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Will It Do Me Any Good To Install An Aircon Here?

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I'm about to move in to a new house, and was wondering whether an aircon would be worthwhile.

I'll be using a room on first floor as "office" (I spend a lot of time in front of the computer), but the room is open down to the living room. I've attached a picture taken from 1st floor hope fully to bette rillustrate what I mean.

My question is, with the room being open like that, will an aircon give me anything but a big electricity-bill? I assume it would be working overtime, as it would try to cool down basically the entire house.

Is a fan my best option?


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Cold air seeks the lowest point in a room or space. If the AC is on the 1st floor I would think the output will all go down into the opening to the ground floor and not help you a bit on the 1st floor. Waste of time and money unless you have a machine to cool the entire space.

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Cold air seeks the lowest point in a room or space. If the AC is on the 1st floor I would think the output will all go down into the opening to the ground floor and not help you a bit on the 1st floor. Waste of time and money unless you have a machine to cool the entire space.

second that. Cold air is more heavy than hot air.

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Why spend a little extra and enclose the computer room and install an Aircon, be nice and cool while you do your thing in Cyber world, not having to worry about a big electricity bill. Just think you could easy take a nice cool afternoon nap while floating to cyber world. :):D:D

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We have a big living room that is open to the stairwell and a hallway to 3 rooms downstairs.

To save on the aircon we installed a curtain from ceiling to floor.

It works very well at keeping cool air in the living room.

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