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New Girl, New Visa

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Hello there,

If you finally get a girl to the US via a fiance visa and things don't work out, either she goes home after 90 days or she dissapears, are there restrictions on finding another girl and getting another fiance visa for the new one. For instance I get my girlfriend here and she takes off. Is that my last chance to be able to engage another girl? Do I have unlimited chances? Would the US embassy deny a new try with a new girl if the one I brought into the US dissapeared in the states? Could there be time constraints?

Just asking the tough questions that I don't want to think about but I probably should.

Thanks for any info,


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She disappears??? You dont plan to kill her do you?? :D

Word of advice, try to get a decent woman who loves you and wants to be with you and do not get her over there if you have any doubts about her sincerity. Use the right head....... :D

I am sure immigration will be sceptical if your numerous "fiances" keep disappearing or keep taking off........wouldnt you?? They would question every "relationship" you have........ :o Doesnt look promising.

I think you will be wiser if you checked with your US embassy or your US immigration

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Now, now IamMaic...........settle down. This guy didn't say he has done it before........or has he?? :o

I think one should only be allowed....one application every 5 years.............then the men would be more careful and think properly :D

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Hey I read the Fiance Visa and you have 90 days to marry it is not ohhhh lets see how i will like the US visa, It's to marry nothing else. Lucky I don't know where she is or I'd go to the authorities myself.

I'm getting sick and tired of people like this that abuse the system!! He's already thinking about getting another girl already SK

Stupid Man That's all I have to say :o

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IamMaiC, you waited two years for a fiancee visa? man that's a long time. We started our petition in September. Yesterday we handed in the 'checklist' to get an interview date. we are waiting for a letter now to tell us the date. Hopefully late Jan or early Feb.

By the way, it is possible to do more than k-1. but you need to explain your self more the second time around. this guy is may or not be for real (he should post on another kind of website- maybe he did).

anyway it does happen. the process itself is stressful and can lead to problems between the couple, especially if they live apart for long times. and despite what many people think, there are thais who don't want to live in the us. even some that want to, can't take it once they get there. maybe the girl can't stand it and maybe the guy can't leave (job, family etc). i think it does happen in a significant number of cases. and there are also probably cases of the girl running away. or maybe this guy is in cahouts with her, i don't know.

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Well, yes IamMaic...............men will always be men.......generalising (dont get too sensitive guys). :D

This guy just doesnt know what he is getting himself into and obviously he is VERY doubtful about the girl he is with.....or he would not post this thread!! :o

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No I didn't wait for a fiance visa I waited for an immigration visa a fiance visa is a Non-Immigration visa.

Well I Understand that some Thai people don't want to stay My aunt she come over with my uncle and she went back but they are already very old people. It is hard at that age to accept a new way of life.

Well if she ran away she deserves to be caught, enough said you don't play by the rules you get stung by the rules.

like SK 1972 said you should have thought more with the bigger head !!!! :o

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This guy just doesnt know what he is getting himself into and obviously he is VERY doubtful about the girl he is with.....or he would not post this thread!! :D

well he should have thought about it after that first shag with her Ohhhh I love you my Darling Like i said stupid man. :o

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Hello there,

If you finally get a girl to the US via a fiance visa and things don't work out, either she goes home after 90 days or she dissapears, are there restrictions on finding another girl and getting another fiance visa for the new one.  For instance I get my girlfriend here and she takes off. Is that my last chance to be able to engage another girl? Do I have unlimited chances? Would the US embassy deny a new try with a new girl if the one I brought into the US dissapeared in the states? Could there be time constraints?

Just asking the tough questions that I don't want to think about but I probably should.

Thanks for any info,


It sounds as though you are the one with doubts. It isn't a takeaway library.

3 to 6 months banging and release her to the wild. GO ELSEWHERE TO POST YOUR CRAP

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a fiance visa is an immigrant visa. you are expected to go, get married within three months and then apply for a green card. in fact, you are not supposed to leave the US for the first two years and will invalidate your permission to stay unless you apply in advance for permission to leave.

i imagine you were already married when you applied. this visa takes longer from what i have heard, but perhaps there are none of the adjustment of status issues to deal with later.

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You guys completely misunderstood my intention. Perhaps it is my fault that I was not completely clear. But you chose to repond like the jerk that you think I am without asking more info from me. Perception is projection. I don't trust any of you now.

I have heard of several stories of Thai women seducing men into believing that they love them. Even non-bargirls, clean and educated. The men were in denial that they girl had other motives and were totaly convinced that she loved them. Once they get the fiance visa and get into the states they have taken off to over stay the visa and to work somewhere else with connections they had made previously. It happens. It can happen to you. No matter how confident you feel about your girl.

