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I recently had some news of the p2p scene ...

bad news indeed :o

some site are closing due to problems with the laws ...

happened in Holland, France, Usa ...

for those who know some sites ...

youceff.com is closed already :D

and it should be followed by others.

some majors in Usa complained and the result arrives now!

this may concern only europe and states but anyway a big part of the web is in danger.


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francois - Over the last few years, the music and motion picture industry have been filing law suits against individuals who uploaded/downloaded copyrighted material via P2P networks. Most of those individuals sued, have settled out of court, agreeing to stop their P2P activities and paying an average $3,000 (US) in damages.

This is similar to what Microsoft and other software companies were doing, to shutdown many warez (pirate software) websites. In Microsoft's case, the million or so $ they collected in damages, were donated to charity. (I'm sure they also took a tax writeoff for that donation.)

It was recently reported, the annual sale of "counterfit" products in the USA alone (everything from watches to medicine to aircraft parts) is a 1 trillion dollar business, and growing rapidly. Not a very pleasent thought while flying at 40,000 feet from SFO, CDG or LHR to BKK, wondering if the bolts holding your aircraft's wings on, are counterfit. :o

I've also heard that 95%+ of "western" products offered for sale in Asia, are counterfit. You may recall the recent case of "counterfit baby formula" in China, which resulted in many infant deaths and illnesses.

I wouldn't worry too much about the current P2P crackdown. Its somewhat like seeing one cockroach in your kitchen. For every one you see, there are a hundred more hiding elsewhere.

Music industry sales declined 15-25% after the original Napster was shutdown. Now many of those music industry execs realize, Napster and the other similar outlets actually contributed to increased music sales. Back in the late 1940's, the movie industry wouldn't allow films to be broadcast on TV for fear people wouldn't go out to theatres. Then the same thing happened when home video recorders (VHS/Beta) came along. Today, over 60% of motion picture profits come from video sales alone, so they're not starving, yet.

As the old saying goes. "don't worry about things over which you have no control".



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Learn how to use IRC. There are many networks with very active P2P channels that would be near impossible to shut down. Its been there before the web, and fortunately gets ignored by the pop-culture blinded lawyers.


Then try ircnet, efnet, undernet, worldchat, or any other of them, except dalnet which doesn't allow file trading.

Fortunately when I d/l in Canada it's legal because I pay a tax on every blank cd/dvd/tape that goes to SOCAN and gets distributed among artists.

In Thailand I can get all the mp3s I need at the university market (CM) on cd for pennies.


Edited by cdnvic
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Here's a novel idea, why not PAY for music and film instead of supporting the illegal acvtivity which is damaging it, and don't bother pasting some news article claiming otherwise. Not paying for music and film is theft.-peter

Personally I pay for music- download freebies to see if they are worth paying for.

Forget about downloading movies much easier to buy one at 150THB than waste time to download.

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Here's a novel idea, why not PAY for music and film instead of supporting the illegal acvtivity which is damaging it, and don't bother pasting some news article claiming otherwise. Not paying for music and film is theft.-peter

Like I told you..... I pay taxes on my cds/mp3 player, etc, and it is NOT illegal. American lawyers do not rule my world no matter what they think peter. It's written into Canadian law, not some newspaper. It's accepted by SOCAN who handles music rights for all artists selling within the country.

Go be a self rightous twit somewhere else.


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Here's a novel idea, why not PAY for music and film instead of supporting the illegal acvtivity which is damaging it, and don't bother pasting some news article claiming otherwise. Not paying for music and film is theft.-peter

:D theft?? lol, If I take your mercedes, I have one and you miss one. :o If I download a music which I would never buy, who is missing something? :D

there is no loose for anyone. As well look at the prices in Europe and what the artist gets. I would have no problem to pay the artists money :D but not for the hugh companies which ripps me off (actually they only try it)

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