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Prepaid Credit Cards In Thailand ?

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Are prepaid credit cards available in Thailand ? Until now I used a prepaid credit card purchased in Post Office in Italy , but it expired and I am unable to extend and reload it from here. The debit card SCB provided me has Mastercard logo,number same as a credit card and CCV code but cannot be used to make online purchases (Air Asia website just declined it).

Do other banks or post office sell prepaid credit cards here in Thailand ?

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  • 1 month later...

I've been searching online for a prepaid debit card as I'm now having problems making online purchases with Bangkok Bank Be1st card (got it to work once...). Most require funding from a credit card (which I no longer have). So, does anybody know of any prepaid cards for sale in retail shops anywhere in Thailand? (I would think Bangkok would have these available rather than Phuket where I live.)

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1. Get a savings account with Kasikorn Bank

2. Get online banking for that account

3. Apply for an "e-web card" from within your online banking

4. VerifyByVisa your newly obtained virtual card

Works beautifully for many things...withdraws money from your savings account, no need for income statements to get it, etc. It basically only has 2 limitations:

1. transactions must require a CVV code (if they don't ask for one on the retailer's website, the transaction will be rejected)

2. it doesn't work for sites that want a credit card as a guarantee...like if you want to "secure" a hotel booking but not pay it immediately, it won't work (at least on the sites I tried)

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  • 2 weeks later...

years ago I used one from Sterling Bank. Applied online. Sent them a money order. They sent me the card. I added more money to it now and then to increase the credit limit. No doubt there are others online now. It might be a bit tricky to take delivery of it, but maybe a friend in your home country can help you out.

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