This is my concern. If I ever decide to engage a Thai girl. Which I have not done so far. I want to be really god damned sure I don't blow my only chance. I don't live in Thailand, I cannot check up on her on a daily basis no matter how well I regard her. She's straight and conservative. I don't think she would ever do it but you never know. It's just like considering a prenup. You have to ask the hard questions.

What happens if you get your girl to you after much expense and heartwrenching waiting and she leaves you and you cannot go find another one because you had only one chance? Screwed up things happen even to the best people who think things are going to work out perfectly. Have you asked that question yourself?

I think you should consider this if you are 10 years older than her and she is a lot more attractive than you. Which she probably is.

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You guys completely misunderstood my intention. Perhaps it is my fault that I was not completely clear. But you chose to repond like the jerk that you think I am without asking more info from me. Perception is projection. I don't trust any of you now.

I have heard of several stories of Thai women seducing men into believing that they love them. Even non-bargirls, clean and educated. The men were in denial that they girl had other motives and were totaly convinced that she loved them. Once they get the fiance visa and get into the states they have taken off to over stay the visa and to work somewhere else with connections they had made previously. It happens. It can happen to you. No matter how confident you feel about your girl.

This is my concern. If I ever decide to engage a Thai girl. Which I have not done so far. I want to be really god damned sure I don't blow my only chance. I don't live in Thailand, I cannot check up on her on a daily basis no matter how well I regard her. She's straight and conservative. I don't think she would ever do it but you never know. It's just like considering a prenup. You have to ask the hard questions.

What happens if you get your girl to you after much expense and heartwrenching waiting and she leaves you and you cannot go find another one because you had only one chance? Screwed up things happen even to the best people who think things are going to work out perfectly. Have you asked that question yourself?

I think you should consider this if you are 10 years older than her and she is a lot more attractive than you. Which she probably is.

So time is the essence, take it easy. Let her wait a while. Then bring her over on a holiday and see what's it like for a month to live together. Do some testing like leaving some cash around or giving her 1000 dollars to keep for you for a week, see how much you get back ?

there is no golden rule here, not only in thailand but anywhere in the world.

She also has to trust you not to beat her over the head every day when she's in your country, she has to know what kinda man you are.

Just take it easy, even years if you have to. :o

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You guys completely misunderstood my intention. Perhaps it is my fault that I was not completely clear. But you chose to repond like the jerk that you think I am without asking more info from me. Perception is projection. I don't trust any of you now.

I have heard of several stories of Thai women seducing men into believing that they love them. Even non-bargirls, clean and educated. The men were in denial that they girl had other motives and were totaly convinced that she loved them. Once they get the fiance visa and get into the states they have taken off to over stay the visa and to work somewhere else with connections they had made previously. It happens. It can happen to you. No matter how confident you feel about your girl.

This is my concern. If I ever decide to engage a Thai girl. Which I have not done so far. I want to be really god damned sure I don't blow my only chance. I don't live in Thailand, I cannot check up on her on a daily basis no matter how well I regard her. She's straight and conservative. I don't think she would ever do it but you never know. It's just like considering a prenup. You have to ask the hard questions.

What happens if you get your girl to you after much expense and heartwrenching waiting and she leaves you and you cannot go find another one because you had only one chance? Screwed up things happen even to the best people who think things are going to work out perfectly. Have you asked that question yourself?

I think you should consider this if you are 10 years older than her and she is a lot more attractive than you. Which she probably is.

So time is the essence, take it easy. Let her wait a while. Then bring her over on a holiday and see what's it like for a month to live together. Do some testing like leaving some cash around or giving her 1000 dollars to keep for you for a week, see how much you get back ?

there is no golden rule here, not only in thailand but anywhere in the world.

She also has to trust you not to beat her over the head every day when she's in your country, she has to know what kinda man you are.

Just take it easy, even years if you have to. :o

He's a bit immature and trusts nobody. This'll take awhile.

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Hello there,

If you finally get a girl to the US via a fiance visa and things don't work out, either she goes home after 90 days or she dissapears, are there restrictions on finding another girl and getting another fiance visa for the new one.  For instance I get my girlfriend here and she takes off. Is that my last chance to be able to engage another girl? Do I have unlimited chances? Would the US embassy deny a new try with a new girl if the one I brought into the US dissapeared in the states? Could there be time constraints?

Just asking the tough questions that I don't want to think about but I probably should.

Thanks for any info,


Try getting a girl who is independently capable of getting a USA visa and you won't have to worry will you !

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Neuro...what do you expect if you post stuff like this?? Of course everyone will misunderstand you. You should be more precise and clear!!

Penelope is right, get a woman who is able to get a visa to US by herself if you are distrustful or have serious doubts about a woman disappearing or leaving you.

