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Usa Credit Card Restrictions


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I am planning to go to India and am thinking of flying with Air India Express. I was online looking at scheduling and pricing and saw the following message

*** Kindly note that due to limitations of payment gateway, we are unable to accept all US based credit cards. We apologise for the inconvenience caused to the passengers ***

Does anyone know what do they mean by "limitations of payment gateway"?

Does this mean that I will not be able to book a flight online with a US CC?


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It sounds like this carrier cannot process credit card charges through its intermediary to any issuing U.S. bank. I travel to India all the time on TG and never have this problem. Maybe you should vote with your feet and change carriers.

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I decided to email Air India Express and got a quick reply.

Thank you for choosing to fly with Air India Express

Kindly note that credit card issued in any

European and American country is not allowed on our web site due to security reasons.

Please note you can book the ticket from your Air India Express city office by paying cash.

We hope the above information is sufficient. Please feel free to get in touch with us for further clarification.

Unfortunately, they confirmed their shortsighted approach in limiting online ticket purchases.

Although, I haven't priced other airlines recently, in the past, they appeared to be quite cheap compared to others, so it's too bad that I won't be able to purchase their tickets as I don't live anywhere near an office.

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