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Us Embassy And Service?


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Not a happy camper when it comes to using the US Embassy and SERVICE in the same breath. Two phone calls requesting an appointment to discuss my Thai wife's green card and IRS requirements resulted in my calls being re-routed before I could even finish telling them what I needed. Needless to say I didn't get the appointment and was directed to web sites for my info. Been there already and just wanted clarification on some points. Emails have been just as big of a disappointment as my phone calls. Have been unable to log into their web site to even register my location here. Their response was for me to try another computer. THIS ONE WORKS FINE! It's their web site or my DSL high speed service provider(TOT) that doesn't. Doesn't seem to reason that TOT would be filtering out the US Embassy Site. I know there is a lot of censorship and monitoring here but I doubt it in this case. I just wonder what will happen when I go for my "income verification letter? By the way they don't do english to thai translations even for a price. Kept all correspondence as I may write my senator. I feel that they should provide better service or just close down. Obama could use the money. What has your experience been like when you had to go through the US Embassy? Let's discuss it or at least vent.

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I havent had that honor - yet - in Thailand, but believe its same/same for the Brits also. The local Embassy is staffed by locals, and the pressure is on, plus they have heard it all before. The ignore button is mightier than the sword.

I would get hold of das Congressman or Governor - Big A helped with all my HP problems.


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Not a happy camper when it comes to using the US Embassy and SERVICE in the same breath. Two phone calls requesting an appointment to discuss my Thai wife's green card and IRS requirements resulted in my calls being re-routed before I could even finish telling them what I needed. Needless to say I didn't get the appointment and was directed to web sites for my info. Been there already and just wanted clarification on some points. Emails have been just as big of a disappointment as my phone calls. Have been unable to log into their web site to even register my location here. Their response was for me to try another computer. THIS ONE WORKS FINE! It's their web site or my DSL high speed service provider(TOT) that doesn't. Doesn't seem to reason that TOT would be filtering out the US Embassy Site. I know there is a lot of censorship and monitoring here but I doubt it in this case. I just wonder what will happen when I go for my "income verification letter? By the way they don't do english to thai translations even for a price. Kept all correspondence as I may write my senator. I feel that they should provide better service or just close down. Obama could use the money. What has your experience been like when you had to go through the US Embassy? Let's discuss it or at least vent.

I agree it's bad. When we started with my wife's green card processing all the appointees at the consulates and embassies were for the most part former classmates of Hillary. When we had to escalate to the Consulate General and complained, she told us that she and Hillary were classmates and if we didn't like the service we could go to Hillary and she would tell the same thing. The papers were lost 2 times. Next along came Bush and then the local clerk said they didn't like the way the forms were filled out so we escalated because we followed the instructions. In this case the Consulate General reprimanded the clerk and told her to accept and process the papers which she did.

Our experience was that Hillary's classmates weren't interested in doing their job. they immediately wanted to bully throwing out their relationship with the Clintons. We had roughly the same experience dealing with our congressman during the Clinton period. The only response we ever got was that only Ted Kennedy could get anything done in the INS.

Luckily we got through it all.

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Not a happy camper when it comes to using the US Embassy and SERVICE in the same breath. Two phone calls requesting an appointment to discuss my Thai wife's green card and IRS requirements resulted in my calls being re-routed before I could even finish telling them what I needed. Needless to say I didn't get the appointment and was directed to web sites for my info. Been there already and just wanted clarification on some points. Emails have been just as big of a disappointment as my phone calls. Have been unable to log into their web site to even register my location here. Their response was for me to try another computer. THIS ONE WORKS FINE! It's their web site or my DSL high speed service provider(TOT) that doesn't. Doesn't seem to reason that TOT would be filtering out the US Embassy Site. I know there is a lot of censorship and monitoring here but I doubt it in this case. I just wonder what will happen when I go for my "income verification letter? By the way they don't do english to thai translations even for a price. Kept all correspondence as I may write my senator. I feel that they should provide better service or just close down. Obama could use the money. What has your experience been like when you had to go through the US Embassy? Let's discuss it or at least vent.


All the Americans and all the Thais with Amercian passports that I know of have no problems getting whatever they need promptly and getting good, polite service. And everyone seems to be able to use both the BKK Embassy web site and the CNX web site via TOT ADSL with no problems (and registered with the state department, again with no problems).

