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Militants Threaten To Strike Bangkok


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Muslim teachings has always been radical from the start.

Let's put it this way, in the Koran it tells a story of a war between muslims and other religion.

At one point before going to a battle the muslim were out numbered and they got scared. So the prophet muhhamad who was leading this battle told his men to bring along their wives and children into battlegrounds so they would fight to protect their wives and children from the enemy. And as usual who ever died for the religion during war will have his/her place in heaven.

I find this sick! The prophet muhammad would do anything to protect his interest and people worship him for that!

Another example, if i may...

In the islamic teachings women have no say against  their husband

1) As all of us know one man entitle for 4 wives if they can afford it.

2) The wife has no right to question the husband where is going or what time is he coming back or who is he going with.

3) If the wife is "sick" (those time of the month) and the husband "feels" he wants it. The wife MUST satisfy the husband at all cost no matter what. If not she is consider unfaithful and the husband could divorce her because of that.

And, if you are a muslim who wish to convert to other beliefs, you'll be burried with your head sticking out. And every person in town that sees you would throw stones at you until you die. Talk about choices in the world!

So basicly islamic teachings sucks! And being one make it worst!

And these are the Teachings that ALL Muslims follow??? :o Aside from the Radical Muslims

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The Koran


The Disbelievers

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

[109.1] Say: O unbelievers!

[109.2] I do not serve that which you serve,

[109.3] Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve:

[109.4] Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,

[109.5] Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve:

[109.6] You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

I got this from the internet four lines to say that!!!!! :o

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If you ask me, the very heart of the problem and the principal issue that the vast majority are totally unaware of is INTEREST, interest on money etc.

The Muslims are generally anti-interest and the West as we all know is pro-interest and have financial systems totally structured around debt and interest.

What is most alarming to me is that the West (USA in particular) has now become extremely interest rate sensitive (because of the huge number of outstanding loans and financial contracts like derivatives) so much so that it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this will one day cause a system failure............ which would ofcourse hand the victory very nicely to the Muslims !

Those in the West usually take for granted that their system is better but few understand the potential dangers of this mountain of IOU's.

Perhaps William Shakespeare (and the Muslims) are sensible when they say: "Neither a borrower nor lender be"

Time will tell !

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Revenge is not the solution for this war. I have been in sounthern Thailand and see myself the porverty that those rubber tapper living,

MAybe I can help to solve the tension by investing 40 Billions Bt into three provinces, those money are funded Muslim countries to delevop and help poor muslims around the world.

Anybody have any ideals,how to use this fund in order to fill the gap.?

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A lot of people misunderstanding the real teaching of Islam!!

I am not a muslim but I have being growing up in a Muslim country,

some of the western media just make up stories ,how horrorible to lived in a Muslim world and I can say some are just not true.

The Islam teach all Muslim must respect other religion as well and we are free to pratice our own religion,

As for four wives some really misunderstood,I don't see my Muslim friends all having four wives,they are just as normal person having one wife and some children, those who wish to have more then one wife must get approval from his first wife and able to support them in financial ,then only they allow to.

Terrorist hijack Islam the holy teaching to their own advantage, As what happen in the south are not about minority religion or independed. It's about drugs!

As can we recalled Thaksin fight against drugs in northern part early this years and over 2,000 people were killed. What have to do with the drugs and sounthern unrest?

To created unrest in the south so the north can resume operation when huge army were tranfer into the southern part.

Drug lords paid money to created chaos,so we must not trick by them.

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A lot of people misunderstanding the real teaching of Islam!!

I am not a muslim but I have being growing up in a Muslim country,

some of the western media just make up stories ,how horrorible to lived in a Muslim world and I can say some are just not true.

The Islam teach all Muslim must respect other religion as well and we are free to pratice our own religion,

As for four wives some really misunderstood,I don't see my Muslim friends all having four wives,they are just as normal person having one wife and some children, those who wish to have more then one wife must get approval from his first wife and able to support them in financial ,then only they allow to.

Terrorist hijack Islam the holy teaching to their own advantage, As what happen in the south are not about minority religion or independed. It's about drugs!

As can we recalled Thaksin fight against drugs in northern part early this years and over 2,000 people were killed. What have to do with the drugs and sounthern unrest?

