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Airport Security Points Being Moved To Allow For More Duty Free Shops

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Relocation of security screening points likely

A plan to relocate the security screening points at Suvarnabhumi airport to free up space for commercial development has come under fire for going against the principle of building an airport. Security screening spots in the passenger terminal of Suvarnabhumi airport will be moved away from the embarkation gates into an area in front of the immigration checkpoints in October to pave the way for commercial development, according to Airport Director Serirat Prasutanont. Serirat said yesterday the planned change from Oct 1 would create plenty of room near the terminal gates for commercial development.

According to him, the relocation of the screening points would also boost security because passengers will then be screened before accessing the restricted zones of the terminal. They would no longer be required to queue up for security checks at the gates. An aviation source, however, said that moving the checkpoints would contradict the general principle of building an airport, which is safety before commercial interests. The AoT may be in it for the profits as larger commercial space, which will likely be set aside for duty-free shopping, would mean bigger revenue.

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Relocation of security screening points likely

A plan to relocate the security screening points at Suvarnabhumi airport to free up space for commercial development has come under fire for going against the principle of building an airport. Security screening spots in the passenger terminal of Suvarnabhumi airport will be moved away from the embarkation gates into an area in front of the immigration checkpoints in October to pave the way for commercial development, according to Airport Director Serirat Prasutanont. Serirat said yesterday the planned change from Oct 1 would create plenty of room near the terminal gates for commercial development.

According to him, the relocation of the screening points would also boost security because passengers will then be screened before accessing the restricted zones of the terminal. They would no longer be required to queue up for security checks at the gates. An aviation source, however, said that moving the checkpoints would contradict the general principle of building an airport, which is safety before commercial interests. The AoT may be in it for the profits as larger commercial space, which will likely be set aside for duty-free shopping, would mean bigger revenue.

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Typical :o

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Why don't they just remove customs and immigration, seal the airport from the country and create a huge shopping mall. They could fly people in who wouldn't need any baggage because they would only stay a few hours, so out goes all the baggage handling creating more space, and then fly them back out after they've done their shopping.

Bona fide travellers meanwhile could go back to using Don Muang.

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Must've been the deal made under the table for getting King Power to move their vendors away from blocking the entrances of the hidden restrooms originally planned by the architects. (Remember the restroom-deprived airport in the first six months of operation?)

Money talks, especially here. :o

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Some of the clerks are my former students with whom I've stayed in contact. Unfortunately, their wages are so low, it just takes a few sales per day of the grossly over-priced products to cover their wages and other overhead.

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They're simply doing the same as most other airports...

By putting the scanners before duty free, people can actually buy liquids in the duty free, and take them onto the plane. (I'm talking bottles of water and soft drinks for drinking on the plane, not duty free alcohol which will still need to go into sealed bags if you have a connecting flight.)

Having more shops won't necessarily increase spending though - (except for the above)...

I just wish they'd move the hand luggage trolleys to somewhere closer to where you need them...

- When you land they seem to be always a couple of gates away

- When you clear immigration on the way out, it's a 5 minute hike to find them, and my carry-on bag is sufficiently heavy (personal AND work laptops), that I don't stop to buy ANYTHING in duty free until I've got a luggage trolley...

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I agree with bkk_mike...this is the way *most* international airports are set up...Chicago OHare being a glaring exception.

The problem that I see at Suvarnabhumi...where in the hel_l are they going to put the security checkpoints? The airport as it is currently laid out does not have space to put security before Immigration (where it belongs), and putting it after Immigration but before the shops will require a bunch of demolition/reconstruction...for a less-than 3 year old airport.

TiT...never plan, just do, then tear it out, do it again (reusing the old materials).

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Well I was in Washington DC Dules airport and also Miami International last week and speaking of chaos and badly planned airports, these 2 must must make the top of the list.

Having said that I cannot see how Swampy can relocate the security check around immigration as this would allow departing passengers from Bangkok to mix with arriving passengers making it impossible to take responsibility.

It works in the USA as it is the same TSA which is responsoble as long as you don't touch international flights.

There, international arriving passengers go through a separate screening before being allowed in the domestic gate areas.

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Well I was in Washington DC Dules airport and also Miami International last week and speaking of chaos and badly planned airports, these 2 must must make the top of the list.

Never been to Miami, but must admit the weird "buses" between the concourses at Dulles crossing a taxiway are a joke. Why not an underground walkway (or train even) beneath the taxiway, rather than having traffic crossing a road that should be restricted to planes?

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Relocation of security screening points likely

A plan to relocate the security screening points at Suvarnabhumi airport to free up space for commercial development has come under fire for going against the principle of building an airport. Security screening spots in the passenger terminal of Suvarnabhumi airport will be moved away from the embarkation gates into an area in front of the immigration checkpoints in October to pave the way for commercial development, according to Airport Director Serirat Prasutanont. Serirat said yesterday the planned change from Oct 1 would create plenty of room near the terminal gates for commercial development.

According to him, the relocation of the screening points would also boost security because passengers will then be screened before accessing the restricted zones of the terminal. They would no longer be required to queue up for security checks at the gates. An aviation source, however, said that moving the checkpoints would contradict the general principle of building an airport, which is safety before commercial interests. The AoT may be in it for the profits as larger commercial space, which will likely be set aside for duty-free shopping, would mean bigger revenue.

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Shit. I fly out on Oct 2, if this really goes ahead it's going to be complete chaos. There is no space whatsoever in front of the immigration checkpoints. When I flew out last month the lines for exit immigration were all the way back to the wall separating the check-in area from immigration. How early should we get to the airport now? 4 hours? 5 hours? :o

Don't worry - they didn't say 2 October in which year!

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The AoT may be in it for the profits as larger commercial space, which will likely be set aside for duty-free shopping, would mean bigger revenue.

If they want more revenue they need to sell a greater range of stuff, not necessarily 'have more shops'. There is massive duplication amongst the existing shops because they all belong to Kingpower and all sell the same bloody stuff!

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The shops at Swampy are a waste of space. Most everything is overpriced and available at home for far less.

I think that AOT should make it a second Chattuchak...then people would really shop and load up on their way out of the country. :o

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Some people fail to grasp the very fundamental basics of business. I hear comment that these shops are empty or overpriced, and yet they remain there. So why is that people? Obviously people are buying stuff and they are making a profit - the big brands who run them aren't operating a charity service, for chrissakes. Just cos YOU can't afford them or don't want to buy from them (no doubt preferring a bar that would sell you Chang for 40 baht), doesnt mean hundreds of thousands of other travellers don't want to use them.

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Well I was in Washington DC Dules airport and also Miami International last week and speaking of chaos and badly planned airports, these 2 must must make the top of the list.

Having said that I cannot see how Swampy can relocate the security check around immigration as this would allow departing passengers from Bangkok to mix with arriving passengers making it impossible to take responsibility.

It works in the USA as it is the same TSA which is responsoble as long as you don't touch international flights.

There, international arriving passengers go through a separate screening before being allowed in the domestic gate areas.

Dulles is horrible. No mass transit after hours. During day light the metro still only drops you off half way to the airport.

Gosh I miss the old airport at Don Muang.

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Sad part everytime I go there I don't see anyone shopping, just clerks milling around. :o

Maybe people got smart :D

Price on airports are always high, and on countries were there are no duty what is the meaning of a duty free shop?

In Europe we have at least 20 % VAT on everything....

After the duty free shop had to close inside EU they've put sign like: with duty, same price than before, pathetic.....

I'm talking about normal stuff, cigarettes and liquor, that is trash stuff, have always duty...

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