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Sathit English Program


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Now the English program has been in the world for w while now would like to know about people wo have their kids init.

My son used to go to Sathit but I took him out about 2 years ago due to a lack of English program but now it is there I might consider sending him back there. Though need some feedback before I send him back.

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From my experience.Absolute crap.My boy was in the program and after a few weks I found out they didn't even have a native english teacher taking the class but a THai.When I questioned the office they said they where struggling to find a new teacher so for the time being the program would be by a THai.They did however still charge the extra cost of the "english program".I suggested they should have notified all parents to this fact.Obviously they where never going to do this as its run on greed.I have since enrolled my child into St.Andrews which is much more expensive but far greater education.Saving money by using Satit in my opinion is total false economy.If you are going to use Satit stick with the Thai program as thats what you get anyway.I actually spoke with an English teacher who works at Satit and she said Management where terrible and she didn't recommend anybody send their kids there as the organisation where so bad.

Only my experience,granted some maybe very happy with Satit but the above speaks for itself.

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There is not really a good school by western stabdars that has a good English program in Pattaya. The international school of the regents is too expensive, and really not worth it. Reps suppose to be OK, but is in Rayong, too Far. best is probably the best of the worst. Has native english speaking teachers, some good and some not so good. The problem with Best is the administration, in my opinion.


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I was pleased when Satit started the English Program but after a year of my kids in the program wish they were learning more and have begun to look at other schools.

Satit has foreign teachers but they seem either inexperienced and or overloaded with kids dumped into the program who can't speak any English and placed according to their age and not ability.

I have looked at REPS in Rayong and it seems like it might be a better school. It is very small and far away from Pattaya and I am not keen on turning my kids into commuters every day for 2 hours especially considering the driving conditions here.

IMO it was simply set up an auxiliary to GIS to earn more money for the greedy Thai boss who has a system of double pricing in place for Thai Nationals vrs. Foreign or Luk Kreung Students.

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Moved my son into the English program this term, Previously he was at best, he is very happy with the change and likes going to school, I too have noticed a change for the best in him.

Upto now me and the family are happy with the move...... he is only 4.5yrs my plan is to evaluate more after a full year in the program. His teacher is an Expat with a Filipino helper, as long as they are doing there job correctly and educating our kids, who should care where they come from?

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My 7Yr old goes there,[3 yrs]she 's happy,her thai reading and witing are good but english ord,thai progam,,so i now give her a few lessons and i send he to be tutored after school by the thai english,100b hr,

i watch the kids go in before school and all the kids english progam have farang teachers,

i talked to the pommie guy running them he sad the kids need moe disipline,but the schhool dose not like that for fear of lossing income,, if the parents complain,but i would say they have lost more kids because they are not strong enough,i know 5 familys who have done this.

Regents,and others are too xxxy for me and i i live in satit village so it will have to do till if and when i go back to OZ.

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  • 6 months later...

REPS in Rayong is a bilingual school with both Thai teachers and westerners form USA, England, Scotland, etc (9)

It is better than all the bilingual schools in Pattaya and provides transport ( school buses) from Pattaya.

It is not connected academically with the Garden International School.

They share some facilities -- that's all---swimming pool, basketball courts, football pitches, and the assembly hall

( obviously at different times so not to clash)

here's the link....


it really is a very good school which many parents in pattaya have chosen to send their children to, despite the journey, precisely because it's so much better than the options offered in pattaya

however, if you really don't want to send your child so far the best of the rest in pattaya is BEST, though this is known to be slipping in terms of quality over the past few years

by the way, the Garden is not Thai owned and also the 'double pricing' mentioned is not that at all-

for starters the educational fees are cheaper than all the competitors ( Regents, ISE, St Andrews) and the issue you refer to is 20% discounts offered for Thai nationals- something very common in all international schools as the Thais on the whole don't have the same salaries as farang professionals-

why not check out the fees yourself on the websites to compare

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REPS in Rayong is a bilingual school with both Thai teachers and westerners form USA, England, Scotland, etc (9)

It is better than all the bilingual schools in Pattaya and provides transport ( school buses) from Pattaya.

It is not connected academically with the Garden International School.

They share some facilities -- that's all---swimming pool, basketball courts, football pitches, and the assembly hall

( obviously at different times so not to clash)

here's the link....


it really is a very good school which many parents in pattaya have chosen to send their children to, despite the journey, precisely because it's so much better than the options offered in pattaya

The school looked good , but an hour each way on a mini bus with a reckless Thai driver does not seem in the best interest of my children

however, if you really don't want to send your child so far the best of the rest in pattaya is BEST, though this is known to be slipping in terms of quality over the past few years

by the way, the Garden is not Thai owned and also the 'double pricing' mentioned is not that at all-

for starters the educational fees are cheaper than all the competitors ( Regents, ISE, St Andrews) and the issue you refer to is 20% discounts offered for Thai nationals- something very common in all international schools as the Thais on the whole don't have the same salaries as farang professionals-

why not check out the fees yourself on the websites to compare

Have been to the campus and strongly considered this school as well , my kids hold dual citizenship so they are Thai nationals but were not entitled to the Thai price - school is run by typical racist morons.

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There are a number of parents on TV whose kids attend REPS, why not car pool if you do not like the bus driver, I know of some on the dark side who do. (I have no interest as I have no kids in Thailand.)

I think the OP needs a school for his 16yo son, does REPS go that far?

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I thought this thread was for the "Satit school". Seems strange that REPs is being advertised in this thread, last I heard it was struggling to find enough new students.

I am more than happy with the standard at Satit........long may it continue.

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  • 3 months later...
Have been to the campus and strongly considered this school as well , my kids hold dual citizenship so they are Thai nationals but were not entitled to the Thai price - school is run by typical racist morons.

Your statement is SO out of line, SO uninformed and SO, well it is just SO SO! That even though I have no interest in this subject, I will comment on your statement. Since it upset me so much, that is.

First, it is uninformed because many of the world's finest universities, including what is widely perceived as the best university in the world, which is Harvard, follow this same approach. In other words, those who can pay, do pay, and those that can't pay, if they meet the educational standards are permitted to receive the same education.

Second, you were perceived as being able to pay, whether you actually were or not. If you were not, then whose fault is that? You decided to have children in a country where a high quality education cost money. Did you not take that into consideration prior to having children?

Third, more than likely you can pay, but you simply refuse to sacrifice a few luxuries in your life for your children's benefit.

Fourth, if you were so concerned about your children's education and actually could not pay for it, there are still alternatives available to you. Such as moving back to your country of origin.

Fifth, it is easy to see you have very little education yourself or you would have never made such a hurtful ignorant comment in the first place. This is exactly why this was not fully thought out by you or your mate.

I think that covers everything, for now that is!

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