To created unrest in the south so the north can resume operation when huge army were tranfer into the southern part.

Drug lords paid money to created chaos,so we must not trick by them.

How about the Radical Muslim's Does allah teach them to kill?? Fly Planes into Buildings?? This has been going on for a long time when will it end??

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No planes flown into buildings in Thailand yet.

But a few bomb attacks and killings by Muslims in the South, often shortly after one of the "unfortunate accidents" which seem to happen when Thai police perform their duty.

Ah, I see it all clearly now sTROLL. You're saying the murders of Buddhist monks in the south of Thailand are justified paybacks for raghead grievances over police brutality.

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Then why are muslims in different parts of the world??

1. malaysia

2. indonesia

3. bosnia

4. chechnya

5. phillipines

6. middle east.

and don't tell me they are fighting against isreal!!!!  the palestinians are terrorists  plain and simple  isreal was formed by the UN  if that is not respected then what International community body do we respect??

Gosh- Muslims are in different parts of the world? that makes them so totally, like, different from members of other religious groups- like Christians, Jews, or Buddhists!


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If you ask me, the very heart of the problem and the principal issue that the vast majority are totally unaware of is INTEREST, interest on money etc.

The Muslims are generally anti-interest and the West as we all know is pro-interest and have financial systems totally structured around debt and interest.

What is most alarming to me is that the West (USA in particular) has now become extremely interest rate sensitive (because of the huge number of outstanding loans and financial contracts like derivatives) so much so that it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this will one day cause a system failure............ which would ofcourse hand the victory very nicely to the Muslims !

Those in the West usually take for granted that their system is better but few understand the potential dangers of this mountain of IOU's.

Perhaps William Shakespeare (and the Muslims) are sensible when they say: "Neither a borrower nor lender be"

Time will tell !

Actually, this is a common heritage of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faith through Mosaic law, which forbids collecting interest. Through most of the "middle" ages, "good christians" would not collect interest on money- this was one of the few occupations left to the socially disadvantaged Jews, who then also collected the blame for being "greedy" in one of the few occupations they were allowed to pursue in the "christian" world.


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No planes flown into buildings in Thailand yet.

But a few bomb attacks and killings by Muslims in the South, often shortly after one of the "unfortunate accidents" which seem to happen when Thai police perform their duty.

Ah, I see it all clearly now sTROLL. You're saying the murders of Buddhist monks in the south of Thailand are justified paybacks for raghead grievances over police brutality.

With all due respect, commandress, not everyone shares your obsession with revenge and its justification. :D

I merely pointed out an underlying pattern to the seemingly uncoordinated activities of the enemy. I am disappointed you were unable to figure this out without my assistance, commandress. :o

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I think Katyusha should be revengefully banned.........After that maybe she could be trampled into a truck and suffocated... if that won't work maybe we should just kill her to get rid of the vermin on this planet ? :o:D

By the way i think she a radical extremist nazi feminist :D

It clear that this religion has to be wiped out.... we should start a war.


Where yohan when you need him :D

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I think Katyusha should be revengefully banned.........After that maybe she could be trampled into a truck and suffocated... if that won't work maybe we should just kill her to get rid of the vermin on this planet ?

By the way i think she a radical extremist nazi feminist

It clear that this religion has to be wiped out.... we should start a war.


HER name is Katyusha, MY name is Kat - Got it? This may be a little too much for you to synthesize all at one, but not all women with strong opinions are the same person.

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...They then go to the next shot - which is the men being forced to wiggle on their bellies in a column, hands still tied behind their back.  They are forced to traverse a railroad track (with cinders) on their bare bellies, and then squirm up to an opening in a fence.  There, they are dragged to their feet and pushed toward a big, open-backed military truck.  Once they arriuve at the truck,they are laid out flat in a row on the floor - like sardines - hands still bound behind them.  The military then simply fills the truck - packing layer upon layer of prone men on top of one another like sardines.  Clearly, whomever is on the botton - lying flat, with 10 layers of people above you - are doomed - they will absolutely be crushed lifeless.

This is film of systemized execution of men by crushing - with no question about the results.


Its just mind-boggling that the Thai Army allowed themselves being filmed while they were committing mass murder. Seems like a deliberate provocation. Is that possible?

Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

you want GWB replaced by him??

Saddam Hussein has always been a brutal dictator. The USofA shook his hand a become extremely good friends with him in the early 80s; helped him develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapon systems. The good ole' USofA then led him to attack Iran, the US's arch-enemy, nay NEMESIS(where are you old boy), since the '78 Islamic revolt. Hundreds of thousands of persians perished as a result. The USA was instrumental in bringing Saddam to the height of power and influence in the middle east.

Saddam was not a threat to America, and the US govt. new very well this fact.

GWB betrayed America. Flat out simple as that. Particularly betrayed those young Americans serving in the military.


and don't tell me they are fighting against isreal!!!!  the palestinians are terrorists  plain and simple  isreal was formed by the UN  if that is not respected then what International community body do we respect??

Please lets not forget that High-Ranking Israeli officials participated in the Blowing UP of the King David Hotel. They assassinated count Bernodette, the UN Commissioner, and were finally able to find somebody they didn't have to kill or blow up to get their way(an American - Cain of Cain Commission fame). The Israelis (pre-formation of Israeli) led VERY,VERY SUCCESSFUL TERRORIST OPS LEADING TO THE CREATION OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL; BLEW UP A FREAKING BUILDING FULL OF PEOPLE.
It was the US that turned its back on the UN when it invaded Iraq, wasn't it?

I do remember  the UN voting on 16 some-odd resolutions for iraq to disarm  obviously iraq had something or it the UN would not want it to disarm??  These resolutions were voted on during the nineties well before sept 11 happend.  but somehow everyone has forgotten these things.

I love how the US is the bad guy in all of this or according to some people  well i just hope in the future when people need help and come CRYING to the US  Oh please help us,  we say NO.  example(Liberia)  :o

last post i'm doing here because i'm going off the thread.

Do you remember how many times the UN voted against Israel's actions in the west bank with respect to borders and rights of the Palestinians?

Inconvenient, some of those memories, ain't they?

We all know Saddam didn't have WMDs, got rid of 'em, because he was afraid of US power. GWB and his regime and his advisors betrayed the people of America and the World. Everyone in the world knows it. :D

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Yes Phormio! A person that reads history! Because it is only by knowing past actions by all parties, can we really understand what is going on in the world. The Isralei-Palestinian conflict goes way back, back before the creation of Israel, back before the holocaust, back toward the turn of the 20th Century with the advent of the Zionist movement.

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Then why are muslims in different parts of the world??

1. malaysia

2. indonesia

3. bosnia

4. chechnya

5. phillipines

6. middle east.

and don't tell me they are fighting against isreal!!!! the palestinians are terrorists plain and simple isreal was formed by the UN if that is not respected then what International community body do we respect??

read you history books. israel was formed by the UN after the british want to deal with THEIR guerrilla terrorists attacks anymore. and the attacks they pull now are no less terrorist activities just because they are done under the banner of a federal gov't

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I think Katyusha should be revengefully banned.........After that maybe she could be trampled into a truck and suffocated... if that won't work maybe we should just kill her to get rid of the vermin on this planet ? 

By the way i think she a radical extremist nazi feminist

It clear that this religion has to be wiped out.... we should start a war.


HER name is Katyusha, MY name is Kat - Got it?  This may be a little too much for you to synthesize all at one, but not all women with strong opinions are the same person.

:o Sorry Typo KAT, no need to get aroused you know. :D

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Muslim teachings has always been radical from the start.

Let's put it this way, in the Koran it tells a story of a war between muslims and other religion.

At one point before going to a battle the muslim were out numbered and they got scared. So the prophet muhhamad who was leading this battle told his men to bring along their wives and children into battlegrounds so they would fight to protect their wives and children from the enemy. And as usual who ever died for the religion during war will have his/her place in heaven.

I find this sick! The prophet muhammad would do anything to protect his interest and people worship him for that!

Another example, if i may...

In the islamic teachings women have no say against  their husband

1) As all of us know one man entitle for 4 wives if they can afford it.

2) The wife has no right to question the husband where is going or what time is he coming back or who is he going with.

