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Any Payap Uni Students Out There?


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I've never heard of Payap. I didn't see them when I read the Time Higher Education top 200 list. If you want an internationally recogized degree, try Manchester Business School www.mbs-worldwide.ac.uk They are a little expensive.

Another school I found that was also listed in the T.H.E. top 200 University list was University of Leicester www.le.ac.uk/ulsm

I'll probably casually do my masters through them. Much better value.

Both good schools, depends what kind of masters you are looking for if they will work for you, I didn't really notice if you had been specific.

Edited by johnefallis
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I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

Edited by gatorhead333
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A master degree can be purchased for around 100,000 baht. Essentially you are paying someone to go through the program using your credentials. This is generally used by older people in jobs that require a degree to move up (government), but don't really need the 'education'.

This is usually done at smaller/cheaper schools. I have never heard of anyone doing this at a larger university like CMU. I would think there were too many chances of getting caught or too many people to bribe to look the other way.

I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

Edited by Lordfoul
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A master degree can be purchased for around 100,000 baht. Essentially you are paying someone to go through the program using your credentials. This is generally used by older people in jobs that require a degree to move up (government), but don't really need the 'education'.

This is usually done at smaller/cheaper schools. I have never heard of anyone doing this at a larger university like CMU. I would think there were too many chances of getting caught or too many people to bribe to look the other way.

I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

jeez... o.k. where do i go to pay 100,000 baht what/which university office ?/ can you please help me ..where do i pay? this is just too stupid.

yeh and if someone wants to they can also rob a bank...

if someone ones to they can steal a car ..

many things in life can be done if you are a crook,a lier and a thief ..

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what part of :

"many things in life can be done if you are a crook,a lier and a thief "..

do u not grasp..

but at the same time please which office at the U do i pay my 100,000 baht? please cut all the drama tell us where we pay out money and get a degree.

if you can not tell us where which office at the U to pay then stop all the silly, stupid gab.

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what part of :

"many things in life can be done if you are a crook,a lier and a thief "..

do u not grasp..

but at the same time please which office at the U do i pay my 100,000 baht? please cut all the drama tell us where we pay out money and get a degree.

if you can not tell us where which office at the U to pay then stop all the silly, stupid gab.

You are a very entertaining fellow.

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what part of :

"many things in life can be done if you are a crook,a lier and a thief "..

do u not grasp..

but at the same time please which office at the U do i pay my 100,000 baht? please cut all the drama tell us where we pay out money and get a degree.

if you can not tell us where which office at the U to pay then stop all the silly, stupid gab.

You are a very entertaining fellow.

entertaining ? i was just calling a spade a spade and stating the obvious ..nothing more.. i

for me entertaining to the point of the absured is all the B.S. blurb boys stating things that in no way can or will be confirmed.

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the other entertaining one was saying CMU was private same as Payap.

to even mention payup in the same paragraph is wrong. one is a big proud institution,a real U the other is a clown school..

CMU is a public u. but a few years ago the government went to part time employees thus cutting down on benifits.

CMU is still a public U funded with grants etc. but the U like everything everywhere in this day and age must make ends meet,

tenured professors there and other higher up employees get the checks from the government with government benifits pensions etc.

the admittance standards and routine is the same as it always was...public for the highschool grads of T-land but cost has gone up .If you are a exceptional high achiver with no funds(poor) they have grants and loans for the students in need if the real deal.

Obviously they are trying to increases the bottom line may ways .

These cuts all began in the great "thaxin" time ... even the state hospitals now hired x% as part time workers even though they are full time plus plus so they have no benifits ,all unfair cost cutting measures screwing the workers out of their needed benifits.

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It's a bit late to be asking such questions, registration is this week. A small fee for late registration is possible for next week though...

Firstly, what degree is internationally recognized? Notice the passive form construction here. It really depends on individual employers. An MBA done in the US is likely to be more highly regarded by employers in the US, but maybe not. An MBA (at payap you'd be doing the IMBA) from thailand (eg payap university) may well be better received by employers in SE Asia, but maybe not.

