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My Cocky Friends Needs To Fight A Thai Boxer!


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Okay now i live in a nice apartment in Thailand and an old friend of mine came to visit me. I have not seen him for 2 years.

The thing is that he has trained Khali Sarikan or something. Its a martial art from the philipines. He is now extremly cocky when he goes out and thinks he can beat up everyone even though he never fights in real. I wanna show him the power og the muay thai because he is just waaaay to cocky and am sure sooner or later he will get himself killed hehe.

He will stay here for 2 more weeks and i was wondering if thee is a place he can go to fight some ass kicking thai boxer. I do not want to hear about any illegal underground stuff but a good pratice fight, fair and square in a boxing ring or something. I guess u guys know what i mean so is there any place i cn take him where he can face a good muay thai fighter and have a practice fight or something?

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You don't say where you are in Thailand.

I would have thought any of the Muay Thai boxing ring / beer bar set-ups may be open to some kind of deal.

Ohh yeah i live in Bangkok for the moment. I know they have some of that in Pattaya but am not sure about BKK. The fight needs to be serious though with some hard kicking muay thai guy hehe, i really want him to get his ass kicked for once :o

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Rompo Mansion off Rama IV across from the Tesco/Lotus. Apart from being model housing for a few of BKKs larger modeling agencies, there seem to be a fair share of Muay Thai trainees there. From what I can tell, there must be a training facility nearby or on premises. Just have him stand around the entrance and pick a fight with one of the Muay Thai guys. They usually can be spotted walking around shirtless and with their silky hot-pants.

Or he can pick a fight with a number of "ex-military" "special ops" (ahem, wannabe) guys that hang around this forum.

Or just go to the nearest "win motorcy" and keep saying "paw mung dtai" to each and every one til he gets a reaction.

As it happens more often than you'd think: ToughGuy enters Thailand. DeadToughGuy leaves Thailand.

Edit: I'll even give him a ride there. I'll get some Brasilian tail while he's getting his clock cleaned. Ride home not provided. Serious offer.

Edited by teej
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If youre thinking about a "real" boxing match in a ring, you can probably contact Sasiprapa gym

They have a ring, the owner is a certified referee, and loads of former champions have trained there. Dont know if anyone would go full-contact, or what the price of such an event would be, but worth a try as I have the feeling some of the non-thai students there would love to test their abilities. If it happens, be sure to post the time and date as two martial arts clashing would be very fun to see under controlled circumstances.

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Well, my brother in law is a well trained muay thai boxer. He recently entered a few bouts here in CM (he was trained in Chon Buri). No one had seen him before, but he beat the stuffings out of all the competition and is now in demand. I personally wouldn't dream of taking him on, but then that's just my survival instincts kicking in. :o

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Well, my brother in law is a well trained muay thai boxer. He recently entered a few bouts here in CM (he was trained in Chon Buri). No one had seen him before, but he beat the stuffings out of all the competition and is now in demand. I personally wouldn't dream of taking him on, but then that's just my survival instincts kicking in. :o

Is you and ur brother Thai or farang? I would like him to fight a Thai fighter of thai blood. If i dont get a positive reply from the muay thai place i mailed i would like to contact you and your brother especially if he is Thai origin.

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The thing is Muay Thai isn't such a great martial arts. It's more of a sport than a martial arts it's not a lethal martial art. Kali/Escrima on the other hand is a weapon based martial arts which it's sole original purpose was to kill. It also combines the hand to hand techniques of Pencak Silat.

In a fight between similar skilled fighters of muay thai and a Traditional Kali/Escrima/Pencak I'd expect the Muay fighter to end up in a bloody mess on the canvas.

If your mate is any good he might have reason to be cocky however from my experience people who just want to go out a fight in general aren't very good and just think they are after a few lessons and him getting his butt kicked might give him the wake up call he needs!

This comes from someone who has practised Pencak, Jeet Kune Do, Karate and traditional boxing and never had a fight in my life outside of sparring and the ring. I use my common sense to avoid them mainly due to the fact I don't want to hurt people - the first rule of any martial arts is they are for use in last resort circumstances.


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You could alway drop this request on the well known 'Bangkok Fight club'..

I know some pretty tasty sorts, ex golden gloves, fit 100kg, etc, and they have, to a man, had thier ass handed to them by 60kg guys.. Quite funny but I have to say at least they had the nuts to get in the ring.. I wouldnt give it a go.

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Well i want the fight to be clean as i said and it wont be knife fight so need for talking about that. It will be a fight with K1 or pride rules it depends how far the thais are wiling to go. More like a MMA fight with other words.

I know khali og kali has a lot to do with knifes but that would be to harsh hehe we will keep it clean just like a Pride or K1 fight. I am not sure if i will allow a ground game or not if so we got for Prie if not K1 :o Have to talk with the two fighters as well so far i dont have a thai boxer

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The thing is Muay Thai isn't such a great martial arts. It's more of a sport than a martial arts it's not a lethal martial art. Kali/Escrima on the other hand is a weapon based martial arts which it's sole original purpose was to kill. It also combines the hand to hand techniques of Pencak Silat.

In a fight between similar skilled fighters of muay thai and a Traditional Kali/Escrima/Pencak I'd expect the Muay fighter to end up in a bloody mess on the canvas. That would depend on what rules the fight was to take place under. I've seen many try & fail miserably when fighting under Queensbury rules; if forced to fight under Muay Thai rules, I suspect the same may happen to the OP's mate. The street & the ring are two entirely different scenarios, especially when rules are in force & one combatant is not proficient.

