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A Farewell To Pattaya: More People To Leave?

libya 115

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And deprive her of enjoying threesomes, so convenient in Pattaya? You aren't much fun, are you? :D

When I find the woman who's cool with that, it'll be wedding bells time :D

Unless her idea of a threesome doesn't quite match yours. :o

I like foursomes myself. Me, myself and I, along with old whats her name. :D

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I personally know a large group of foreign expatriate women in their 50s-80s who reside in Pattaya (some by themselves and others still with husbands) who lead very active and happy retirements here. They do most of the typical retirement activities women of their age would do back home (yoga, coffee-hours, lunches, card-game clubs, manicure get-togethers, etc)

And I bet you never find them in the Twilight Zone

Pay attention Chaimai! You edited out the bit where the girls sometimes retire to Boyztown for drinks and a laugh.

Unless you consider Pattayaland is outside the 'Twilight Zone'

Or gay bars are not part of the 'Twilight Zone'

Or, maybe you are referring to something else as the 'Twilight Zone'?

Bugger! You are right. I saw what I WANTED to see so I could make my point.

Note to self: Read ALL of someone's post before constructing a reply.

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As an annual visitor to Pattaya, and someone who looks forward to retiring there, I'm with those who say 'if you don't like it, go ahead and leave - you really won't be missed!'

8 weeks and counting!

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As an annual visitor to Pattaya, and someone who looks forward to retiring there, I'm with those who say 'if you don't like it, go ahead and leave - you really won't be missed!'

8 weeks and counting!

Fair comment Joe - I doubt you are taking the wife, chai mai ?

The OP was and he/they got bored with the deterioration in Pattaya - they won't be missed, replacements arrive at Swampy by the hour (mostly Russian !) .

Pattaya has pretty much something for everyone - I just wouldn't choose to go there for a family holiday, or now that I have found a G/F.

I am interested in the comments from those who have been there and got the T-shirt. I think Nan Laew, for example, who saw it in the 1980/90's and came back after 15 years is qualified to talk about how Pattaya has changed. I think that he even refers to it as a "cow pat".

I shall leave Pattaya but I will also return for the occasional visit because it does have it's own special attraction. I stand by my earlier comment that it is a sh1t hole but I am equally prepared to accept that it has a unique appeal.

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Been here 6 years now and could not ask for a better place to live, the day to day rantings of miffed falangs just amuses me more and more each day, it has been said time and time again.....if you are not happy - f$#k off and take your unwanted opinions with you!!!

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Been here 6 years now and could not ask for a better place to live, the day to day rantings of miffed falangs just amuses me more and more each day, it has been said time and time again.....if you are not happy - f$#k off and take your unwanted opinions with you!!!

Aahh! - The unwanted opinion. That would be the one that does not accord with your own - chai mai ?

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Been here 6 years now and could not ask for a better place to live, the day to day rantings of miffed falangs just amuses me more and more each day, it has been said time and time again.....if you are not happy - f$#k off and take your unwanted opinions with you!!!

And maybe you should consider keeping your opinions AND your bad language to YOURSELF.

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I suspect that I won't stay in Pattaya forever, but when (if) I do decide to relocate, it will be because of family, or I've found a nice place at a good price, or because the city has been swallowed by the sea.

(note: 3rd reason is the most likely, only because I don't breathe well underwater. But if that is where Pattaya ends up, I may have to learn !) :o

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It is a good thing that most of the incoming folks, Russians and Middle Eaterners don't follow these threads....they seem to be all too happy to buy 20 million baht homes and sky boxes in Pattaya. ??

Simply shift your allegiance from westerners (too smart and understand what is going on here) and invite the fresh folks here that don't know the secrets. Why do think they stripped all of the visas away from westerners, but opened the visa door for the newbies??

Just apply that MO to gogo bars or taxis - they've being doing that for years its in the blood

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As an annual visitor to Pattaya, and someone who looks forward to retiring there, I'm with those who say 'if you don't like it, go ahead and leave - you really won't be missed!'

8 weeks and counting!

