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Maxnet Latest Problems: Maxnet Answer


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Indy is the best by far.

I've tried both premium and the New 10 megs TT&T 3BB package.

Rubish, Indy 5 megs far better and the cheapest of all as I researched on this post:


Maxnet is back to normal now with Indy the best as usual, the 10 computers versus 20 per account is BS.

How can you "try" all these different packages? Did you switch your packages (from Indy to Premier to 10MB and then back to Indy)? Or did you go to friends' houses and see their speed tests? I'm just curious as to exactly how you compared these.

It seems only a comparison using the same lines, same computer, same router, same everything (just different packages) would only be a valid comparison tests.

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I've heard of people getting their connection speeds upgraded for free. One day they will look and see their 3MB Indy package is now 4 or 5 but they are still only paying for the 3MB. What's the secret? How can I get a free upgrade?

Dunno - I used to pay 1070 baht for 1 mbps, then it went up to 2.5, then 4 and now 5 mbps. But the bill is still 1070 baht. I thought they were free upgrades for everyone.

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To lukeskywalker

I get to try different package from my apartment, same computer ect...

It only costs 50 baht to try different packages and none of them ever work very well exept Indy 5Megs...

I thought that changing might help but now I miss my good old Indy 5MBPS! Might switch back after the weekend if the "10" megs BB3 doesn't start performing better.

Indy 5megs screwed up and had problems but nothing as bad as Premier and 3BB and for cheaper also. Had Indy 5 for about 8 months or so, absolutely perfect 99% of the time exept for the last 2 months or so...

But then again the whole country and network is fried so it doesn't matter what plan you choose, indy is a true 3.5-4.5 megs international and not that expensive.

I suspect the 5 meg "premium" is also garbage for 5400 baht per month...

In Thailand you sometimes (often) get more for less! :)

Just look at some of the food items in supermarkets. You often pay more per unit for bigger containers....the more you buy volume the more you pay...

Why is premium 2 megs 1000 baht but premium 3 megs is 2000? Shouldn't you get 4 or 5 megs for double the price? Nope, double the price for a measly extra 1 fake "contention ratio of 10" meg!!!

All BS if you ask me.

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What is the difference between an Indy package and a Premium package? Both say 3MB but one is 590 and the other is about twice the price so what's the difference?

Maxnet Indy is designed only for Thai website browsing with low international bandwidth, throttling or blocking of bit torrent and voice services, you will find youtube will not work well if at all on indy.

The premier services also have a higher upload, the base service is a 2mb/1mb service and is meant to have better international bandwidth.

From the Indy product page

** The start into Broadband Internet World (Best for Thai Surf), with restrictions for the use cycles VoIP/P2P (Bit Torrent) International Limited in size (limited bandwidth for international VoIP/P2P).

The new 3bb Triple T 10mb service does sound interesting at 1,490 baht


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What is the difference between an Indy package and a Premium package? Both say 3MB but one is 590 and the other is about twice the price so what's the difference?

Maxnet Indy is designed only for Thai website browsing with low international bandwidth, throttling or blocking of bit torrent and voice services, you will find youtube will not work well if at all on indy.

The premier services also have a higher upload, the base service is a 2mb/1mb service and is meant to have better international bandwidth.

From the Indy product page

** The start into Broadband Internet World (Best for Thai Surf), with restrictions for the use cycles VoIP/P2P (Bit Torrent) International Limited in size (limited bandwidth for international VoIP/P2P).

The new 3bb Triple T 10mb service does sound interesting at 1,490 baht


Just read this:

"Actual connectivity speed may be lower than stated in the package due to various factors and limitations of the network."

It is just the same scam as the Thai Elite card. Believe me! If they would only ensure a certain connectivity to certain servers, i.e. Frankfurt, London, and Washington, with the possibility of a refund, if these values are not met, I would buy it on the spot, even for 3.000 THB/month.

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What is the difference between an Indy package and a Premium package? Both say 3MB but one is 590 and the other is about twice the price so what's the difference?

Maxnet Indy is designed only for Thai website browsing with low international bandwidth, throttling or blocking of bit torrent and voice services, you will find youtube will not work well if at all on indy.