It would be easy to write a book on problems in education, and every country would have chapters. At the end of the day, you get bad, reasonable, good, and super teachers in probably every institution. Educational worries are increasing, and teaching quality decreasing, in places like the US and UK in recent years, so it's unfair to diss payap simply coz it's in thailand. I know there's poor teaching at payap, at CMU, at chualongkorn, at mahidol, and i know there's excellent teaching at these institutions too. Personally i think there is an underlying decrease in effective curricula and teaching at western universities over the last few years (mainly for political reasons), and the gap between their perceived and real quality of instruction and those of unis in other developing parts of the world is closing.

Payap itself is an okay university, certainly it is situated on a rather beautiful campus. Administration can be frustrating for international students, but as mentioned the visa man is particularly excellent, and that is important. The music faculty is particularly well-known and regarded in the community. As for the IMBA program, there really are not that many offered in just english, and perhaps payap is the only one in this part of thailand. Not sure about that.

There exists some kind of 'rivalry' between payap and cmu, rather like chualongkorn and thammasat, rather like oxford and cambridge.

I've taught at payap for a few years now, the money's not good (same as pretty much all teaching jobs in chiang mai), but i personally can benefit from being able to deliver as high a quality instruction as my experience and qualifications allow me. I know i deliver more value for bucks than just about anywhere in the US or UK, because i get paid poorly! This is of course one attraction for international students, the prices compared to back home. Often the likes of payap and cmu get decent instructors who put up with the poor pay because they simply want to live in chiang mai.

And like the payap student above says, you get out of it what you put into it. He has a valid point re other students not speaking english to the required level, but i know that problem is now increasing in the UK too.

All in all i'd say that payap for international students delivers rather good value for money. I would add that you're more likely to hit the jackpot for decent instruction in the US or UK, simply because the unis can afford to pay proper salaries befitting of the instructors' experience and qualifications. But experienced teachers come to payap because they offer the programs (cmu don't) and because they love living in this town.

Oh, finally and incidentally, all teachers on the IMBA will have their own master's or phd. And really, doing a master's the onus is squarely on the student to do the learning themselves. The teacher's job is to guide the student into such autonomy. The library is very helpful in this regard.

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If you are a exceptional high achiver with no funds(poor) they have grants and loans for the students in need if the real deal.

Obviously they are trying to increases the bottom line may ways .

These cuts all began in the great "thaxin" time ... even the state hospitals now hired x% as part time workers even though they are full time plus plus so they have no benifits ,all unfair cost cutting measures screwing the workers out of their needed benifits.

That is not thaksin's model, it is the western model. They've been doing that for years (contracting out is one of the terms i believe). British students are well in debt before they've even entered the workforce these days. That's what the systems want, debt-ridden compliant citizens.

Many students at payap can only be there because they have managed to secure government student loans.

The west has a lot to answer for.

You seem to be highly subjective on this thread gatorhead, and only in the negative sense. Nothing is all bad or all good, and anybody thinking about doing a master's is unlikely to be taking notice of such slanted offerings!

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I clearly explained the process. Maybe you need to take an English course at Payap.

A master degree can be purchased for around 100,000 baht. Essentially you are paying someone to go through the program using your credentials. This is generally used by older people in jobs that require a degree to move up (government), but don't really need the 'education'.

This is usually done at smaller/cheaper schools. I have never heard of anyone doing this at a larger university like CMU. I would think there were too many chances of getting caught or too many people to bribe to look the other way.

I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

jeez... o.k. where do i go to pay 100,000 baht what/which university office ?/ can you please help me ..where do i pay? this is just too stupid.

yeh and if someone wants to they can also rob a bank...

if someone ones to they can steal a car ..

many things in life can be done if you are a crook,a lier and a thief ..

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Thank you femifan and richard10356 for the well written and informative posts, and the civil tone. I've been considering going to Payap as well and have been following this thread with interest. Unfortunately the thread was flooded with some very rude, unhelpful posts. If you don't like Payap University, please provide clear reasons why and back it up with sources. The hateful and insulting posts aren't that helpful and aren't welcome.

I've already been fairly successful financially and don't need a degree for my resume. If Payap has good teachers and the students are happy with the education they are receiving, that's good enough for me. I just want to go back to school for the learning; I always enjoyed school. Payap does seem to be one of the few schools in Chiang Mai that has an English only MBA program.

