi is giving me exactly what I wanted and expected - a good working environment, a great project, a superb pay and benefits package and a step up the career ladder - I'm also quite enjoying being here and find the vast majority of Saudis I meet and work with the be friendly, welcoming and generally good people.

As for Thailand, I left when the pay and benefits package was cut to go to Vietnam and elsewhere where the pay and benefits package was better.

A particular aspect of working in Thailand with other expats is the eagerness of many expats to accept any deal so long as they remain in Thailand - I'm of the frame of mind 'pay me the rate or I'm going elsewhere' - an outlook that has taken me to many great places, of which Thailand is just one.

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Considering Thailand is rotten to the core with corruption as well as being extremely racist, and opposed to foreign buisness - esp small scale, what keeps you here. If you hadnt put down roots i.e. wife, girlfriend, kids, property etc. then would you really stay. or would you just give it the finger and find greener pastures?

There are many places in SE Asia where the people are friendly, polite, gracious and honest.

Try Saudi for a while and then we'll talk again about your above qualifications of Thailand.



Since I turned down an assignment in Thailand to take and assingment in Saudi Arabia I have to disagree with this post - OK, its all down to personal experience, but my personal experience is Saudi is giving me exactly what I wanted and expected - a good working environment, a great project, a superb pay and benefits package and a step up the career ladder - I'm also quite enjoying being here and find the vast majority of Saudis I meet and work with the be friendly, welcoming and generally good people.

As for Thailand, I left when the pay and benefits package was cut to go to Vietnam and elsewhere where the pay and benefits package was better.

A particular aspect of working in Thailand with other expats is the eagerness of many expats to accept any deal so long as they remain in Thailand - I'm of the frame of mind 'pay me the rate or I'm going elsewhere' - an outlook that has taken me to many great places, of which Thailand is just one.

I'm in a similar position, I don't really like where I work, I would much rather be at home in Thailand, but...

I can't afford to retire yet so I'm going where the money is good enough to try to secure my financial future.....

I'm getting there too, another 3 years should do, then I'm set up.

Edited by Maigo6
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I stay in Thailand NOT because the climate is...

one of the shittiest climates i can think of. my reason for staying in Thailand is because i love the thai taxman who does not bother whether i exist or not :D

One of the shittiest climates you can think of. But you love the money. So tell us what do you do with this "free" money in this horrible climate. Your sarcasm and Thai apologist attitude is getting kind of boring.

Oh C'mon MMC, I wanna be the main culprit, now Naam is sarcastic, boring and an apologist......

Anyone else fall into this catagory ?

C'mon MMC, I can see you're composing a thoughtful post. :o

Yah ! MMC, what's your bif ? can't anyone disagree no more ? And who is "we" and "us" ? You are a representation of who or what ? Am I getting anywhere here ? :D

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Since I turned down an assignment in Thailand to take and assingment in Saudi Arabia I have to disagree with this post - OK, its all down to personal experience, but my personal experience is Saudi is giving me exactly what I wanted and expected - a good working environment, a great project, a superb pay and benefits package and a step up the career ladder - I'm also quite enjoying being here and find the vast majority of Saudis I meet and work with the be friendly, welcoming and generally good people.

As for Thailand, I left when the pay and benefits package was cut to go to Vietnam and elsewhere where the pay and benefits package was better.

A particular aspect of working in Thailand with other expats is the eagerness of many expats to accept any deal so long as they remain in Thailand - I'm of the frame of mind 'pay me the rate or I'm going elsewhere' - an outlook that has taken me to many great places, of which Thailand is just one.

Guesthouse, I think you are right here. It is all about adapting to the situation. I have been around the world working and playing, although not in Saudi, that will take some very heavy soul. You seem to have what it takes, good on you. I could not take that.

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I stay in Thailand NOT because the climate is...

one of the shittiest climates i can think of. my reason for staying in Thailand is because i love the thai taxman who does not bother whether i exist or not :o

One of the shittiest climates you can think of. But you love the money. So tell us what do you do with this "free" money in this horrible climate. Your sarcasm and Thai apologist attitude is getting kind of boring.


