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I Want To Download Free Music


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i want to download music for free, without the risk of getting a virus, i used to use limewire but it messed my computer up with viruses and also i was getting different volumes on my downloads which was a pain in a##se, so is there a way of getting the same volume on each downloaded song

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There are few artist who offer free music . You can start listening to them ?

there are plenty of artists who offer free music, check out archive.org, which is a perfectly legal site with music available with the artists permission.

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MP3gain is great you can run it over your whole collection and get all the volumes the same and there a settings for diff things.  This can happen if you buy and backup your cd,s or dvd's and mp3gain will fix it.  You can run it over the same collection time again it won't change anything if its not needed.  I set everything to a normal 89db.  You don't need windows for 99.99999% of what you do on the net.  download with a live linux cd if you have to then run av over the mess before it gets anywhere near windows.  I only use windows online at a few sites I can trust plus windows update and av update site never had a problem after that.   :D  My windows has become nothing more then a game box for NASCAR sim.  I can do everything else better with linux.  I won't even download for windows with windows and everything gets checked with avira.  Buy an old PC and put linux on it for free.  Use that on the net.  It's cheaper then the time and money wasted on av crap and windows problems.   end of rant  :o

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I agree with the linux route just shove Ubuntu on any old PC and use it for downloading

cuts out all the anti virus crap {and if you believe the conspiracy theory they are from the

people who want you to pay for anti-virus software anyway :o ]

Get no-script as an add on for firefox back up your bookmarks with foxmarks and download

or copy to an external HD.

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i want to download music for free, without the risk of getting a virus, i used to use limewire but it messed my computer up with viruses and also i was getting different volumes on my downloads which was a pain in a##se, so is there a way of getting the same volume on each downloaded song

LimeWire requires you look closely at FILE SIZE. Don't randomly click on everything you see. "Usually", the 3 to 5 mb files are ok. The SMALL files, under 200k are definitnely virii.

You don't use a virus protection on your PC?

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MP3gain is great you can run it over your whole collection and get all the volumes the same ...

How long does it take? - any old rough estimate will do.

I'm thinking of about a couple of hundred tracks that I would normally put on a CD for playing in the pick-up. It would be nice if I didn't have to adjust the volume sometimes.

I shouldn't think it's feasible to do it on my entire collection - 26,000 files, 100+ GB! :o

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MP3gain is great you can run it over your whole collection and get all the volumes the same ...

How long does it take? - any old rough estimate will do.

I'm thinking of about a couple of hundred tracks that I would normally put on a CD for playing in the pick-up. It would be nice if I didn't have to adjust the volume sometimes.

I shouldn't think it's feasible to do it on my entire collection - 26,000 files, 100+ GB! :o

I just did 500 tracks and it took a few minutes. The tracks were in one folder.

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last.fm is great for streaming, but if you must download, you should visit the dangerous shores of the Pirate Bay.

if you can hear it you can record it, plenty of software available for free.

But not legally..

I can go and carjack someone at the traffic lights.. But it doesnt mean that cars are free..

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MP3gain is great you can run it over your whole collection and get all the volumes the same ...

How long does it take? - any old rough estimate will do.

I'm thinking of about a couple of hundred tracks that I would normally put on a CD for playing in the pick-up. It would be nice if I didn't have to adjust the volume sometimes.

I shouldn't think it's feasible to do it on my entire collection - 26,000 files, 100+ GB! :D

I just did 500 tracks and it took a few minutes. The tracks were in one folder.

I have over 1300 tracks which I paid for over the last 25 years.   :o  I have a cd, tape and or record for everyone.  But I rip them at differant times and with differant programs over the years. So mp3gain fixes the whole 6gig of MP3 in just a few minutes.  The best thing is it fixes them, its not just a playback fix like MS mediaplayer and many of others.  You can use them in your car or pc and the volumes are set.  100 plus gig  :D  that will take a few more minutes.  As long as you don't delete the meta info you can even roll the settings back,  thats where it stores the info needed to change the file back, but after they play well its just not needed anyway.

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That is the game you play when you are STEALING copyright material. This topic should be closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

Downloading music does not mean stealing it.

