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New Rules From 1 June Or What ?!

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This is very very strange. . .

I have a Swedish friend that was on a visa run to Vientiane to get 2x Tourist visa. . now June 1

He was refued at the consulat and they say No more TV. . only give 15 days !!!...

More reports on this ? ?

p.s..... sorry for write wrong in topic . . did get more info later on.

Edited by oMega69
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Should not of been a problem. I would guess immigration just made a mistake and stamped the wrong date. That has happened many times.

There is no reason that I can think of for them to refuse the visa.

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He is saying that his friend's tourist visa application was denied at the Thai consulate in Vientiane, not that he wasn't stamped in for sixty days using a tourist visa.

Correct . . i was missleading at the topic . . . .... this sounds very strange... we need to have some reports of some one geting the TV from Vientiane from 1june to now....

So we can clear this out !

Edited by oMega69
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He did an edit. At first he said he got the visa and immigration only gave him 15 days.

Edit: You got in a post while I was doing the one.

We have lots of members that get visas there all the time so we may hear more soon if it happend to more people than just him.

It may just of been a problem he had. so we need the entire story.

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He did an edit. At first he said he got the visa and immigration only gave him 15 days.

Edit: You got in a post while I was doing the one.

We have lots of members that get visas there all the time so we may hear more soon if it happend to more people than just him.

It may just of been a problem he had. so we need the entire story.

I Pray to GOD that was only him get problem not the rest of us. . i dont whant to move from Thai :/

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Officially, to get a visa, even a Tourist Visa, one needs to prove that one has money to live on in Thailand. Usually no one asks, but any officer may choose to do so, and if you cannot "show the money", you will not get a visa.

About 18 months ago, in Savannakhet, while applying for a Tourist Visa, I was told that "at this time we will issue you a visa, but the next time you come here (to Savan Consulate), you will have to show that you have means to live by to get a visa from us. If you cannot show the money, you will not get a visa." (I did have a four years worth of various visas and entry stamps in my Passport, so I was obviously a long term tourist - something that the Official Thailand seems to abhor.) Sad to hear that this attitude has spread to Vienchan also.

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Since we have received no further confirmation of anybody having a visa application refused. I am closing this topic.

If the OP or anybody else has more info please send me or any Mod a PM and we will reopen this topic.

Topic :)

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