Oups, Naam I did you wrong here. You are not the Thai apologist, that was meant for Maigo6. Not that I like you much, but fair is fair.

actually i am some sort of thai apologist. all what it takes is to weigh advantages and disadvantages AND of course what weighting one gives gives to them.

by the way, i appreciate that you don't like me. i don't like people who like me :D

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Since I turned down an assignment in Thailand to take and assingment in Saudi Arabia I have to disagree with this post - OK, its all down to personal experience, but my personal experience is Saudi is giving me exactly what I wanted and expected - a good working environment, a great project, a superb pay and benefits package and a step up the career ladder - I'm also quite enjoying being here and find the vast majority of Saudis I meet and work with the be friendly, welcoming and generally good people.

i can only second GuestHouse. if there was a way (unfortunately there isn't even with top connections) i would live in the finest city on this planet (Jeddah) and my wife agrees with me.

Onzestan, you seem to be prejudiced as far as muslims and arabs are concerned and i have strong doubts that you possess any inside knowledge what goes on in arab or muslim dominated countries. but of course you are entitled to your opinions (courtesy your country fellow, the @sshole² Geert Wilders) :o

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Oups, Naam I did you wrong here. You are not the Thai apologist, that was meant for Maigo6. Not that I like you much, but fair is fair.

That's better, I'm proud to be an apologist here......

Thankyou for the recognition I feel I deserve. :o

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Considering Thailand is rotten to the core with corruption as well as being extremely racist, and opposed to foreign buisness

Try Saudi for a while and then we'll talk again about your above qualifications of Thailand.



Since I turned down an assignment in Thailand to take and assingment in Saudi Arabia I have to disagree with this post - OK, its all down to personal experience, but my personal experience is Saudi is giving me exactly what I wanted and expected - a good working environment, a great project, a superb pay and benefits package and a step up the career ladder - I'm also quite enjoying being here and find the vast majority of Saudis I meet and work with the be friendly, welcoming and generally good people.

As for Thailand, I left when the pay and benefits package was cut to go to Vietnam and elsewhere where the pay and benefits package was better.

A particular aspect of working in Thailand with other expats is the eagerness of many expats to accept any deal so long as they remain in Thailand - I'm of the frame of mind 'pay me the rate or I'm going elsewhere' - an outlook that has taken me to many great places, of which Thailand is just one.

All I was saying was that I do not agree with OP's decription of Thailand, and named Saudi as an example of a country that is rotten to the core and racist.

The fact that you choose to turn a blind eye to everything that's wrong in that country because you can earn a lot of money there doesn't mean that it's not corrupt, racist etc.

Read my signature and you'll know what I mean.

Anyway it's not about Saudi, it's about Thailand.



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I stay in Thailand NOT because the climate is...

one of the shittiest climates i can think of. my reason for staying in Thailand is because i love the thai taxman who does not bother whether i exist or not :o

An honest post. :D

How many of us would still be here if it wasn't so cheap?(oh dear ive just realised ive given an oppotunity to people to show off how wealthy & sucessful they are).To me though,people are basically the same where ever you go,but just playing by a different set of rules.Thailand has everything as far as travelling goes,& they are the most polite people on earth.My girlfreind & i met some lovely thai people on the bus yesterday travelling back home for songkran.They really wanted to take care of us,& when my girlfreind told them about the guy that wanted to charge us for too many bags,they said not to pay them anything.

What i dont like about thailand is the rise of almost false nationalism & pride in their country,which seems to go against the thing they are supposed to respect the most on face value-Buddhism.I admire the humble,non pretentious side of thai people.

Also if i went back home to the uk,i doubt whether i could get away with whinging about the place on intenet forums. :D

Edited by uptou
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I just feel very comfortable in Thailand and hope to stay here until “the final trip”. Sure Thailand has a lot of disadvantages but so have other countries as well. The advantages exceed any of those countries where I have lived before as well as those I know about!

