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Philippines An Alternative To Living In Thailand


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seems to me that there is really no argument. everyone seems to agree thailand is better than the philippines. i do too. food, economy, wives, attitude, infrastructure, etc. so besides the fact that thais and filipinos look similar and the climate and topography are also the same, there should be no comparison.

but can we move on? and on a more positive note?

no one is being forced to live in the philippines so stop being so catty.

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besides, i really dont care about the 80M filipinos or the 56M (?) other thais... or for that matter, the billions of chinese or indians or americans, europeans, etc. i am my own person and thanks to the internet, you can be whoever you are... :D

goodnight and sweet dreams to all! :o

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re: english speaking in the Phil....

having lived 7 yrs in the Phil, i feel qualified to say the following,

In the Phil, you have the 'illusion' that they understand English,

In Thailand, there are no illusions that they understand English!!

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nicely put jadie guy

having spent time in both

pros: less tourists, most speak english but don't undestand it as jadie says.san miguel beer

cons : terrible food, way more poverty and diabolical infrastructure 100 km can take 4 hours

much more dangeorous and all in all more like South america than Asia

not an alternative if you co mpare apples for apples really, just an entirely different choice

the other major con is that given it was an American colony it has way more americans there than thailand and crap junk food ie macdonalds and a poor mans local variety called jollibee

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The food and safety things really can't be echoed enough when it comes to Manila at least. Good God the food is horrible. It's the only place in the world where I've seen a menu that consisted entirely of "chicken stomach" "pig stomach" "tuna stomach" "pig head" "chicken ass" - the menu actually said chicken ass, no kidding. Even many attempts at international cuisines seem to suffer from some kind of low quality ingredient issue that I can't nail down. In many restaurants I've tried it's not like Thailand where the ingredients are fine, but they're taking a cargo cult approach to the cooking, it's more like they're cooking it right, but it tastes like it's made from leftovers. Friends of mine regularly end up with various gastro intestinal issues. The safety thing is, well, what do you expect from a Latin American country I guess? Heh. Growing up nearer to Mexico I identify what I've seen of the Philippines much more closely with Latin America than with Asia, though I'm sure given the fractured ethnicities and sub-cultures that varies based on where you are in the country.

Everyone swears that the islands are great and that Cebu is fantastic compared to Manila and since I've only spent time in Manila I'm not qualified to speak about the country as a whole. Still, even people who are seem often reluctant to give it much of a great rating for quality of life. Personally, while I've had nothing but courteous experiences with Pinoys and while I think it's a fantastic place to do certain kinds of buisness involving English language and American cultural proficiency everything else I've seen is mostly a turn off.

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I've heard a lot of negative stuff about living in the Philippines but nothing specific. Personally i loved it there during my recent short stay.

A few quickies come to mind..........

Not a good place to go to make money but neither is Thailand. Outside of Manila, the Philippines is probably safer than its reputation.

The girls are catholic and much more relationship oriented. If you are living in Phils many - many more "good" girls available, most with college degrees. Go go bar girls are not as good / wild as Thailand

The Philippino food is crap but the western food is better than in Thailand. Manila is a much bigger shithole than Bangkok

Monthly living is cheap, hotels by the day are more expensive. Beer is better and much cheaper. Beaches are cleaner. Many of the foreigners you meet have families. Outside 2 or 3 areas there are much fewer sex tourists than Thailand.

Easy to communicate, all speak English. Weather in The Philippines, like right now, can be cooler and breezy when Thailand is hot and humid.

One thing you can have in the Philippines are a few locals as friends .... not many but some.

Thailand is an easier place to spend time, Thais provide many many conveniences in food, entertainment, 7-11 etc.

If you can split your time between the two you have a winner.

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Hey, Philippino food's not all bad. I thought Shakey's (is it still around?) far better than the Pizza Factory here.

I can't say I was ever impressed with baguong or baalut though :o

Who makes the safest drivers, Pinoys or Thai? :D

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I have found Philpinos to be the most religious people I have met--every woman seems to be looking for a "God fearing man"

As an athiest I don't fear God anymore than I fear Zues or Santa Claus so dating in PP wouldn't work for me. But if u are Catholic you may love it.

Edited by radioguy1450
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I do not care if the women have bigger breasts, and I doubt the Filipino gay men have bigger willies. I do not mind at all if the gay men are devout Catholics. I have lived in the poorest state of Mexico, and at a destitute resort in Nicaragua. Can it be much worse?

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somn eislands may have good beaches but if the food is crap and towns are dirty who cares?

You have to go to an established touristy island to get good food at foreighn owned places

all phil owned ones will have bad food.

