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My Horoscope


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"The time has come to review your goals and ambitions. This is far more difficult than it sounds, since certain objectives have become such a part of your life and character that you can't imagine living without them. But, actually, that's the point"

It was my horoscope yesterday and I keep on thinking about it. Usually I read it just for fun, because it's above the comics, but this time it had really hit home.

For some of us, living, working in Asia was our objective and is now part of our life (more than 15 years already !). Then when you reach a certain age, you know you will have to make a choice, should I stay or should I go ... back home ?

Faced with such a choice, what are the most important points you will consider to make this decision?

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"The time has come to review your goals and ambitions. This is far more difficult than it sounds, since certain objectives have become such a part of your life and character that you can't imagine living without them. But, actually, that's the point"

The skill of the horoscope writer is to write something that is applicable to anyone who reads it. You, I and just about anyone can read the above advice and feel it applies to them.

As for leaving Asia ..... well I did... and I note from, experience, you can always come back.

If the advice from your horoscope tweaks an urge to go try something else in life then why not have a go.

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If the advice from your horoscope tweaks an urge to go try something else in life then why not have a go.

It's not that. A lot of things have changed since last year. This year starts with a lot of uncertainty, a lot of question marks, regarding the future of the world, the future of Thailand, the future of our jobs, of our savings ...

Is Thailand still the best place to be? to grow old ?

I'm still in a position to make a choice, I just try to make the right one.

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Nobody can tell you. I made that decision when I was young. Now I stay in Thailand 23 years minus yearly 1-3 months holidays and have everything here. I am fine with that and simultaneous have seen many, who went back.

One thing is for sure: The longer you wait the harder it gets, but if there will be a real crisis, it it will be easier to self-support here then there.

Edited by Birdman
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One thing is for sure: The longer you wait the harder it gets, but if there will be a real crisis, it it will be easier to self-support here then there

That surely depends upon the nature of the crisis.. There may be some that don't give you an option.

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A periodic assessment of ones situation is always healthy even if it was prompted by 'the horoscope'. Several friends of mine who were staunch advocates of never leaving Thailand are now having second thoughts. Most of the stressors that we had back home, way back when, are creeping their way back into out lives. The political unrest, a civil war, the perceived rise in the foreign death toll, money exchange rates, the disappearance of the 'Thai smiles' and the us versus them attitude have eroded our confidence in the Land of Smiles.

When I do my periodic review I choose to remain in Thailand despite the negative factors all around us. Where would I go? After living here I could not live in America while I'm still ambulatory. That leaves the rest of the world. MY Plan B was Rio but with the exchange rate and increase of violent crime that plan has been shelved. Everyone needs a Plan B just in case and it may be to return the the motherland. When we consider that option we have to look at why we left there in the first place.

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"The time has come to review your goals and ambitions. This is far more difficult than it sounds, since certain objectives have become such a part of your life and character that you can't imagine living without them. But, actually, that's the point"

It was my horoscope yesterday and I keep on thinking about it. Usually I read it just for fun, because it's above the comics, but this time it had really hit home.

For some of us, living, working in Asia was our objective and is now part of our life (more than 15 years already !). Then when you reach a certain age, you know you will have to make a choice, should I stay or should I go ... back home ?

Faced with such a choice, what are the most important points you will consider to make this decision?

Sounds to me like it's telling you to retire, nothing about going back 'home'

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One thing is for sure: The longer you wait the harder it gets, but if there will be a real crisis, it it will be easier to self-support here then there

That surely depends upon the nature of the crisis.. There may be some that don't give you an option.

A real crisis would be a depression a la the Great Depression (don't think it will be, but it could be)...the options we have now.

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I have been thinking of returning home (USA), also. However, things back there seem very bad. By that, I mean people are very stressed behind the news. Financial as well as political. Much more so than here. I think to return home other than for a short visit, would be the wrong decision for myself. If I remember correctly, you're from the UK. It seems things are even worse there. I could never lead the life I have here back home.

I know how you feel, but consider the reality of what you're returning to.

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"The time has come to review your goals and ambitions. This is far more difficult than it sounds, since certain objectives have become such a part of your life and character that you can't imagine living without them. But, actually, that's the point"

It was my horoscope yesterday and I keep on thinking about it. Usually I read it just for fun, because it's above the comics, but this time it had really hit home.

For some of us, living, working in Asia was our objective and is now part of our life (more than 15 years already !). Then when you reach a certain age, you know you will have to make a choice, should I stay or should I go ... back home ?

Faced with such a choice, what are the most important points you will consider to make this decision?

Sounds to me like it's telling you to retire, nothing about going back 'home'

Actually no, but it's a good point. I still have around 20 years to go before retirement.

So if you're not close to retirement and you want go back to Europe, you have to consider the value of your experience here, the kind of job you can get, what will be your life style compare to what you have here. Not as easy as it sounds.

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One thing is for sure: The longer you wait the harder it gets, but if there will be a real crisis, it it will be easier to self-support here then there

That surely depends upon the nature of the crisis.. There may be some that don't give you an option.

A real crisis would be a depression a la the Great Depression (don't think it will be, but it could be)...the options we have now.

That's one real crisis, there are others, some which might very well remove the option of remaining in Thailand - we are guests remember.

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One thing is for sure: The longer you wait the harder it gets, but if there will be a real crisis, it it will be easier to self-support here then there

That surely depends upon the nature of the crisis.. There may be some that don't give you an option.

A real crisis would be a depression a la the Great Depression (don't think it will be, but it could be)...the options we have now.

That's one real crisis, there are others, some which might very well remove the option of remaining in Thailand - we are guests remember.

You mean kick us out for political reasons? That's even more unlikely. Nowadays everything is much more tied together than ever before. If they would kick foreigners out, they would kick out their Thai families as well. Maybe they would not care about that.

But they would not kick out all the foreign companies. That would be silly indeed especially from their perceptive.

You mean a war? Locally and worldwide rather unlikely.

You mean climate change? Yes, that could be a reason to leave. Although they predict (?!), along the eastern and south eastern coasts it should be all right.

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GuestHouse has a point, we are not welcome as long term migrants. And we are talking long term here.

When I retire, I should be able to enjoy a nice piece of land with a nice house on it, no shame about that, I work hard for it. Now you're telling me that I have no right to own it, but I can enjoy it until I die (usurfruct). What if my health is not so good anymore that I can't live alone and I decide to move to a retirement house. I will have to sell the house to pay for it, but I can't because it doesn't belong to me.

That's one of the thing in my mind when I'm thinking about my future in Thailand

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The A and O of living here for decades is a good family. A family, which will be your backbone in hard times. They will protect you and look after you, if your are in troubles. If you do not have that, I would not stay here till death.

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As a person in the working age group I struggle to see how financially you would be better off in LOS than in the West, unless you are on an attractive expat deal or work overseas as I know a stack of guys do. I would love to sell my business and move to Thailand but finacially I am better off staying in Australia and having my girlfriend come over here. I think LOS would ware thin on me fairly quickly as well, the lack of social justice and the general view of Farangs by those in power does not sit well with me either. As for owning a house I would never do it, rent or buy a condo that you can own legally.

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