The premier services also have a higher upload, the base service is a 2mb/1mb service and is meant to have better international bandwidth.

From the Indy product page

** The start into Broadband Internet World (Best for Thai Surf), with restrictions for the use cycles VoIP/P2P (Bit Torrent) International Limited in size (limited bandwidth for international VoIP/P2P).

The new 3bb Triple T 10mb service does sound interesting at 1,490 baht


Just read this:

"Actual connectivity speed may be lower than stated in the package due to various factors and limitations of the network."

It is just the same scam as the Thai Elite card. Believe me! If they would only ensure a certain connectivity to certain servers, i.e. Frankfurt, London, and Washington, with the possibility of a refund, if these values are not met, I would buy it on the spot, even for 3.000 THB/month.

Scam? to understand why this is stated this is how ADSL works, its a shared service, there is a contention ratio and depending on how many you are sharing with determines the speeds. With Indy the ratio is as high as 30:1 which means you may be sharing that 3mb with 30 other users out the other side of the DSLAM, Premier its 5:1.

Below are the T&C's fromTelstra in Australia are they running a scam too?

Our Customer Terms for BigPond ADSL

# ADSL2+: Speeds based on Telstra tests. Your actual speeds may be slower due to factors eg. network configuration, line quality & length, your exchange, your location, internet traffic, your equipment/software. About 50% of members on the 20Mbps plan can access speeds around 10Mbps or more. About 70% of members on the 8Mbps plan can access speeds around 6Mbps or more. With a Home Network Gateway, actual downloads speeds are slower than our top speed.

ADSL: Speeds are theoretical network maximum speeds. Actual speeds may be less due to a number of factors including network configuration, line quality & length, exchange type, member premises interference, traffic and hardware and software.

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...With Indy the ratio is as high as 30:1 which means you may be sharing that 3mb with 30 other users out the other side of the DSLAM, Premier its 5:1...

Yes, this is the official version they told us too.

But honestly I don't believe that. I think you have to share with much more than 30 users on Indy or 5 on Premier. :)

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Yup neverdie, not the end of the world for sure. Anyone out there tried the Hutch Sticks? 999 baht a month? Any good?? I'm limited on my options of alternate providers here TY.

Uur ..okay its 'peakish time' now ...wow wicked upload (as usual)


But Bangkok .... that looks good eh! (spot on stuff)


But hey ...let's go to London, bit better than San fran, but ...don't look too impressive, does it?


And quickly back to the U.S. on the East coast ...wicked upload (as usual)


Finally, let's go the other way to down under ...Mmm, bit like London


So, there you have it ...16 days ago U.S. same servers were 1.5-2MB down, .20- .28 up, ping 250-280. This was ok and useable, Mmm, now it's not. Am I looking in the wrong direction or am I missing something here teccy's??

I just wanna use the WWW please Maxnet ...any chance? LOL

Oh sry ..I must edit and put this in ..and the winner is (drum roll) Las Vegas ! My best result yet LOL


I also have been limited as to my options and have tried a few different methods. I did try the hutch stick, do NOT expect 156 kbps, you will not get it ever. I actually still have this as I had to sign up for 18 months or whatever and it is 4000 Baht to cancel. I do use it occasionally when I go out to my wife's parents house in the sticks where it actually works better than around BKK. In and around Bangkok it can be painfully slow and sometimes unusable especially for uplink speed, sorry I dont have any figures but I simply could not attach even a basic xls document to an email!

I used IP Star / CS Loxinfo for quite a few years and although I complained about them a lot and they did have their problems, overall the service was quite reasonable. I paid for the 256/128 service and although it did not reach those speeds it was usable. The downside is that as it is a satellite service you need another dish, it is a rather large one too (1.5m) so it cannot fix to the side of your house. The other downside is that when it rains heavily it doesn't work (as per UBC/True).

I saw lately that Maxnet are laying lines in my village so I did a search and luckily saw all the postings her on tv, thanks guys. Fortunately my wife found a contact through True who would install a line from our neighbouring village (my village has no phone service) although we did have to pay for the cable and his labour which came to 15,000 baht. This sounds a lot but I was paying CS Loxinfo 2,675 Baht per month for 256/128, I now have an 8 mbps service for approx 1200 Baht per month, I say approx because I have not had my first bill yet. So basically within a year I am back in the black.