Another downside is these islands are full of Koreans in large groups of 20 or more

so very crowded and noisy.

So with the crap food and danger its a no no really

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  • 5 months later...
Always wondered why former Spanish colonies like the Phillippines and Latin America ended up poor third world unstable banana republics while former British colonies like Australia,Hong Kong,Singapore,etc.,are all now wealthy and stable.

good observations.... well, i hope I can give you a good answer. A quick review in world history 101. During the discovery period, spain and portugal were desperate to find a way directly to the orient because the value of spices that reaches spanish and portuguese markets tend to be higher because oriental goods have to travel the traditional "silk road" from china to europe. This prized oriental goods are passed along several stopovers and as these goods reached europe, they are prized expensive from traders. This prompted spain and portugal to use the waters to directly supply them with oriental goods. After several years, spain and portugal became the leaders of voyages and have conquered over much of the "New World" (The Americas). and as they conquered these lands, they have taken enough of its riches and brought glory to their kingdoms, leaving nothing for the natives. Now, The philippines could have been spared during the discovery age if not because of ferdinand magellan who accidentally landed in the philippines and thought of it as the "spice islands" which geographically is south of the philippines, now a part of Indonesia...Until that time, Indonesia and the Philippines were colonized by both Portugal and Spain respectively...but because indonesia had powerful kingdoms as compared to the philippines, much as preserved in indonesia and the philippines was virutally swept by the ruling spanish dominion... Spain praticed the encomienda system, its a system of trusteeship labor system employed by the spanish crown over its colonies in the americas and the philippines. Conquistadors were granted trusteeship over the indigenous tribes they conquer. Only spanish decents were allowed to have lands and practically all the landlords were given the authority to taxed the people and summon them into labor and teach them catholicism. The little respect of Spain over her colonies, however, helped corrupt the system rather quickly. So, what was supposed to assist in the evangelization of the Natives and in the creation of a stable society became a blatant tool of oppression. In that case, south america and the philippines, remains to be developing countries and their madre españa as nothing to do with it. :D

that's the sad part of colonization and the philippines had a piece of it.... fortunate was the thais they were spared from both france and britain.. :o:D

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Couple of trips to Pi and have to say agree with much of what is said on the negative side.

As far as women are concerned unless you are out whoring every night and want the prettiest looking girl all the time then you are at least as likely to find a loving mate in Pi as you are in los with the bonus of better english.

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Always wondered why former Spanish colonies like the Phillippines and Latin America ended up poor third world unstable banana republics while former British colonies like Australia,Hong Kong,Singapore,etc.,are all now wealthy and stable.

Some flush of superiority here? the empires colonies where things did not turn out that well are simply not mentioned here - are they?

not to mention certain mandates...Africa comes to mind, the middle east..

Edited by Samuian
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Yes, all of Africa, what about middle east history and of course the daddy of them all, - Israel.

I look at the way the uk is going now with increasing restrictions on liberty and the decline of standards in teaching and social awareness and I wonder what next.

We talk in a time bubble now, what will it be like in 50 years, China world no 1, bankrupt western financial systems, mass unemployment through lack of any kind of production capabilities etc ?

Edited by benjamat
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Food in the PI sucks and folks aren't as "mai pen rai" like LOS.

An alternative to Thailand if I had to choose would be Brazil. :o

I'm thinking of making an exploratory trip to SA, with Chile as the prime target. Straight forward residency, anyone can buy and own land in their own name. Lower housing prices than Thailand. Pretty much any climate you might desire. They don't discourage visa runs (90 day on arrival).

Advice commonly offered, "Never try to bribe a Chilean cop."

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If given a choice, I would be in Cebu right now. Only reason I am in BKK is for the medical care me and the Mrs. are getting. One weak suit in RP is the Catholic driven politics which holds back the hospitals in offering infertility services.

For full disclosure, I am an American veteran. The RP has full services for American citizens when it comes to the Vetrans Adminstration, and Social Security among othere things.

Yes Manila and the surrounding area is pretty bad. You wouldn't catch me living in Detroit or Oakland either, Does that make the US totally bad? Just because a country has bad areas doesn't mean you throw out the entire thing. That would be like judging Bangkok on Patpong and Soi Cowboy.

When I do get to retirement, it will be in RP. I already have a hectare of land in Balirong on the island of Cebu. I am married to a Filipina, and have in-laws in the federal government and local police. The Visayas IMHO beat the band compared to TH. English is well spoken by 90%+ of the community. I only have one brother in-law that I have to talk slow so he can understand, but he can understand me. The cost of living is less. RP is very retirement friendly. No BS about yearly visa renewals and 90 day reporting like here. Malaysia is very nice but a bit pricey for my taste and I would rather deal with Catholics than Muslims, just my preference.

