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American Election Results 2004


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Personally, I'm still mad at the Japanese. If they hadn't bombed us, we probably would have sat out World War II. Then Europe today would be speaking German --or maybe Russian. I wouldn't have cared which. 

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz why does it always have to retort to the " We saved your asses!" speel with you yanks?

btw ...you Bombed them.........

If you promote yourselves as the World's only super power then you must expext the criticism that will come with the territory.

FWIW as a Brit who understands a little about world politics , I think Kerry is the weaker/less trustworthy man , that's why the majority picked the other chump.

I think Blair's ######ed now anyway , another few years of sharing the world stage with Dubya will screw him in the next election.

TBH I am neutral in all politics , it disgusts me.

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Personally, I'm still mad at the Japanese. If they hadn't bombed us, we probably would have sat out World War II. Then Europe today would be speaking German --or maybe Russian. I wouldn't have cared which. 

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz why does it always have to retort to the " We saved your asses!" speel with you yanks?

Now you're sounding just like the Frenchys :o

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Personally, I'm still mad at the Japanese. If they hadn't bombed us, we probably would have sat out World War II. Then Europe today would be speaking German --or maybe Russian. I wouldn't have cared which. 

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz why does it always have to retort to the " We saved your asses!" speel with you yanks?

Now you're sounding just like the Frenchys :D

Except we're not cheese eating surrender monkeys , and I believe we saved their asses in the chain of events.............


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Congratulations Mr. Bush!!

I guess, that the three Americans in my office, all of them ultra-liberal and

anti-Bush, will now seek refugee status in Canada...    :o

Not so sure Canada is in any great hurry to accept them.

AP News story: "Americans attempting to escape four more years of President Bush by fleeing to Canada will have to wait in line, just like immigrants from any other country, the Immigration Ministry said Wednesday."

Flee to Canada

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I don't know much about Kerry but given that GWB has done a great job of screwing up the USA (and many other nations) I would rather not have him in office again. This guy is a loose cannon. If he hadn't been in office the first time it would have been even better. We'll have to wait and see the final result but if Bush's win is confirmed and he takes office again then I feel sorry for my fellow countrymen as I already do now. Having Bush in office again is another excuse for people to hate the US and Americans. Most of this hate of course comes from sheer ignorance and brainwashing.

It's a simple formula: Take a handful of Islamic extremists and have them brainwash and preach hatered of Western values/etc to millions of uneducated and poverty stricken people and you get future terrorists. Everytime these guys commit some terrorist act they not only show that they are cowards but they make their fellow Muslims look bad. In the midst of all this America bashing perhaps those who flame the US and her people should consider that many Muslims in the Middle East are alive because of our protection....they're being slaughtered by their own Islamic leaders and not by the US Army as their leaders would have them think. These Islamic extremists are not just aiming at the US...they want the whole world to themselves...if they could turn everyone on Earth into a Muslim extremist tomorrow they would do it. Look at Thailand for example, they want those Southern provinces. If the Thai Gov gave them that land they would no doubt want the rest of the country before long.

These extermists are like AIDS...they're spreading all over the planet and infecting millions of those who don't know any better. Terrorism is not just an American problem..it's a world problem. It will take the effort of many to hunt these leaders down and get rid of them. Anybody with an educated mind and anybody who gets an education will know that these leaders of extremist views are the scum of the earth and must be disposed of for the good of all.

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Personally, I'm still mad at the Japanese. If they hadn't bombed us, we probably would have sat out World War II. Then Europe today would be speaking German --or maybe Russian. I wouldn't have cared which. So, if you're looking for a fall guy, try the Japanese for a change. Americans are tired of all your fingers in our faces.

Finally, I wish America could be like the Swiss. Just count our gold, and not do any heavy lifting in the world that might spill our gold, or our blood. Easy enough to do with the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Too bad Charles Lindbergh wasn't running this year (he was an isolationist).

(Soap box closed)

Germany declared war on America, didn't they...?

Swiss? Thankyou Mr Hitler, we'll look after your gold...Gutless!!