As to the poster who keeps bashing Payap without any supporting information except that he thinks only stupid girls in short skirts there are there… please sober up before you post anymore.

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Thank you femifan and richard10356 for the well written and informative posts, and the civil tone. I've been considering going to Payap as well and have been following this thread with interest. Unfortunately the thread was flooded with some very rude, unhelpful posts. If you don't like Payap University, please provide clear reasons why and back it up with sources. The hateful and insulting posts aren't that helpful and aren't welcome.

I've already been fairly successful financially and don't need a degree for my resume. If Payap has good teachers and the students are happy with the education they are receiving, that's good enough for me. I just want to go back to school for the learning; I always enjoyed school. Payap does seem to be one of the few schools in Chiang Mai that has an English only MBA program.

As to the poster who keeps bashing Payap without any supporting information except that he thinks only stupid girls in short skirts there are there… please sober up before you post anymore.

why are you so rude? calling the beautiful payap girls stupid ,.. why? this is what makes Payap stong and good .. the beautiful girls...

be civil even if you do not care for beautiful short skirt girls..pleaae do not call them stupid....maybe sober up some ... but be nice the girls are Payap ,they are the smart ones not you .

but if you do not care for beautiful short skirted girls why would you consider going to payap.

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I stand corrected. I did check with some of the people who I consider to be a credible source of information. CMU is still a government university. It hasn't become a private university yet but it is being debated and moving in the direction of privatization. Gatorhead is correct......about that.

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but if you do not care for beautiful short skirted girls why would you consider going to payap.

Well there are several reasons. First, it's very affordable. I'm never going to take out student loans again, been there, done that. Any school I attend I want to be able to pay for in full. Second, it is one of only a small handful of schools that have an international program taught in English. There aren't that many choices in Chiang Mai. Third, it's well located and close to my house. I've heard the campus is pretty nice too. Fifth, I've heard there are lots of pretty girls in short skirts there. And finally, I have carefully reviewed some writing submissions of Payap students vs. CMU students. I think the results say it all.


Classes are on the weekend for the IMBA students and during the week for the undergrad programs. You have all week to do your homework, work or do whatever you want to do during the week. There are probably 7 or 8 students in a class. The teacher quality last semester was excellent. One teacher was from the Warton school of business, another use to work in the world bank, the accounting teacher was a retired U.S. Airforce guy (excellent teacher), and the others have other outstanding qualities.


why are you so rude? calling the beautiful payap girls stupid ,.. why? this is what makes Payap stong and good .. the beautiful girls...

be civil even if you do not care for beautiful short skirt girls..pleaae do not call them stupid....maybe sober up some ... but be nice the girls are Payap ,they are the smart ones not you .

:) Just having fun. Let's not take this too seriously.

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If you are a exceptional high achiver with no funds(poor) they have grants and loans for the students in need if the real deal.

Obviously they are trying to increases the bottom line may ways .

These cuts all began in the great "thaxin" time ... even the state hospitals now hired x% as part time workers even though they are full time plus plus so they have no benifits ,all unfair cost cutting measures screwing the workers out of their needed benifits.

That is not thaksin's model, it is the western model. They've been doing that for years (contracting out is one of the terms i believe). British students are well in debt before they've even entered the workforce these days. That's what the systems want, debt-ridden compliant citizens.

Many students at payap can only be there because they have managed to secure government student loans.

The west has a lot to answer for.

You seem to be highly subjective on this thread gatorhead, and only in the negative sense. Nothing is all bad or all good, and anybody thinking about doing a master's is unlikely to be taking notice of such slanted offerings!

yes, this seems like thaksin took the western model but since we are in t-land and he kicked this in to play here I would have to call it Thaksin model here in t-land . it is unfair for the many thais now . not contract out here they just hire with out benifits calling it part time..but it is full time ++ workers either take it or leave it.

