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New Orleans Consulate Policy,o/oa Visa

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Hello all,Contacted the N.O.consulate today to begin the Non.Imm visa based on retirement,I was told the following:

Standard"O" visas can only be issued to those either doing someth ing like"missionary work", or if married to a Thai national. I do not qualify,in either case. Aside from tourist visas(up to 3 entries given)

the only choice I have is to for the OA based on retirement while still here in U.S. I will need the following: 1.A "Personal Data Form",listing my education and work backgrounds. (This can be handwritten much in the format of a resume,with my name and phone# attached.)

2.A statement from my bank/or brokerage firm stating that I currently have at least$20K in a cash/money mkt. acct.

3. A pension letter stating that I will be getting"at least $1,600,per month". She wants BOTH 2and 3,not one or the other.

4.The standard form from the local police stating I havent been involved in any criminal activity.

5.Medical certificate from my doctor stating no communicable diseases,etc.

3 copies of my visa application along with my Passport and 6 photos

(2 for each visa application)

Also,and I made sure of this, the OA visa will indeed be a MULTI entry,and NO notarizaton of said documents will be needed.

Looks like I should have no problems with any of this,and since the standard O(single or multi) is not an option ,I really see no viable alternative.

I do have 2 ??s for the forum: First I plan on returning to the U.S.late in the summer to visit relatives,etc.for a couple of months or so,upon reentry into Thailand will I be given 1 year or just 90 days??(the original OA still being valid) I think Jim Gant or Redwood 13 may have a say on this one..

Also,(off topic here)A poster once suggested.I think to mgnewman,that he could "pop down to Penang" and get a non Imm O there,Are Non Imm Os easy to come by there??

Just as an aside,I mentioned in passing to the lady at the N.O. consulate (her name is Stephanie) that the stated policies at the various Thai consulates/embassies can vary considerably,she was quite surprised/baffled to hear this....Little do they know! Well there you have it,Any and all comments/suggestions welcome.

Oh ,1 more thing,A link posted here on Thai Visa showing Arthur Q Davis as the Honorary Consul General here in N.O. is outdated as he has'nt been there for a couple of yrs. now. Will be updating later,The Harpman.

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Hello all,Contacted the N.O.consulate today to begin the Non.Imm visa based on retirement,I was told the following:

Standard"O" visas can only be issued to those either doing someth ing like"missionary work", or if married to a Thai national. I do not qualify,in either case. Aside from tourist visas(up to 3 entries given)

the only choice I have is to for the OA based on retirement while still here in U.S. I will need the following: 1.A "Personal Data Form",listing my education and work backgrounds. (This can be handwritten much in the format of a resume,with my name and phone# attached.)

  2.A statement from my bank/or brokerage firm stating that I currently have at least$20K in a cash/money mkt. acct.

  3. A pension letter stating that I will be getting"at least $1,600,per month". She wants BOTH 2and 3,not one or the other.

  4.The standard form from the local police stating I havent been involved in any criminal activity.

  5.Medical certificate from my doctor stating no communicable diseases,etc.

3 copies of my visa application along with my Passport and 6 photos

(2 for each visa application)

Also,and I made sure of this, the OA visa will indeed be a MULTI entry,and NO notarizaton of said documents will be needed.

  Looks like I should have no problems with any of this,and since the standard O(single or multi) is not an option ,I really see no viable alternative.

I do have 2 ??s for the forum: First I plan on returning to the U.S.late in the summer to visit relatives,etc.for a couple of months or so,upon reentry into Thailand will I be given 1 year or just 90 days??(the original OA still being valid)  I think Jim Gant or Redwood 13 may have a say on this one..

Also,(off topic here)A poster once suggested.I think to mgnewman,that he could "pop down to Penang" and get a non Imm O there,Are Non Imm Os easy to come by there??

Just as an aside,I mentioned in passing to the lady at the N.O. consulate (her name is Stephanie) that the stated policies at the various Thai consulates/embassies can vary considerably,she was quite surprised/baffled to hear this....Little do they know! Well there you have it,Any and all comments/suggestions welcome.

Oh ,1 more thing,A link posted here on Thai Visa showing Arthur Q Davis as the Honorary Consul General here in N.O. is outdated as he has'nt been there for a couple of yrs. now. Will be updating later,The Harpman.

On re-entry your "admitted until" date should be either the same as the date given to you on your first entry into Thailand using the O-A visa OR you will receive an new "admitted until" date of 365 days. I've had two re-entries since I obtained my O-A and in both cases I received an additional 365 days. I know of others who've had the same experiece. On the other hand some have only received the same date as given at their original entry. There doesn't appear to be any pattern as to why one or the other is given.

I've no knowledge of Penang's policies.

Regarding your initial comments, you can download a copy of the Personal Data Form from the Los Angeles Consulate website.

http://www.thai-la.net/visa/non-o-a.htm Scroll down to item 2.3.

And you SHOULD only be required to provide proof of US$20,000 in a US bank OR a monthly income of US$1,600 OR a combination of the two to equal 20,000 per year. Since you can meet both the savings and income requirements you're fine but other potential applicants thinking of using New Orleans should keep this in mind since this isn't what they want.


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Thanx much for ur input,Redwood.

I indeed found my printout of you reentering Tland and getting 365 days(you were coming back from Phenom Phen).....I guess I should'nt be surprised that some are just getting the original"admitted until date" tho,Im going to try and dig into this further at the consulate....

Also,I did find it strange about needing both the bank/brokerage statement and the pension letter,but as you say,since I can provide both,I'll

just go ahead and do that while

asking again why/if both are needed

just to clarify if nothing else.

Thats it for now,thanx again,the Harpman.

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