I was previously waiting for a good 3G service but it seems to be veeeeery slow in reaching Thailand which is a bit dissappointing if you consider that Countries like the Philippines and Sri Lanka already have gone beyond 3G to HSDPA which is basically faster downlink speeds.

Good luck with finding a reliable service.

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What is the difference between an Indy package and a Premium package? Both say 3MB but one is 590 and the other is about twice the price so what's the difference?

Maxnet Indy is designed only for Thai website browsing with low international bandwidth, throttling or blocking of bit torrent and voice services, you will find youtube will not work well if at all on indy.

The premier services also have a higher upload, the base service is a 2mb/1mb service and is meant to have better international bandwidth.

From the Indy product page

** The start into Broadband Internet World (Best for Thai Surf), with restrictions for the use cycles VoIP/P2P (Bit Torrent) International Limited in size (limited bandwidth for international VoIP/P2P).

The new 3bb Triple T 10mb service does sound interesting at 1,490 baht


Just read this:

"Actual connectivity speed may be lower than stated in the package due to various factors and limitations of the network."

It is just the same scam as the Thai Elite card. Believe me! If they would only ensure a certain connectivity to certain servers, i.e. Frankfurt, London, and Washington, with the possibility of a refund, if these values are not met, I would buy it on the spot, even for 3.000 THB/month.

Scam? to understand why this is stated this is how ADSL works, its a shared service, there is a contention ratio and depending on how many you are sharing with determines the speeds. With Indy the ratio is as high as 30:1 which means you may be sharing that 3mb with 30 other users out the other side of the DSLAM, Premier its 5:1.

Below are the T&C's fromTelstra in Australia are they running a scam too?

Our Customer Terms for BigPond ADSL

# ADSL2+: Speeds based on Telstra tests. Your actual speeds may be slower due to factors eg. network configuration, line quality & length, your exchange, your location, internet traffic, your equipment/software. About 50% of members on the 20Mbps plan can access speeds around 10Mbps or more. About 70% of members on the 8Mbps plan can access speeds around 6Mbps or more. With a Home Network Gateway, actual downloads speeds are slower than our top speed.

ADSL: Speeds are theoretical network maximum speeds. Actual speeds may be less due to a number of factors including network configuration, line quality & length, exchange type, member premises interference, traffic and hardware and software.

Cannot agree more with Mr. Admin. It is how ADSL works and everything is the limitation of the internet itself. It's not like you are subscribing to 10Mbps and they must connect 10Mbps to every single country in the world. People here really need to educate themselves more about technology. The Thais who they claim to always scam them probably know better about this.

I'd call Japanese ISPs scammers as well since they promised 100Mbps but I only get around 10Mbps to the US

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Is there any software tool to see how many users you are sharing the line with at any one time?

What does TOT say about their sharing ratio? They offer a 590 baht 3mb deal too, I wonder what their "fine print" is. When I used it before, I always got good speeds.

Also, how can tell how far I am from my DSLAM? Is it a big box on the side of the road? What does it look like? Should I ditch the modem/router TTT gave me and get an expensive one? Will that help my speeds?

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Cannot agree more with Mr. Admin. It is how ADSL works and everything is the limitation of the internet itself. It's not like you are subscribing to 10Mbps and they must connect 10Mbps to every single country in the world. People here really need to educate themselves more about technology. The Thais who they claim to always scam them probably know better about this.

I'd call Japanese ISPs scammers as well since they promised 100Mbps but I only get around 10Mbps to the US

When I last spoke to TRUE, they told me their contention ratio was 150:1. Whether it is right or not I don't know but that's what they told me.

Sounds like a scam to me.


