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Sayonara Time


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After about 10 years, I have decided the time has come to find the exit door. Life here has changed in ways I don't really care for personally and there are family issues as well. With three children school age, I simply don't see providing for them here in a proper manner without robbing 7-11's on an almost daily basis, given the price of international schools here. We've had the kids in the private bilingual system and I'm simply not impressed in any way.

Then there is the extended wanke_r (uh, family) thing. I thought America was a Peyton Place until I moved here. God almighty himself, from day one, I have never been around as much of a negative gossipy group as Thais seem to be.

There were things here though that were truly cool, even inspiring in some ways, and I will always hold those close too. Simple country or poor people providing help with no expectations and a happy smile. Older people on buses who recognized even farang could be polite when I offered them my seat and their ultra-polite response and slight shock. The general lack of malice of almost all Thais in dealing with strangers and other than the odd taxi driver or Patpong vendor, the overall positive way of handling the interchange of commerce and life.

But other things, not least of which are recent politics and the seemingly continuing drive to ruin its image, have become too much. Also, listening to the missus go on about internal family politics makes even mine back in America suddenly seem kind and charitable by comparison on their worst day. The drive to demean, opine and in general, make each other in the family look like an ass unless they are driving a Mercedes on the farm has gotten to be too much for me.

I will miss the place and we will keep our house rather than sell it for the time being, but I honestly reckon in a year or two, that will go away as well, unless we just want to keep it for the kids when they grow up.

Best of luck to you all and happy hunting.


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After about 10 years, I have decided the time has come to find the exit door. Life here has changed in ways I don't really care for personally and there are family issues as well. With three children school age, I simply don't see providing for them here in a proper manner without robbing 7-11's on an almost daily basis, given the price of international schools here. We've had the kids in the private bilingual system and I'm simply not impressed in any way.

Then there is the extended wanke_r (uh, family) thing. I thought America was a Peyton Place until I moved here. God almighty himself, from day one, I have never been around as much of a negative gossipy group as Thais seem to be.

There were things here though that were truly cool, even inspiring in some ways, and I will always hold those close too. Simple country or poor people providing help with no expectations and a happy smile. Older people on buses who recognized even farang could be polite when I offered them my seat and their ultra-polite response and slight shock. The general lack of malice of almost all Thais in dealing with strangers and other than the odd taxi driver or Patpong vendor, the overall positive way of handling the interchange of commerce and life.

But other things, not least of which are recent politics and the seemingly continuing drive to ruin its image, have become too much. Also, listening to the missus go on about internal family politics makes even mine back in America suddenly seem kind and charitable by comparison on their worst day. The drive to demean, opine and in general, make each other in the family look like an ass unless they are driving a Mercedes on the farm has gotten to be too much for me.

I will miss the place and we will keep our house rather than sell it for the time being, but I honestly reckon in a year or two, that will go away as well, unless we just want to keep it for the kids when they grow up.

Best of luck to you all and happy hunting.


You are certainly not alone. The last ten years have been trying, to say the least, on many expats living in Thailand. The social culling agenda of the immigration department has not helped matters.

Many expats left their place of origin to find something different and better........they thought they found it in Thailand..........then, after years had slipped away, they realized that the new place was the old place in disguise.

From personal experience, I can say, truthfully, that I have met with "disappointments." But each time, when a door closed, another opened leading to something better........and I ended up being happy that I was disappointed.

Good luck.

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The grass is always greener on the other side, no one place is perfect just don't burn any bridges, maybe all you need is a break. One of the main resons I haven't had a kid is because I wouldn't know how to school it here.

Good luck with whatever you do.

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For most expats Thailand is one of many temp experiances in life - they comes and they goes, but at the end of the day , most eventually go........

At least youre going with family & fortune intact (many don't).

All the best for the future.

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The wife and I are just about to start a life over here.

She has started university whilst my line of work can go anywhere.

Reading these kind of threads gets me thinking.

Kids can make it that bit more difficult though.

You have lived over here long enough to make that decision.

I'm sure gonna do my best to make a go of it though.You never know until you try.

Good luck.

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After about 10 years, I have decided the time has come to find the exit door. Life here has changed in ways I don't really care for personally and there are family issues as well. With three children school age, I simply don't see providing for them here in a proper manner without robbing 7-11's on an almost daily basis, given the price of international schools here. We've had the kids in the private bilingual system and I'm simply not impressed in any way.

Then there is the extended wanke_r (uh, family) thing. I thought America was a Peyton Place until I moved here. God almighty himself, from day one, I have never been around as much of a negative gossipy group as Thais seem to be.

There were things here though that were truly cool, even inspiring in some ways, and I will always hold those close too. Simple country or poor people providing help with no expectations and a happy smile. Older people on buses who recognized even farang could be polite when I offered them my seat and their ultra-polite response and slight shock. The general lack of malice of almost all Thais in dealing with strangers and other than the odd taxi driver or Patpong vendor, the overall positive way of handling the interchange of commerce and life.

But other things, not least of which are recent politics and the seemingly continuing drive to ruin its image, have become too much. Also, listening to the missus go on about internal family politics makes even mine back in America suddenly seem kind and charitable by comparison on their worst day. The drive to demean, opine and in general, make each other in the family look like an ass unless they are driving a Mercedes on the farm has gotten to be too much for me.