I am interested in the comments from those who have been there and got the T-shirt. I think Nan Laew, for example, who saw it in the 1980/90's and came back after 15 years is qualified to talk about how Pattaya has changed. I think that he even refers to it as a "cow pat".

Yeah... but it's a nice, warm cow pat!

Joe! Come on down!!!

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Been here 6 years now and could not ask for a better place to live, the day to day rantings of miffed falangs just amuses me more and more each day, it has been said time and time again.....if you are not happy - f$#k off and take your unwanted opinions with you!!!

And maybe you should consider keeping your opinions AND your bad language to YOURSELF.

Steady on Tammi! Lenny is batting for the good guys!!!

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For expatriates in Thailand who are retired (family or single) and don't want to go totally native (moving to the country), there really are only a handful of places to live with an acceptable level of farang comforts (social clubs, good selection of farang restos, good hospitals, etc.):

Bangkok (if you like the big city experience)



Chaing Mai

Samui (maybe).

The islands are pretty isolated and have really wet off-season weather. Also, Samui is lacking a top-class hospital.

Pattaya has everything in abundance and is only 2 hr from Bangkok (for city holidays or international travel).

I stick with Pattaya for now.

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"......think Pattaya is the box formed by Pattaya Nua-Beach-Pattaya Tai-and 2nd Roads. They never leave that small area so for them, that is "Pattaya."

I have been to the area you describe above. Walking street to the other end of beach road and about two blocks into the city. Except for driving to play golf, I seldom venture outside that area. However, that's the area that most tourists or occasional visitor stays in. So, when most people talk negatively about Pattaya, that's what they're referring to. I'm sure that residents, who live outside the city, see a completely different place.

As far as being negative about that small area, I find it difficult to be anything but negative. The vibe of that area crushes any positive thoughts. I used to go every week to play golf, and liked it at first. That was a couple years ago. I haven't been back in years. If they stop posting these suicides/murders, robberies, assaults (on both men and women), and all the other horrible incidents that happen there, and there's at least three a day, I think the negative posts would stop too. It's a pretty small area for all these things to be happening on a daily basis. They once asked an infamous bank robber why he robs banks, to which he replied somewhat confused, cause that's where the money is.

I will never refer to Pattaya as a shit-hole anymore. However, I will refer to that area as a rat-hole. It fits better.

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I will refer to that area as a rat-hole. It fits better.

I have seen my share of rats scampering about on Sukkhumvit, in Bangkok, day and nite when I am visiting the city.

However, I think you greatly exaggerate the crime that takes place in Pattaya. For one thing, at least 50%, if not more, of the reported crime is Thai on Thai so has no effect on foreign tourists or residents. (Similar to sky-high crime rates among minority and immigrant communities in the West, unless you live in those areas, it really doesn't affect you.) Many of these tussles are business disputes being settled Thai style. Also, crime in Bangkok may be higher that you suspect, because most/all of the petty crimes that occur don't make the Bangkok foreign language media as they would in Pattaya. Contrary to the opinions of most Bangkok expatriates, I know most Thai people consider Bangkok to be quite a dangerous place (especially for women). Just because you don't read about crime in Bangkok doesn't mean it is not occurring.

As for the remaining crimes committed on foreigners, any tourist town will have it's share of petty crime, especially in countries with such a large gap between the relative wealth of the visitors and the local population. As to the more serious violent crimes - fights, stabbings, well, again the demographics of the visitors plays some part IMO. When a large percentage of the visitors are adolescent to young men, often in groups, traveling to an exotic locale know for its R&R, and you throw in a propensity for over-consumption of alcohol among them, its inevitable that these visitors will get into altercations with some of the local population (especially their local boy counterparts...both groups having to uphold their manhood (especially where there are likely to be local lasses as onlookers). Most of it is just cultural mis-understandings on both sides, but men being men, they have to settle it "outside."

As to the "flying murders," well, if guys party here and move here and don't keep their wits about them regarding their choice of company, often, only bad things will result. Not really much that can be done about this. There are also plenty of balcony swan-divers in Bangkok too.