But a masters in biz in CM from payap?? still a joke for a farang ,not a joke for thai people that can go no where else though.

but yes you as a farang get a Ed visa which for many this is more important than the "degree"anyway . Why do i laugh at payap? because i have listened to CMU students and thai people joking about it for many years and i have delighted in the pretty Payap girls..it is bigger and better now than in the past but again for a farang to actually study MBA there???come on.....

i would never call the beautiful short skirted payap girls stupid like some very rude fellow above ,shame on him!i call them the backbone of payap!

,those girls are the clever ones.... many going there on their farangs dime.

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but if you do not care for beautiful short skirted girls why would you consider going to payap.

Well there are several reasons. First, it's very affordable. I'm never going to take out student loans again, been there, done that. Any school I attend I want to be able to pay for in full. Second, it is one of only a small handful of schools that have an international program taught in English. There aren't that many choices in Chiang Mai. Third, it's well located and close to my house. I've heard the campus is pretty nice too. Fifth, I've heard there are lots of pretty girls in short skirts there. And finally, I have carefully reviewed some writing submissions of Payap students vs. CMU students. I think the results say it all.


Classes are on the weekend for the IMBA students and during the week for the undergrad programs. You have all week to do your homework, work or do whatever you want to do during the week. There are probably 7 or 8 students in a class. The teacher quality last semester was excellent. One teacher was from the Warton school of business, another use to work in the world bank, the accounting teacher was a retired U.S. Airforce guy (excellent teacher), and the others have other outstanding qualities.


why are you so rude? calling the beautiful payap girls stupid ,.. why? this is what makes Payap stong and good .. the beautiful girls...

be civil even if you do not care for beautiful short skirt girls..pleaae do not call them stupid....maybe sober up some ... but be nice the girls are Payap ,they are the smart ones not you .

:) Just having fun. Let's not take this too seriously.

right on,good point this is not serious at all!!!how could it be.... this is a thread about Payap!!!!

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any education is better than none,this being said Payap,internet courses,the library, anything that will make you guys a little smarter is recommend.so get started and get smarter...

and realise this is was all a joke...

anything you do book wise is something which is better than nothing.....

so buy your book bags and get to work!

Honestly,if i needed a biz degree and a visa i would be a Payap!! Y? need you ask...

the beautiful short skirted Payap girls.....

Edited by gatorhead333
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I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

Why should I write down a list of people I know who have done this?

Would it personally affect you, would you know these same people, would you even care?

That's their decision, not mine. I don't comment on it and things go on, but the fact remains that it happens.

My wife has been asked to translate thesis and even write them for scratch for decent amounts of money. She has refused each time. If she has been approached it makes sense that others have as well, right?

To believe that this type of thing does not happen is what I find funny. We see corruption in every aspect of life while living in Thailand and we all choose to say "Mai pen rai" and move on with our lives. Just because I know of this practice and people who have done it doesn't mean that I get all worked up about it.

Furthermore I do not know of any farang who has been able to buy a degree in Thailand, unless of course it was at Kow San road.

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What an interesting thread, with clearly two conflicting points of view! One side is repeating negative viewpoints based on hearsay, while the other is from current students. I am an instructor at both CMU and Payap, and have several years experience in both institutions and if I was recommending a westerner to study for an MBA in Chiang Mai, there would be one choice - Payap's IBMBA program. It is an excellent program, with high standards and highly qualified instructors.

CMU is a good university, offering a wide number of excellent programs. They have huge numbers of students, and large numbers of very qualified teachers - with many professors, assistant professors and associate professors. However, they have little to offer if you don't speak Thai. They do have some "international" programs, and they are mostly taught in English - *mostly* being the key word there.

Payap's international programs are truly international, with instructors from all around the world and 100% in English. There is a good community of students and a great atmosphere around the campus. Of the programs offered, the IBMBA is one of the best programs.

It's easy to say that Payap is just about the 'girls', because there is a 65%-35% split (females/males), but I would question anyone who used that as a basis for choosing somewhere to study. It's also easy to pass on other negative stereotypes about Payap, Payap is far from perfect! The international programs are fairly new though, but they have been getting better over the past few years. Just because someone might have had a negative experience near the beginning, don't use that to judge the quality of the programs now.

Why don't you come and see for yourself?