I will miss the place and we will keep our house rather than sell it for the time being, but I honestly reckon in a year or two, that will go away as well, unless we just want to keep it for the kids when they grow up.

Best of luck to you all and happy hunting.


Best of luck in your new adventure--having been here for the same length of time as yourself I know exactly where you are coming from and am considering doing the same in the not too distant, and probably for similar reasons [ maybe there's a 10 year itch syndrome in LOS?]

Good luck, sayonara to you

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I'm quite content here and have no intention of leaving. That said, there is just my Thai wife and myself. I am retired and can sympathize with people who have children. Educating them is a frustrating experience. I have a good friend who has a ten year old daughter. He spends a lot of money on the private school and is no way satisfied with his daughters progress. He talks regularly about heading back to the US.

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Why don't you wait for the present government to publicize it's achievements over the last 6 months?

Edit: I'm sorry "successes." They should add the correct spelling of the word as one.

Edited by Shotime
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I hope you are headed for a secure and dependable job and economic future in USA. Thailand may have its faults, but I hardly think it has anything aproaching the social detioration in American society, with illegal drug use and random crime commonplace.

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It's nice to hear from someone who is making an informed and realistic decision. It sounds like it's been well thought through and you see both the negative and the positive side of life here. Your not burning your bridges and thankfully not staying so long you have the need to go off a Pattaya Balcony.

Best of luck to you and the family.

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Good luck with your move! If I had children of school age I would not want to raise them in LOS either.

But being retired and just my wife and I, I find it a very nice place to be.

Same for me:retired.If I had children of school age,would be completely different.

Children deserve a much better education as they can receive in Thailand.

Good luck!

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Not sure how much time you may have spent back home in the US these past 10 years but you will find yourself back in Thai once you try out your daily life there again. Instead of being ruled over by Thais, You will now be overrun by Latinos, Filipinos, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, etc. . If you need to find work, then hope you have a job already to go back to in the States cause those are far and few to be had nowadays.

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It's nice to hear from someone who is making an informed and realistic decision. It sounds like it's been well thought through and you see both the negative and the positive side of life here. Your not burning your bridges and thankfully not staying so long you have the need to go off a Pattaya Balcony.

Best of luck to you and the family.

Thanks for such a common sense reply. Actually in general most of the replies have been at least thoughtful. Clearly, there was no need to post, but since this is also a 'community of peers' for some reason I did.

As to other posts about Bangkok life. If it was here versus say, Los Angeles, I would never pick that over here. If that were the choice, I would stay here in a heartbeat. In our case, we are headed to about as rural a location with top rated schools as you could generally hope for. Not to say it doesn't have its own issues of course, everywhere does, but in general, it is really a very nice place. It's clean, sparsely populated, has satellite and is just over an hour from Dallas. We can get all the 'city life' we want or need, even the occasional trip to their Thai town, then escape back to peace and quiet afterwards.

I'll miss the day to day vibrancy of the city, but I see a lot of positives in having the kids learn the land and animal culture while still being close to good schools, something just not truly practical here. And being Texas, well there are still short, brown people everywhere :) with great cooking skills that will have me over 300lb for sure before it's all said and done.

On top of that, I found some great golf courses that are actually less expensive than here too, so I can at least indulge in a good round of 'FORE' without breaking the bank.


Edited by Soi224
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I hope you are headed for a secure and dependable job and economic future in USA. Thailand may have its faults, but I hardly think it has anything aproaching the social detioration in American society, with illegal drug use and random crime commonplace.

It's worse than that. Those things go on everywhere. There's a sense of entitlement here that is killing the country. I wouldn't say social deterioration. It's a beautiful country, and there are many good people left. No one under the age of 40, except my daughter. Someone tried to short-change me here the other day. It was a stupider attempt than any I've experienced anywhere. At least in Thailand, it's for a lot less money. Trying to take advantage of a little, frail, old man.

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Just think of it as I do. I have a home in Thailand and one in the UK. Both are bases. Both are homes.

Understand the thing about the kids education mind. This is preying on my mind right now too. My intention is for international further and higher education. Gonna break the bank mind.

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I hope you are headed for a secure and dependable job and economic future in USA. Thailand may have its faults, but I hardly think it has anything aproaching the social detioration in American society, with illegal drug use and random crime commonplace.
Not sure how much time you may have spent back home in the US these past 10 years but you will find yourself back in Thai once you try out your daily life there again. Instead of being ruled over by Thais, You will now be overrun by Latinos, Filipinos, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, etc. . If you need to find work, then hope you have a job already to go back to in the States cause those are far and few to be had nowadays.

got any nice stats to back these statements up with fellas?

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What took you so long to see bkk isnt a place to raise children. I only visit and the people i come across just dont seem to be well skooled! Bangkok is one giant cocktail party, not for kids. They allowed after theyve made it elsewhere!

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In our case, we are headed to about as rural a location with top rated schools as you could generally hope for. Not to say it doesn't have its own issues of course, everywhere does, but in general, it is really a very nice place. It's clean, sparsely populated, has satellite and is just over an hour from Dallas.

There are good schools in Texas??

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In our case, we are headed to about as rural a location with top rated schools as you could generally hope for. Not to say it doesn't have its own issues of course, everywhere does, but in general, it is really a very nice place. It's clean, sparsely populated, has satellite and is just over an hour from Dallas.

There are good schools in Texas??

In many cases, even exceptional. Try saying that about here, as much as I would like to :)


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