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quite a number of people living in Thailand seem to have some sort of love/hate relationship and they can't make up their mind how many hours a day they love and how many hours a day they hate the country. when reading some of the boring "negative" points ("ah sez da Thais be all racists kos da taxi driva ovacharge me by full 5 Baht") they post i can only shake my head in disbelief why they are staying in (acording to them) a sh*tty country.

can somebody enlighten me in this respect?

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quite a number of people living in Thailand seem to have some sort of love/hate relationship and they can't make up their mind how many hours a day they love and how many hours a day they hate the country. when reading some of the boring "negative" points ("ah sez da Thais be all racists kos da taxi driva ovacharge me by full 5 Baht") they post i can only shake my head in disbelief why they are staying in (acording to them) a sh*tty country.

can somebody enlighten me in this respect?

I think that most people develop a Love/Hate relationship with Thailand after living here for some years. Often it takes a trip back to your own home country to appreciate the benefits of living in Thailand.

I like the climate, I also enjoy the high standard of living for what must be a fifth of what it would cost in England. I also enjoy actually being away from England full time. When I visit England from time to time, I am absolutely depressed after ten days or so and can't wait to get back to the LOS.

There are those, amongst us, who are on the run, and cannot return to their home country for fear of arrest or worse. I know some such people, and they are not all bad.

There are those who stay because it actually is, possible to have a good life on an Old Age Pension.

With regards the Saudi Arabia position. I spent a total of four years there. The first two were difficult, the second two (in Riyadh) were excellent. Often, quality of life depends on what is available {to you} and not necessarily has any direct link to the severity of the regime.

Unfortunately Thailand does attract a certain percentage of low-life criminal types, often they are unintelligent, with a series of drink/drug psychosis, personality disorders and anti-social paranoia; they can be seen sporting facial ironmongery and are often heavily tatooed. Human body adornment being inversely proportional to honesty and human decency in 95% of cases.

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I added to this post of "what keeps me in Thailand" earler, and i said that some (not all) the Thai men are handsome, full stop. I stay in Thailand because the climate is far far better for my asthma than the UK, the cost of living is much much lower than the UK, Some parts of Thailand are very beautiful and some (not all) the thai guys are handsome, whether they are alcoholics or not was not what i ever mentioned in the first place - I suppose some of them are, but some are also not. some are good and some are bad, which can be found in every country of the world. If i look around me i see far more smiles on peoples faces than i do when i visit the UK, when i visit the UK everyone looks really fed up with life.

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I stay in Thailand because the climate is great, the cost of living is low, everyone is always smiling, and last but not least some of the Thai men are very very handsome indeed. Yummy.

Fair play to you pattaya girl. At least your honest. Many of the men in Pattaya like to pretend that they are not sex tourists :o

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Beacuse its a million times better than the uk.Fingers up to the tax man.Miss my family and friends but got many here now.

Maybe one day soon i will leave pattaya and go to somewhere quieter,less violent and cleanerany ideas ?????

hua hin maybe

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I had a choice. Working my butt of in Europe and die in the harnas or sell whatever I owned and go for pre-pension to LOS. Been here befor and loved the country and up 2day live here for 2 years. Never been to countries like Saudi or Singapore. South America seems violent...Costa Rica maybe?

Anyway, in fact I am a refugee with a retirement visa. Only wish immigration makes the retirement visa thing a bit easier and tranparent. I could spent the rest of my life in LOS (CNX), though I never make long term commitments. No house, no biss, no marriage. When needed I can move.

What I hate about Thailand is the growing group of farang who want to change this country into something 'more civilized' if you know what I mean.

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Oei, actually forgot to answer the posters question.

I am in Thailand for the great cocktail of people, food, freedom, weather, mai phen rai.

The shortcomings (though little) I take for granted, except them @#$% dogs.

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What I hate about Thailand is the growing group of farang who want to change this country into something 'more civilized' if you know what I mean.

Like everyone should conform to your idea of what is/is not acceptable ..... if you know what I mean?!

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