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Workpermit & B Visa Mix Up

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A guy I know has changed jobs and his B visa was cancelled by his old employer. He was able to get a one week extension. He found a new job and got a new work permit. Unfortunately, his new employer couldn't get all of the documents to get his B visa extended for the year so he had to go to Mae Sai for a border run and now has a tourist visa. He is getting ready to go to Loas to get a new B visa. However, after reading the info on this site about getting a B visa it seems that the employer gives a letter requesting a B visa so they can obtain a work permit. Is his work permit still valid? Should he not tell the Thai embassy about the permit and just get the visa and then carry on like nothing happened?

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He did not get a visa in Mae Sai he got a 15 day visa exempt entry.

It is not a matter of just haveing a letter to get the B visa. It requires company documents and the work permit (or w P3).

If he has all the documentation from the company he can get his visa using the work permit he already has.

His work permit is still valid since they are no longer tied to his visa/extension permit to stay.

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He got his new work permit while on a one week extention and has since been to Mae Sai twice now. You say he didn't get a visa at Mae Sai; he was worried that he has been working illegally on a tourist visa and was also concerned that his new work permit had been nullified also.

If he gets ll the paperwork can he get a Non B in Thailand?

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  • 4 months later...

Just a question for the brains trust !

Since when is it the employer who cancels the B Visa..... The visa is issued by Embassy/consulate. and is cancelled on expiry by Immigration as far as ever knew/know.

The work permit , it is the employees responsibility to hand it back to Labor Dept within 7 days..

Maybe im out of date !! probably ..too much Leo.

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They are talking about extensions of stay. They end at the end of work. The employee gets a letter of termination from employer and visits Immigration that day to end extension of stay; and apply for a 7 day extension if not leaving that day. A 90 day visa entry would not end.

The work permit may be returned or not depending on the issuing office now it seems. But always best to make sure it is if you plan to obtain another.

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