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Leeco Safe


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I've had this bastard thing for 6 months and it is all but impossible to open. Either I am misunderstanding the Thaiglish instructions or I am just too thick. Actually we have managed to open it a couple of times (after a 1/2 hour struggle) and then left it unlocked, but used the key to access. Problem is, my daughter loves to twirl the combination lock.

Anybody got one of these damned things and knows the trick to opening them?

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I have a couple and haven't had any issues opening them. Sounds like you set the set the combination correctly... (agree that the instructions aren't so good), so I think you only need practice. Now if you set it (changing the default combination) and can't get it open at all, that'd be a problem as there's nothing Leeco can do for you other than drill through the safe.


Edited by Heng
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Yeah, and I think that most people do. Because otherwise the guys who brought your safe in (and typically will show you how to open the safe with the default settings) would know the combination. Granted, I don't know if this is true for all models or not, but I have a few different sizes and they all could be changed ...another reason is so that you wouldn't have to remember several different combinations if you had more than one.


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  • 2 months later...
Right, I have the instructions here and there is no reference to changing the combo. I also have to get the thing open first.

Yey i am in Vientiane Laos and got the same F******problem this morning How did your solve te problem Captbob Vientiane

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Right, I have the instructions here and there is no reference to changing the combo. I also have to get the thing open first.

Yey i am in Vientiane Laos and got the same F******problem this morning How did your solve te problem Captbob Vientiane

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Normally if the combination does not work , you have to SPIN the dial clockwise at least one rotation then start from 0 and first rotation to the right eg , 36 4 times , 22 3 times to the left, 12 2 times to the right,, then last number to the left and open.

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Normally if the combination does not work , you have to SPIN the dial clockwise at least one rotation then start from 0 and first rotation to the right eg , 36 4 times , 22 3 times to the left, 12 2 times to the right,, then last number to the left and open.

I have it worse than any of you! I buried my safe in cement and rebar in a secret cranny behind a steel door. I didn't use it for a long time, and then forgot the combo. Fortunately I gave the combo to a sister in the USA and got it from her again, but have been unable to open it. From what you wrote, I presume that is because I was just going left, right, left, right. I am excited to get home tonight and see if this works. Fortunately I didn't have anything in the safe when I last locked it! I will report back if I am successful.

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Normally if the combination does not work , you have to SPIN the dial clockwise at least one rotation then start from 0 and first rotation to the right eg , 36 4 times , 22 3 times to the left, 12 2 times to the right,, then last number to the left and open.

I have it worse than any of you! I buried my safe in cement and rebar in a secret cranny behind a steel door. I didn't use it for a long time, and then forgot the combo. Fortunately I gave the combo to a sister in the USA and got it from her again, but have been unable to open it. From what you wrote, I presume that is because I was just going left, right, left, right. I am excited to get home tonight and see if this works. Fortunately I didn't have anything in the safe when I last locked it! I will report back if I am successful.

You're excited by opening an empty safe? :o

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As I reported on a similar thread a year or so agao, the knack to opening these combination safes is to drink several bottles of beer first! That seems to loosen up your brain a little and the safe will open in just a couple of seconds of 'knob-spinning'.


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Normally if the combination does not work , you have to SPIN the dial clockwise at least one rotation then start from 0 and first rotation to the right eg , 36 4 times , 22 3 times to the left, 12 2 times to the right,, then last number to the left and open.

I have it worse than any of you! I buried my safe in cement and rebar in a secret cranny behind a steel door. I didn't use it for a long time, and then forgot the combo. Fortunately I gave the combo to a sister in the USA and got it from her again, but have been unable to open it. From what you wrote, I presume that is because I was just going left, right, left, right. I am excited to get home tonight and see if this works. Fortunately I didn't have anything in the safe when I last locked it! I will report back if I am successful.

You're excited by opening an empty safe? :o

Tell me how you put something in a safe you cannot open? :D

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Normally if the combination does not work , you have to SPIN the dial clockwise at least one rotation then start from 0 and first rotation to the right eg , 36 4 times , 22 3 times to the left, 12 2 times to the right,, then last number to the left and open.

Brilliant thaipod, brilliant. Got home, picked up the sheet with the numbers, followed your instructions, opened safe first time! Now I need to get a shovel so I can stuff all the cash in there! :o

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When our house was being built, I had a brainwave idea to include a ''safe or strong room''. Not really a room but a hidden pit built deep into the floor inside one of the cupboards.

My previous experiences with those twirly dial safes used to pi$$ me off no end, an electronic safe, with a digital panel for inputting your combination. Power to the electonics is with AA batteries. When the batteries expire, and you dont have any replacement batteries to hand, you can prize off the panel and there is a lock underneath in which you can open with the supplied backup key.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, me and the missus split-up, i get to do what i want with the house, but she owns the land underneath, including the safe and all the gold bullion!

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Normally if the combination does not work , you have to SPIN the dial clockwise at least one rotation then start from 0 and first rotation to the right eg , 36 4 times , 22 3 times to the left, 12 2 times to the right,, then last number to the left and open.

Brilliant thaipod, brilliant. Got home, picked up the sheet with the numbers, followed your instructions, opened safe first time! Now I need to get a shovel so I can stuff all the cash in there! :D

Yup ^^^ when I worked for a 'certain' agency in the UK we had dial-type combo locks. To get the ruddy things to open reliably you had to spin them clockwise at least 4 or 5 times (the book said once) to get it totally confused, at which point it would willingly give up its contents.