As others have said there is much copyright free music out there if you look for it.

There is much music availible via Limewire that is both safe and out of copyright.

As for Limewire - you need to be a bit more aware as to what you are exactly doing.

Look at file sizes AND file types.

After a while you might begin to understand that files that report to be of X bytes length everytime but appear with different file names are files that are not music at all.

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I second the recommendations for last.fm and Spotify. Legal alternatives which are really convenient.

It's comparatively easy to buy the songs you really want and explore copyright-free music, and settle for streaming of the rest.

Yep - don't anyone fall into the assumption that ALL downloaded music is illegal.

I use LEGAL copyright-free music for some university work i've done (soundtracks on powerpoint displays etc) and also on vids i upload onto YouTube.

About viruses. I'm not sure how stuff like Limewire works so won't comment on that, but when i download music via my web browser, firstly, i have windows firewall turned on. Secondly, i download the file i want and then 'right click' and scan it with AVG free.

If it's clear then, i'll play it.

So far, touch wood, i've been safe.

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That is the game you play when you are STEALING copyright material. This topic should be closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

1. it is NOT stealing.

2. many free to use solutions exist.

3. it is NOT stealing.

4. the internet is NOT evil.

5. anything from shoutcast to spotify to musicovery to last.fm to many more LEGAL, ENDORSED and PROMOTED alternatives exist.

6. it is NOT stealing.

7. IF you download and share some downloaded material without the consent of any copyright holder, then they call it copyright infringement. HOWEVER, many countries allows FAIR USE, no matter how hard the **AA's try to lobby their case.

It is still within the right for many people to download music, movies, tv series, games, software and other things as long as it falls under fair use.

What is fair use? One obvious example is that you already own originals and want to have digital copies for easy use/access.

Oh, US laws and regulations do NOT apply world wide.

8. Step off the "repeat it enough and it will be true" bandwagon the **AA's like so much. It is NOT, I repeat, N O T stealing.

Let me close with the definition of stealing:

"A person is guilty of theft, if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it".

COPYING leaves the original intact...

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There are few artist who offer free music . You can start listening to them ?

there are plenty of artists who offer free music, check out archive.org, which is a perfectly legal site with music available with the artists permission.

"check out archive.org",I did,lots of bands,I'd heard of about 10.Here's some of the ones I hadn't heard.

Aaron Leibowitz and The Goop...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead...24Hr.Police Autopsy...Sun Dried Opossum...Sprout and The Orange...The Cutest Puppy In The World. IT'S FREE,if it wasn't free it would never get a chance to be heard.Couldn't resist it,24Hr.Police Autopsy,loud stinking head banging cr@p,sounded like it had been recorded on a digital camera.Unless your a masochist don't go there. Tried last.fm ,nice surprise after where I just came from,I understand everybodies got different likes and dislikes but I just can't see myself,sitting on the edge of the chair all day waiting to go out and see a band called

The Cutest Puppy in the World. Off to Spotify.

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I just did 500 tracks and it took a few minutes. The tracks were in one folder.

I have over 1300 tracks which I paid for over the last 25 years. :o I have a cd, tape and or record for everyone. But I rip them at differant times and with differant programs over the years. So mp3gain fixes the whole 6gig of MP3 in just a few minutes. The best thing is it fixes them, its not just a playback fix like MS mediaplayer and many of others. You can use them in your car or pc and the volumes are set. 100 plus gig :D that will take a few more minutes. As long as you don't delete the meta info you can even roll the settings back, thats where it stores the info needed to change the file back, but after they play well its just not needed anyway.

Thanks for those timings - I'm definitely going to adjust the mp3s before I make CD copies for the pick-up.

I remember using a utility - not mp3gain - some time ago on one file to change its volume and was curious to find out what had changed. So I did a binary comparison of the before and after files and it was only some data in the file header that had changed, which I thought was quite surprising.

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7. IF you download and share some downloaded material without the consent of any copyright holder, then they call it copyright infringement. HOWEVER, many countries allows FAIR USE, no matter how hard the **AA's try to lobby their case.

It is still within the right for many people to download music, movies, tv series, games, software and other things as long as it falls under fair use.