Edited by NotNew2You
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Been here 6 years now and could not ask for a better place to live, the day to day rantings of miffed falangs just amuses me more and more each day, it has been said time and time again.....if you are not happy - f$#k off and take your unwanted opinions with you!!!

And maybe you should consider keeping your opinions AND your bad language to YOURSELF.

Steady on Tammi! Lenny is batting for the good guys!!!

Good, bad or indifferent there is no need to be foul mouthed.

What's wrong with saying "If you don't like it here you should look to move somewhere else".

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Been here 6 years now and could not ask for a better place to live, the day to day rantings of miffed falangs just amuses me more and more each day, it has been said time and time again.....if you are not happy - f$#k off and take your unwanted opinions with you!!!

And maybe you should consider keeping your opinions AND your bad language to YOURSELF.

Steady on Tammi! Lenny is batting for the good guys!!!

Good, bad or indifferent there is no need to be foul mouthed.

What's wrong with saying "If you don't like it here you should look to move somewhere else".

But that's been done already. Doesn't work either. They are all still here, clacking away on keyboards, or spending lonely hours stalking the aisles at Carrefour, searching for the next perceived slight on their race or nationality. Buying up the weekly English language tabloids AND surfing their associated websites, reading and re-reading the same negative press. Then some who are really computer wizards, cut and paste whole stories AND post the hyperlink to the very same whole story. I am not sure who are the worst; the perpetually miserable, those that read the bad news, those that spread it or those that don't live here but suck it all up and post gloating responses qualified by anecdotal tales about bad Pattaya experiences.

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I've had a a place in Pattaya since December 1990 and have seen dramatic changes over the years. Some for the worst, some for the better.

I also have a Place in Phu Kradung, Loei province, couldn't really ask for much more diversity.

If I am on my own I can drive it in under 7 hours 585Kms, Now I have not been spending 24/7 in Pattaya for the last 5 years, I really look forward to going there, apart from the state of my room after being unoccupied for a few months, yes the traffic is a nightmare compared to Loei, but the range of entertainment and the choices in shopping are second to none in Pattaya.

A quick jaunt up to Soi 6 ( or a slow crawl depending on Traffic ), makes me appreciate Pattaya much more than when I was there full time, you never know what you miss till you can't have it anymore.

I'll be back in Pattaya to see a few old mates that are coming over soon, and I can't freakin' wait!

I am also a realist and I do critisize Pattaya at times, mostly it's the poor infrastructure that cannot cope with the Traffic.

For a fun time, Pattaya is very hard to beat, if there are other places that offer the Pattaya experience at the same value, I have yet to cum across them. :o

Sure, Pattaya has changed over the years, then again, so has everywhere else.

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I have lived in Pattaya for a year and half, but I have been in Thailand for 6 years. I think it is good here, the only problem I had was my house was broken into once. The police came quickly and gave some helpful suggestions to prevent further breakins. I think people forget about the problems they left behind in their home country. No place is perfect, but life is very pleasant here.

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I am very happy with Pattaya. I think alot of the whiners are jealous of those of us who live here. It seems like to top hobby of expats in CM and especially Phuket to trash Pattaya. Funny, most of us in Pattaya don't waste our breath trashing you. Seems to me they are trying to justify their choice by trashing us. I agree with the post that for those not seeking to go native, there are only a few real choices in Thailand, and when you weight the pros and cons, many, many (most?) people will choose Pattaya, especially as a retirement destination. If I choose to leave someday, I will just leave. No dramatic letter to Pattaya Mail. I have left other cities in my day because they changed in ways that no longer served my purposes, no need to be a drama queen about it.

And while we are at it, yes, there are things about Pattaya that can be improved. All we have is our economic power, we have zero political power. In that vein, I ask y'all again to please BOYCOTT PATTAYA TAXI METER cars until the great day arrives when they actually will use their meters.

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Good, bad or indifferent there is no need to be foul mouthed.

What's wrong with saying "If you don't like it here you should look to move somewhere else".