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If anyone has free time and would like a tour of Payap University International College undergraduate and graduate programs please send me a private message. I will arrange for a guided tour of our university. Next week classes start and student will be available to answer questions about their educational experience, good or bad, at Payap.

Many of the negative comments in this thread are opinions not based on first hand experience. I can introduce you to students who have English as their primary language and those that do not. For sure their experiences are very different. I can even introduce you to a few Turkish students who study on the Thai side of the university earning a degree taught completely in Thai. They can tell you their experiences of learning Thai and at the same time studying all the courses needed for their bachelors degree.

I can introduce you to the department heads, teachers and staff and you can ask about how they feel working in Thailand for less money than what they would get in their own countries and why they do it. The International College at Payap is an approachable university. People are friendly but also quite busy.

The International College at Payap has good students and those who could work a little harder. Most of our undergrads range in age from 18 to 22. They deal with the same issues that 18 to 22 year old students deal with in other universities. Sometimes student life is not as nice as some students would like it to be. Some students are quite motivated while a few are just doing what they need to get by. Some go to bed early so they can be alert in class and others stay out late and at times need a gentle nudge to get them moving again.

The IMBA program students are a bit different. The maturity level is quite different. Most are working and studying at the same time. Their classes are on the weekend so they have time to work during the week. From what I can see, the IMBA students who speak English as a second language do have more problems with the reading and writing assignments. The teachers are quite patient with them as they point out their mistakes and make them fix their work. The students at Payap don't buy degrees. They earn them.

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What I have been saying has come from both students and employees. Sources that are close to me and ones that I trust. :shrug:

I will have more to say about payap once someone i know in the US has their master's credits evaluated by the university they wish to attend here.

Btw no one is saying that smart students only go to one University.

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One of my instructors who is not a member of ThaiVisa has a few things he would like to say. I told him I would post his comments.



Dr Thein Swe

International Business MBA Program

Thai and Southeast Asian Studies Program

Payap University is the first private university in Chiang Mai for the past 35 years. The International College for undergrad started six years ago and it is completely taught in English by many expat teachers who have rich experience in their fields including the Wharton Business School Pennsylvania USA, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and from various universities of US, Japan, Malaysia and UK.. In the case of Business Management, you can be enrolled in the undergrad program for BBA degree in International Business Administration (IBM) which is a four year course in English. However, if you want to enroll for post-grad International Business MBA program, it is a 3 semester program which must be completed within 5 years, either a thesis or a non-thesis Business Project program.

The International Business MBA program is a post grad master's degree program. The courses are taught in English. The non-native speakers of English will have to pass a TOEFL course as well as take mandatory three basic foundation English courses. This is to improve the standard of English as the courses are very complex using English language textbooks used in US and other well known business schools all over the world.

The assignments, work load and presentations are pretty heavy and a student need to be a full time student in order to complete the International Business MBA program at Payap University. Unfortunately, there are many drop-outs due to tough requirements in different courses. However, many of Payap University International Business MBA graduates have been able to find good employment after their graduation. We have IB MBA grads working with Multinational enterprises in China, Thailand and Myanmar earning ThB60,000 - Thb70,000 per month average as starting salary and some of them received a salary of six-digits a month in Bangkok with a multinational enterprise.

Generally, we can say that International program at Payap University with English as medium of instruction is of high quality of international standard. We have students from China, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Brazil, Cameroon, The Gambia, Korea, Japan, Australia, USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland, France, Nepal and of course from Thailand.

The tuition fee quoted in Thai Visa is for undergrad IBM i.e. about ThB70,000 per semester. For International Business MBA Program, it is THB65,000 per semester for three semester and if the student work had they can finish by one and half year but maximum, they must finish within 5 years.


Dr Thein Swe

International Business MBA Program

Thai and Southeast Asian Studies Program

Payap University

Super Highway CM - LP

Chiang Mai 50000




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I know quite a few people who paid for their master's thesis at CMU... Common practice really.

hey me too,very common practice especially with soft, willing, jungle pussy cats,yes it is a fact, my cat told me one of his jungle pussy cat friends came down from the mountain and trotted into CMU after getting his head patted she purred loudly and her check bones so high and exotic that the head of the Dept., a PHD , gave ther ,a beautiful pussy cat ,a MBA...my cat wants to go there now too! very common practice really, says my cat!!!

hey get a grip. I know aliens that hover over the moat at night too .but i can not give details only the stories....

stop with the "I know quite a few people" slander stuff unless you can list quite a few people here here please just can it!

but it does cost $ to go to any U if that s what you mean ....

