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Do The Police Really Care In Chiang Mai


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Follow This Golden Rule ,

Read it after me

" we are responsible for Our own Belonging "

if we had thing opening taken away , meaning your STEUP is BAd .

Is time to spend some Money for a CTV Video cam .

Oh, good---that's cleared that up then----<deleted>?????

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Follow This Golden Rule ,

Read it after me

" we are responsible for Our own Belonging "

if we had thing opening taken away , meaning your STEUP is BAd .

Is time to spend some Money for a CTV Video cam .

Oh, good---that's cleared that up then----<deleted>?????

yeah. that's not on. if we were all totally responsible for our own belongings then we wouldn't need police. to paraphrase homer simpson, we'd all live in gumdrop houses on lollypop lane.

i suppose we're also responsible for our own bodies, so murder shouldn't be in the police's interest to solve either? how lovely thailand would be without the rule of law.

november 222 - perhaps you should follow this fellow's advice to its logical conclusion and install armed snipers in the bar as well. if ta22 comes anywhere near the stage, show him just how responsible you are!

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Police in gerneral in Thailand does not care at all if something looks like they actualy have to work...

If they can make a few extra baht's that helps them wake up!!

Do not expect anything of the police, I have done several reportings.. for instance the Mau tour scam..

The only thing is write it down and say sorry we can do nothing...

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seriously , what i said is for everyone ,

not like state or the western country thailand is much safer , and in the case that police i snot helping .

why cry over it , so like i said the best way is be responsible for your own life as well as belonging .

as for those poster who have notthing better to said then to bind someone to blame . wake up .

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seriously , what i said is for everyone ,

not like state or the western country thailand is much safer , and in the case that police i snot helping .

why cry over it , so like i said the best way is be responsible for your own life as well as belonging .

as for those poster who have notthing better to said then to bind someone to blame . wake up .

Hope you get robbed soon!! See if you feel the same way!!

Happy new year!!

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i been robbed before , and i took responsible for what happen ,

i assume is safe ti leave my value and not look after it . so i learn from what happen to me also

- and Thanks for your well wishes :o i am sure karma will find you:)

Happy new years

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I'm with Ta22 on this one. Each person should be responsible for their own belongings to a point. Obviously if they leave something in a locked hotel room and it gets stolen they have a security issue with the management (putting aside the issue of not leaving valuables in your room). But if you are in a public place like a bar you should not leave your possessions unattended in a position where they can easily be removed. So often I see people go off to the toilet leaving their mobile on the table or bar. If it gets stolen who is to blame? Okay a guitar is a bit more than a mobile but it must have been left pretty exposed for someone to just walk out with it.

I know it is wrong to limit Thailand's aspirations to those of other countries but if this were to happen in the UK it's doubtful whether the police would spend too much time on the case. They'd just write up a report, file it and send you a copy for your insurance.

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

a musicians instrument is his babe , through thick and thin,the good times,the bad, a lover, a naughty friend,a cruel mistress,you take that away,and it's a very sad day,maybe artistic people tend to where hearts on their sleeves.Today not feeling "devestated" as i can see out of the corner of my eye my girl calling my name,(she's a redhead)and whispering sweet nothings, music to my ears, ahh , true love !

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

Obviously you are not musically inclined. The loss of a guitar can be devastating to some people.

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

Obviously you are not musically inclined. The loss of a guitar can be devastating to some people.

So in one of these musically inclined people....they will be overwhelmed at the loss of a guitar, what happens if someone very close to them dies...OR perhaps if they lost 2 Guitars.

Anyway, what makes you think that Im not musically inclined, afterall I was playing for them :D:D

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Ta22 has it spot on, especially CCTV :o Systems are cheap and very effective, including internet connection so you can monitor your place from afar. Very effective detterent and they have the added bonus you can see what you did (and who you did it with :D ) when you came home drunk the night before!

