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Former American President To Have 82 Houses Built In Chiang Mai

sriracha john

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This sounds like a good thing but some things seem strange. it costs 1000 dollars for Thai people who live in Chiang Mai and don't ner

ed accommodation. What about farangs who live in Chiang Mai and don't need accommodations. Do they still pay 1,700 dollars? if so, why?

I have no problem volunteering to help build houses for poor people but then to ask for 1700 dollars on top of that seems ridiculous. Where does all this money go really? As for carter, he was a rotten president and a traitor, so he might as well do something for somebody.

"The registration fee to participate as a building volunteer during the event is US$1,700 for international volunteers and US$1,000 for Thai citizens. This includes accommodation, transportation within Chiang Mai, and all meals during the 5-day building event. It also includes a donation to the local program to continue to build more houses in partnership with families in need. The fee for Thai citizens living in Chiang Mai not requiring accommodation will be less. "

the way i read it the price is us$1,700 for international volunteers and us$1,000 for thai citerzens and if the thai citizen does not require accommodation in chiang mai they will get to pay less.

for 5 days that is close to 12,000 thb a day.

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  • 4 months later...
Where exactly is Moo Baan Nong Kan Kru?

DITTO....Yu tee Nai Krup........Moo Baan Nong Kan Kru?

and agree the Ex Peanut King /President is a nice guy.... :)

Ban Nong Khon Kru is very small village ~14km outside Chiang Mai (North Thailand), belonging to Muang Len Village, not far from Sansai...

I'm living 100m from this project...

On google earth, you can find the land at : 18°53'48.80"N / 99° 4'50.74"E


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now eat some grits.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Jingthing,

I didn't know you were were a good ole' boy like my human up until you said the magic word : "grits."

I bet there ain't nobody else on this here forum ever heard the words "hush puppies" (not referring to the brand of shoes), neither.

Man would I like to chow down on some grits right now : heavy on the butter and some black African pepper (not this here wimpy 'prik thai' that looks some kind of greyish talcum powder you'd use in embalming); no sir.

And how about some collard greens ? ... mmm ... too bad that radiation done burned my throat out and I couldn't swallow them.

Y'all stay cool, now.

best, ~o:37;

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Housing Project for the poor and low income earners, who ever, however runs it - corruption free, for the benefit of the target people only :thumbsup"

As long as the owners aren't allowed to back up a credit with 'em, should remain state property... or communal property!

I agree with the one post that mentions Africa.... could be done the same..except the bullies, well, bully, the bullies out first!

This is how and why Carter earned the Nobel Peace Prize while other ex presidents were earning big fees on lecture tours, or simply living in retired luxury. The man knows more about making peace in real life than all of us do.


Well, yes and Arafat got a "Nobel-Peace" Price too -

I thought then there was nothing more sarcastic in this century then this...

Edited by Samuian
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This is how and why Carter earned the Nobel Peace Prize while other ex presidents were earning big fees on lecture tours, or simply living in retired luxury. The man knows more about making peace in real life than all of us do.


Well, yes and Arafat got a "Nobel-Peace" Price too -

I thought then there was nothing more sarcastic in this century then this...

Then I guess you were otherwise engaged when Kissinger got his :) .......... at least Arafat signed a peace deal.

Sad to see the some of the more vitriolic Carter-bashing here. No great shakes politically in office and decidedly unlucky, but he has since at least tried to do more for his fellow man than many former office-holders. I'll take a few more like him doing something to break some moulds and push the envelope.

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This is how and why Carter earned the Nobel Peace Prize while other ex presidents were earning big fees on lecture tours, or simply living in retired luxury. The man knows more about making peace in real life than all of us do.


Well, yes and Arafat got a "Nobel-Peace" Price too -

I thought then there was nothing more sarcastic in this century then this...

Then I guess you were otherwise engaged when Kissinger got his :) .......... at least Arafat signed a peace deal.

Sad to see the some of the more vitriolic Carter-bashing here. No great shakes politically in office and decidedly unlucky, but he has since at least tried to do more for his fellow man than many former office-holders. I'll take a few more like him doing something to break some moulds and push the envelope.

My issue with Carter is he seems to remember his role in history as one who was leading the way in energy, peace, and economic rehabilitation of course any of us who lived through his tenure know better! What hits a nerve with me today is that he is still on the payroll and the goes against the current admin policieHe is a tool in more way than one

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This is how and why Carter earned the Nobel Peace Prize while other ex presidents were earning big fees on lecture tours, or simply living in retired luxury. The man knows more about making peace in real life than all of us do.


When the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Yasar Arafat the " Peace Prize" lost all credibility to many Americans and others around the world. It was a political sham to appease a killer. It did not work ! Appeasement as we have learned (not) does not work. When I hear or see the name Jimmy Carter I gag, he is the father of Islamic terrorists. By his not responding when the terrorists attacked the US Embassy in 1979 and took 55 US citizens and diplomats hostage for 1 year and 3 months. The US Embassy in Iran, which is US sovereign territory by world agreement. He showed the people of the US and our enemies that he was a weak and indecisive leader. Only 1 term as president says it all. The Islamic Terrorists released the hostages the day before President Reagan took office because they knew Reagan would not put up with their BS and respond appropriately.

I hold Carter responsible for all terrorist attacks since that time culminating in 9/11. Glad he can try to make himself feel better by building homes for us little people. Chok dee

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and again the farang has to pay more than the thai. :)

Good! I offered to volunteer for this project as I have in the USA in the past and the people running the show told me I had to pay a fee of $1,500 USD for accommodation and transportation, I pointed out to them I lived in Chiang Mai, had my own transportation and had all the necessary paperwork to be a volunteer (permanent residency) they refused me. This may be a well intentioned project but it is being marketed as one of these pay to volunteer scams.

Participation fee

Participation fee with double-occupancy lodging: $1,500

(Accepted applicants wishing to share a room will be given the opportunity to name a roommate. If you do not have a roommate, a same-sex roommate will be assigned.)

Participation fee with single-occupancy lodging: $1,650


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