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I have personally have had no problem (so far) with the U.S. embassy's services. I was able to get verification to register my marriage, and my sons US passport and birth abroad certificate without a hitch. As far as being helpful or not, I think it depends who you get on the other end of the line. I have inquired about a few issues concerning visa for my wife via email and they seem to generate automated responses to your questions. Best to go there in person which sucks for me since I live 6 hours away from the embassy. :)

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I only had one experience with them.  I wanted to talk to someone about a visa for my GF.  I wanted her to meet my family.  I set up an appt.  Went up to the window and they wouldn't help me.  The person said "different division"  What an A**hole :) .  I work for the feds.  If he came up to me and told me he got scammed by someone or needed info and I didn't help him, he'd be just as pissed as I was....people just don't care.  Next time I'll ask for a supervisor.  I just wanted to have a sit down with someone who could explain my situation to and see what options I had...didn't get it.  I'm not impressed.  If I ever have to go their on official business, I'm going to hem and haw about my bad experience there.

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. . .Best to go there in person which sucks for me since I live 6 hours away from the embassy. :)

Now they've changed the rules and won't let you inside the compound unless you have evidence of a registered appointment. Last year I was able to go in flashing my U.S. passport. This year they stopped me at the door. My girlfriend went inside alone for her interview.

Is this official policy or did the Thai at the door just want to be rude to me? As a U.S. citizen I would think there should be some entitlement to enter my own embassy. You want to talk to someone? Good luck.

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They are probably profiling some of you. I heard they can be really snobby if they think your g/f is from a bar/isaan. I've always had a great and fast experience with them. I can get in just by showing my passport as usual. I've dealt with them over 10 times and they have all been good experiences.

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some entitlement

Yeah, that seems to be a predominant theme with people who are not satisfied with the service of the embassy/consulate.

Maybe next time, take a shower, comb your hair, put on your best suit, and bring a box of candy.

Or, rather than do all that, why don't you go to the website, and read about the interview process and how only the applicant is allowed in that section of the embassy. Sure they would not have refused your entrance if you wanted to go to American citizen services.

As for the op, understand your frustration. I offered the clerk a corn dog and a Yoohoo, and he wouldn't help me with my translation either.

When you guys go home do you complain to the DMV that they don't help you with your taxes? Are you one of those guys that call 911 when your pizza delivery is late?

If you go to the embassy web site, they are very clear on what is, and what is not their responsibility. It's a bureaucracy like any other. Operate with them on their terms and as long as what you want is within their perview, you should find their service adequate, and even sometimes helpful.

As for the sarcasm, really not meaning to offend you, just be a little light hearted. :)

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Used the Embassy twice.

Smooth as silk.

Used the Consulate several times in Chiang Mai.


Bitchin' and moaning at them will only make your time spent there harder...

You're dealing with a government enity and if you've ever spent time in the US military, it's second nature..kinda like all the Brits and the standing in line thangy.

One time in CM I encountered a very angry man outside. " I'm retired US Army, they can't treat me like this" he complained to me in a scream..then he put his old graggy face up to the window slot where the Thai security guards were.."Hey dip shit, I'm a veteran and a American citizen and I demand to see the man in charge!!" " I demand it NOW!!"

Not to my amazment, he was still standing outside when I and the wife left..30 minutes later.

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Have only received the most courteous service and 'help' (by help meaning quick easy/friendly service considering all my paperwork was in order) from ACS, mostly recently with the CRBA for my 2nd child.... and just several weeks later new passport and SS card in hand.


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some entitlement

Maybe next time, take a shower, comb your hair, put on your best suit, and bring a box of candy.

As for the sarcasm, really not meaning to offend you, just be a little light hearted. :)

Well, I took a shower and I WAS wearing my business suit. My gf has a law degree and is not from Isaan, so it must be the box of candy that I forgot. Lesson learned.

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I've found them OK. Let's face it they are a bureaucracy and follow their rules. And like some of the examples below I've see jerks there so I'm sure they are a big jaded like airport check-in staff. But overall if you have your ducks in a row, they will help you and get you out of there without much trouble.

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I have done the income verification letter twice since they set up the appointment system. Both times I had a printout of my appointment like the directions told me to. Both times the lady I dealt with spoke good English, one was Thai and one was American. Both times I was in and out in about 25 minutes.

What is there not to like ?

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What is there not to like ?

