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Who Has The Best Diesel ?

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Though branded service stations are suppose to buy only from their brand supplier there is a lot of buying from no-names on the cheap.

That bites. Is there ways to figure these places out? Besides having to see what truck actually fills the tanks?

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Hi there,

was wondering what peoples opinions are on the best quality diesel in LOS for power and overall use.

I was thinking ESSO. I heard Shell adds to much crap to their fuels. And I dont know if PTT can be trusted.

I run a 520d and have found that I am only able to buy normal diesel from either Esso, PTT or Caltex, I have found no one else who sells it, maybe I haven't looked hard enough. At least from these it shouldn't be full of debrie. Really you should only be worried that it's not 'dirty'.

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