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Obama's Bank Rescue Measures And Us Recovery

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The Problem - We borrowed too much, we spent too much, money became too cheap, and bankers pilled up over $1 Quadrillion in Derivatives on top of a 60 Trillion $ Global Economy

The Solution - Don't save, spend more money, make money cheaper, borrow more money, when nobody will lend then just print the money, reward the Bankers who screwed us by giving them Trillions of $'s

Rational?? Are you serious?

Edited by Jake1
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Its time people got out of the false left-right paradigm of Republicans V Democrats. They are about as different from each other as Cocoa cola is from Pepsi.

The changeover from Bush to Obama has been as smooth as an athlete handing the baton over to his teammate in a relay race. And now it is Obama running the anchor leg, with his powerful cult of personality he is ready to push through laws that Bush would never have been able to get away with.

As has been mentioned before, I recommend everyone to watch 'The Obama Deception' to see how truly insidious this guy is.

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here's my thought on all of this

1. 1st the judging, I will wait on mr obama and give time after all how can you expect miracles when he has only been in office 60 plus days,

2. how we got to this point:

interest rates where put way to low long before this even happened

greed & stupidy & taking advantage of people who shouldn't have been able to get loans in the first place happen

3. I am not sure of a better answer but I know that the US has the biggest gap in wages. I do know you should have to work hard, get educated, but life in the US is and will be going down hill,

4. whats going on now won't be the end of the world

5. When times get bad the loonies always come out in force

On a more different note weither or not Obama Bank Rescue will work nobody actually knows, how bad will things get again everyone can just guess, and dont give me about the whole depression thing none of you in here ever lived through that time so you can't compare. between 1930's and now

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Bring on the tar and feathers!

Yeah, and they don't pay him enough to put up with whingers like you. Part of his role is to take the heat for Obama. He isn't going anywhere. He will serve out at least Obama's first term of his two terms.

Edited by Jingthing
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Its time people got out of the false left-right paradigm of Republicans V Democrats. They are about as different from each other as Cocoa cola is from Pepsi.

The changeover from Bush to Obama has been as smooth as an athlete handing the baton over to his teammate in a relay race. And now it is Obama running the anchor leg, with his powerful cult of personality he is ready to push through laws that Bush would never have been able to get away with.

Yep. At the appropriate time, he's going to get us in the "right" war, for all the "right" reasons.

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Interesting comments all around, but so far, I see alot of rhetoric, on both sides of the issue I might add. I was not asking for political opinions of President Obama as President but I was rather more interested in hearing if members thought that his solutions might get the US out of a mess that took more than 60 days to create.

I find it interesting that some people have a hatred for a man who has not pushed the US to the brink of economic disaster and seem unwilling to even let him have a shot at attempting to repair the damage done by 8 unregulated years of pure greed.

I am not a big Obama fan but anyone can see that the past 8 years have to be the main contributing factor to the mess we are in today, so how returning to those policies can fix this problem is beyond me. If you have logical arguments and solutions, not filled with hate or rhetoric, then I would be interested to hear them. But if all you can offer is the same old Rush Limbaugh meaningless mind garbage, then please, do not waste my time and yours by posting.

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nobama is spending trillions. He calls it stimulus. Because he is a liar. He is spending trillions on his socialist agenda.

What policies are socialist? Serious question.

in the eyes of the beholder all policies are socialist where others but not the beholder benefits :o

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Can he reflate the economy? Sure, if he doesn't care how it all turns out 5 years from now. He can not repeal the business cycle however. He cannot have both excess capacity and growing demand. There's no "upside" when every person who wants it refis at 4% and then some bank is leveraging the cash flow.

It's very important in business cycles for those who have speculated inappropriately to take their lumps. This can be mitigated by government somewhat, but the process has to happen. Its how demand is created and excess capacity is removed. As things stand now, lots of excess capacity and no demand. Is he going to pay people to buy stuff next?

The government has taken on the role of risktaker and business has taken on the role of guarnteed benificiary. It's Bizarro World.

Edited by lannarebirth
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We got here through borrowing & leverage. (& a lack of oversight).

