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Retirement Extension - Pension Income Requirement

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Regarding the following requirement for a retirement extension - A guarantee-letter from The Embassy or Consulate, proving the monthly pension or income of the applicant not less than 65,000 baht per month - what does the embassy or consulate (Canada in my particular situation) usually require as proof/documentation in order to provide this letter? Would an original pension statement for the current calendar year suffice?

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Since you are from Canada. Here is contact info for the consular section of embassy.


Thanks - I have emailed them with the question and will post their reply once received...

WOW - their office can't be that busy... got a reply in less than 15 minutes... :o

Their response:

Hello Mr. Sunluvr, (name changed to protect the innocent)

Please find the answers to your questions.

Our service are during 09:00-12:00noon, Monday to Friday.

Should you have further question, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Chitmanee Charnpinyo

Senior Consular Program Assistant

Embassy of Canada/Ambassade du Canada

15th Floor/15e étage, Abdulrahim Place

990 Rama IV Road / 990 rue Rama IV

Bangkok, Thailand 10500

Telephone/téléphone: 0 2636-0540 ext. 3341

Fax/télécopieur: 0 2636-0555

E-mail/courriel: [email protected]

(attached file shown below)



I, ________________________________________, born on ____________________, holder of

Canadian passport number __________________, hereby affirm on _________________ that:

I receive monthly pension income and/or other types of income in the amount of


The purpose of this affidavit is




Signed _______________________


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I find it a little strange that your embassy just require a sworn affidavit. In Phuket I have to supply documentation from my pension provider to my Consular Official and to Phuket Immigration for them to accept my pension as income. Only then do they supply a letter to confirm my pension. I would check at your local immigration office to see if a sworn affidavit is sufficiant.

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I find it a little strange that your embassy just require a sworn affidavit. In Phuket I have to supply documentation from my pension provider to my Consular Official and to Phuket Immigration for them to accept my pension as income. Only then do they supply a letter to confirm my pension. I would check at your local immigration office to see if a sworn affidavit is sufficiant.

Nothing strange about it at all.

The affidavit is all thats required.

The US does it exactly the same way and probably others besides Canada.

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Hi Melbat,

This is quite normal for expats from USA and Canada. It was explained to me by an Immigration Officer that this was one of the reasons that they were going to introduce the "MFA Certification" some time back. (thankfully they changed their minds). But he said that UK expats have to produce documents at the Embassy / Consulate and Immigration trust the letter that is then produced for us, however, they had reservations about some of the avidavits coming from USA and Canada, so they wanted MFA to varify them.

It might be that he was spinning me a load of BS, but it certainly made sense at the time.

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Since you are from Canada. Here is contact info for the consular section of embassy.


Thanks - I have emailed them with the question and will post their reply once received...
WOW - their office can't be that busy... got a reply in less than 15 minutes... :o


You have your answer. Now just get your o-visa an you will be good to go.


Edit: Just ignore negative posts about the affidavit. Be aware though that some immigration offices (for all applicants not just those with an affidavit) will want to see a bank book that shows some money brought in from outside the country and some money in the account. So it might be a good idea to open an account when you first get here and move in a little money just in case. You won't need a letter from bank for this as long as your affidavit shows the equivalent of 65,000 baht or more.

Edited by ubonjoe
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Got your answer. Now just get your o-visa an you will be good to go.


Occasionally some Immigration Offices will want to see some evidence of income to back up the Embassy proof.

So take that along just in case.

Usually they don't but you never know.

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WOOOPS - I was a little hasty in posting their response and didn't see their total reply (including my original questions) initially. Here is the rest of their reply:

From: Mr Sunluvr

Sent: October 31, 2008 10:27 AM


Subject: Guarantee letter re pension income

In order to apply for a 1-year extension of a non-immigrant O visa within Thailand, they require "A guarantee-letter from The Embassy or Consulate, proving the monthly pension or income of the applicant not less than 65,000 baht per month." I have a few questions relating to this:

1) Can you tell me what documentation or proof you require in order to provide such a letter? Would a pension statement for the current calendar year suffice?

Answer: A pension statement would be sufficient. Please also bring your passport.

2) Is there a cost associated with providing this letter? If so, how much?

Answer: Yes, a fee of THB 1.400.- would be required.

3) Is the letter available on the same day as it is requested?

Answer: Yes, the letter is available on the same morning.


Mr Sunluvr

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