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Stansted Closed By Protestors


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I think the point is more that Thailand is the only country where they would be allowed to stay there for a week.

Lets wait to see how long it takes the UK Police to remove this lot. My guess it that they'll already be gone.

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At least it's only Stanstead, and not one of the main Internatiol airports!! :D:D

Maybe not on the same level as the Row and Wick but if you were on a cheapy to KL-Los....?? :o

recent addition.... :D

Stansted welcomes new Asia link and first low-cost connection to Australia

25 November 2008

Stansted Airport is today celebrating its selection by AirAsia X as the UK gateway from which the airline will launch the first low-cost, non-stop flights between London and Kuala Lumpur next year.

The new service also revolutionises long-haul travel from the UK, offering the first low-cost air link to Australia from the UK too.

Police recon that they should have the plane stupit idiots in the poky within the next hour or so.....

No coloured T shirts seen...its fffffff ing FREEZING out there.......Brrrrr... :D

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And how about this .....

HONG KONG - About 1,000 Hong Kong taxi drivers went on an impromptu strike over a new fare policy, blocking roads around the airport and causing traffic chaos, the latest in a series of cabbie complaints across China.

Police said 22 taxis were towed away from the airport highway late on Wednesday and traffic was back to normal early on Thursday.

Twenty-four drivers were arrested for "disorderly conduct in a public place" and all the men, aged between 36 and 60, had been released on bail, a police spokeswoman said.

A minor dispute over fares on Wednesday night escalated, with around 1,000 drivers joining ranks to block all three lanes of the only feeder highway from the airport to the city, the Apple Daily newspaper reported.

Police action included "forcefully breaking taxi windows to get into the taxis to drive them away, or to tow the taxis away from the scene", the newspaper said.

The new fare structure reportedly hurt the business of Hong Kong's "green" taxis serving the northern New Territories on longer haul trips, leading passengers to opt for "red" urban taxis instead.

Another group of around 100 taxi drivers also blocked roads downtown near Hong Kong's race course on Hong Kong island.

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At least it's only Stanstead, and not one of the main Internatiol airports!! :o:D

Must be a long time since you went to LONDON STANSTED (International) Airport right?

Ironically that was also a US Airbase with one of the longest runways in UK Just as UTP was a USAF base with one of the longest runways around.

If anyone has a mind to, look on Google Earth at:



You can actually see a plane on short finals just over the M11 Motorway.

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THe protesters were stopped and contained by airport security,but suceded insofar as they shut the placed own for a while.

Commercial director of Stansted airport Nick Bartham said on the BBC's Today program that "We don't aim to run an airport as a fortress."

When asked if protest delays will become part of the travel scene like fog and snow delays he said British Airports Authority had no issue with lawful protests he wouldn't expect pasengers to tolerate unlawful protest like this one, as they (BAA) don't.

The difference with the Swampy protest is that whereas the small number of Stanstead protesters went in through the closely monitored perimeter fence, that PAD arrived in huge numbers through the public entrances and by the time airportstaff realized somthing was going on the occupation had established itself.

What I would not expect to happen in the UK is for the airport to be completely abandoned with protesters getting access unhindered beyond the public check-in areas and to get onto the runways and into flight control.

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At least it's only Stanstead, and not one of the main Internatiol airports!! :o:D

Must be a long time since you went to LONDON STANSTED (International) Airport right?

Ironically that was also a US Airbase with one of the longest runways in UK Just as UTP was a USAF base with one of the longest runways around.

If anyone has a mind to, look on Google Earth at:



You can actually see a plane on short finals just over the M11 Motorway.

Yes you're right it is a few decades since !!

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Keeping things in perspective, let's spot the difference in post protest prospective treatment.

Chief Superintendent Ian Gruneberg from Stansted Airport the protesters had cut their way into the airport through a metal security fence, but added that security staff at BAA had been scouring the terminal to make sure all the protesters had been contained.

He said: "These people are criminals. What they've done to the fence is criminal damage.

"They will be arrested and dealt with by the courts. They've disrupted law-abiding people because flights have had to be cancelled."


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Keeping things in perspective, let's spot the difference in post protest prospective treatment.
Chief Superintendent Ian Gruneberg from Stansted Airport the protesters had cut their way into the airport through a metal security fence, but added that security staff at BAA had been scouring the terminal to make sure all the protesters had been contained.

He said: "These people are criminals. What they've done to the fence is criminal damage.