What is fair use? One obvious example is that you already own originals and want to have digital copies for easy use/access.

Oh, US laws and regulations do NOT apply world wide.

And how many people download movies they already own legally ??

I am szure that makes up a huge % of torrent traffic.. :o

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last.fm is great for streaming, but if you must download, you should visit the dangerous shores of the Pirate Bay.

if you can hear it you can record it, plenty of software available for free.

But not legally..

I can go and carjack someone at the traffic lights.. But it doesnt mean that cars are free..

You can legally record music from internet radios.Its a bit like angling fish - you do not know what fish you catch,but you can sort them out after.You need some program to do it.You must edit them as well.

All together - some fun and no feeling of guilt!which is coming out on this forum.

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last.fm is great for streaming, but if you must download, you should visit the dangerous shores of the Pirate Bay.

if you can hear it you can record it, plenty of software available for free.

But not legally..

I can go and carjack someone at the traffic lights.. But it doesnt mean that cars are free..

You can legally record music from internet radios.Its a bit like angling fish - you do not know what fish you catch,but you can sort them out after.You need some program to do it.You must edit them as well.

All together - some fun and no feeling of guilt!which is coming out on this forum.

Its not actually as clear cut as that.. If your talking about the USA's laws... Many people believe that recording TV, Radio programs for viewing/listening at a later stage is legal as long as it is for personal use... However, there are various interpretations of the law. In the US, the link http://www.kurthanson.com/archive/news/111704/index.asp argues that while it is legal to record a program for future viewing, once you have viewed the program, you are legally bound to delete it.

Germany has legalised it IF 'the artist receives fair compensation' which then is a can of worms concerning if the radio station pays artist licensing fees, where they do so, etc etc etc.

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7. IF you download and share some downloaded material without the consent of any copyright holder, then they call it copyright infringement. HOWEVER, many countries allows FAIR USE, no matter how hard the **AA's try to lobby their case.

It is still within the right for many people to download music, movies, tv series, games, software and other things as long as it falls under fair use.

What is fair use? One obvious example is that you already own originals and want to have digital copies for easy use/access.

Oh, US laws and regulations do NOT apply world wide.

And how many people download movies they already own legally ??

I am szure that makes up a huge % of torrent traffic.. :o

Are you szure?mr szaved?golony?
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Its not actually as clear cut as that.. If your talking about the USA's laws... Many people believe that recording TV, Radio programs for viewing/listening at a later stage is legal as long as it is for personal use... However, there are various interpretations of the law. In the US, the link http://www.kurthanson.com/archive/news/111704/index.asp argues that while it is legal to record a program for future viewing, once you have viewed the program, you are legally bound to delete it.

Germany has legalised it IF 'the artist receives fair compensation' which then is a can of worms concerning if the radio station pays artist licensing fees, where they do so, etc etc etc.

May be,you are right;but on the box of program is written,that its legal;other programs of the same sort

had similar statement.

RIAAA&Sons have general agreement with FM radios and they pay licence which covers artists;FM stations provide free advertising for music and artists,how would we know about them?RIAAA&Sons tried to delegalise even one of the first mp3 players(Rio) ten years ago;they lost of course - does it mean that i-pod is bad???(mp3 player! basically)).Now - i-pod is American icon!

President Obama gave i-pod as the oficial gift to Queen of England!RIAAA claimed that i-pod&mp3 players are tools enabling people to steal music.How President stand in light of that claim???

That incident 10 yrs ago is evidence of bad intentions of RIAAA organisation - protect the profits at any cost.They have to much money from exorbirant profits - they spend a lot of it on lawyers.

I am not musician or connected with music industry,but I know some people there.musicians general feeling is that they get very little.All goes to misters10%(chains of them).

How it works in entertainment biz?look it todays news - story about Korean actress Jang Ja Yeon!

I had girlfriend long time ago,who was not even an actress yet - just student in music school,but pretty she was.well known musician,geezer! offered her help:you sleep with me - I will help you to make cariere!

Thats how it works in this world.Where is much money to make - crooks come like flies to honey.

We do not steal music,they steal our money...

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