3) If the wife is "sick" (those time of the month) and the husband "feels" he wants it. The wife MUST satisfy the husband at all cost no matter what. If not she is consider unfaithful and the husband could divorce her because of that.

And, if you are a muslim who wish to convert to other beliefs, you'll be burried with your head sticking out. And every person in town that sees you would throw stones at you until you die. Talk about choices in the world!

So basicly islamic teachings sucks! And being one make it worst!

I find here that your knowledge about Islam and Muslims Sux.Can u quote here where you got this all f.ucking wrong informations.Any trustworthy book which u can present here which proves all above your f.ucking nonsense about this.Infact,The war which you referred was the war muslims won and about your stuff that them bringing their wives and children,is false.And your second shit about wives is wrong too,Islam doesn't let a man to have another wife without the consent of his first wife.If the first wife doesn't allow him to marry another,He CAN"T MARRY.And about that period of month of woman,It is STRICTLY BANNED by Islam to have sex and even declaring it a Big Sin if a man still does it.So is it CLear for you Mr.Explorer !

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I think Katyusha should be revengefully banned.........After that maybe she could be trampled into a truck and suffocated... if that won't work maybe we should just kill her to get rid of the vermin on this planet ? 

By the way i think she a radical extremist nazi feminist

It clear that this religion has to be wiped out.... we should start a war.


HER name is Katyusha, MY name is Kat - Got it?  This may be a little too much for you to synthesize all at one, but not all women with strong opinions are the same person.

:o Sorry Typo KAT, no need to get aroused you know. :D

Ok, sorry back at you. But arousal in general is better than none, don't you think?

:D Rhetorical question, no need to respond 'less we piss off everyone on the thread.

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One more thing,you better keep your mouth and ass shut before commenting on any religious stuff.

Why can't we comment on religion Sars_Cars? It's done all the time on this forum about Buddhism and Christianity. Look, I don't have easily categorized beliefs, because I am against bashing people for the sake of bashing. I will defend the rights of people to practice their religion in my country, even if I don't agree. Because many people interpret their religous beliefs (the Bible, Qu'ran, Buddhism) differently.

But let's please be honest about the Qu'ran and what Islam allows. You may not follow it exactly, but if it is upheld by the Qu'ran and the accepted Hadiths then it is part of the faith. If I am wrong here, then please someone enlighten me. But please don't scream at me that I don't have a right to raise the issue.

Yes, a man must ask his first wife permission to take other wives, and he must provide for them equally. This was seen as an exception rather than the rule.

But it is also true that women are taught to obey their husbands, and if they are accused of disobediance or lewd behavior he can first admonish them, separate from them in different rooms, or beat her (some say lightly, but still can administer corporal punishment). This is in the Koran and the accepted hadiths.

Further, a husband's rights over his woman is to be sexually satisfied whenever he wants. It is her duty to be sexually available to her husband, whether she wants to or not. That is why Islam also teaches that if a woman dies while her husband is angry at her the angels will scorn her and she will not have a good afterlife.

A husband can also stop his "maintenance" or financial support of a wife if he is not sexually served by her. He can deny her food and shelter. Please, by all mean, go look it up. I'm certainly not making it up. It is in the Koran or the Hadiths, I don't have either with me to give you exact references at the moment. But surely if you know Islam then you know that this is true.

Also, by the way, the 4 wives rule can be easily abused, which it is, because the men can easily intimidate the wives because they have so much power over them as "maintainers" of women.

I would love to have a discussion about this with people, possibly on another venue or whatever. If I am wrong, then please tell me how. These are all things that I've read in the Ou'ran or hadiths, so you're also going to have to explain to me how my sources are wrong. But please don't tell me that I'm not allowed to discuss this because it is some sort of sacrilge. That is avoiding the facts.

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It is rather a shame that this thread went off topic so quickly and became a thread for people to argue about Iraq, GWB, and the Koran.

This seems to be a common trait here on this board and it realy is a shame. If peole wanted to go and discuss Islam or U.S politics there are plenty of other places to do it, just why choose a forum based around Thailand.

The Topic was about weather there was going to be retaliation for the sad scenes played out in the south at the start of the week so if people would like to commment on this i would be pleased to read about there views, however if people are just going to jusmp on this posting merry-go-round i would rather have no part in it.


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