Everything in life is a risk.......including marriage. Some people change after marriage (well most) and some dont. No one can predict what will happen in 5 years let alone 10 years..........people "fall out of love" or go through a "mid life crisis" and some marriages do break down........ :D

If you are not able to face the above, it would be better not to have any relationship or get married! Stay single. :o

Furthermore, you indicated you wanted to try again if the first one was not successful........ever heard of "once bitten twice shy"?????

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If you are not prepared to stake your pride and hard earned cash....... dont gamble.

Without the favourable exchange rate and holiday savings there needs to be something stronger than cement to make the relationship a lasting one ............... Being extreamly goodlooking and having bundles of money to burn im sure helps!!!!!!

Be realistic


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Hey I got out of hand responding to him but I'm sick and tired of people using fiance visa's so they can see "how the US is" and I thought that is what you were doing

I was married before to a Thai girl and she was very beautiful, Then she started seeing other men, But that was a long time ago. When we got divorced I was not sure about doing it again. So I didn't think much about it.

I started going out with Farang girls but they were very bad to me, That's when i started thinking about seeing a Thai girl again. I asked my Mom if her friend's knew anyone in Thailand and that is how I met my wife.

But this was many years later My first marriage was in 1990 My second was 2002. I am sorry to the way I responded but it also got my blood boiling when you suggested that your going to get another girl. LIke they are pieces of meat or something, if one's bad just go back and get a new one.

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Hey I got out of hand responding to him  but I'm sick and tired of people using fiance visa's so they can see "how the US is" and I thought that is what you were doing

i've just gotta add my two baht to this. Iammaic i applaud you for having the brain to explain to him why you acted as you did with HIS posting, if it was posted in the wrong area then the modes should have done their job and removed it right???

to answer his question. there is a limit to how many times you can do such a thing. 2nd time they will ask alot of info but give. 3rd time you can forget it forsure. now before the yahoos start in acusing me of the same. ive been married to my wife for 2 years now and have never needed a visa for her. she can get it all on her own if she really wanted.

ive been around this board a few times as well but under user name and password i just cant seem to remember (old age?) and i must say im getting more and more shocked at these high posters and what they say back for adice or their opinions. we do have rights to post as well. we dont bash you or your topics but rather answer to the best of our ability why cant you?

once again IamMaic i have more respect for you now then i did before.

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Hey I got out of hand responding to him   but I'm sick and tired of people using fiance visa's so they can see "how the US is" and I thought that is what you were doing

i've just gotta add my two baht to this. Iammaic i applaud you for having the brain to explain to him why you acted as you did with HIS posting, if it was posted in the wrong area then the modes should have done their job and removed it right???

to answer his question. there is a limit to how many times you can do such a thing. 2nd time they will ask alot of info but give. 3rd time you can forget it forsure. now before the yahoos start in acusing me of the same. ive been married to my wife for 2 years now and have never needed a visa for her. she can get it all on her own if she really wanted.

ive been around this board a few times as well but under user name and password i just cant seem to remember (old age?) and i must say im getting more and more shocked at these high posters and what they say back for adice or their opinions. we do have rights to post as well. we dont bash you or your topics but rather answer to the best of our ability why cant you?

once again IamMaic i have more respect for you now then i did before.

Yes I got married as I said in 2002 and it has taken two years for my wife to get her visa she just got it recently Nov 2nd My first marriage it took six months for my wife to come to the states, I had thought the same with my second marriage but it was not to be.

I had thought I did something wrong!! Forgot an Important document or something but I started thinking this is my second marriage to a Thai woman and maybe it just takes longer. I also Live in florida and when 9/11 happend most of the terrorist's were learning how to fly at various schools in florida. I started thinking maybe they are really checking people very closely now.

But If the thread starter goes and starts again with another girl they are definately I mean Immigration are going to look at your case really close because it will be a short time span from the last girl. :o

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But If the thread starter goes and starts again with another girl they are definately  I mean Immigration are going to look at your case really close because it will be a short time span from the last girl.  :D

Like more as in Winnie the Pooh :o

Well i'd have to say at least now he has a taste of how others will respond to questions that are not so well thought out or placed in the right area hehe.

Really? Took that long for her visa? I think my wife is able to get them so easy as she did all her schooling in DC so perhaps less checking.

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But If the thread starter goes and starts again with another girl they are definately  I mean Immigration are going to look at your case really close because it will be a short time span from the last girl.  :D

Like more as in Winnie the Pooh :D

Well i'd have to say at least now he has a taste of how others will respond to questions that are not so well thought out or placed in the right area hehe.

Really? Took that long for her visa? I think my wife is able to get them so easy as she did all her schooling in DC so perhaps less checking.

well lucky you I started growing hair on my palm and my wrist hurt's now because of the <deleted> wait :o

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