Personally I'd recommend a couple of security/bodyguards too; invaluable! As to the BIB, if you have a name and know who the perpertrators are why would you go to the BIB? This is Thailand, there are much better solutions to such problems.......

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

Obviously you are not musically inclined. The loss of a guitar can be devastating to some people.

So in one of these musically inclined people....they will be overwhelmed at the loss of a guitar, what happens if someone very close to them dies...OR perhaps if they lost 2 Guitars.

Anyway, what makes you think that Im not musically inclined, afterall I was playing for them :D:D

as george harrison would sing "while my guitar gently weeps"

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

Obviously you are not musically inclined. The loss of a guitar can be devastating to some people.

Then perhaps they should have a guitar sling and keep it placed around their neck and close to their heart. Or in a guitar case and carry it around. Where exactly was this guitar laying when it was taken?

As for my loved one, it's my 2 1/2 year old daughter. When we go shopping she is ALWAYS holding my or my wife's hand. She is always in our sight just like when she is out playing in the yard (always has adult supervision). Just last night she was here in the local market playing in one of those large inflatable jumping toys with 10s of other kids. While all the other parents just let their kids run loose without watching I had my eye on my child at almost all times.

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Ta22 has it spot on, especially CCTV :o Systems are cheap and very effective, including internet connection so you can monitor your place from afar. Very effective detterent and they have the added bonus you can see what you did (and who you did it with :D ) when you came home drunk the night before!

Personally I'd recommend a couple of security/bodyguards too; invaluable! As to the BIB, if you have a name and know who the perpertrators are why would you go to the BIB? This is Thailand, there are much better solutions to such problems.......

like what ? i agree with the cctv system, will be getting installed soon as, by the way, the white lotus on loi kroh was broken into recently,and they have a cctv system installed, the theives located the hard disk recorder,disconected it and stole that as well,was thinking of leaving my killer german shepard overnight, but i know they would only poisen her :D

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

Obviously you are not musically inclined. The loss of a guitar can be devastating to some people.

Then perhaps they should have a guitar sling and keep it placed around their neck and close to their heart. Or in a guitar case and carry it around. Where exactly was this guitar laying when it was taken?

As for my loved one, it's my 2 1/2 year old daughter. When we go shopping she is ALWAYS holding my or my wife's hand. She is always in our sight just like when she is out playing in the yard (always has adult supervision). Just last night she was here in the local market playing in one of those large inflatable jumping toys with 10s of other kids. While all the other parents just let their kids run loose without watching I had my eye on my child at almost all times.

thats really good dingdongrb,but remember you can lose your child in the blink of an eye no matter how careful you are.I remember losing my son(he was 5 at the time)in a shopping centre,was panic stricken but found him 5 minutes later.........its not a nice feeling

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As for my loved one, it's my 2 1/2 year old daughter. When we go shopping she is ALWAYS holding my or my wife's hand. She is always in our sight just like when she is out playing in the yard (always has adult supervision). Just last night she was here in the local market playing in one of those large inflatable jumping toys with 10s of other kids. While all the other parents just let their kids run loose without watching I had my eye on my child at almost all times.

That's what is known as taking personal responsibility for yourself, your actions, your loved ones and your property.

Basic life skills.

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Yes, I think dingdongrb is a FANTASTIC parent for acting in this manner. You don't have to go too far these days to see poor parenting. He has an excellent point about this poor soul whos guitar was so important it lay in a dusty corner somewhere in a crowded bar while he sucked down copias quantities of beer or whatever....meanwhile some other musically inclined person decided they would give the guitar a better home :D

Maybe someone from a famous rock n roll group is now touring the world with it, a life the previous owner couldnt provide for it :o

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like what ?