If your mate is any good he might have reason to be cocky however from my experience people who just want to go out a fight in general aren't very good and just think they are after a few lessons and him getting his butt kicked might give him the wake up call he needs! If the OP's mate is any good, why doesn't he try signing up for one of the mixed martial art competitions?

This comes from someone who has practised Pencak, Jeet Kune Do, Karate and traditional boxing and never had a fight in my life outside of sparring and the ring. I use my common sense to avoid them mainly due to the fact I don't want to hurt people - the first rule of any martial arts is they are for use in last resort circumstances.


Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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hehe guys i got a msg from the owner of the gym he welcomes my friend for a match if i "we" he said pays (i guess it means me and him or only me, but does not matter they should not be that expensive) for a professional thai boxer to meet him because they wont fight for free. The trainer of them muay thai gym will also train my friend a little bit before the fight. This could be really good, i have yet to talk about if we will make the fight official. If so i guess ur all welcome :D . i will give him a call tomorrow though to clear this out and arange it. I just don't hope my friend backs out hehe :o

Edited by AdventureAsia
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There is a show here (USA) call human weapon, they measured how powerfull blows from all different martial art including boxing. Grabbing someone from the back of his head and give him the knee like they do in Thai boixng was the most powerful blow register, it had the potential of breaking ribs, puncher lungs and a bunch of other damage.

Please don't setup anything for your friend he may die from just one blow, it happens all the time in boxing.

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There is a show here (USA) call human weapon, they measured how powerfull blows from all different martial art including boxing. Grabbing someone from the back of his head and give him the knee like they do in Thai boixng was the most powerful blow register, it had the potential of breaking ribs, puncher lungs and a bunch of other damage.

Please don't setup anything for your friend he may die from just one blow, it happens all the time in boxing.

LOL, that might be stupidest comment yet no offence... You can also get cancer from eating carrots and meat...and u might die fom it.. Will it stop u from eating em?... didnt think so

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There is a show here (USA) call human weapon, they measured how powerfull blows from all different martial art including boxing. Grabbing someone from the back of his head and give him the knee like they do in Thai boixng was the most powerful blow register, it had the potential of breaking ribs, puncher lungs and a bunch of other damage.

Please don't setup anything for your friend he may die from just one blow, it happens all the time in boxing.

LOL, that might be stupidest comment yet no offence... You can also get cancer from eating carrots and meat...and u might die fom it.. Will it stop u from eating em?... didnt think so

bonviveur sounded like common sense to me and you look like you want your friend to die

Did you get a new visa?

You might go to jail for setting this up.

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There is a show here (USA) call human weapon, they measured how powerfull blows from all different martial art including boxing. Grabbing someone from the back of his head and give him the knee like they do in Thai boixng was the most powerful blow register, it had the potential of breaking ribs, puncher lungs and a bunch of other damage.

Please don't setup anything for your friend he may die from just one blow, it happens all the time in boxing.

LOL, that might be stupidest comment yet no offence... You can also get cancer from eating carrots and meat...and u might die fom it.. Will it stop u from eating em?... didnt think so

bonviveur sounded like common sense to me and you look like you want your friend to die

Did you get a new visa?

You might go to jail for setting this up.

You lost me there BKK

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There is a show here (USA) call human weapon, they measured how powerfull blows from all different martial art including boxing. Grabbing someone from the back of his head and give him the knee like they do in Thai boixng was the most powerful blow register, it had the potential of breaking ribs, puncher lungs and a bunch of other damage.

Please don't setup anything for your friend he may die from just one blow, it happens all the time in boxing.

LOL, that might be stupidest comment yet no offence... You can also get cancer from eating carrots and meat...and u might die fom it.. Will it stop u from eating em?... didnt think so

bonviveur sounded like common sense to me and you look like you want your friend to die

Did you get a new visa?

You might go to jail for setting this up.

You lost me there BKK

What you wrote makes perfect sense. And in AA replies and postings it sounds like he wants his friend to die

And in his other Forums the past year his been complain of having No where to live and no money as well as not having a visa

Edited by bkkblueeyes
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Get serious guys , its our favorite :D:D:o:D TROLL

in action . Thai boxing is one the most devastating martial arts in the world .

( especially by top fit athletes like Anderson Silva )

The not so much physical martial arts sports like Pencak Silat , Kendo etc loose it to powerful

martial arts sports as Muy Thai and wrestling and full contact Karate , the only survivor which can

be considered technical is clearly Jiu Jitsu .Just look at the UFC and Pride organisations and look

what is left of most martial arts in real practise ......

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I have a friend who climbed into the ring here for a fight, no special training at all just fit and good upper body strength. I guess he was luckly as the Thai guy didn't land too many blows before my friend knocked him out cold. All well and good for the masses that suronded the ring (one of the pattaya beer bar complexes) cheers for the winning farang, however when Khun Thai came round he and his friends chased my friend along Beach Road with beer bottles.

Difficult to say if the Thai was going easy on the tourist for a bit of fun, but the loss of face to loose to a farang at their national sport in such a public place will switch the guy from fun-fight mode to killer.

I would suggest that the OP do this in a controlled enviroment such as a well respected training gym with head gear and gum shields etc. Out in the bars is asking for trouble.

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At the gym I mentioned I would very much doubt that any revenge would be taken if the match were won by the non-thai. They have been training thais and non-thais for years. As for the status of the place, last saturday I went in for a session, but they were busy with a Discovery Channel film-team filming a huge american guy training. The show is about him travelling to different places and learning their martial arts, and in the end fight a native student. I think if Dicovery Channel chose that gym over all the others in Bkk, it gives the impression that its clearly one of the more respectable places.

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