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Uk Customs


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Three questions.

1) Is this topic Thai related?

2) Is this topic about breaking the law?

3) If this was about customs in France, Germany, The Netherlands or whatever other country, wouldn't it be closed already?



Where are the mods when you need them, this is not even close to being Thai related.

Yes it is, he's flying from Thailand. Regardless of how 'unThai' it may be, this is a topic of great interest to many tourists and expat's alike, if it bothers you that much then don't read it.

I dont think it matters where he is flying into the UK from, might be more relevant if the question related to flying into Thailand? But again, I guess this is what PB meant by more intelligent topics wanted.

That's you stuffed then


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Three questions.

1) Is this topic Thai related?

2) Is this topic about breaking the law?

3) If this was about customs in France, Germany, The Netherlands or whatever other country, wouldn't it be closed already?



1. Yes, the OP is flying from Thailand to Manchester (UK).

2. Yes, and the OP is seeking sensible advice regarding an act of smuggling.

3. No.

This is a relevent topic, since opportunities are available for all kinds of contraband items to be smuggled into ones home country, whether it be tobacco, alcohol, Rolex fakes, football shirts etc.

Most people realise that this is illegal and TV responses emphasize (it). It seems now that the OP is sufficiently fearful of prosecution that he/she will take only one carton of cigarettes back to the UK.

Edited by libya 115
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1. Yes, the OP is flying from Thailand to Manchester (UK).

2. Yes, and the OP is seeking sensible advice regarding an act of smuggling.

3. No.

This is a relevent topic, since opportunities are available for all kinds of contraband items to be smuggled into ones home country, whether it be tobacco, alcohol, Rolex fakes, football shirts etc.

Most people realise that this is illegal and TV responses emphasize (it). It seems now that the OP is sufficiently fearful of prosecution that he/she will take only one carton of cigarettes back to the UK.

Since you seem to find it necessary to climb all over my back I'll reply to your above statement.

1) Where does it say OP is flying from Bangkok to Manchester. He mentioned Abu Dhabi didn't he.

2) I rest my case, or isn't smuggling an illegal act?

3) I have no time to waste on researching all the topics that have been closed because not Thai related but believe me there haven been plenty. I remember one instance where a topic of an aircraft accident in china was closed but at nearly the same time the topic about the plane crash in London was allowed to run forever, although the aircraft did not come from Thailand.

I don't like double standards period.


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I think its fair to assume that topics that may be of interest to POMs are more easily digested by those with the control around here.

Anyways, I am sure there is some forum in Manchester where the OP could ask this question and perhaps get many many more responses based on actual experience.

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When I arrive at Manchester Airport I usualy have the Carton Allowed packed in my suitcase, I have also just sent a carton in the Post from Thailand which always arrives no problem (but have heard from friends that sending more than one carton will get pulled)

I have a couple of packs of 20s in my pockets, a couple also in my hand luggage. I also have taken the 3 Baht a packet Thai Tobacco (approx 6 packs) through for my Father, he loves it. No body has ever stopped me.

Last Year a colleague of mine went through Manchester Airport with a suitcase full, he got pulled, and they took them off him.

good luck, but really, is it worth the worry and the grey hairs it will cause you !!!!

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Declare anything over the 2cartons and pay the duty for them. (problem solved) You certainly will be on their watch list and I'd be surprised if you weren't stopped and searched everytime now.

If you pay the duty they ask for ( which is about £1960 ish for 9 x200 cartons ) then add the price you orginally paid for the cigarettes and you will find they are going to be dearer than you would pay in the shops in the uk.

Bring something else, black market cigarettes are about £30 for 200 these days I think, not worth the trouble

Roy gsd

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A guy from the UK told me he pays for his trips here (or maybe just the airfare) by mailing loose packs of cigarettes back to his friends in the UK. I'm not recommending you or anyone else break the law, just sharing what I was told.

Up until about a year or 2 ago when some wine group in Holland stupidly submitted a legal challenge in th european court

the uk used to allow 50 cigarettes ot be sent by post from outside of the eu without duty being paid, it might suprise some poeple to know that it was also possible to send a box of 5000 cigarettes from within the eu to the uk as a gift without having

to pay any additional duty.

As the dutch wine group case relateed to cross border transactions it had implications for goods sent by mail, so on the basis of that judgment the uk government has now moved the goalposts and ALL tobbaco products sent by mail into the uk atracts stiff duty charges.

As local rolling tobbacco is around 10p in LOS and £11.25 in the uk one can understand the attraction.

Roy gsd

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Three questions.

1) Is this topic Thai related?

2) Is this topic about breaking the law?

3) If this was about customs in France, Germany, The Netherlands or whatever other country, wouldn't it be closed already?



Where are the mods when you need them, this is not even close to being Thai related.