You mean the "better solutions"? I don't think we want to get into discussing those on this forum :o There seems to be unanimous agreement the BIB won't do anything, so you need to do like Thai people do. Justice, like most things in Thailand one might expect to be "free" (e.g. water :D ), has a price :D

i agree with the cctv system, will be getting installed soon as, by the way, the white lotus on loi kroh was broken into recently,and they have a cctv system installed, the theives located the hard disk recorder,disconected it and stole that as well,was thinking of leaving my killer german shepard overnight, but i know they would only poisen her :D

Any decent hard disc recorder includes motion detection alarms and the ability to automatically upload video to an ftp site when an alarm is detected (and send email alerts with still pictures - e.g. to a mobile phone). The recorder should be located in a hidden secure location (e.g. in a metal box/safe). It, the Power supply for the cameras and the internet modem should be locked away too and powered via a UPS. That should buy some time and get an alarm and off site copy of the video before the intruders can disable the system. Other tricks include dummy cameras and hidden backup cameras to confuse. None of this stuff is expensive here.

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Why is the OP yelling at us? :D

What makes anyone think that the Police 'Care' anywhere in the world? :o

There is nothing nice about having something stolen from you, but you ALL are 'Devestated' because a guitar is stolen....I hope nothing ever really bad happens.

Obviously you are not musically inclined. The loss of a guitar can be devastating to some people.

Then perhaps they should have a guitar sling and keep it placed around their neck and close to their heart. Or in a guitar case and carry it around. Where exactly was this guitar laying when it was taken?

As for my loved one, it's my 2 1/2 year old daughter. When we go shopping she is ALWAYS holding my or my wife's hand. She is always in our sight just like when she is out playing in the yard (always has adult supervision). Just last night she was here in the local market playing in one of those large inflatable jumping toys with 10s of other kids. While all the other parents just let their kids run loose without watching I had my eye on my child at almost all times.

our bar is usually a very safe place,most of our customers our locals ,on christmas day we celebrated our second birthday,the bar was in full swing,the man in question had been causing problems all night, grabbing waitress ass' generally looking for a fight, we were all aware of him,and had one or two of the 'doorman' kind of lads on stand by,it was during the change over of bands that it happened, the guitar was in it's case by the side of the stage,wih so many people involved in the change over,he saw his opportunity,as theives do,and was off with it,when the next band was on , we were all relieved to see him go, not thinking he'd walked out with the guitar, one or two people outside could remember seeing him walk out with the guitar,but at the time thought nothing of it as you see many musicians in chiang mai walking around with their guitar. the two men who he was with were in again last night and couldn't believe it, this man who i believe now was from singapore had latched on to them during the evening,and in high spirts went along with it, they had told him throughout the evening to calm himself down,as he was causing trouble, they met up again later and ended going back to his room for a jam and some after hours drinking, he told them it was his guitar and the two aussie guys thought nothing of it, it wasn't until they came back in last night that we pieced it together, the two guys took time out of their last night in chiang mai to go go down to the police station to help with enquiries,two other customers who saw him leaving with the guitar also went down to the police station.

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Do you really need an anwer to this question? Purlease!

Thailand is a country as an international courtesy only. Thailand really is an amusement park run by mafia. Mafia in brown uniforms. Mafia in plain clothes. Mafia in positions of authority.

If you get into trouble here, DO NOT call the police, or you risk being the one going to jail - be it a road accident, a robbery or any other matter.

As long as you understand that you have left the world of civility and social evolution behind and are swimming in a sewer of criminality and stupidity you can have a good time. It's called a vacation.

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Nice.....he's the sort of animal that you don't need in your bar, ladies backsides, guitars, whats next for this animal?

I can see why the owner of the Guitar is upset, I hope his devastation is limited BUT in this day & age (right or wrong) I don't think the local boys in brown are going to get too excited by this and call in a strike force or something. What are the chances of finding this dirty rotten stinking, low life, acid breathed, ferrit faced, inconsiderate guitar thief in CM with the leads that you can provide to the Police?