Avoid Luzon and Southern Mindanao and the rest of RP is great. This is coming from someone who has actually been there for a substantial amount of time, not just holiday. This is from a family man, not someone just interested in the level of "action" with the ladies of the evening. If that is what you are looking for by all means LOS is the place for you. For someone looking for a true retirement spot, I'd take RP 10 times out of 10. Plus we have an American Legion post there and San Miguel is my favorite beer.


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Thanks for the info. So starting a business over there seems to be suicidal... But what would your opinion be in regards to living there on your savings ie retirement, long term holiday?

If you are living off your savings, i'd guess that you'll get more for your buck in the Philippines. As for the trouble, it's concentrated in the south, in the isalnd of Mindanao, so just stay away from there. I have a pal in the south and she says the troubles are exaggerated, and news reports on CNN just make it look more spectacular to outsiders.

YOur right ZOVOX...more often news are over exaggerated,why what do you think about the southern part of Thailand are they not dangerous same as Mindanao? You know it's already dangerous then why you have to be there...Stay away from the dangerous places....Which is better eating paint on the wall...or you are like talking on the wal....

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If given a choice, I would be in Cebu right now. Only reason I am in BKK is for the medical care me and the Mrs. are getting. One weak suit in RP is the Catholic driven politics which holds back the hospitals in offering infertility services.

For full disclosure, I am an American veteran. The RP has full services for American citizens when it comes to the Vetrans Adminstration, and Social Security among othere things.

Yes Manila and the surrounding area is pretty bad. You wouldn't catch me living in Detroit or Oakland either, Does that make the US totally bad? Just because a country has bad areas doesn't mean you throw out the entire thing. That would be like judging Bangkok on Patpong and Soi Cowboy.

When I do get to retirement, it will be in RP. I already have a hectare of land in Balirong on the island of Cebu. I am married to a Filipina, and have in-laws in the federal government and local police. The Visayas IMHO beat the band compared to TH. English is well spoken by 90%+ of the community. I only have one brother in-law that I have to talk slow so he can understand, but he can understand me. The cost of living is less. RP is very retirement friendly. No BS about yearly visa renewals and 90 day reporting like here. Malaysia is very nice but a bit pricey for my taste and I would rather deal with Catholics than Muslims, just my preference.

Avoid Luzon and Southern Mindanao and the rest of RP is great. This is coming from someone who has actually been there for a substantial amount of time, not just holiday. This is from a family man, not someone just interested in the level of "action" with the ladies of the evening. If that is what you are looking for by all means LOS is the place for you. For someone looking for a true retirement spot, I'd take RP 10 times out of 10. Plus we have an American Legion post there and San Miguel is my favorite beer.


Salute for you GunnyD and I really do agree filipinos don't have hidden family and you can speak to anyone of them even a market and cig vendor...I am a Half Thai and Half Filipina...Mabuhay ka Sir..

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  • 3 weeks later...

there are no comparisons with the danger in thailand and in the Philippines

There is almost all out war in the Philippines right now on Mindiano with several radical islamic factions with international terror links

The problem in thailand is domestic and confined

there is always the danger of it spilling over in the Phils

There was a big explosion last year in manilla which everyone seemed to think was an al queda bomb

At foirst that was how it was reported

however everyone is of the opinion that there was a cover up to say it was a gas explosion.

There have been other high profile terror attacks outside of Mindinao in recent years

bombing of a large ferry and the tourists kidnapped from Palawan

There are not only islamic terrorists but also communist rebels in most areas

only last month there was a gun battle in negros not far from cebu

All in all its dodgy and a last resort if you want to live in SEA

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Nobodys mentioned Vietnam. Haven't been, but will be taking a look next month.


Veitnam is <deleted>. Hence not a popular destination for expats setting up home - at least not expats who have resided in Thailand. Verry greedy people with no forward thinking - in that they would rather rip you off than look to future buisiness.

Girls / hookers want extortianate fees!

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I left that shithole more than 3 years ago and never been back since.

It's not even about the economy, the security or whatever.

The people there are rude, crass & disrespectful.

Yeah my family owns a stunning beach property in Central Philippines.

Even if you invest money, it all boils down to their terrible attitude.

The Philippines will never be Thailand.

There I said it.

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Always wondered why former Spanish colonies like the Phillippines and Latin America ended up poor third world unstable banana republics while former British colonies like Australia,Hong Kong,Singapore,etc.,are all now wealthy and stable.

I think you might find that some parts of Latin America are "more emerged" than "banana republics".

Are all "former British colonies" to be held up as examples of stability? What about Burma?

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