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It is easy... you go live in Iran, or in some country with a religious leader.  :D

you have accepted the irony of your reply?

The Presidents library also contained a copy of The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsay, a retired riverboat captain who also predicted events in Lebanon would lead to the end of the present world. When Israel's forces swept out of galilee into Beirut, the President and Nancy had sat transfixed before their television set watching Pat Robinson say that this was 'the beginning of the end'; that soon those forces of darkness would indeed be swept from the entire face of the earth and in it place would come what the President and his First Lady, like all 'good' Christians, yearned for - that Utopia which the Scofield Reference Bible called 'Rapture' , in which 'God returns, brings Peace and Joy to the Rapured Ones'. The President was convinced he and Nancy were among those to be so blessed.

Excerpt from 'Journey into madness, medical torture and the mind controllers' by Gordon Thomas

I wonder if Bush being a born again christian believes in 'rapture'



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I think this headline sums it up. English Newspaper.

"How can 59,700,000 people, be so Dumb"

and tell me kerry would be any better?? :o

yes a lot better! :D

What does a big dumb Aussie from NSW know about it, huh?

Give us a break, Gent! :D

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I can't believe what I am reading here.

People in a free society have choices. Sometimes (usually) those choices aren't perfect. Often they are nowhere close to perfect. In the election in the USA people had to choose between Bush, who apparently everyone believes they know his mind and thoughts through his actions, and Kerry, who people had to decide whether to believe he was who he has always been through his actions or who he hoped you would now believe he was through his words. This, IMHO, is why he LOST the confidence of the American people. If he had run on his credentials he would have been believable and possibly won the election (although IMHO again, that would have frightened people more than Bush does).

If JFK had had his way for the past 30 years, the world would be a much different place. First there would be no war in Afghanistan because it would be called Kabulislovia or something like that because the USSR would still be strong and active. Most of Latin America would be run by despots operating under the guise of communism. When East Germany decided it was now time to reunify the west under the umbrella of a sharing society. The Evil USA would not have been there to deter it. As for the rest of Europe???

I don't know about stupid... but in the words of one of Bubbas good friends "My momma always said, stupid is as stupid does".

I, like a previous poster, will not select the lesser of 2 evils. But it is just plain stupid to think that one of these guys is the answer to all of the world’s problems.

"And that's all I have to say about that." -Forest Gump

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I think this headline sums it up. English Newspaper.

"How can 59,700,000 people, be so Dumb"

and tell me kerry would be any better?? :o

yes a lot better! :D

What does a big dumb Aussie from NSW know about it, huh?

Give us a break, Gent! :D

As I walk off laughing and shaking my head, I wonder why he thinks I come from NSW ? :D

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I just changed the sign out the front of my office.

If you voted for Bush, piss off!

If A person tells me he/she voted for Bush, I will igore them and laugh and walk away. I am boycotting Bush supporters from now on.

Don't you think you're taking these election results a little too personal?

In fact, one could say you're OBSESSING about Dubya - not healthy there old bean. Remember that high blood pressure... :o

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I don't understand why you care anyway??   Your in Thailand!!!  :o

What's wrong with you? Are you too thick to understand that the person sitting in the Oval Office matters not only to people sitting on US soil?

I'd be worrying about the muslims that are pissed in the south of thailand, than our president who is thousands of miles away from you. :D

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I was having lunch yesterday with a friend, we were in a restaurant and the election was on the tv, there were the usual spattering of nationalities around the room all watching for the fabled Ohio result to come in, one of the American guys watching, who'd been laughing and joking with all of us for the duration of my luncheon suddenly shouted out "That'll teach you F####g Europeans! F##k you all you buncha f##king whinney pansies, we saved your f###ing asssses in WWII.... he went on and on in quite a jaw dropping display.

One English guy got up and left calling him a 'tubby wan#er' whilst I was trying not to choke on my lettuce Anyway, not sure what this means but it was a disturbing and unprovoked scene that just highlighted the fact that people are strange and politics should be best kept to oneself.

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