Why should I write down a list of people I know who have done this?

Would it personally affect you, would you know these same people, would you even care?

That's their decision, not mine. I don't comment on it and things go on, but the fact remains that it happens.

My wife has been asked to translate thesis and even write them for scratch for decent amounts of money. She has refused each time. If she has been approached it makes sense that others have as well, right?

To believe that this type of thing does not happen is what I find funny. We see corruption in every aspect of life while living in Thailand and we all choose to say "Mai pen rai" and move on with our lives. Just because I know of this practice and people who have done it doesn't mean that I get all worked up about it.

Furthermore I do not know of any farang who has been able to buy a degree in Thailand, unless of course it was at Kow San road.

WHO CARES~! people with no integrity,liers,thieves and the like do this everywhere in the world

so what ! soyou have a lot of these type checkered assoicates you hang with in CM .. does this speak for your chararacter as well?

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What an interesting thread, with clearly two conflicting points of view! One side is repeating negative viewpoints based on hearsay, while the other is from current students. I am an instructor at both CMU and Payap, and have several years experience in both institutions and if I was recommending a westerner to study for an MBA in Chiang Mai, there would be one choice - Payap's IBMBA program. It is an excellent program, with high standards and highly qualified instructors.

CMU is a good university, offering a wide number of excellent programs. They have huge numbers of students, and large numbers of very qualified teachers - with many professors, assistant professors and associate professors. However, they have little to offer if you don't speak Thai. They do have some "international" programs, and they are mostly taught in English - *mostly* being the key word there.

Payap's international programs are truly international, with instructors from all around the world and 100% in English. There is a good community of students and a great atmosphere around the campus. Of the programs offered, the IBMBA is one of the best programs.

It's easy to say that Payap is just about the 'girls', because there is a 65%-35% split (females/males), but I would question anyone who used that as a basis for choosing somewhere to study. It's also easy to pass on other negative stereotypes about Payap, Payap is far from perfect! The international programs are fairly new though, but they have been getting better over the past few years. Just because someone might have had a negative experience near the beginning, don't use that to judge the quality of the programs now.

Why don't you come and see for yourself?

you confirmed my previous post,

when one attends a U they do not need one with new programs that is still in its infancy taught by underpaid expats .

this is best compared to what? the other new programs working out the kinks?

thank you fro clearing this up for us

Edited by gatorhead333
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I am curious why you are persisting in using this thread to bash something you clearly have no direct experience of. The OP clearly asked for the experiences of graduates and those who could comment on the quality of the teaching there. I would be happy to take the time to meet with you and answer any questions you have about the programs at Payap, so I can clear up any misunderstandings you have about the school. Feel free to PM me.

You comment that programs are taught by underpaid expats. I agree - I am underpaid (aren't we all?), but if I was here for the money, I wouldn't be here. The size of the paycheck isn't proportional to the quality of education, and fortunately there are enough like-minded and qualified people with motivations other than the paycheck to create some good programs. I admitted that things aren't always perfect, and minor kinks are being always worked out, but that is the same in any institution and with your ('red') highlighting it seems you have missed the point. You don't need to be in the UK or US to get a quality international education, there is one offered here, at Payap, and the experience you'll have while here will certainly add to your resume.

One of the posters questioned the value of a degree from Payap. For information, one of my graduates was accepted into a Phd. program at a top university in the UK, and our students regularly take part in exchange programs with US, UK and Australian universities, each with MOU's to exchange credits earned. Other graduates earn more than I do working in Chiang Mai, Bangkok or abroad, the degree being accepted for what it is worth. The 'value' of the degree is how you market it, and our students have plenty of opportunity to add to their CV. The experience gained here, (imho) is comparable to many western universities.

No doubt snippets of this reply could be interpreted in many ways, but please feel free to contact me directly to ensure you understand what Payap has to offer.

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