What's nobama's solution?

Place future generations into debt to the tune of trillions of dollars; use leverage & then lie about cutting the debt in 1/2. LOL. Haji we are onto to you.

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Interesting comments all around, but so far, I see alot of rhetoric, on both sides of the issue I might add. I was not asking for political opinions of President Obama as President but I was rather more interested in hearing if members thought that his solutions might get the US out of a mess that took more than 60 days to create.

I find it interesting that some people have a hatred for a man who has not pushed the US to the brink of economic disaster and seem unwilling to even let him have a shot at attempting to repair the damage done by 8 unregulated years of pure greed.

I am not a big Obama fan but anyone can see that the past 8 years have to be the main contributing factor to the mess we are in today, so how returning to those policies can fix this problem is beyond me. If you have logical arguments and solutions, not filled with hate or rhetoric, then I would be interested to hear them. But if all you can offer is the same old Rush Limbaugh meaningless mind garbage, then please, do not waste my time and yours by posting.

That the current situation is primarily the result of the past 8 years is a wild oversimplification and reeks of partisanship in sheep's clothing. Just as the cause of most wars can be found in the resolution of the last one, the roots of the current mess can be traced back to the solution of the last near death experience - the stagflation of the US economy and skyrocketing of gold in the late 1970's. You can find the roots of this going at least back to when Reagan took over, watch it gelling during the reigns of Bush #1 and Bill Clinton (doesn't anyone remember the tech bubble & burst?), and finally see it reach it culmination towards the end of Bush II's 8 years. It's hard to count all the bubbles that occurred during that 28 year period, but easy to count the number of Chairmen of the Fed at the helm during each bubble's formation. So yes, it's ridiculous to blast Obama over this who affair, but to only look to the last 8 years as the being the root of the problem is also absurd. Certainly Bush did nothing to contain nor to prevent the problem, but in that regard he was just the last in a long line of culprits.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Ah, Jingthing goes on the personal attack tactic, interesting.

I already explained a few post's earlier how this supposed plan is possibly going to be played.

You don't see that there is a big looting operation going on, or you refuse to look at it?

- When the "credit crunch was halfway Bernanke said the worst was over and the biggest problems are over.

- First 350 Billion was promised to buy those bad mortgages/toxic waste, what happened with it?

- The Fed refuses to say where the taxpayers money went.

- The second 350 Billion was not needed was said, now where did it go?

- Obama's simulus package close to 800 Billion, how will it stimulate economic growth?

- Geitner asking for a Trillion dollar to buy up those toxic, sorry legacy assets and saying he most likely needs another Trillion later in the year.

- Those private investors (banks) only need to invest 3-5%, the rest is all (futuristic) taxpayers money used to buy all kinds of CIA financial instruments.

Then we have some people that say: Nobody knows if Geitners plan will work, so why the heck try something this massive if you are not sure it will work?

Remember first they told that it was all because of people buying houses they could not afford. Well that whole farce we have discussed in the other financial crisis thread, you can find it somewhere there.

I think the US citizens are deeply shafted but most of them don't realise it or have no interest in it as the new American Idol season is on TV.

I am not American and I don't even live there but I find it extremely interesting what is going on there and the rest of the world.

A possible solution could be to let AIG go under so that all those insurance contracts are dead. Non performing loans are written off the books. New regulation should be made to make sure this ridiculous betting cannot be done if an insurer does not even have the amount of money it needs just incase let's say half of the bet's need to be payed out. Banks max. leveraging back to 10. And no speculation with repacked sliced up renamed and rerated trances of risky loans.

Something like that.

Edited by AlexLah
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What policies are socialist?

Serious question.

All of his policies are socialist. 100% Serious.

The one time this cretin didn't lie was when he slipped up & told Joe the Plummer he was all about wealth re-distribution.

Now I've given you a clue. Study what the marxist says in his speeches. He is the greatest ally to unions since FDR. He wants to funnel millions to ACORN for their nefarious purposes.

Edited by dotcom
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nobama is spending trillions. He calls it stimulus. Because he is a liar. He is spending trillions on his socialist agenda.