"They will be arrested and dealt with by the courts. They've disrupted law-abiding people because flights have had to be cancelled."


protestors storm an airport, shut it down and within 2 hours are all rounded up and sent to jail..... mmmm maybe someone should send this to AOT or TOT or BiB, and let them know this is how you deal with the PAD next time...

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All protestors removed, 39 arrested and facing criminal charges.

Total delay time 2 hours.

A lesson in law enforcement from Essex Police

Hmmmm - unlike the people that highjacked a plane a few years ago, landed at Stansted, claimed and were granted political asylum. Link.

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Before anyone gloats about the Stansted police, 54 protesters or a couple of thousand, that's a BIG difference.

Not that I condone the PAD actions. Just trying to keep everything in perspective.




Come on, perspective?

Swammpy was closed for nearly a week, and it is still not fully operational, whatever BS AOT comes up with. The BIB had plenty of time to organise crowd control, and prevent the PAD from encamping at the airport, they chose not to. It is also doubtful that anyone will really be prosecuted for the disruptions.

I'm sure that if Stansted was to experience a PAD takeover, it would not last long, and they would be disperesed pretty quick, and whisked off to court and prosecuted.

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Before anyone gloats about the Stansted police, 54 protesters or a couple of thousand, that's a BIG difference.

Not that I condone the PAD actions. Just trying to keep everything in perspective.




Come on, perspective?

Swammpy was closed for nearly a week, and it is still not fully operational, whatever BS AOT comes up with. The BIB had plenty of time to organise crowd control, and prevent the PAD from encamping at the airport, they chose not to. It is also doubtful that anyone will really be prosecuted for the disruptions.

I'm sure that if Stansted was to experience a PAD takeover, it would not last long, and they would be disperesed pretty quick, and whisked off to court and prosecuted.

OK if you say so.

Explain to me why there's no difference between a small group of peaceful protesters, and a couple of thousand protesters of which many were armed to the teeth.

Once again I do not condone the actions of the PAD, as a matter of fact I have been delayed by a week for my regular trip to Europe, but refuse to be bothered by it.

It's just that I am sick and tired of the posts claiming it would never happen in Britain.

Well it has happened albeit on a much smaller scale.



p.s let's also not forget who and what was behind the PAD actions.

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In the UK as in other first world countries the police and other forces work to the orders of their democratically elected government. Hence when an airport is closed by demonstrators the police go in make arrests and open the airport. Doesn't matter if it's 50, 500, or 5,000 people it would happen in any western country.

In Thailand the forces take a somewhat different view. When Swampy was closed it didn't suit various forces individual agendas. This meant no real action was taken, Swampy remained closed and Thailand became a laughing stock to the outside world.

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Before anyone gloats about the Stansted police, 54 protesters or a couple of thousand, that's a BIG difference.

Not that I condone the PAD actions. Just trying to keep everything in perspective.




Come on, perspective?

Swammpy was closed for nearly a week, and it is still not fully operational, whatever BS AOT comes up with. The BIB had plenty of time to organise crowd control, and prevent the PAD from encamping at the airport, they chose not to. It is also doubtful that anyone will really be prosecuted for the disruptions.

I'm sure that if Stansted was to experience a PAD takeover, it would not last long, and they would be disperesed pretty quick, and whisked off to court and prosecuted.

OK if you say so.

Explain to me why there's no difference between a small group of peaceful protesters, and a couple of thousand protesters of which many were armed to the teeth.Once again I do not condone the actions of the PAD, as a matter of fact I have been delayed by a week for my regular trip to Europe, but refuse to be bothered by it.

It's just that I am sick and tired of the posts claiming it would never happen in Britain.

Well it has happened albeit on a much smaller scale.



p.s let's also not forget who and what was behind the PAD actions.

The rule of law, and the way that police operate has something to do with it. Do you think for one moment that the Police in the UK or the US for example would allow what happened at Swammpy to happen? The fact that the PAD were armed is of little relevence. I'm pretty certain that a competent police force would have prevented that occupation in the first place, and if not they wouldn't have waited 6 days. We have already seen the BIB's idea of crowd dispersal at government house in Ocober, a total shambles.

As for your last sentence, yes I know what you are saying, but I doubt that the imcompetent and corrupt BIB would have done much anyhow.

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The rule of law, and the way that police operate has something to do with it. Do you think for one moment that the Police in the UK or the US for example would allow what happened at Swammpy to happen? The fact that the PAD were armed is of little relevence. I'm pretty certain that a competent police force would have prevented that occupation in the first place, and if not they wouldn't have waited 6 days. We have already seen the BIB's idea of crowd dispersal at government house in Ocober, a total shambles.