Now, changing the combo (which was supposed to be done once a month) was another issue altogether :o

Edited by Crossy
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This knowledge might come very handy over New Year holidays when all super rich people go on vacations and leave their safes at home.

I hope their have workin internet connections there in case I forget which way to spin those knobs so I can check on Thaivisa in real time.

Looking forward to the holidays already.

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As coincidence would have it I watched one of those most shocking criminal shows last night. A group of thieves tried for a couple of hours to crack some safes. Eventually one of them used the shops computer to access the internet for ideas on safe cracking. He found the info he was after and quickly cracked the safe. Pity they forgot to stop the cctv.

Plus, disconnect your internet during the holidays. :o

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Disconnect the Internet?

How's that possible? Ok, can delete the login and password (and suffer the consequences), but asking someone like True to cancel your Hi-Speed and then reactivate it again after a few days is a major pain in the ass.

There are plenty of videos on youtube that tell all kinds of tricks about opening simple combination locks. It is susprisingly easy if you invest time and effort.

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If you buy one of those tiny security cameras and hook it up to your PC, direct the camera at your safe, you can then logon remotely over internet from anywhere in the world - and watch the buggers steal your stuff!

Of course you would have to hide the computer somewhere. (Not many lofts in thailand are there?)

So your computer goes in the safe! (Or dig another hole/pit in the ground)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Normally if the combination does not work , you have to SPIN the dial clockwise at least one rotation then start from 0 and first rotation to the right eg , 36 4 times , 22 3 times to the left, 12 2 times to the right,, then last number to the left and open.

I followed the instructions but what 's the last number ? r You mean 99 or something? I've had the same problems as vegas. I have the key but i can't remember the number. Help me plz!!

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  • 1 month later...

the final number on mine was 0 when it arrived but it says that you shouldn't set the last number as zero...

well i'm failing today's test as the leeco safe was delivered today, with a key to change the combinations.. WOOO! but what is hard is trying to get the key into the hole...

am i missing something? is the hole really there?

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Ok, i got it figured...

the thai version and the english version are different...........

the Thai version said that i had to push a button that makes the safe think that its shut, then you dial in the combo using the "change combo marker" then you put the key in the back and turn it...... then you can dial in the new combo...


and in response to metropolis, the final number is still zero and you can feel the links click in

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the final number on mine was 0 when it arrived but it says that you shouldn't set the last number as zero...

well i'm failing today's test as the leeco safe was delivered today, with a key to change the combinations.. WOOO! but what is hard is trying to get the key into the hole...

am i missing something? is the hole really there?

If there are 4 numbers

The last number means the 4th Number

So if your 4 numbers are 36 22 12 47 - then your last number is 47.

To insert the Change key - you have to dial in the 4 numbers lining them up to the "Change Combo Marker"

- BUT you must STOP AT the 4th Number.

The holes in the Tumblers are then lined up - you can insert the Change key and turn it.

This unlocks the tumblers

You can then dial in and set your new combination - then turn the change key back again

- which will lock the new numbers in the tumblers.

When dialing a number it is imperative that you do NOT pass that number

and the dial should be turned SLOWLY - NOT "Spun"

If you are dialing say 36 and you go past it - you cannot just turn the dial back to 36

you must start over from the begining.


Edited by WilliamIV
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  • 1 month later...
I've had this bastard thing for 6 months and it is all but impossible to open. Either I am misunderstanding the Thaiglish instructions or I am just too thick. Actually we have managed to open it a couple of times (after a 1/2 hour struggle) and then left it unlocked, but used the key to access. Problem is, my daughter loves to twirl the combination lock.

Anybody got one of these damned things and knows the trick to opening them?

From personal experience, I can advise that Leeco Safes a pretty naff. Any respectable Thai crook can easily break into a Leeco using only household tools in just 20-30mins without breaking into a sweat :o

I reckon the only people who can't open them are stupid Farang trying to make head or tail of the Thaiglish Instructions after one too many beers...

Leecos construction technique appears to utilise old spam tins hammerred flat then soldered together... filled with plaster of Paris, and with a nice paint job on top. It's just like everything else here in Thailand 'it looks good, but has no substance underneath'

Our company recently had a professional Police safecracker with us for a week of training. From his lengthy comments, I can only assume that your only chance of not being robbed of your valuables kept in a Leeco safe would be if the safe cracker died laughing at Leecos shoddy workmanship :D

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The same can be said for most stand alone barriers. The key is to layer your security and not to forget the human element.


Yeh not exactly, the more money you spend the more time it buys, I have seen a video on youtube of a safe mob here in Australia getting into a safe like those Leko ones, they use a screw driver to pierce the outer layer than a can opener(yes an ordinary can opener) to cut a hole large enough to fit your hand through, then with a stanley knife(box cutter) and screw driver cut away the barrier material then cut the inside skin again with the can opener.

I had safe tech out servicing my safes at work and he can open my manipulaion like you see in the movies, I have an ex australian government safe that were manipulation proof, the idea being no one could open the safe and take a peek at governement files without anyone knowing, he is even able to get into one of these.

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OK guys, without too much expense, what is the best make to buy. I know your probably going to say chubb, but is there a cheaper one which may be as good? :o (bearing in mind the average Thai house burglar is not a pro)

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