I doubt the U.S Embassy is reading this forum and looking for constructive criticism to improve their service. So I guess the whole purpose is for everyone to vent their frustrations and feel better in the morning. Self included. :)

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I had a friend apply for a visa, so I just went in separately and had some pages added to my passport, then waited with her until she was seen.  If I had tried to go in with her in the first place, I would have been asked to leave.  Too many Americans yelling about their entitlements, I guess. (She got the visa, by-the-way.)

The bad thing is that the appointments are very, very far out there.  In May, the next appointments were in September and only medical and business visa appointments can get moved up.  However, I e-mailed them and explained the purpose of the trip (a military ceremony), and they moved up her appointment.

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. . .Best to go there in person which sucks for me since I live 6 hours away from the embassy. :)

Now they've changed the rules and won't let you inside the compound unless you have evidence of a registered appointment. Last year I was able to go in flashing my U.S. passport. This year they stopped me at the door. My girlfriend went inside alone for her interview.

Is this official policy or did the Thai at the door just want to be rude to me? As a U.S. citizen I would think there should be some entitlement to enter my own embassy. You want to talk to someone? Good luck.

It is not true that they wont let you in without an appointment.

I was just at the consulate last week and their was no problem getting in and I didn't have an appointment and I didn't have my US passport with me. I told them at the security gate that I needed to go to the American Services Section to pick up a passport renewal form. Since I didn't have my passport he said any picture ID was ok so I gave him my Thai drivers liscince.

A mater of clarification: You are talking about the consulate and not the actual Embassy compound, which is accross the street?

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US Embassy always very thorough and courteous.

They won't translate your documents? Last I checked they were an Embassy, not a translation service.

Do you throw a fit when MK can't serve you a burrito and a cerveza?

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I had an issue while trying to get my kid US citizenship. I won't go through the issue, but when it looked like it may not happen, an embassy official called me up and offered help. My kid is now a US citizen. I have only good things to say about the embassy.

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Used the Embassy twice.

Smooth as silk.

Used the Consulate several times in Chiang Mai.


Bitchin' and moaning at them will only make your time spent there harder...

You're dealing with a government enity and if you've ever spent time in the US military, it's second nature..kinda like all the Brits and the standing in line thangy.

One time in CM I encountered a very angry man outside. " I'm retired US Army, they can't treat me like this" he complained to me in a scream..then he put his old graggy face up to the window slot where the Thai security guards were.."Hey dip shit, I'm a veteran and a American citizen and I demand to see the man in charge!!" " I demand it NOW!!"

Not to my amazment, he was still standing outside when I and the wife left..30 minutes later.

That's right, second that.

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My experience has been that your attitude is important. They have no use for pushy, complaining, or demanding people. I don't blame them. Don't go to the Embassy unprepared or unaware of the needed documents, etc. because you will be frustrated and will not get what you want. I have found politeness to result in courteous service. I admit, however, their personal phone service is poor. I don't even try anymore, I just make an appointment and go in to talk about my issue. I hate to make the trip there too, but it is sometimes unavoidable.

You can try sending them your question via email. That worked for me in one instance when I couldn't get anywhere on the phone.

For Citizen Services:

[email protected] (BKK)

[email protected] (Chiang Mai)

Edited by Lopburi99
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Eight years of dealing with the embassy has resulted in mostly good service. I do remember a particular guy at American citizen services who was a real pain in the ass (American), who actually suggested I overstay my visa rather than get me my passport back as soon as I needed it. Needles to say, I did not take this stupid advice and it took a bit to get it sorted.

In general, even when going with the GF to get her 10-year visa, I have had no significant problems and have always been able to resolve things in a timely fashion, though I question the costs of some services. I have, however, on a number of occasions, seen people downright abusive to staff in the American citizens services section, screaming about issues that were, frankly, their own fault. To the staffs credit, they remained calm throughout.

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I have used the American Citizen's Services office at least 20 times this year so far. Mostly shepherding people who needed passport pages, income verification letters, and/or to renew their passports without leaving thailand. Since they implemented the online scheduling program, I've never had to get a queue ticket and/or wait in line. They were fast, efficient and ALWAYS professional in dealing with me. However, being fairly easy to recognize, and after they have seen me in there so much, maybe I a "sa-pecial person".

I do know that since they moved the entry to the new place a little further down the road, getting in is a LOT better managed, and they don't have near the people wandering aimlessly around the compound like they did before.

