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Pad Fascists


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This is another sad decison by courts that are politcal pawns:

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law



November 26, 2008

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law

Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers. That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful. About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


I couldn't agree more. I have lost a great deal of respect for this country and it's so called leaders. I feel for the stranded tourists who must be infuriated about what has happened to them.

Similar circumstance occurred in Germany in 1923 and more recently in Myanmar 1962 as well as many other countries when a few idiots decide they can come up with a better political system.

Where will this end?

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This is another sad decison by courts that are politcal pawns:

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law



November 26, 2008

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law

Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers. That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful. About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


I couldn't agree more. I have lost a great deal of respect for this country and it's so called leaders. I feel for the stranded tourists who must be infuriated about what has happened to them.

Similar circumstance occurred in Germany in 1923 and more recently in Myanmar 1962 as well as many other countries when a few idiots decide they can come up with a better political system.

In Germany, the idiot had been elected.

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The government was freely elected and did everything it could to settle this thing peacefully from the time it started.

The PAD tried to force the Army into staging another coup and for months caused everyone from school children to tourists as much inconvenience as possible without a care for anyone but themselves. There is really no comparing the behavior of the two groups. :o

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Mirriam Webster defines Fascist as

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

So let's take this apart ---

the PAD is actually a movement -- so one check

That exalts Nation/Race ---- hmm nope That would be a defining Characteristic of TRT (Thai Rak Thai)

Dictatorial Leader ---- Nope -- no singular leader nor any call for a singular dictatorial leader. Now Thaksin on the other hand was a dictatorial leader!

Severe economic regimentation? --- not being called for by the PAD but was a cornerstone of TRT

Social Regimentation? --- not being called for by the PAD though admittedly some people (TV posters) seem to try to be making a case for this. (Who was it that destroyed the checks and balances needed for Democracy to exist? oh yeah that was Thaksin too!)

Forcible suppression of opposition? ---- Who has been using force and violence? Oh yeah! the UDD (backed by Thaksin) Only group with a history of using force? Think Tak Bai and the "war on drugs"

The PAD is a peaceful (for the very most part) group pushing for change in a system that is so corrupt that the PPP Government was holding rallies for a convicted ex-pm that is on the run from justice in Thailand.

edit --- gotta laugh at UG's use of "freely elected"!

Edited by jdinasia
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The government was freely elected and did everything it could to settle this thing peacefully from the time it started.

The PAD tried to force the Army into staging another coup and for months caused everyone from school children to tourists as much inconvenience as possible without a care for anyone but themselves. There is really no comparing the behavior of the two groups. :o

Unfortunately the court had a different opinion.

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At the end of the day, it seems to me that this clash has been really more about bent egos and lost power ploys than conflicting ideologies. There must be a deep genetic trait buried in the chromosomes of certain Orientals in general and the Thai in particular that refuses to accept that someone or some group is better than they are...and they cannot accept any kind of censure or personal criticism that causes them to lose face. And when 'face' becomes an issue, they will fight like wild mongrels to maintain it. Even if it bankrupts their family, company or country in the process.

When we have similar clashes of public personnas in the West, the loser (or losing group) skulks off to lick his/their wounds but do not take over a key government compound and two international airports serving a major regional transportation hub. For instance, after November 7th, I didn't see the American GOP party try to 'get even' by storming the White House or having their constituents attack and occupy Reagan and Dulles airports. Above all we westerners value our individual rights of personal freedom, to expect that we can live in peace without fear of revolution and insurrection; we also expect to enjoy our refined and improved ways of life in the West that have been won after so much bloodshed and hard work. This then becomes a sad commentary on what Thailand is missing and perhaps will never have, even though the vast majority of its citizens want nothing more. They are forced by their circumstances to be subject to the twin hammerlocks of incompetence and corruption. Very sad indeed.

These events over the past week are not new in the manner in which opposing political factions have fought each other; the new dimension to this perennial issue has been the brazen seizure of public property and catastrophic economic loss to Thailand, and the rude treatment of its foreign visitors who all came here naively expecting to relax and enjoy a well-earned vacation in an exotic and fabled land. For these criminal acts and grievances the PAD ringleaders should be held thoroughly accountable and given appropriately harsh punishments by the highest authority in the land to deter recurrences of this type in the future. Or there is a very strong possibility that it will happen again the next time someone gets his feelings hurt or stands to lose all their marbles in the game of politics. Endeth the sermon and off my soapbox. Thanks to TV for allowing me to state my opinion.

Edited by skyman
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here's the blame game:

police and/security for not doing their job in securing the airport: 99%

P.A.D. fascists: 1%

I propose every one of these trespassors be jailed at least a year. and they should be charged with false impriosionment for all the people who wanted to leave or were schedule to leave thailand, but were forced to stay here longer than they wanteed;

i changed my mind: two years prison for each and everyone of them and i will contribute to a fund to keep them in jail if needed, and i'm sure the 100,000 others delayed by their actions would contribute to the fund too. and i don't care if they are grannies or sick or whatever. they are criminals even worse than the governemtn crooks they say they dont like;

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The PAD never claimed to be 'legally elected' or 'freely elected'. They are a protest movement organisation, bearing tactical similarites with the SDS or the Yippies in America in the late 1960s.

The German and Italian fascist movements of preWWII Europe gained footholds as 'freely' elected parties.