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This info may have changed, Sept or Oct last year I was on Premier Maxnet 2mb approx

& Maxnet (again is this theory or not) told me (circa Sept - Oct 08) Contention Ration was 50:1 on Premier Maxnet 2mb

(I think it was 50:1 ... if that sounds off target please post in reply, I also had to "push" via Thai GF asking in their

culturally acceptable way, to double check & call HQ.. & was told by 50:1 )

Problem was I was, in my simple basic non techie way of saying it, the Maxnet Field Engineers same 2 worked my area

& always tipped them cash, told me off the record, I was (my words) "at very end of the wire" which I suppose means

I was furtherst point from the DSLAM & they said all the Kids in the dozens of Netcafes download Thai pop videos etc..

was cause of terrible slow international internet speed.

I am on TOT now but on their "Indy" version, approx 2MB & the speed is disgraceful....

and I am more or less in same geographical area in Pattaya.

Changing to Maxnet Premier this week as Field Engs told me I am now almost 1KM closer to DSLAM (I hope that makes a difference on Premier)...

3 years ago late 2006, when approx 2MB Premier cost approx 4,000 B a month & basic packages well over 1000 B a month

the internet speed back then (same area location) with Maxnet Premier was EXCELLENT! (maybe a total of 2 8 hour working days per month

on average of outtages... 3 hours here, 1 hour there, but net was always back up same day, & rarely hindered business).

It got really bad around September 2007 the general Maxnet internet speed, as the prices dropped massively, (CAT were supposedly come to target the home user market, ) and it seemed all the ISPs dropped their prices in frantic market share grabbing but did not have the technical resources to back it up. ( I was very close by early 2008 to considering seriously a Leased Line at a serious price re the terrible slow speed lckily got an alternative that suited the plan back then).

I was hoping Maxnet on Premier in Pattaya area I am in, would be improved.

(I d hedge an guesstimation re what I read on this forum, odds wise Maxnet Premier should be better than TOT !?!)

I'll let you all know in a week or two!



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^Gerry290: "(I d hedge an guesstimation re what I read on this forum, odds wise Maxnet Premier should be better than TOT !?!)"

From the last month of mayhem, I would generally agree with that, going by the overall picture from many premier users posting here of I think 'more good than bad' reports ...but it's 1090+vat.

For those of you who can't or don't want to spend this amount ....590+vat below.

From my own experience, TOT Platinum cyber (3mb) is better than Indy 3MB and is the same price. I had maxnet and as seen from this post, numerous problems esp. to U.S. and some miserable figures (most of the time), lack of connectivity and P2P near impossible. I've been on TOT Platinum cyber for 6 days now and was great when I hooked up and has got even better to today with a consistent lower ping to BKK too and even better line attenuation (7 DL 1.5 UL).

Figs at 4PM'ish today with TOT ....it can always be better, but I'm personally happy and realistic with this performance for 590 Baht :D

Bangkok 4PM


U.S. East coast


U.S. West coast


Just look at those UL's to U.S. ....I'm no teccy but me thinks this helps gaming and P2P etc. B4 on Indy ...I think highest was 0.22 but often 0.03 to 0.09 and often DL was way below 1MB too.

If you can afford Premier, stick with it and yer probably better off not to switch. But if yer on Indy and no more cash, oh and unhappy ...try TOT ...'suck it and see' ....works for me! :)

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I am 'testing' Maxnet's Premier service in Bor Sang (CM area) and while I am 'somewhat' happier than the Indy service I currently do subscribe to, the following screen shot of my modem troubles me. Is there a problem here?

System Information

ItemDescription Product NameSmartAX MT880

Physical Address 00:1d:6a:3c:6f:c1

Software Release V100R002B020

TT&TFirmware Release

Batch Number RTC20P8.020.37998

Release Date 2008/11/24

ADSL Description

ADSL State Show Time

Data Path Interleaved

Operation Mode G.dmt.bis (Annex L)

Max. Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps) 5232 / 556

Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps) 2048 / 557

SNR Margin Down/Up(dB) 31.4 / 6.7

Attenuation Down/Up(dB) 4.0 / 1.5

Power Down/Up(dBm) 0.0 / 7.3

CRC Down/Up 0/ 65504

FEC Down/Up 0/ 65522

HEC Down/Up 0/ 0

System Up Time 0:15:22

DSL Up Time 0:14:46

PVC Select PVC-0

PPP Up Time 0:14:46

Thanks for your responses!!!!