Also having no desire to EVER help or assist someone trying to get a visa for a thai to go to the US, I can't comment on that area of the Consulate’s service, only on my observations from walking past that area. Some times it looks like Soi 4 (Soi Nana) does; with a plethora of way too old men poorly dressed with their (in)significant other thai girl who usually apprears young enough to be their granddaughter. (Sad but truthful observation)

I too have seen people get abusive to the staff in the ACS room, (just like I have witnessed the same at Soi Suan Plu Thai Immigrations). It always makes me cringe to think that ANY person is stupid enough to believe they deserve “special treatment” or are a "special case".

It has always served me well to treat people how I want them to treat me.

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I have used the American Citizen's Services office at least 20 times this year so far. Mostly shepherding people who needed passport pages, income verification letters, and/or to renew their passports without leaving thailand. Since they implemented the online scheduling program, I've never had to get a queue ticket and/or wait in line. They were fast, efficient and ALWAYS professional in dealing with me. However, being fairly easy to recognize, and after they have seen me in there so much, maybe I a "sa-pecial person".

I do know that since they moved the entry to the new place a little further down the road, getting in is a LOT better managed, and they don't have near the people wandering aimlessly around the compound like they did before.

Also having no desire to EVER help or assist someone trying to get a visa for a thai to go to the US, I can't comment on that area of the Consulate’s service, only on my observations from walking past that area. Some times it looks like Soi 4 (Soi Nana) does; with a plethora of way too old men poorly dressed with their (in)significant other thai girl who usually apprears young enough to be their granddaughter. (Sad but truthful observation)

I too have seen people get abusive to the staff in the ACS room, (just like I have witnessed the same at Soi Suan Plu Thai Immigrations). It always makes me cringe to think that ANY person is stupid enough to believe they deserve “special treatment” or are a "special case".

It has always served me well to treat people how I want them to treat me.

Wow a first today - almost. You had me nodding my head in agreement with the first 4 paragraphs then reality set in on the last sentence.

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Comments about being well-dressed make me laugh.

The staff is there to do a job no matter if the customer is wearing an Armani suit or a banana leaf.

As long as its not offensive or lewd, your manner of dress has no bearing on the service. Manners, patience, some understanding and politeness are rightfully expected.

Some folks will parrot nonsense endlessly.

Edited by Texpat
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Say what you will "texpat" (with you being the resident ‘expert’ on all things thai, much like “Maigo6” :D ). In my experience, how you are perceived by others is directly related to how others will treat you. (You might want to watch that “parroting nonsense” as well).

I would NEVER EVER go to Thai Immigrations wearing a KISS t-shirt, jeans and sandals, because a dress shirt, nice pants with good shoes garners so much better treatment. I can act with the best of them, and if that’s what I hafta do to get service and more importantly get results, so be it. I am treated FAR better than the people who come in their Singha singlet (for Americans; a wife beater t-shirt), with their 90 baht cargo shorts, sporting multiple piercings, and a plethora of tattoos showing. At the end of the day it’s results I’m after nothing more nothing less. It is the same at the American Embassy. As Andre Agassi used to say in an old commercial; "Image is everything" (although he was referring to a camera, not himself per se).

To "bkkjames"; I knew that last sentence in my post was pushing the limit of believability given my posting penchants on the T/V Forum. However as I usually treat people with what I call; "contemptuous tolerance", that is all I expect in return, so I have low expectations to begin with

Back on topic; all in all I have NO complaints for ACS or the US Embassy here in Bangkok. (Your mileage may vary)..

In other news; I just saw a great t-shirt. It said;

“Don’t Mess With Texas” (it’s not nice to pick on retards)” :)

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I'm not from Texas, retard.

And a real professional, as you will find in the embassy, isn't as shallow and judgemental as you and Thai immigration. As long as you aren't wearing something lewd or offensive, you will be served. And if the clerk/officer./agent serving you is a professional, you'll get good, efficient service whether you're wearing a tudedo or a T-shirt.

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I'm not from Texas, retard.

And a real professional, as you will find in the embassy, isn't as shallow and judgemental as you and Thai immigration. As long as you aren't wearing something lewd or offensive, you will be served. And if the clerk/officer./agent serving you is a professional, you'll get good, efficient service whether you're wearing a tudedo or a T-shirt.

Keep dreaming. :)

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