Presumably the O/P is thinking of bringing them in from LOS, which makes it Thai related in my book, as several people seem to have replied to this posting then I suggest that some people are enjoying the topic, either way you dont have to read the posting so vote with your feet if you dont want to read a particular topic.

Roy gsd

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Three questions.

1) Is this topic Thai related?

2) Is this topic about breaking the law?

3) If this was about customs in France, Germany, The Netherlands or whatever other country, wouldn't it be closed already?



Where are the mods when you need them, this is not even close to being Thai related.

Yes it is, he's flying from Thailand. Regardless of how 'unThai' it may be, this is a topic of great interest to many tourists and expat's alike, if it bothers you that much then don't read it.

I dont think it matters where he is flying into the UK from, might be more relevant if the question related to flying into Thailand? But again, I guess this is what PB meant by more intelligent topics wanted.

That's you stuffed then

Great comeback, was hoping for something a bit more intelligent considering the source nevermind,, anyways I direct you to the THAILAND travel forum on here... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Cigarettes-W...nd-t119829.html for something related to Thailand.

If I started a topic - does anyone know the penalty for bringing in illegal amounts of products into North America, I think it would be binned as 'unrelated to Thailand'.

Why dont you try openng a new topic " does anyone know the penalty for bringing in illlegall amounts of products into north america", I suspect some of your fellow countrymen.women may be very wiling to contribute to that thread,its human nature to take a swipe against the authorites once in a while.

Roy gsd

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1. Yes, the OP is flying from Thailand to Manchester (UK).

2. Yes, and the OP is seeking sensible advice regarding an act of smuggling.

3. No.

This is a relevent topic, since opportunities are available for all kinds of contraband items to be smuggled into ones home country, whether it be tobacco, alcohol, Rolex fakes, football shirts etc.

Most people realise that this is illegal and TV responses emphasize (it). It seems now that the OP is sufficiently fearful of prosecution that he/she will take only one carton of cigarettes back to the UK.

Since you seem to find it necessary to climb all over my back I'll reply to your above statement.

1) Where does it say OP is flying from Bangkok to Manchester. He mentioned Abu Dhabi didn't he.

2) I rest my case, or isn't smuggling an illegal act?

3) I have no time to waste on researching all the topics that have been closed because not Thai related but believe me there haven been plenty. I remember one instance where a topic of an aircraft accident in china was closed but at nearly the same time the topic about the plane crash in London was allowed to run forever, although the aircraft did not come from Thailand.

I don't like double standards period.


Another unappointed Policeman of the world, Mmm, can only have a guess where he is from, dont beat about the bush, ( or perhaps you should)?

As for the plane crash incidents you refer to, I take your word for that as I dont recall seeing them, but consider this, how many uk persons are members of this site and how many chinese members are there, its not racism or any other prejudice , get over it please :o

Roy gsd

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Another unappointed Policeman of the world, Mmm, can only have a guess where he is from, dont beat about the bush, ( or perhaps you should)?

As for the plane crash incidents you refer to, I take your word for that as I dont recall seeing them, but consider this, how many uk persons are members of this site and how many chinese members are there, its not racism or any other prejudice , get over it please :o

Roy gsd

Dear roygsd,

You only have to look at my avatar to notice that I'm from Flanders, and as far as I know that's not in the US.

If you don't like other nationalities posting on this forum, why don't you stop beating around the bush and just say so.

Drive safely


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1. Yes, the OP is flying from Thailand to Manchester (UK).

2. Yes, and the OP is seeking sensible advice regarding an act of smuggling.

3. No.

This is a relevent topic, since opportunities are available for all kinds of contraband items to be smuggled into ones home country, whether it be tobacco, alcohol, Rolex fakes, football shirts etc.

Most people realise that this is illegal and TV responses emphasize (it). It seems now that the OP is sufficiently fearful of prosecution that he/she will take only one carton of cigarettes back to the UK.

Since you seem to find it necessary to climb all over my back I'll reply to your above statement.

1) Where does it say OP is flying from Bangkok to Manchester. He mentioned Abu Dhabi didn't he.

2) I rest my case, or isn't smuggling an illegal act?

3) I have no time to waste on researching all the topics that have been closed because not Thai related but believe me there haven been plenty. I remember one instance where a topic of an aircraft accident in china topic was closed but at nearly the same time the topic about the plane crash in London was allowed to run forever, although the aircraft did not come from Thailand.

I don't like double standards period.



I am not sic 'climbing all over your back' and in response to your post:

1. You are correct, but we don't know the gender of the OP. 'Pedants Corner', a separate TV forum is being considered for you.

2. Your legalese vocabulary impresses us all: Yes! Smuggling is illegal!

3. As you are a paid-up member of the Vlaamse Beweging I can understand that you feel a victim but TV is not plotting against you and the rather interesting aircraft incident in China was closed for reasons beyond my control. Please accept my apologies.

I don't like double standards either!

Libya 115

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