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I am 'testing' Maxnet's Premier service in Bor Sang (CM area) and while I am 'somewhat' happier than the Indy service I currently do subscribe to, the following screen shot of my modem troubles me. Is there a problem here?

System Information

ItemDescription Product NameSmartAX MT880

Physical Address 00:1d:6a:3c:6f:c1

Software Release V100R002B020

TT&TFirmware Release

Batch Number RTC20P8.020.37998

Release Date 2008/11/24

ADSL Description

ADSL State Show Time

Data Path Interleaved

Operation Mode G.dmt.bis (Annex L)

Max. Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps) 5232 / 556

Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps) 2048 / 557

SNR Margin Down/Up(dB) 31.4 / 6.7

Attenuation Down/Up(dB) 4.0 / 1.5

Power Down/Up(dBm) 0.0 / 7.3

CRC Down/Up 0/ 65504

FEC Down/Up 0/ 65522

HEC Down/Up 0/ 0

System Up Time 0:15:22

DSL Up Time 0:14:46

PVC Select PVC-0

PPP Up Time 0:14:46

Thanks for your responses!!!!

The upstream speed is about half what it should be, i changed from the cheapo crap modem that maxnet gave to zyxel and it instantly doubled, they also ran a new line after that and it went up another 10% to 2048/1022 now, it was 1750/422 before changing the modem

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I would say your SNR for upload sucks. The bigger the number the better and 6.7 is not big. Are your upload speeds slow? Here is my reading.

ADSL Firmware Version FwVer: HwVer:T14.F7_3.0

Line State : Showtime

Modulation: ADSL2 PLUS

Annex Mode: ANNEX_A

Downstream Upstream

SNR Margin: 32.1 / 21.5 db

Line Attenuation: 9.0 / 5.3 db

Data Rate: 3072 509 kbps

Here is a speed test


Edited by Rdrokit
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...i changed from the cheapo crap modem that maxnet gave to zyxel and it instantly doubled, they also ran a new line after that and it went up another 10% to 2048/1022 now, it was 1750/422 before changing the modem...

which kind of router did you get before from Maxcrement?

I did get three years ago a ZyXEL router with my Internet-contract from Maxcrement for free (...Typ: "Prestige 600 series")

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I've heard of people getting their connection speeds upgraded for free. One day they will look and see their 3MB Indy package is now 4 or 5 but they are still only paying for the 3MB. What's the secret? How can I get a free upgrade?

A few weeks ago I called and complained. They said nothing about changing my speed but it went up from 4 to 5

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I'm on Maxnet Indy 4MB package. A few weeks ago I changed my DNS servers to and (DNS advantage) while they were having all kinds of issues. Now my connection seems to drag around 2MB. Should I switch back to Maxnet DNS servers? What are they? Thanks!

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^^^mnbcm^^^ firstly, I thought this thread was long gone lol :D

Just dug out a bit of old maxnet paperwork from my draw: Info you need:

Primary: Secondary:

Lol good luck maxexcreters ...i'm on TOT now and luvin it lol :D:D

Cheers Triple YOU not triple TEA :)

P.S. sailaway 6.7 UL is too low ..you have a prob with your line me thinks ...call the engineers LOL. My TOT now 34DL 25UL Att. 7.5/1.5 (Dlink DSL526B)

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...i changed from the cheapo crap modem that maxnet gave to zyxel and it instantly doubled, they also ran a new line after that and it went up another 10% to 2048/1022 now, it was 1750/422 before changing the modem...

which kind of router did you get before from Maxcrement?

I did get three years ago a ZyXEL router with my Internet-contract from Maxcrement for free (...Typ: "Prestige 600 series")

That's what I've got. Works perfectly.