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I was talking about the opposition parties who support the PAD and also bought votes and are just as "corrupt" as the PPP, but seem to have more pull in the courts. :o

Or simply do not participate in vote buying systemically ---

But to say that any group (particularly the Democrats) support the PAD is facile. The Democrats would lose much of what they are goal oriented to want by supporting the PAD. They may share common goals at times, like wanting to see the PPP get nailed for voting fraud, but that doesn't prove that they want anything similar to some of the PAD's stated goals. The Democrats have been around a LONG time and want to stick around so are just smart enough to not do the things (as a group) that people suggest in here.

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Well at least a lot of people in Thailand have the courage to protest against something they do not agree with.

And see, I do not choose sides.


A lot of so called first world country's citizens should follow their example when looking at recent debacles in the financial industry.

Instead they go for the great sales promotion to get something useless that they really could not afford and in the action (stampede) kill a person.

Enjoy the "cheap" fuel while you (still) can.



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The government was freely elected and did everything it could to settle this thing peacefully from the time it started.

The PAD tried to force the Army into staging another coup and for months caused everyone from school children to tourists as much inconvenience as possible without a care for anyone but themselves. There is really no comparing the behavior of the two groups. :o

Unfortunately the court had a different opinion.

There you go again.

The court had no opinion. It handed down the Juntas opinion as it was told to do. Coup on now.

This junta are now going to get nationalist like last time with FBA and visa regs etc.

As many Thais will lose jobs through recession and now this, they will edge out as many foreigners as possible hoping that an "educated" thai could manage a falang oriented company.

I like a good coup as it gives the hi-so's a chance to show the world what a bunch of fascist retards they are.

Just like last time. It wasn't long before the Junta and its puppets were the laughing stock of the world. Bring is on Anupong, lets see the poicies now.

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The PAD never claimed to be 'legally elected' or 'freely elected'. They are a protest movement organisation, bearing tactical similarites with the SDS or the Yippies in America in the late 1960s.

That is the most bizarre analogy that I've ever heard I think. What comparison do you offer with the Yippies ? What did they ever occupy ? When did they ever hold a government to ransom for any reason ? And come to think of it when were PAD ever into psychedelia ?

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Obvious trolling as the same message was posted by OP in a message in a different tread.

The message contained in the OP wasn't posted by the original poster, it was from a different troll, in a different thread.


But since when are new threads started with a post from another thread that is still open and actively being discussed? :D :D


Edited by sriracha john
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The PAD never claimed to be 'legally elected' or 'freely elected'. They are a protest movement organisation, bearing tactical similarites with the SDS or the Yippies in America in the late 1960s.

That is the most bizarre analogy that I've ever heard I think. What comparison do you offer with the Yippies ? What did they ever occupy ? When did they ever hold a government to ransom for any reason ? And come to think of it when were PAD ever into psychedelia ?

The point is to put all the blame on PAD for their actions and bizarre political positions while allowing the groups that are behind them to claim innocence. :o

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The PAD never claimed to be 'legally elected' or 'freely elected'. They are a protest movement organisation, bearing tactical similarites with the SDS or the Yippies in America in the late 1960s.

That is the most bizarre analogy that I've ever heard I think. What comparison do you offer with the Yippies ? What did they ever occupy ? When did they ever hold a government to ransom for any reason ? And come to think of it when were PAD ever into psychedelia ?

The point is to put all the blame on PAD for their actions and bizarre political positions while allowing the groups that are behind them to claim innocence. :o

Or is it to leave the government innocent .... :D

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At the end of the day, it seems to me that this clash has been really more about bent egos and lost power ploys than conflicting ideologies. There must be a deep genetic trait buried in the chromosomes of certain Orientals in general and the Thai in particular that refuses to accept that someone or some group is better than they are...and they cannot accept any kind of censure or personal criticism that causes them to lose face. And when 'face' becomes an issue, they will fight like wild mongrels to maintain it. Even if it bankrupts their family, company or country in the process.

When we have similar clashes of public personnas in the West, the loser (or losing group) skulks off to lick his/their wounds but do not take over a key government compound and two international airports serving a major regional transportation hub. For instance, after November 7th, I didn't see the American GOP party try to 'get even' by storming the White House or having their constituents attack and occupy Reagan and Dulles airports. Above all we westerners value our individual rights of personal freedom, to expect that we can live in peace without fear of revolution and insurrection; we also expect to enjoy our refined and improved ways of life in the West that have been won after so much bloodshed and hard work. This then becomes a sad commentary on what Thailand is missing and perhaps will never have, even though the vast majority of its citizens want nothing more. They are forced by their circumstances to be subject to the twin hammerlocks of incompetence and corruption. Very sad indeed.

These events over the past week are not new in the manner in which opposing political factions have fought each other; the new dimension to this perennial issue has been the brazen seizure of public property and catastrophic economic loss to Thailand, and the rude treatment of its foreign visitors who all came here naively expecting to relax and enjoy a well-earned vacation in an exotic and fabled land. For these criminal acts and grievances the PAD ringleaders should be held thoroughly accountable and given appropriately harsh punishments by the highest authority in the land to deter recurrences of this type in the future. Or there is a very strong possibility that it will happen again the next time someone gets his feelings hurt or stands to lose all their marbles in the game of politics. Endeth the sermon and off my soapbox. Thanks to TV for allowing me to state my opinion.

Thank you for stating my thoughts so eloquently RE genetic traits -

Democracy requires adults , or at leat old enough to play quietly at home alone for a few hours , Thais , with their " Loss of Face" issues, lack of training in independent thought, are incapable of it... a bad thing from a western perspective, from a Thai view, lying and corruption, both anti-democratic actions are validated as an end to a means and it's my problem for attempting to inflict my western notions of honour upon a people that view it as ..an annoying, silly hindrance .

Thanks for letting us all write our opinions too, TV

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