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Kurgen Stabbed


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Just goes to show that anything can happen to anybody, anytime, anywhere. But this sort of thing does seem to keep happening too often here in Pattaya.

Great to hear you are sitting up and taking a little light nourishment though.

At least we will be able to get the un garneshed truth straight from the 'horses mouth' so's to speak. right?

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I also have enjoyed your forum presence. I add my wishes for a speedy recovery. Do you need anything?

Our people, our community, means something to me, how 'bout the rest of us? Some will know better than I how to help, but this is where we live

and face or custom stops at the line of piercing another's body with a length of steel. Obviously Kurgen's health and well being comes first, but is there

a time or a way to say no more? I am not a dog crap or dog barking fan, but I am much much more a fan of people being physically safe in their neighborhoods.

I for one am close to voting with my feet and kissing this once great land a not so fond farewell.


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Hope you kept the sword mate I can see it now........................." There I was girls fighting off hordes of berserk Mahdi terrorists. They came at me in all directions and well I just thought hey someone has to save the world as we know it !! All I have left is the scar, the medal and this sword................"

One hour later. " OK just the three of you I'm tired............"

Get well soon. :o

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"There I was (lady) boys, fighting off hordes of berserk bar girls. They came at me in all directions on Walking Street and well, I just thought hey someone has to save Jenny's as we know it !! All I have left is the scar, the hospital bill and this sword................"


(small edits for clarity) ! :D

So kurgen, which was worse, getting stabbed with a sword, or being made into a britmaveric/daleyboy sandwich ? (I would post the picture, but it looks like britmaveric deleted them) :o

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Good to know he's still got his sense of humour.............

<Krook> FEW didn't like me telling her to leave the room whilst having a bed bath

<toaster> why did you want FEW to leave during a bed bath ?

<Krook> in case of a happy finish

Note: FEW = "Future Ex Wife"

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