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Hey, how can I check what kind of package service I'm receiving? Last month I wanted to change my Indy 4/0.5mb package to Premier 4/1mb, but they told me several times they cannot do it before the change of new month, so I just had to wait till beginning of the August... Since month changed I noticed my connection get more better, maybe not faster but more stable, but now about last one week I have once again been lack of proper speed or stable during day times. The connection gets really poor every day between 10-12 am and stays just as poor till around the midnight. Working with this piece of #¤%&/ is just impossible. So how can I check (example from some settings) have they actually changed anything (Indy to Premier) or was that sudden improving just a good luck? I haven't received example new username & password or changed anything myself since I requested this upgrade (though I haven't even seen any bills from them either)... My landlord just told me beginning of the month that it has been changed now and I couldn't questioned it as connection was more stable then, but now everything has changed to terrible bad again.

Madnet <3

Edited by Tongling
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Hey, how can I check what kind of package service I'm receiving? Last month I wanted to change my Indy 4/0.5mb package to Premier 4/1mb, but they told me several times they cannot do it before the change of new month, so I just had to wait till beginning of the August... Since month changed I noticed my connection get more better, maybe not faster but more stable, but now about last one week I have once again been lack of proper speed or stable during day times. The connection gets really poor every day between 10-12 am and stays just as poor till around the midnight. Working with this piece of #¤%&/ is just impossible. So how can I check (example from some settings) have they actually changed anything (Indy to Premier) or was that sudden improving just a good luck? I haven't received example new username & password or changed anything myself since I requested this upgrade (though I haven't even seen any bills from them either)... My landlord just told me beginning of the month that it has been changed now and I couldn't questioned it as connection was more stable then, but now everything has changed to terrible bad again.

Madnet <3

Maxnet guarantees the connectivity purchased up to Bangkok. Your actual valid up/ and download rates can be checked at


Maxnet also has access to your router and can change all settings by remote control. I have been fighting with madnet for the last two years, just to maintain the connectivity I pay for. My router was often reset to i.e. 2,x down and/ or 0,160 up. Please keep on controlling your router settings. Login and Pwd is normally "admin" "admin" or "Admin" "Admin" (default).

The probably will give you a new Login and PWD, but actually it is not necessary, as they can control all settings from their office.

Normally I write up to three complaints per month. As soon they receive the complaint everything is set back to normal. I never call 1103 as you have to put up with stupid schoolgirls, who don't know nothing. Even "Number 9" for English" normally does not work. Waiting in the line with some boring music for twenty minutes works perfect with 1103.

You should have a technician to check you line with a "Sun MMT" tester. Please check also, that your line is not to close to power lines, as those create "noise" which results in a lower connectivity speed by attenuation. Last not least, purchase only the connectivity your line can handle!

PS: Nowadays I have the telephone number of a Madnet technician, who is really helpful, whenever I have a problem. He solves it on the spot. In return I teach him a little English. As Madnet is the only provider in my area, and the line is not capable of delivering more than 3.3meg down (next node ca. 4km). I cannot change to a different provider or package and have to live with this bullshit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Maxnet also has access to your router and can change all settings by remote control. I have been fighting with madnet for the last two years, just to maintain the connectivity I pay for. My router was often reset to i.e. 2,x down and/ or 0,160 up. Please keep on controlling your router settings. Login and Pwd is normally "admin" "admin" or "Admin" "Admin" (default).

The probably will give you a new Login and PWD, but actually it is not necessary, as they can control all settings from their office.

Normally I write up to three complaints per month. As soon they receive the complaint everything is set back to normal. I never call 1103 as you have to put up with stupid schoolgirls, who don't know nothing. Even "Number 9" for English" normally does not work. Waiting in the line with some boring music for twenty minutes works perfect with 1103.

You should have a technician to check you line with a "Sun MMT" tester. Please check also, that your line is not to close to power lines, as those create "noise" which results in a lower connectivity speed by attenuation. Last not least, purchase only the connectivity your line can handle!

The earlier routers sometimes had the password of TTT with admin as the username as well.

You should try getting help in Australia from Telstra or Optus, at least here you end up in a call center in the same country and haven't got to put up with someone who has been told to read the local Australian news for 30 minutes before work so when you get angry that they have no idea what they are talking about they can try to pacify you by talking about your favorite football or something.

And yes, no good trying to fit too much down a pipe thats not big enough or too noisy, moving my live and getting rid of the noise resolved all my speed problems along with a decent router that is more sensitive.

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