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One of my friends has been described as being งี้เง่า ngée-ngâo.

I have searched various dictionaries and have failed to find a meaning. Can anyone help me out?

I think it means something like 'persistant' or maybe or maybe 'trivial' as in worrying about minor details.


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One of my friends has been described as being งี้เง่า ngée-ngâo.

I have searched various dictionaries and have failed to find a meaning. Can anyone help me out?

I think it means something like 'persistant' or maybe or maybe 'trivial' as in worrying about minor details.


It mean stupid, foolish, ignorant, brainless, silly, dumb, you get the idea.


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From Thai-language.com;

งี่เง่า [derogatory] [is] stupid; foolish; unintelligent; brainless; dense; dim; half-witted; moronic; obtuse; simple; simple-minded; slow; slow-witted; thick; asinine; daft (informal); idiotic; imbecilic; inane; nonsensical; pointless; rash; senseless; unintelligent

Edited by 5tash
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Yeeeeees, I have just been discussing this with the neighbours and the consensus of opinion is that it depends on the context. If someone providing you with a service ( including bar girls who use this word a lot ) were to call you this they would mean it in the sense I have suggested. But when applied to kids it carries more the meaning as put forward by taxexile or GaiYahng.

Interesting. I have often found that the Thais have words for which we have no parallel. Example : tee-o . I have yet to come across a satisfactory English word that encompasses all the connotations of this most common of Thai words. :o

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Thanks for all the replies. Think I get the picture now.

Funny, I searched thailanguage.com a few times and didn't come up with anything. Searched again now and it came up.

Probably because you first searched for "งี้เง่า" (as you write it on your first post.

The word is written งี่เง่า with mai eak instead of mai toh

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