As for your last sentence, yes I know what you are saying, but I doubt that the imcompetent and corrupt BIB would have done much anyhow.

Excuse me, but for me the most important thing about the outcome is that there was no bloodshed. As a matter of fact this should be applauded.

Just my opinion, you don't have to agree with me.

I've lived for nearly 20 years in this country, have witnessed many a crisis in this period, and I have to give it to the Thai people, they have always bounced back.

Granted there will be a backlash on the tourism industry but in my opinion this has as much to do with the current worldwide financial crisis as with the happenings at Suvarnabhumi.

Just my 2 cents

No malice intended.


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Here's just a small number of instances where a few people have inconvenienced the many....

French Polynesia 3 day port blockade 2005

Spain 3 day truck blockades border crossings & main roads 2008

Poland 1 week traffic jam on eastern borders (customs officers dispute) & truck blockade of Warsaw to protest traffic jam 2008

Poland railway workersblockade tracks 2007

Australia - Sydney airport blockaded by 6000- 10000 1 day 1994

Greece - Athens airport shutdown 24 hours due to strike 2008

Israel Ben Gurion airport shutdown 24 hours due to strike 2004

Italy Rome Ciampino airport shutown 2 days 2008

Civil disobedience India in the 1930's

US Civil Rights movement in the 1960's

US Anti Vietnam protests 60's & 70's

British America 1760's - 1775

Philippines People Power

Chile street protests after the overthrow of the Allende govt. 1973

China Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

Burma street protests 2007

Civil rights & civil disobedience actions in numerous countries around the world.

Union picket lines

Thailand airport blockade 2008

Whether you support some, all or none of the above, the act of blockading, marching, demonstrating etc in public places is a legitimate & valid form of political expression. The Thai's have every right to exercise this form of political action if they so chose.

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In the UK as in other first world countries the police and other forces work to the orders of their democratically elected government. Hence when an airport is closed by demonstrators the police go in make arrests and open the airport. Doesn't matter if it's 50, 500, or 5,000 people it would happen in any western country.

In Thailand the forces take a somewhat different view. When Swampy was closed it didn't suit various forces individual agendas. This meant no real action was taken, Swampy remained closed and Thailand became a laughing stock to the outside world.

Hmm, I use the words 'democractically elected in the first-world' with great generousity considering they are as crooked and bent as the Asians.

In LOS there is a different veneer of civilisation and it often surpasses the first-world :o

The PAD protesters in Swampy actually achieved what a lot of moaners and whingers who begrudge the government back in the UK could only dream of.

They took on the establishment and won!

They did it through force of numbers, something that's impossible to do now in the UK legally as the police can disperce gatherings under 'anti-terrorism' laws!

So if you try doing that in the UK you'd be locked up for 42 days on terrorism charges!

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In the UK as in other first world countries the police and other forces work to the orders of their democratically elected government. Hence when an airport is closed by demonstrators the police go in make arrests and open the airport. Doesn't matter if it's 50, 500, or 5,000 people it would happen in any western country.

In Thailand the forces take a somewhat different view. When Swampy was closed it didn't suit various forces individual agendas. This meant no real action was taken, Swampy remained closed and Thailand became a laughing stock to the outside world.

Hmm, I use the words 'democractically elected in the first-world' with great generousity considering they are as crooked and bent as the Asians.

In LOS there is a different veneer of civilisation and it often surpasses the first-world :o

The PAD protesters in Swampy actually achieved what a lot of moaners and whingers who begrudge the government back in the UK could only dream of.

They took on the establishment and won!

They did it through force of numbers, something that's impossible to do now in the UK legally as the police can disperce gatherings under 'anti-terrorism' laws!

So if you try doing that in the UK you'd be locked up for 42 days on terrorism charges!

I agree generally with what you are saying apart from one thing. Once the state of emergency at bkk airport was called then the protestors were actually acting ilegally and not legally as per rules of the state emergency.

Also to say that Uk is as currupt as certain Asian countries is a bit naive, depending on your own definition of curruption and which country you referring to. Maybe your definition of curruption is currupted?

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I guess the difference is that the UK protestors who delayed some flights for about 2 hours will feel the full force of the law, while the PAD occupiers who have done real damage to the Thai economy and spoilt a lot of holidays will get off scot free.

Edited by citizen33
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