But that's been done already. Doesn't work either. They are all still here, clacking away on keyboards, or spending lonely hours stalking the aisles at Carrefour, searching for the next perceived slight on their race or nationality. Buying up the weekly English language tabloids AND surfing their associated websites, reading and re-reading the same negative press. Then some who are really computer wizards, cut and paste whole stories AND post the hyperlink to the very same whole story. I am not sure who are the worst; the perpetually miserable, those that read the bad news, those that spread it or those that don't live here but suck it all up and post gloating responses qualified by anecdotal tales about bad Pattaya experiences.

Everyone to his own way.

I am occassionally in Carrefour complex and have a cup of tea at one of the cafes and am always delighted to see all the old foreign men with their lovely Thai wives/girlfriends.

So, what do you do with your days in the LOS?

I agree with you about not reading newspapers and watching much of TV. It's crazy to have anything to do with bad news. IMHO.

Now must stop "clacking away on this keyboard" and do something more productive.

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Been here 6 years now and could not ask for a better place to live, the day to day rantings of miffed falangs just amuses me more and more each day, it has been said time and time again.....if you are not happy - f$#k off and take your unwanted opinions with you!!!

And maybe you should consider keeping your opinions AND your bad language to YOURSELF.

My apologies to you Tammi and anyone else who may have taken offence at my profanity this morning, but just prior to reading the post and replying - i was forced to listen to a drunk or drugged up falang in my local shop cursing and shouting about ignorant thais, he was the one thinking that by raising his voice the thai lady behind the counter would understand his garbled incoherrent english!!! He REALLY annoyed me and consequently that came through in my post, so sorry again!

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I have lived in Pattaya for the past 12 years, prior to that I lived in Bangkok for 10 years.

Has Pattaya changed that much? not really, its always been a "cowboy" town, its just got bigger, everywhere in the world changes, Pattaya is no different, what spoils it is the infrastructure, they seem incapable of getting on top of it, the new railway road is a good example, started off ok, then..........

I would like to leave Pattaya, not so much for the changes that have occurred, but I have changed and want different things out of life, namely peace and quite! Unfortunately not so easy to leave if you have bought into the property market as near impossible to sell houses at the present time.

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I would like to leave Pattaya, not so much for the changes that have occurred, but I have changed and want different things out of life, namely peace and quite! Unfortunately not so easy to leave if you have bought into the property market as near impossible to sell houses at the present time.

Whilst I still believe that Pattaya has changed/continues to change, CGW makes a very good point about individuals changing. In my case my needs have changed and, with that, so has my perception of Pattaya.

I would have no hesitation in visting Pattaya, for it's various attractions, or returning if those needs changed.

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail: July 25th-July 31st Edition

With that thought, we say farewell to Thailand and we will cherish the fond memories of our Thai friends and experiences from holidays past.

Goodbye Thailand. Our money is going elsewhere.

Ben and Ruth Martinez

Aren't these the same people in California who write the same letter on an annual basis?

Anyway, what's the point of the letter? Are we all supposed to feel ashamed and saddened that they weren't happy here and are taking their money elsewhere?

10 years ago, during June/July/August the place was a ghost town. Now it seems to be awash in farang 12 months a year. I don't know if that's an improvement. I preferred it when the summer months at least were more quiet.

Sounds like the old joke: " Nobody goes there anymore because it's too crowded."

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10 years ago, during June/July/August the place was a ghost town. Now it seems to be awash in farang 12 months a year. I don't know if that's an improvement. I preferred it when the summer months at least were more quiet.

I think you need to get out more. Ask any hotel manager or bar owner about how busy they are not. The place is a morgue. However I'm not complaining. Quite the contrary in fact.

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I like to stay here. It is not perfect but going back to Europe would be out of consideration for me.

Maybe I have to move to BKK for my job. I don't like that idea too much, but at least it would be much better than returning home. And at least Pattaya is only a 1.5 hrs drive away. I think what makes Pattaya so interesting is the variety and mix of entertainment, international choices, close to the sea (although not that nice), friends I found here, etc.

After all the city offers all, many things you won't find at home (and I seriously won't limit that on the entertainment).

Phuket certainly is a nice place as well...but I still have to work to earn my living, and choices down there are very limited.

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