I'm sure they will be willing to boost their arrest figures if you can hand him to them on a plate (so to speak)

Good luck....ohhh and also have you thought about 'posting a reward' for either the guitar being returned or perhaps for the arrest of this chap.....put the word out on the grapevine so to speak!! :o

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like what ?

You mean the "better solutions"? I don't think we want to get into discussing those on this forum :o There seems to be unanimous agreement the BIB won't do anything, so you need to do like Thai people do. Justice, like most things in Thailand one might expect to be "free" (e.g. water :D ), has a price :D

i agree with the cctv system, will be getting installed soon as, by the way, the white lotus on loi kroh was broken into recently,and they have a cctv system installed, the theives located the hard disk recorder,disconected it and stole that as well,was thinking of leaving my killer german shepard overnight, but i know they would only poisen her :D

Any decent hard disc recorder includes motion detection alarms and the ability to automatically upload video to an ftp site when an alarm is detected (and send email alerts with still pictures - e.g. to a mobile phone). The recorder should be located in a hidden secure location (e.g. in a metal box/safe). It, the Power supply for the cameras and the internet modem should be locked away too and powered via a UPS. That should buy some time and get an alarm and off site copy of the video before the intruders can disable the system. Other tricks include dummy cameras and hidden backup cameras to confuse. None of this stuff is expensive here.

the theives knew the place as they had worked there and knew the system,what they didn't bargain for was the antique shop across the road having cctv cameras outside their shop,and they parked their motorbike outside our bar and saw them coming out with various things including my guitar,the lad is now serving 8 years,the police had to act as we hard hard evidence,we were very relieved it was all over as it was the same person who had broken in to our house twice and our bar twice, the last time he broke into our house it was in through our bedroom window while we were sleeping, i still can't work out how they did it,he took the glass plates off one by one , unscrewed the security bars (24 screws in teak wood) ,slashed the mosquito net,and was in,he cleared the bedroom out,guitar in its case,even went through my trousers i'd taken off and took my money out of my pockets.we couldn't believe it when we woke up,maybe a good job we didn't wake up.we have stepped up security at both places,the bar is like fort knox,as is our home,i know it's the same most places in the world, i lived in liverpool for a number of years (no jokes please), i just felt with the guitar incident' with the evidence we had,like knowing where he lived,witness', we could have gone a bit further down this avenue

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Do you really need an anwer to this question? Purlease!

Thailand is a country as an international courtesy only. Thailand really is an amusement park run by mafia. Mafia in brown uniforms. Mafia in plain clothes. Mafia in positions of authority.

If you get into trouble here, DO NOT call the police, or you risk being the one going to jail - be it a road accident, a robbery or any other matter.

As long as you understand that you have left the world of civility and social evolution behind and are swimming in a sewer of criminality and stupidity you can have a good time. It's called a vacation.

Nice theory.....what about the people that live here? :o

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Do you really need an anwer to this question? Purlease!

Thailand is a country as an international courtesy only. Thailand really is an amusement park run by mafia. Mafia in brown uniforms. Mafia in plain clothes. Mafia in positions of authority.

If you get into trouble here, DO NOT call the police, or you risk being the one going to jail - be it a road accident, a robbery or any other matter.

As long as you understand that you have left the world of civility and social evolution behind and are swimming in a sewer of criminality and stupidity you can have a good time. It's called a vacation.

fair do's :o:D

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Yes, I think dingdongrb is a FANTASTIC parent for acting in this manner. You don't have to go too far these days to see poor parenting. He has an excellent point about this poor soul whos guitar was so important it lay in a dusty corner somewhere in a crowded bar while he sucked down copias quantities of beer or whatever....meanwhile some other musically inclined person decided they would give the guitar a better home :D

Maybe someone from a famous rock n roll group is now touring the world with it, a life the previous owner couldnt provide for it :o

no dusty corners , very clean,went to my mothers boot camp as a child, some things are just drilled into you :D

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