What policies are socialist? Serious question.

in the eyes of the beholder all policies are socialist where others but not the beholder benefits :o

You say that like socialism is a bad thing. Socialism has worked out pretty well for Europe, has it not?

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Yes, thank you, I realize that solely blaming the past 8 years is an oversimplification. The point I was trying, and clearly failed, to make given some of the subsequent posts, is that I am not interested in the usual mindless mind garbage being put out. I would like some clear and logical answers discussing the current banking crisis and the solutions set forth.

Apparently I was not clear enough, if posters cannot offer anything other than the usual hate filled diatribe, please do not contribute.

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What policies are socialist?

Serious question.

All of his policies are socialist. 100% Serious.

The one time this cretin didn't lie was when he slipped up & told Joe the Plummer he was all about wealth re-distribution.

Now I've given you a clue. Study what the marxist says in his speeches. He is the greatest ally to unions since FDR. He wants to funnel millions to ACORN for their nefarious purposes.

I've got nothing against socialism, or even communism for that matter in its purest form. One never sees that though. What ones sees are VIPs, the elite, etc, telling everyone else how things are going to be. Even in so called "democracies".

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You say that like socialism is a bad thing. Socialism has worked out pretty well for Europe, has it not?

Not in the least.

It pays people to sit home & do nothing. In other words parasites do well under socialism. Collectivism. Poverty & misery for all.

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You say that like socialism is a bad thing. Socialism has worked out pretty well for Europe, has it not?

Not in the least.

It pays people to sit home & do nothing. In other words parasites do well under socialism. Collectivism. Poverty & misery for all.

Please do not hijack this discussion any further regarding this. You are adding nothing to the discussion that I would prefer to have, thank you.

Edited by thailandlover
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Another day - this loser nobama wants to spend another trillion.

I am sorry but if this is the only thing you have to add to the conversation then please do not post. I would like to have an intelligent discussion of the policies regarding the banking industry and how it will affect the economy. Thank you.

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Yes, thank you, I realize that solely blaming the past 8 years is an oversimplification. The point I was trying, and clearly failed, to make given some of the subsequent posts, is that I am not interested in the usual mindless mind garbage being put out. I would like some clear and logical answers discussing the current banking crisis and the solutions set forth.

Apparently I was not clear enough, if posters cannot offer anything other than the usual hate filled diatribe, please do not contribute.

Then refrain from the "hate filled diatribe" yourself.

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Ok let me repeat. Beyond wanting this charlatan to fail; His phony "stimulus" is a pork laden payoff to the libs that got him elected.

It is intended to install his marxist policies.

I shall post here for as long as I wish too. You & nogood nobama don't dictate to me. Got it?

Alex I like you already.

Trying to remember if the first Stimulus under President Bush was overseen by Treasury or the Federal Reserve - which is about as Federal as Federal Express. I do seem to remember it was overseen by Henry Paulsen. No matter. It disappeared down a rathole.

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The U.S. and the world are having an economic slowdown. No one is denying that -- and this won't be the last one we ever face. These cycles and declines are a way for the economy to clean out the excesses. Recessions and bubbles like the ones we have seen in both the housing and equities markets have a lifespan, and even though they are painful, these too, will pass. Everthing will be ok.

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I was hoping to hear some interesting dialogue with intelligent give and take. Apparently, I was mistaken.

As for hate filled diatribe on my part, perhaps you confuse me with someone else. I will retire from this thread since it is apparently going nowhere. Thank you.

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Ok let me repeat. Beyond wanting this charlatan to fail; His phony "stimulus" is a pork laden payoff to the libs that got him elected.

It is intended to install his marxist policies.

No, no, no. Talk to a Marxist sometime about what they think about Obama, they don't like him a bit. The big complaint about Obama is that he's a centrist, forsaking the "progressives" who got him elected. Even John Steward does pieces comparing Obama rhetoric to Bush rhetoric, remarking that the difference is that when Obama says it it sounds good. He makes the analogy that it's much the same way that cheese tastes great on Italian food but is be disusting on Chinese food, even though in both cases it's the same cheese.

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